Read Rosemary By Any Other Name Page 7

  Chapter Seven

  Marie Rosita pulled her mind back from the financial knot she was trying to disentangle; it was silly in any case to keep worrying at it when what she needed was more information. Which in any case she was expecting in a few hours over the America. Something else had started to nag at her mind, something somewhere was wrong. She mentally checked out the house, there was silence from the nursery where the four year old Ricardo and the two and a half year old Lucia slept. The office with all its ultra-modern equipment was also silent; there was no sound from the kitchen or the quarters beyond where Francisca lived.

  Stefano, Conchita and their two children had retired to their own wing out of hearing after dinner. The only sounds apart from the music to which they were dancing were the quiet sounds of the Greek night coming through the open windows. She smiled to herself as a thought crossed her mind, really she should be dancing with a handsome Greek and not with an Italian like Vittorio. Her mind was still signalling that something was wrong. She moved against Vittorio uneasily, it was unlike him to hold her so closely and she didn't know what he had in his pocket but it was pressing uncomfortably into her leg.

  Marie Rosita started suddenly as it occurred to her that whatever was digging into her could not be in Vittorio's pocket, men didn't have pockets there! She flushed in the four years she had been living and working with Vittorio she had never known him to be sexually aroused but could think of no other explanation. She went stiff in his arms and tipped her head to look up into his face.

  “Vittorio?” She questioned hesitantly. Then his eyes caught and held hers, even in her dreams he had never looked at her like this. Marie Rosita's mind went blank and any further words were stilled on her lips.

  She felt as if she was slowly drowning in warm honey. Then he bent his head and kissed her, Marie Rosita stopped dead and stood as if turned to stone. She didn't believe this was happening, Vittorio, kissing her! She couldn't remember him kissing anyone before, except Conchita on her wedding day, and the children of course. His kiss was gentle, warm and tender and she found herself relaxing against him. This was so very, very nice. She was disappointed when Vittorio released her slowly drawing one long finger down the side of her face.

  “Why don't I get us some wine?” He suggested and walked off to the kitchen. Marie Rosita sat on the settee trying to decide if she had missed something, it wasn't Christmas or anybody’s birthday was it?

  Of course she could always ask Vittorio, if she could think of a way to frame a question. But how did you ask a man why he'd kissed you? Vittorio soon returned with the wine white and sparkling, not the red they had all shared at dinner. Marie Rosita sipped at her glass it was nice, dry and slightly fruity they'd had it before sometime.

  She looked up meaning to comment on the wine only to find Vittorio watching her, a strange look on his face, and her mind tangled itself up again. Without a word he moved over to the music centre and changed the disc, he always moved so graceful she thought and drank her wine down

  Vittorio refilled the glass for her, putting it on the table beside her, and then he pulled her to her feet. He kissed her again less gently this time and with far more passion, confused she found herself kissing him back. Warmth spread throughout her body and she felt dizzy was, this the wine or his lips on hers?

  Then they were dancing again more slowly this time, dancing was how Vittorio liked to relax and he had taught Marie Rosita well, trained her to be his partner. They had danced together in this room hundreds of times but she had never felt like this before. And Vittorio's hand which should have been in the middle of her back was gently caressing her moving up and down, back and forth across her back and down over her bottom.

  Marie Rosita felt as if her entire world was trying to turn itself upside down, her heart fluttered in her chest and something was wrong with her breathing. Vittorio stopped for a moment to sip his wine and then started to light the candles which, together with oil lamps, were strategically placed around the room. Electrical break downs were an infrequent hazard of life and the backup generator only provided power for the office. When the candles were lit he turned off the main lights and they started to dance again.

  As he took her in his arms once more Marie Rosita felt as if she was dancing on the edge of a deep pit. If she wasn't careful she would find herself falling in and she wasn't sure she would ever get out. When had Vittorio taken his jacket off, she wondered she couldn't remember him doing that! She rested her head against his shoulder and felt the silk of his shirt smooth against her cheek. He smelt nice she thought dazedly warm clean and male.

  She lifted her head and rubbed her cheek against his chin and shivered at the feelings sweeping through her, she closed her eyes until she stopped trembling. When she opened them again Vittorio smiled down at her before bend his head to kiss her just above the top button of her blouse. Her whole body shook again as he undid the button, kissing the flesh he'd just lay bare, then his fingers moved to undo the rest of the buttons.

