Read Rosemary By Any Other Name Page 6

  Chapter Six

  It was early evening some months later and still very warm, Marie Rosita and Conchita had brought the two children down for a pre-bed swim. The sun had been far too hot to risk during the middle of the day but now that it was cooler the water was very pleasant. When the weather was so hot they preferred the children to swim early in the morning and in the evening.

  Ricardo who had been using the pool since he was eight weeks old was by now the complete water baby and Lucia in her water wings was learning fast. She had spent an hour or more in the pool almost every day since her arm had healed enough to allow it.

  Conchita now almost eight months pregnant looked blooming in her swimming costume; she however thought she looked both fat and ugly. In consequence except when swimming she always kept herself swathed in loose and baggy dresses. Marie Rosita was of the private opinion that it was because she was unmarried and felt both ashamed and guilty that Conchita found her pregnant body ugly. If she had been married Marie Rosita thought Conchita would have revelled in the increasing evidence of her pregnancy.

  They'd been swimming for a while when Stefano came down to join them in the pool, he was always appearing whenever there was any chance of Conchita needing any help. Conchita almost immediately excused herself and got out of the water to wrap herself up in a large baggy robe.

  “I'll go and see that the children’s drinks and night clothes are ready.” She said and hurried away up the path to the villa. Stefano watched her go a moody look on his face. Marie Rosita suspected he also thought pregnancy suited Conchita.

  Stefano turning round and finding he was being watched by Marie Rosita flushed and swam quickly away to the other side of the pool, since the children were playing safely and happily Marie Rosita followed him. She had been waiting for some time for an opportunity to talk to him.

  “I also think Conchita is looking lovely.” She said going straight to the point, and then went on before he could say anything. “She doesn't think so. Conchita thinks she is ugly, fat and ungainly. That's why she wears those hideous clothes to try and hide herself. That's also why she ran away just now she is embarrassed for you to see her.”

  Marie Rosita thinking she had said enough for the moment left him and went back to the children. Let him stew in his own thoughts for a while. Saying too much could be as bad as saying to little. Marie Rosita soon had the children out of the pool and wrapped up in bathing robes. Stefano having also left the water started to walk up to the villa with her. In case he wanted to continue their conversation Marie Rosita sent Ricardo running on ahead of them, to tell Conchita they were coming. You had to be very careful what you said around Ricardo since he was so quick and had such a good memory.

  “Do you really think that's the reason Conchita avoids me.” Stefano asked. He took Lucia from her and carried the child himself. “She doesn't appear to avoid Giannini only me.”

  “No well she wouldn't.” Marie Rosita said thoughtfully then she stopped just short of the villa and sat down on the steps. “Conchita is my friend and I wouldn't like to say anything to embarrass or upset her. I know you think women are unreliable, unstable, and untrustworthy and need a lot of looking after but we can be very loyal to each other. We don't easily give each other away especially to men.” She was thinking hard and fast.

  “I don't think of women like that at all.” Stefano protested however he would have had to admit, if forced to, that it was a good description of how he had originally thought of Marie Rosita, and he still considered she needed a lot of looking after. “And certainly not of Conchita.” He finished hotly.

  “If you want me to tell you what I think is going on in Conchita's head and heart you had better tell me what is going on in yours, don't you think.” Marie Rosita said looking him straight in the eye. Stefano put Lucia into Marie Rosita's lap and sat down on the step next to her. He sighed and his colour rose.

  “I think Conchita is the sweetest and gentlest girl I have ever met. I think I fell in love with her at first sight. She is so feminine, so womanly.” He admitted his voice full of emotion.

  It was all Marie Rosita could do to keep her amusement to herself. Of course Stefano thought Conchita was feminine and womanly. She cooked, she cleaned, she sewed and she had babies. All the things I don't do Marie Rosita thought although I wouldn't mind the baby. If of course it had the right father.

  “All that I had worked out for myself.” Marie Rosita said dryly. “What I would like to know is what if anything you intend to do about it.”

  “What can I do, when we first met she had just been let down by the man she loved. I could have killed him when you told me how he abandoned her after getting her pregnant. How could he do such a thing I don't understand?” He said angrily. “How could I start courting Conchita when she was still in love with another man?” He finished.