  Vittorio's hands slipped inside her blouse moving across her body to the front fastening of her bra. Then he stopped, lifting his head until his lips met hers and as they claimed hers in a deep drugging kiss he flicked her bra open. Marie Rosita felt the caress of the cool night air on her breasts as Vittorio's tongue plunged between her lips. Her head swam and unnoticed and un-regarded her bra and blouse slid of onto the floor.

  He held her against him now one hand on her waist while he gently caressed her naked breasts with the other. Then he murmured her name dropping his head to kiss her breast, she felt his lips glide around the nipple and groaned as his teeth gently grazed the sensitive flesh.

  Vittorio drew her tenderly to the settee and sitting her down handed her glass to her. Marie Rosita was shaking so much she found she had to hold it in both hands. Vittorio meanwhile stripped of his shirt, his torso smooth and bronzed in the candle light, then he sat down beside her undoing his shoes, taking them and his socks off. He had lovely feet she thought, elegant, funny you never thought of men having elegant feet.

  The CD had finished so Vittorio replaced it, stopping to finish his drink and refill his glass before bringing the bottle over to refill Marie Rosita's. He put the bottle down beside her and knelt gracefully at her feet, she wondered what he was up too now. He looked up at her and then very deliberately kissed her on each knee; Marie Rosita giggled and reached out a hand to tug gently at his hair.

  He captured her hand dropping a kiss onto the palm, before undoing and removing her sandals kissing each toe as he did so. That was silly Marie Rosita thought sweet but silly. Then he ran his hands up her legs to her thigh now that really is silly she thought dizzily he should know it's too warm for me to be wearing tights. His hands reached her hips and his fingers curled around the band of her panties and he started to draw them down.

  Marie Rosita brought abruptly down to earth by this and rather shocked by what she was allowing him to do called out his name in protest and tried to move away from him.

  “Careful Rosie, you'll spill your drink.” Vittorio warned his voice low and hoarse. She made no further objection as he drew her panties down her legs and off over her feet.

  It was only very rarely that he called her Rosie usually when he was most pleased with her, and she found herself unable to resist him. He ran his hands up her legs again, she found her breath was coming fast and shivers were running throughout her. With his hands on her hips he rose to his feet and having pulled her to hers started to dance again.

  One hand round her waist and one hand under her skirt on her naked bottom. Marie Rosita overcome by feelings she'd never had before slipped her arms around his neck.

  They moved slowly around the room while the music wrapped its self around them. Vittorio's skin felt hot to her touch and she shivered every time her sensitised nipples brushed against his chest. Candle flames flickered in the breeze from the open windows making the shadows sway back and forth across the room. Marie Rosita could a
lmost see the pit on the edge of which she danced and she was sure if she let go of Vittorio even for an instant she would fall into it.

  Finally Vittorio lifted her into his arms and carried her through the door to her bedroom and lay her down on the bed, going back to the living room to return a moment later with the largest candelabra. He held it up over the bed for a minute and looked down on her, her tangled red curls trailing across pillow and breasts, her creased skirt bunched above her knees.

  He put the candelabra down on the dressing table and standing full in its light undid his trousers letting them slide slowly onto the floor. Standing there his white silk underpants did little but veil what lay beneath and Marie Rosita felt her heart turn over her breath was coming in gasps and she trembled violently.

  In a desperate attempt to gain some control she squeezed her eyes tight shut and might have succeeded but Vittorio having discarded all his clothes joined her on the bed. Kissing her again and yet again. Then he took her hand and drew it between his legs to touch and caress. Marie Rosita had never even imagined touching a man so intimately, he was hot, strong and heavy in her hand.

  Vittorio shudder at her touch, she liked that and kissed him. As they lay on the bed exchanging kisses, Vittorio's hand was busy at the back of her skirt. Marie Rosita realised slowly that he was trying to undo it, it unfastened at the side and so she undid it herself. The air felt cool on her overheated skin as the skirt came off and she lay at last naked in his arm.

  Vittorio spread her legs gently his fingers tangling themselves in red curls before one slid between the lips to caress her with gentle expertise. Marie Rosita shuddered under the shock of his touch she cried out her body arching up. Then he was kneeling between her legs his swollen flesh nudging against her. She had a moment to wonder if it would hurt before he was driving into her his arms tight around her and she was clinging to him. She was falling into the pit at last the world was shaking about her and feelings that she had never even dreamt of were running through her. Marie Rosita didn't know if it was pleasure or pain she felt, she was falling down, down, down and heard herself crying out as an explosion of sensations ran through her.