  “I don't think Conchita was really in love with him.” Marie Rosita mused. “Oh she thought she was of course. You see he was so different from the men she was used to. He listened to her opinions; he was interested in her ideas. From what she has said her father and brothers regarded her and her sister as pretty dolls to be looked after but never to be taken seriously. Conchita was not used to men treating women as people in their own right, with brains and intelligence. It all went to her head and then her eldest brother stupidly forbad her ever to talk to him again. So of course she jumped into his bed. That is what most girls would have done.”

  “Are you sure of this.” Stefano asked hopefully.

  “Quite sure.” Marie Rosita told him briskly. “I also think that Conchita has no reason to avoid Vittorio since she doesn't mind, at least not much, what he thinks of her.”

  “You think she avoids me because she does mind about what I think of her.” Stefano asked excited.

  “I think the girl would be very much in love with you if she would only let herself.” Marie Rosita admitted.

  “So there is no reason why I should not start to court her right away.”

  “Apart from the fact that she is seven and a half months pregnant and very ashamed of it.” Marie Rosita answered amused. Stefano brushed this aside.

  “The baby will need a father.” He pointed out. “Children should have two parents after all if it is possible.”

  “You would be prepared to take on another man’s child.” Marie Rosita questioned.

  “It would be Conchita's child. I am not as prejudiced or old fashioned as you think Marie Rosita. Even if the parents have sinned the child is innocent. If it is a sin it's one I have committed myself. Though I took more care my lovers than Conchita's did of her.” He smiled.

  “You will have to go carefully.” Marie Rosita pointed out. “Conchita will find it hard to believe any man who knows her history could love her and you have less than two months until the baby due to be adopted. It's not much time.” Then she laughed. “You could always try pouncing.” She suggested wickedly.

  “Pouncing?” Stefano questioned uncertainly.

  “Jump her. Seduce her. After that she would have to believe you when you told her you thought she was beautiful and very sexy. Unless you don't find her attractive at the moment.”

  “Are you joking, I don't think I have ever seen any woman look so, so sexy, if you insist, than she did in her swimming costume.”

  “Right. A good meal, lots of wine, and love songs on the music centre should set the scene and then I will go to bed early and leave the field clear for you. But right now I have to get Lucia in she is almost asleep already.”

  They made their way into the living room to find Conchita waiting impatiently for them she had both showered and changed. And couldn't imagine what had been keeping them.

  “You have been a long time on such a short walk.” She remarked.

  “We were talking. You sit down and put your feet up while I see to Lucia.” Marie Rosita replied and whisked herself out of the room. Conchita had not been pleased that she had spent so long in solitary conversation wi
th Stefano she realised and that was a point in favour of the success of their conspiracy.

  To Marie Rosita's surprise and delight Vittorio was in the nursery reading to Ricardo. He had not been expected being in Rome, but then he came and went so often. Having let him greet his sleepy niece she took Lucia through to wash her and get her ready for bed. Vittorio followed and stood watching her with the baby. He had something on his mind that was clear but it was no good asking him what it was. It would become clear in

  “Is something going on between you and Stefano.” He asked he had seen them in earnest conversation. Somehow the idea did not please him although he couldn't think why not. Marie Rosita shot a look at him and then laughed into Lucia's hair.

  “I have been matchmaking.” She admitted Vittorio raised his eyebrows. One day she was going to forget herself and kiss those eyebrows she thought dreamily and then she would really be in trouble Vittorio wouldn't like it at all.

  “Matchmaking between Stefano and Conchita.” He questioned coolly.

  “You don't disapprove do you?” Marie Rosita asked apprehensively. Vittorio would have little difficulty quashing the budding romance if he decided to and he might very well not like such a match for his friend.

  “No I think it would be very suitable.” He answered. Marie Rosita's temper rose instantly and she was only prevented from showing it by the presence of Lucia, suitable indeed, suitable what a word to use!

  “I hope you won't tell Conchita you think it suitable it would be enough to put her right of, suitable a girl doesn't want to be suitable.” She frowned at him.

  “Since Lucia is asleep, I should put her to bed if I were you.” Vittorio returned calmly Marie Rosita started to the bed room and then stopped and turned in the doorway.

  “Would you mind going to bed early tonight and opening some of that strong wine we had it at Easter.” She asked diffidently. “Only I advised Stefano to try seducing Conchita and we want to set the scene, good food, wine, music you must know the sort of thing.”

  “Conchita is almost eight months pregnant.” Vittorio pointed out, Marie Rosita had once again managed to both amuse and surprise him.

  “Stefano thinks being pregnant makes her very sexy.” Marie Rosita said loftily.

  “If you will put that poor child to bed I will not only get out two bottles of wine but the brandy as well. Is there any reason why you and Stefano are in such a hurry?” He enquired.

  “Stefano wants to take the baby on as well as Conchita so the sooner the better if it is left to late she will have had it adopted. Not that she wants to but she thinks it best for the baby.”

  Vittorio was better than his word he had already handed out sherry by the time Marie Rosita had showered and dressed herself, there were candles on the table and soft music playing. He had also had a word with Francisca who produced tinned caviar on small biscuits as a hors d'oeuvre and later a very special pudding that had been in the deep freeze.

  Throughout Vittorio the meal made sure that their wine glasses were kept filled and they were a very gay and happy party. To round it of they all danced except for Francisca who had gone off to bed. Vittorio had the first dance with Conchita and so Stefano was able to have a word with Marie Rosita.

  “What have you been saying to Giannini what have you told him about our plans?” He hissed at her.

  “The truth naturally and it is no good being annoyed about it. I never try to hide things from Vittorio, he would only find out. Knowing everything is one of his poses, he always finds out everything, well almost.” Luckily she thought he had never even suspected her own secret.

  They soon switched partners and then Vittorio put some slower music on. After a while he took Marie Rosita out into the courtyard and they went for a slow silent walk along the beach. Marie Rosita kicked off her sandals as they went and paddled through the surf like a child. They ended up at a group of rocks that rose from the surrounding sand and marked the boundary of the land that belonged to the villa. Here Vittorio sat down on one of the boulders and smoked a cigar.

  It was a lovely night clear and starlit, Marie Rosita sitting on another boulder was almost entirely happy. Vittorio finished his cigar, threw the butt into the water and pulled Marie Rosita back to her feet. Together they set of back to the villa in friendly silence.

  “After this I think I had better take you into Prevezia to confession tomorrow morning.” Vittorio remarked as they reached the Villa and Marie Rosita knew he was laughing at her. She only wished she had as much to confess as, she hoped, Conchita would have.

  At breakfast it was noticeable that Conchita blushed every time she met Stefano's eye and Stefano was looking a smug, but neither gave any explanation. The whole household went in the boat to Prevezia the boat was getting a little small for the seven of them and Vittorio talked about buying something bigger. They would also need a proper boatman to care for both boats. He and Stefano discussed the matter all the way to Prevezia much to the boredom of the rest of the party.

  In Prevezia the whole party made its way to the Catholic Church to attend confession and the midweekly mass. Marie Rosita noticed that she was not the only one making confession but that both Conchita and Stefano also made use of the confessional. After church they had coffee at a cafe before the party split up for the rest of the morning, they would meet at the hotel for lunch.

  Vittorio and Stefano were going down to the dock to look at boats and talk to boatmen, Vittorio insisted on taking Ricardo with them. He said he thought the boy would enjoy looking at the boats but his real purpose was to take him away so that Marie Rosita and Conchita could talk freely. Conchita would probably want to confide in Marie Rosita, something hard to do if they had Ricardo along with his sharp ears.

  Francisca had gone off intent on visiting the market and leaving orders with the shops she dealt with, this left Marie Rosita and Conchita to wander around the shops with Lucia in her buggy. In one of the larger department stores Marie Rosita managed to steer them into the children’s department here she stopped in front of the baby clothes.

  “These are lovely, but so small. You forget how fast they grow. Wouldn't you like some for the baby? We don't have anything at the Villa small enough for a newborn.” She asked Conchita.