  As her senses slowly started to return to normal she found herself clinging helplessly to Vittorio she couldn't think straight but she had finally stopped falling.

  “Don't let go of me.” She cried tremulously, her voice shaking. “Promise you won't let go off me.” His voice was no steadier than hers as he agreed and she could feel his heart racing against hers.

  “Vittorio!” She questioned urgently. “You're not having a heart attack, are you? You won't let go of me?” There was laughter in his voice as he answered her.

  “No my beautiful Marie Rosita, my lovely Rose I'm not having a heart attack, I promise.”

  That was all right then. He'd never spoken to her like that before, but then he had never made love to her before either. Their breathing and their pounding hearts slowly returned to normal but Marie Rosita doubted if her world ever would. Vittorio's body was getting heavy on hers, she asked him hesitantly if they could turn over, as long as he didn't let go off her! He kissed her gently and then twisted them over onto their sides at the same time letting his body slip out of hers.

  “There was no need for that.” She said pettishly and heard him laugh.

  As Marie Rosita calmed down her death grip on Vittorio loosening until finally she lay on her back beside him. She had never experienced or imagined anything like this before. Too think that she had been missing out on this for the last twenty two years.

  “I'm thirsty.” She finally complained plaintively.

  “I'll fetch you some fruit juice.” Vittorio said, he ran his hand across her stomach. “You're cold.” He added. “You go and have a shower while I'm getting it.”

  This was a good idea and Marie Rosita putting her hair up in a cap acted on it. She stood under the shower letting the warm water run over her, her skin felt different more alive and she could almost feel the touch of his hands on her, she wondered if she should have tried a cold shower. When she emerged from the shower room wrapped in a short towelling robe, her red hair a riot of damp curls. Vittorio was in her bed two glass tumblers in his hands. Marie Rosita flushed she felt embarrassed and foolish climbing into bed with him even wearing the robe.

  She sipped at her drink gratefully and then glanced at Vittorio in some surprise. “I thought you said Fruit juice.” She complained softly, he shrugged indolently.

  “So I added a little champagne, you wouldn't want me to leave it to go flat would you?” He asked and Marie Rosita fell against him laughing helplessly her embarrassment fleeing, Vittorio wrapped an arm lightly around her.

  As she finished her drink she found Vittorio's hand had somehow slipped inside her robe and was caressing her in a manner that suggested they were about to climb back on the roller coaster. At that moment the buzzer linked to the office to announce that there was an urgent message incoming.

  Marie Rosita dumped the glass on the bedside table and ran her robe falling open as she went. Vittorio abandoned on the bed leaned back and laughed aloud, if he hadn't known Marie Rosita so well he would have been hurt that she could abandon him, while he was in the middle of seducing her, to go and play with her computers!

  In the office Marie Rosita had turned both computers on even before she had started to read the telex. She was quickly enmeshed in her work, work she loved and was very good at. At tracking down information she was an expert, she had a better idea of some corporate structures than most people who worked for them. Her knowledge of top corporations’ worldwide was encyclopaedic and what she didn't know herself was sure to be in her computers.

  It was almost an hour before she was interrupted as she started to print out her initial report, she would need to produce a longer report over the next few days setting out her findings in full, but this would do until then. A noise behind her alerted her to the fact that she was no longer alone.

  “Vittorio.” She called. “I've run down that information on Maitland that.” she came to a halt as she swung around in her chair and realised that Vittorio standing close behind her was naked, and more than that!

  “Oh dear.” She whispered and looked up into his face he was clearly amused, she could see that!

  “What do you expect Rosie, sitting there with your hair all over the place and that robe almost on.”

  She looked down at herself the robe was hanging from one shoulder and moreover was gaping open down the front. She flushed and pulled it closed.

  “At least I'm wearing something.” She pointed out; Vittorio enclosed her face between his hands and kissed her lingeringly, hungrily.

  “Come back to bed soon hm.” He murmured.

  “Vittorio.” She called after him as he left he turned and stopped in the doorway. He stood there bronzed; male and quite lovely she thought “Do you know that you're beautiful.” She asked, he raised his eyebrows at this she had always loved it when he did that. She laughed and turned back to the computer.

  It took her only a few minutes to close the equipment down then she switched off the lights and left the room but then stopped and went back into the office to turn off the buzzer attached to the telex they could do without that she thought.