  “No! Oh no.” Conchita exclaimed making off quickly.

  “In that case why don't we go upstairs and have another drink.” Marie Rosita suggested. “I'm hungry.”

  In the stores restaurant Conchita found a table while Marie Rosita bought drinks and cream cakes.

  “What with these and the meal Francisca made last night I'll really get fat.” Conchita laughed and then coloured as she remembered the sequel to last night’s meal. Marie Rosita pretended not to notice and gave Lucia her drink. She wanted to talk to Conchita about Stefano but was unsure how to start.

  “I hope if I'm ever pregnant I look as good as you do.” She remarked “You don't look fat at all just blooming.”

  “Stefano said.” Conchita remarked and then stopped and blushed before she went on, “He said he thought being pregnant suited me.”

  “Really.” Marie Rosita replied and then giggled. “Yesterday he told me he had never seen anyone look sexier than you did in the pool.”

  “Was that why.” Conchita wondered aloud and then blushed scarlet. Marie Rosita gave her an innocent look, but Conchita avoided her eye. Marie Rosita echoed Vittorio's question to her of the night before when she asked.

  “Is anything going on between you and Stefano? I know he's always been attracted to you but he always thought he had no chance.”

  “Chance of what.” Conchita snapped. “What does he think I am, just because I've had one lover doesn't mean I'll sleep with anybody.”

  “Don't shout at me.” Marie Rosita returned calmly. “I expect Stefano has had several lovers himself.”

  “Have you been discussing me with him?” Conchita asked angrily.

  “No.” Marie Rosita returned. “Not really he was upset because he tho
ught you were avoiding him. He thought you didn't like him all I did was reassure him.” Since Conchita was still looking angry she went on quickly.

  “You don't think I wanted to listen to him maundering on about how beautiful you are, how feminine, how gentle, how womanly, it's very boring and it makes me feel inadequate.” Conchita looked stunned.

  “Did he really say that about me?” She asked. “But I'm pregnant!” She wailed.

  “I think he noticed that.” Marie Rosita said dryly.

  “Do you think that he will keep in touch with me after I've returned home?” Conchita asked.

  “I think he would prefer it if you stayed here, if you're worrying about the baby, well. Stefano did say that he thought the baby would need a father.” Marie Rosita admitted.

  “He couldn't want to take on someone else's baby.” Conchita remarked bemused.

  “Why not?” Marie Rosita asked puzzled. “Vittorio has managed to take on two children neither of whom is his, although Lucia is his niece. If Stefano had a child would you refuse to marry him because of that?”

  “Of course not.” Conchita replied tearfully. “But we don't know that he wants to marry me. Men don't always mean marriage I should know.”

  “Yes.” Marie Rosita admitted. “But would he be talking about fatherhood if he didn't mean marriage. We will have to wait and see but don't be too hard on him I'm sure he's very much in love. There is one thing we can do thought.”

  “What is that?” Conchita asked warily you could never tell what idea Marie Rosita would come up with next.

  “I think we should go to that shop near the market and buy you a new dress. If he thinks you look sexy in an old swimming costume what would a new dress do for him.” Marie Rosita asked happily.

  What was more to her own surprise she managed to persuade Conchita not only to buy three new dresses but to wear one back to the hotel?

  Vittorio, Stefano, Ricardo and Francisca were already at a table in the hotel when they arrived. Marie Rosita walking into the dining room behind Conchita was able to see the affect the new look Conchita had on Stefano. It was well worth all the trouble she had taken to talk Conchita round.

  Marie Rosita popped Lucia into the waiting highchair and took Ricardo onto her lap. He was eager to tell her all that he had seen and done during the morning, she had to listen to a great deal of information about the boat he had helped Vittorio and Stefano buy. Francisca was seeing to Lucia so that Conchita was left with nothing to do but talk to Stefano.

  After lunch Ricardo needed a sleep, his busy morning around the docks had tired him. While Lucia who had had a long sleep in her buggy during the morning was lively. It was decided to put Ricardo down to sleep on a lounger in the Hotels garden, where Lucia could crawl about watched by Conchita who should be resting also. Stefano insisted on staying to help mind the children, and nobody bothered to reminded him that the hotel was full of maids and waiters only too happy to help Conchita.

  Francisca set out again to visit some more shops, she only came into Prevezia once in every four or six weeks and made the most of it. This left Vittorio and Marie Rosita to walk about the town together. It was rarely that she had the pleasure of having Vittorio to herself, for Marie Rosita it was a real treat.

  “Yesterday you were giving advice to Stefano and today you seem to have been advising Conchita.” Vittorio remarked. Marie Rosita glanced at him sharply she couldn't tell what he thought of her interference from his voice.

  “I am glad you have persuaded her to wear something decent for a change. I was very tired of those tents she always wore, yellow suits her. Is there anything you need to buy, I don't expect you had much time for shopping this morning, between arranging Conchita and Stefano's life for them.”

  She frowned at this and then admitted that Lucia was fast growing out of all her dresses, and she herself needed new sandals. Marie Rosita did not like shopping with Vittorio much; she would have bought the first things she saw that fitted. Vittorio however was a much more careful, fussy and extravagant shopper.

  They returned to the hotel in time for tea having bought half a dozen dresses for Lucia, together with two pairs of dungarees and some shorts for Ricardo. Vittorio had also insisted on buying Marie Rosita two sun dresses to celebrate Conchita's new clothes. The two children were playing in the garden under Francisca's watchful eye. She had returned early and offered to look after the children so that Stefano and Conchita could go out for a walk if they wanted apparently they had leapt at the idea. They were a long time returning and the rest of the party had almost finished their tea before they arrived.

  They looked very much a couple as they walked in and Conchita in her new yellow dress seemed to glow. She was wearing a diamond engagement ring which Stefano proudly showed of. Nobody seeing him could doubt his love for Conchita and hers for him showed in her eyes every time she looked at him. They announced that they were going to get married in a month or two after Conchita had had the baby.

  Vittorio ordered champagne and they all toasted the engagement even Ricardo having a taste, which he didn't like at all. It was far too dry for a child’s taste. It was a tired but happy party that set out for home with two more bottles of champagne to drink in the boat

  The following morning Stefano set out to pick up the new boat. As soon as he was gone Conchita to Francisca's vocal disapproval started moving her things into Stefano's wing of the villa. Over Coffee Conchita explained to Marie Rosita.

  “Stefano thinks I should stay in my own room until after we are married, but I don't want to wait till then. And I don't want him to think I'm only marrying him to keep the baby. I want him to really know how much I wish to be his wife.”

  “It would be silly anyway to get a room over here ready for the baby and then have to prepare one over there only a month later.” Marie Rosita pointed out. Vittorio who had come in time to overhear all this interrupted.

  “Do you have all you need, as far as I remember it's very sparsely furnished and the kitchen is almost empty?”

  “The whole wing is almost empty.” Marie Rosita answered for Conchita.

  “I have to get you a wedding present anyway.” Vittorio said and disappeared for a moment, when he came back he gave Conchita a note book and a pen. Conchita looked at him confused and Marie Rosita laughed and explained.

  “It's to make a shopping list of everything you need to make the wing liveable. Francisca you had better help her write it you will have a better idea of everything they would need.” Francisca, Marie Rosita knew would have fewer scruples about spending Vittorio's money than Conchita would.

  Marie Rosita looked up and met Vittorio's eye and flushed, he knew exactly what she was thinking she realised. Francisca who had been disapproving of the whole thing to start with now became enthusiastic. There was nothing she liked more than decorating and furnishing especially when she was not paying for it.

  Vittorio sipping slowly at his coffee was very amused Marie Rosita had managed to enlist Francisca on Conchita's side, and he didn't think Stefano had any chance against the three women. Marie Rosita had a real talent for arranging things the way she wanted them, no doubt she had had plenty of practise with a difficult grandfather and sister to contend with.

  It was four weeks later that Conchita went in to labour she was taken to the maternity clinic by Francisca and Stefano. While Marie Rosita stayed home to look after the children. Having been with her sister when Sophia had died in childbirth, she wanted to avoid the whole thing. However she did send an e-mail to Vittorio who was in London. Marie Rosita rarely used the phone preferring e-mails, she sent them about everything, and it was a rare day that she and Vittorio didn’t speak over the internet.