  Vittorio was in her bedroom in her bed and when he saw her he pulled back the bed clothes for her to join him. She really should be annoyed with him, he had changed their entire relationship and without even a word to her about it. On the other hand having been in love with him for most of the past four years she had no intention of cutting of her nose to spite her face. She dropped her robe onto the floor and scrambled into the bed. As he drew her against him and kissed her, she realised how very sweet life could be.

  It was very late when Marie Rosita woke, she was alone and the house was quiet. She rolled over sleepily and consulted the clock it was half past ten! How could she have slept so late! Vittorio must have stopped the children waking her up. His name in her mi
nd triggered memories of the night before. In the cold light of day it was almost impossible to believe that it could have happened. Vittorio! Marie Rosita got up reluctantly and started to run a shower, she had done this last night she remembered. She found the water was only warm, so she knew Francisca must have been doing the washing.

  Standing under the shower a thought crossed her mind, had Vittorio tidied up the clothes they had left lying around the sitting room before any of the household had got up! How awful if Francisca had found her panties thrown under the settee. Marie Rosita felt a flush spread all over her body, she wasn't sure she wanted to get out of the shower ever again.

  Pulling herself together she carefully soaped and rinsed herself, finding that she was sore in several places. To spin out the time she was in the shower she washed her hair although the water was by now almost cold. Finally however she had to leave the shower and dress. Rubbing her hair until it was almost dry occupied some more time, but since it was by now well after eleven and she was starving she decided she had better brave the world. Or if not the world at least her own tiny part of it.

  The sitting room was empty but she could see the children, Stefano and Vittorio in the courtyard. Ricardo saw her at that moment and ran in to her closely followed by Lucia, and they throw themselves onto her both talking at once.

  “Mama, Mama we thought you were going to sleep all day and Papa wouldn't let us wake you up.” This was Ricardo.

  Lucia was more interested in showing of a minute scratch on her arm. Marie Rosita had to sit on the floor, Lucia on her lap, and listen to the full story of the nasty accident leading to this disabling wound. Having heard all about it she solemnly kissed the scratch better.

  “Papa already did that.” Ricardo informed her.

  “Well I expect two kisses are better than one.” Marie Rosita returned and kissed him as well. Vittorio had followed the children into the room only stopping to call something through the kitchen door. Now he came over and gently pulled Lucia to her feet.

  “Francisca is getting you some breakfast.” He told Marie Rosita giving her his hand and helping her up. When she was on her feet again he dropped a kiss on her lips. “Come and sit at the table.”

  “I've never seen you kiss Mama before.” Ricardo remarked interested and Marie Rosita flushed glancing at Vittorio who was looking both amused and unhelpful. She had to give Ricardo some sort of answer, he was far too quick she thought and rarely let up on anything.

  “Papa has kissed me lots of times.” She retorted quickly. “You just haven't seen him, did you do your reading this morning”

  Ricardo was quite happy to be diverted now that he had had an answer and he and Lucia chattered happily about their morning. Marie Rosita was still not use to hearing her nephew calling Vittorio Papa. Ricardo had apparently decided he needed a father, he knew his real father was dead so being Ricardo he had chosen a new one for himself, and had fixed on Vittorio. Since Lucia always copied Ricardo she had immediately adopted it

  Francisca bringing a tray in from the kitchen scolded Marie Rosita in affectionate Italian, she understood nothing about computers, e-mails and telexes and never approved when she thought Marie Rosita was spending too much time in the office. It was clear she thought Marie Rosita had spent most of the night working, if she knew what Marie Rosita had really been doing she would disapprove even more.

  Over the years a system had developed to allow for the fact that they were a bilingual household living in a country that spoke a third language. Marie Rosita spoke to everyone in English except Francisca who spoke only Italian and enough Greek to bargain at the local market. Everyone except the children spoke to Marie Rosita in Italian, which she now spoke as well as she did English. The children spoke to Marie Rosita in English and everyone else in Italian, even Conchita's almost two year old tried to use English to Zia Marie Rosita. Ricardo could also make himself understood in Greek.

  The children and Vittorio sat at the table with Marie Rosita, the children drinking fresh orange juice while Marie Rosita and Vittorio had tea. Marie Rosita was eating rolls and fruit while listening with half an ear to the children, Vittorio sitting opposite her was reading an Italian newspaper. He didn't look any different she thought then caught his eye and flushed. The expression in his eyes was very different, as if he too was remembering the previous night.