  Vittorio arrived at the Villa during the afternoon to find Marie Rosita throwing away the dinner she had tried cooking for the children.

  “Francisca is obviously still at the clinic.” He remarked sardonically and Marie Rosita scowled at him.

  “There is nothing to eat
in this house.” She complained peevishly. “It all needs cooking. Even the food in the deep freeze needs cooking.” She paused and went on plaintively. “I don't think I am bringing those children up right. Ricardo spent all lunch time asking for real food.”

  “We'll take them out to dinner in the village.” Vittorio replied calmly. His little Marie Rosita really was on edge, but he had expected that she would be upset knowing that the birth of Conchita's baby would bring back memories of Ricardo's birth and his mother’s death.

  “We don't have any transport, they took the small boat, and Stefano has the land rover in pieces.” Marie Rosita pointed out.

  “So I phone for a taxi. No problem.” Vittorio answered, patiently waiting for the next objection.

  “Stefano might phone while we are out.” Marie Rosita argued. Today she seemed determined to look on the dark side.

  “We can phone the clinic before we leave and again when we come back. It's either that or you try cooking again.” Vittorio informed her, knowing as he spoke that this was a winning argument.

  Francisca and Conchita had both offered to teach Marie Rosita to cook, they could neither of them understand another woman being so completely uninterested in cooking. Marie Rosita on the other hand remained stubbornly of the opinion that since food could be bought ready cooked all you really needed was to know how to use a microwave.

  It was half past nine that evening before Francisca rang to announce the birth of Conchita's son and almost midnight before she and Stefano returned to the villa. Conchita herself was home after ten days with baby Antonio, and busy planning her wedding to Stefano. They were married six weeks later and together with baby Toni went off to Italy for a fortnights honeymoon before returning to settle down together at the villa.

  Eighteen months later Conchita became a mother for the second time and not long after the birth of the child Vittorio, in London, received an urgent e-mail from Marie Rosita.

  From [email protected].

  Subject Influenza

  Francisca has flu, Stefano has flu, Toni has flu, Conchita & baby are in Quarantine, Ricardo and Lucia are recovering from flu, I have a headache & we have run out of aspirin. Have you had flu? M-R

  Vittorio knew that what she actually meant was come home; he could just imagine the mischief Ricardo and Lucia could get into with all the adults stricken down. He quickly went through to his assistant’s office.

  “Samantha will you arrange a flight for me to Greece as soon as possible and I will need a helicopter at the other end to get me to the Villa, set it up will you please. You had better cancel all my appointments for at least the next week as well.”

  “Cancel all your appointments! But you're seeing Lord Halley tomorrow morning and we're flying out to New York in the afternoon.” She argued, she had been looking forward to revisiting New York. Vittorio shrugged indifferently.

  “This is more important.” He returned coolly. “And send Mrs. Stevens in I want her to do some shopping for me.”

  “What excuse can I give to Lord Halley and the American consortium?” Samantha questioned Vittorio stopped in the doorway.

  “Tell them I have flu, after all everybody else has.” He retorted with cool amusement.

  Samantha on the phone to make the arrangements was furious; Senor di Balbini was always getting weird messages from his office in Greece. While most were simply about business some seemed to be in code the latest contained the word flu, clearly there was some crisis in the Greek office. She only wished it had not happened when she had been hoping to get closer to her employer away from the office.

  Vittorio arrived at the villa in Greece that evening where he was greeted by Ricardo and Lucia both looking grubby and untidy.

  “Where is Marie Rosita?” He questioned the children, surprised that the noise of the helicopter had not brought her out to investigate, they both giggled at the question.

  “Mama is in the kitchen.” Ricardo answered, Lucia chimed in quickly.

  “She said if we didn't get lost quick she would throw us off the cliff.” She told him giggling again.

  “She was trying to cook.” Ricardo explained gleefully and then enquired. “Why can't Mama cook? Francisca can and so can Zia Conchita

  “Well I can't neither can you or Lucia or Stefano so why should your Mama be able too.” Vittorio returned equably. “I have brought lots of food with me so let's go and rescue poor Mama from the kitchen.”

  Marie Rosita flushed and heavy eyed was trying her best to make soup Francisca said it was easy you just boiled everything up together and then liquidized it. She rather thought she’d liquidated it instead and was almost in tears when Vittorio arrived. He looked at the soup, and then poked at it with a wooden spoon.

  “Whatever it was its certainly dead now.” He said critically, then looking closely at Marie Rosita who clearly was another flu victim. “You should be in bed. I've brought plenty of tins of food. Go and sit down and I'll make us some coffee and then you can tell me all about it.” Marie Rosita was only too glad to hand over all responsibility to Vittorio and collapse on the settee in the living room.

  Vittorio had not only made the coffee with milk but had also added whisky to it. He gave the children drinks and, ignoring all the rules about what children should eat between meals, fed them on cake that he had brought with him.

  “Come on tell me about it.” Vittorio requested.

  “It's all Spiro's fault.” Marie Rosita said in a voice that suggested the poor man had done it deliberately.

  Spiro was their boatman, their gardener and general handyman; he also looked after the goats, chickens, ducks and geese, while his wife was always available to help Francisca.

  “His wife sent over word that he was in bed with flu. That was the day Conchita and Nina came home from the clinic. Conchita was worried about Nina catching it so Stefano and Toni moved into Conchita's old room, so Conchita and the baby could alone in their rooms they are all right but she can't come and help not with the baby to think about. Ricardo and Lucia went down with it first. Francisca and I looked after them and Stefano kept Toni away from the pair of them. Then just as they started to get better Toni went down with it then Stefano and Francisca and now I feel absolutely foul.” She ended almost in tears and Ricardo having finished his cake and drink climbed onto her lap and gave her a very crummy kiss.

  “Never mind Mama.” He said in a consoling voice. “Everything will be alright now Papa is here.”

  Marie Rosita went scarlet she had forgotten Ricardo's latest escapade. She glanced across at Vittorio who looked stunned at being referred to as Papa by Ricardo she only hoped he was not too angry, he would be quite justified in being angry. She gave him the look that meant later - not in front of Ricardo.

  You had to be very careful what you said with Ricardo around he was not only very intelligent but far too quick at picking up anything you wanted to keep from him. Keeping one step ahead of him certainly helped to keep you mentally agile. Vittorio, having sent Marie Rosita to bed, toured the other invalids and handed out drinks, Paracetamol and vitamin C. He was glad that Marie Rosita realising she was becoming ill herself had remade all the beds and tidied the villa that morning. The laundry and the washing machine were full of clean wet washing that she had lacked the energy to hang out. Vittorio soon had the tumble dryer on Francisca didn't like to use it preferring to dry things outside so this was almost the first time in the two years they had owned it that it had been used.

  The children had been fed, washed and put to bed and all the other invalids seen to by Vittorio by the time Marie Rosita woke again. She got up and wandered through to the living room where Vittorio was alone listening to music a glass of wine at his side.

  “Bread and soup.” He suggested, she nodded before curling up on the settee. The soup when it came was dark and very tasty.

  “What sort of tin did this come out off?” She asked interested. “It never tastes like this when I open a tin.”

  “I ad
ded something.” Vittorio admitted.

  “You mean like Oxo cubes or marmite or something.”

  “Not exactly more like best Napoleon brandy.” He returned coolly and Marie Rosita giggled.

  “Isn't that a sin putting the best brandy in tinned soup?”

  She ate all the soup and most of the bread but refused the Paracetamol. She felt much better now that the worry of the rest of the household had been lifted from her shoulders. Trying to cook had probably raised her temperature several degrees. Vittorio took the tray away and brought her back some coffee he waited till she had finished before he asked mildly.

  “Are you going to tell me about Ricardo now?”

  “About Ric oh.” She stopped dead and went scarlet. “Well it wasn't my idea.” She finished aggressively.

  “I never thought it was.” Vittorio returned reassuringly. “I'll pour you some more coffee and then you can tell me.”