  Occupied with her thoughts and the two children it took her sometime to realise that Stefano had not joined them.

  “Don't you want a drink Stefano?” She called through the open doors.

  “No. Not at the moment.” He barked. He was angry she realised surprised and looked enquiringly at Vittorio. He just shrugged and with the children there she didn't want to question either of the men. Especially not in front of Ricardo.

  As Marie Rosita finished her breakfast Conchita came in through the courtyard. The wing in which she and Stefano lived having an entrance onto it. Conchita had her baby in her arms and Toni toddling at her side. Marie Rosita smiled at the baby.

  “Did you have a good night?” She asked Conchita kissing Toni as she lifted him onto her lap.

  Conchita looked embarrassed and dropped her eyes; Vittorio looking on was amused about something. Marie Rosita tried again, asking.

  “Are you and Stefano taking the children down to the pool now?” Conchita shot a look at Stefano who'd come in with his family.

  “Why don't you come with us?” He suggested. “Four small children are a handful even for the two of us.” Marie Rosita regarded him with surprise.

  Conchita was quite capable of managing the children alone, and she usually did go with them unless she was working. They both knew she was very busy at the moment.

  “I have a report to write.” She replied. “It will take a couple of hours to finish, so the sooner I start the better.”

  “Why don't you and Conchita take the children down to the pool?” Vittorio said to Stefano. “If the pair of you really can't manage I'll join you later. Meanwhile since I need to leave for London this evening. I think it would be a good idea if I took Marie Rosita into the office and briefed her.” There was a challenge in his voice. Marie Rosita kissed Toni and lifted him off her lap.

  “Ricardo and Lucia go and get your robes. Are you wearing your costumes? I'll try and come down to the pool with you tomorrow ok?” She kissed three children and ushered them all out of the room. “What on earth is the matter with them?” She hissed at Vittorio as soon as they were out of hearing range.

  Marie Rosita didn't get an answer since Francisca came in at this moment to clear the table. She poured herself another cup of tea and, followed by Vittorio, carried it through to the office.

  “I thought you said you were staying all week.” She questioned uncertainly, what a moment to choose to disappear!

  “That was my intention.” Vittorio replied busy at his desk he found the letter he was looking for and brought it over to her. Marie Rosita read it carefully the timing of a merger they had an interest in had been altered suddenly.

  “You'll have to go at once.” She said. “Do you think they know about our interest? You really should have left as soon as you got the letter. Why didn't he e-mail for goodness sake?”

  “He's new.” Vittorio pointed out placidly. “He doesn't know how interested we actually are. And I couldn't leave without seeing you, now could I, mia caro.” Marie Rosita looked up at him quickly and he kissed her slowly and lingeringly.

  “Now that's a nice way to start the day.” She said shaken and smiling uncertainly, Vittorio smiled back at her.

  “I'll be back as soon as I can.” He promised softly. “You don't need to start that report straight away and I have something very serious I need to discuss with you. I was leaving it until till tomorrow but now all my plans have been changed. Vittorio paused before continuing in a more serious tone. “I know it's going to come as a shock to you but I think we are going to have to move.”

  Marie Rosita was completely astonished at this
, it was the last thing she had expected, and she took a gulp at her tea and choked. She coughed and spluttered while Vittorio removed the cup and thumped her back.

  “Thank you.” She spluttered finally. “You surprised me, it was cold as well and I hate cold tea.”

  “Come back to the living room and I'll get us some coffee, I wasn't suggesting that we should start packing only that we should start to think about moving.”

  Vittorio led her through to the sitting room and they were soon settled on the settee with the coffee tray in front of them.

  “But why should we want to move.” Marie Rosita argued. “It's easy to work here, although the telephone bills must be enormous, it's quiet and the children love it. We've been happy here.” She wailed finally. Vittorio slipped an arm around her and hugged her closer to him as he told her.

  “It's the children I'm thinking of. Ricardo in particular.”

  “Oh.” Questioned that young man’s aunt faintly. Overnight Vittorio seemed intent on changing everything in their lives!

  “Even if you don't send him to school he'll need tutors, and it would do all four of them good to mix with other children.”

  “I suppose it would do Ricardo good to mix more with children his own age.” She conceded reluctantly. “He can lead Lucia and Toni about by the nose, and Lucia has no girlfriends if you don't count Nina who is only a baby yet. There's her arm as well.” She added thoughtfully. “She'll need skin grafts sooner or later.”

  “Yes, but probably not for another year or two.”