  Marie Rosita watched him suspiciously as he poured out fresh coffee for both of them he also poured himself a glass of brandy.

  “I think it started at the nursery.” She said thoughtfully.

  “Ah.” Vittorio murmured softly. “So it's my fault.”

  Marie Rosita glowered at him that was not what she said at all, although if pushed she might have had to admit it was what she meant. She hadn't wanted Ricardo to go to nursery even if it was only three mornings a week a child who can read fluently in two languages at four does not fit into a nursery school very well, as Marie Rosita knew from personal experience.

  Vittorio while admitting that there might be problems had thought they would be outweighed by the benefits of mixing with other children. He had won the argument and now, see what had come of it.

  “All the other children at the nursery have a father as well as a mother. The little American has two of each.” Vittorio raised his eyebrows at this and she hurried to explain.

  “His parents are divorced and both have remarried, Ricardo decided that he and Lucia needed a Papa like all the others.” She came to a dead halt.

  “So Ricardo has picked me for his Papa, I suppose we should be grateful he didn't chose Stefano.” He remarked thoughtfully.

  “Why.” Marie Rosita asked puzzled “Stefano is here most of the time; I would have thought he was the logical choice.”

  “Since Stefano has a wife and two children it would be somewhat embarrassing all round if Ricardo and Lucia took to calling him Papa don't you think.” Marie Rosita who had not thought of this was horrified as she imagined the resultant embarrassment and confusion this would have caused.

  “You're right of course.” She returned. “I'm sorry for any trouble it might cause you though.” Vittorio just shrugged indifferently.

  “I think it's rather flattering that Ricardo should want to adopt me as a father figure. Go to bed Marie Rosita and stop worrying about it, it's hardly going to hurt me is it.”

  Marie Rosita nodded and made her way back to her room between the flu and the brandy it was all she really fit for.

  Vittorio soon had the house organised Spiro's wife found two sisters from the local village, who had already had flu, to come in and do the housework and the cooking. While the local medical centre were only too pleased to lend him a nurse to see to the invalids, at a price. This left him with only Ricardo and Lucia to look after. Lucia was no problem apart from having limited movement in her left arm, Ricardo was another matter entirely. Ricardo was hard work and Vittorio was left to wonder how Marie Rosita would have managed with him alone in England with their living to make.

  After looking after them all day Vittorio was very glad when he was able to put the two children to bed it had been a very tiring day. He was amused to notice that although Ricardo called him Papa to Lucia he had not yet dared to do so to Vittorio's face. Free of the children he started to make himself some coffee when he had the feeling he had forgotten something and wandered back into the nursery. Lucia was curled up asleep but Ricardo was lying very still his eyes open, waiting for something.

  Vittorio considered slowly the children had been bathed; they had cleaned their teeth, and been to the toilet. He had put them to bed, read them a story and heard their prayers - Marie Rosita was very old fashioned about bed time. Yes he had forgotten something he went over to Ricardo's bed and bending over the boy kissed him gently on each cheek. Ricardo heaved in the bed and then wrapped his arms around Vittorio's neck and kissed him back enthusiastically.

  “Buona notte Papa.” The boy murmured and turning over he went straight off to sleep.

  Vittorio stood very still looking down at the sleeping child for several minutes, an arrested expression on his face. He had just received a very serious shock. Then he went through to Marie Rosita's room. In four years he had never before been in her bedroom. He stood over her looking down at her as he had her nephew; she lay sprawled across the bed a sheet discarded at her feet. She was flushed from the flu and her hair lay across the pillow in a red tangle.

  After a long moment Vittorio covered her carefully with the sheet, Marie Rosita was no longer the skinny girl child she had been when they had met. The skinny girl child he still carried around in his memory. Even in jeans and jacket it was unlikely that anyone would now take her for a boy. He sighed and smoothed a red curl back from her face. For the first time he realised that by overlooking the obvious he had come very close to making the worst mistake of his life. This was going take a lot of thinking over a lot of planning but Giannini di Balbini was used to getting his own way and there was no hurry nothing could be done till everyone had recovered from the flue.