  “Where were you thinking of moving us to.” Marie Rosita asked, she had given in much more quickly than he had expected. Vittorio had thought it would take hours to talk her round and a lot of arguments. It had taken him a week to persuade her to let Ricardo attend nursery school! Perhaps he should have tried seducing her before that discussion!

  “We have the house in Cambridge, which is empty at the moment and I thought we could buy another in Italy, although I'm not sure which we would live in permanently.”

  “You mean you haven't decided yet.” Marie Rosita retorted dryly. “Italy would be fine with me, and that way perhaps Francisca would come with us.”

  “I thought we could take the whole household with us, I certainly wouldn't want to be left to the mercy of your cooking.” Vittorio remarked amusement in his voice, Marie Rosita turned on him hotly.

  “I make a lovely salad.” She pointed out. “And you can't cook either.” He was laughing at her.

  Since his chin was close to her mouth she bit it, not hard, but it was still a bite. She flushed red mortified as she realised what she had done. Vittorio laughed out loud then kissed her breathless.

  “Marie Rosita will you do one thing for me.” He asked releasing her.

  “Yes, I'm sor.” She started to say but got no further since he kissed her again.

  Before lifting his head to say quickly. “Don't apologise, please.”

  “Well! All right if you say so.” She returned then added naughtily “You tasted rather nice.”

  “Moving Marie Rosita moving.” Vittorio said sternly, wrapping both arms about her and pulling her to lean against him. Marie Rosita composed herself again this was rather nice she thought.

  “Did you have anywhere in Italy in mind.” She asked obedient to his wishes.

  “My mother inherited her family home a few miles outside Napoli, it had been in her family since the fifteenth century she adored it. My father sold it as soon as she died.” It was clear from his voice that Vittorio felt very strongly about this.

  “You want to try and buy it.” Marie Rosita asked hesitantly.

  “It's been on the market for more than a year.” He admitted. “It's in a very bad state of repair and would need a lot of work doing on it.”

  “In that case we'll get it cheaper.” Marie Rosita pointed out quickly.

  “Not by the time we've restored it we won't.” He warned. “There's a lot of land with it so we could be almost as private there as we are here.”

  “Old houses are the best.” She responded. “They have more character. Will it be big enough for all of us though there's Francisca, Stefano, Conchita and all the children?”

  “More than big enough, it’s a good deal larger than the villa. I could probably sell the office in Roma and have an office in the house, if you thought you could work with me underfoot more of the time.”

  “I expect I could get use to it.” Marie Rosita replied calmly although inside she was fizzing with delight, for her it would be a dream come true. “You're the only one who I can discuss work with.” She pointed out

  “I miss having someone to talk to sometimes.”

  “You never told me.” Vittorio complained surprised. “You should have said something.” Marie Rosita had never given him any reason to suspect that she might miss him. He wondered what else she had kept hidden from him over the years.

  “You had to be away, you were earning the money that keeps us in business.” She retorted quickly.

  “Without your work there wouldn't be any business or any money. We make a good partnership you and I. We have never discussed the way I set up the company have we. Do you actually know how much of the business you own?” He had occasionally wondered about that. Marie Rosita having signed a power of attorney had left everything to him never questioning what he did with it.

  Marie Rosita sighed, she thought this was irrelevant. She had always left the practical side of the business to Vittorio. She trusted him and that was ultimately what mattered

  “You and I each hold forty percent of the shares; Francisca, Stefano, Nino and Jonathan Benson each hold five percent.”

  “You must have been hacking into our London offices computer.” he said clearly amused “I'll have to improve the security system.”

  “There's nothing wrong with the security, silly. I wrote the programme myself that's why I can get into it.” It was really easy when you wrote the programme you just wrote in your own back door, simple!

  Vittorio looked down into her face as it nestled against his shoulder she was looking mischievous. He had never thought it necessary to keep Marie Rosita up to date with his access codes; it seemed he had been right.

  “We do have one small legal problem to settle before we can move though.” Vittorio pointed out returning to the matter in hand.

  “A legal problem.” Marie Rosita wondered aloud.

  “Custody of Ricardo and Lucia, you at least received legal custody of Ricardo from the Mexican court. Lucia's father could claim that I had abducted her.”

  “I hardly think he would be stupid enough to do that, we would only have to produce Lucia's hospital records to show she had been badly neglected.” Marie Rosita argued. “What do you think we should do about it?” His reminder of the children’s legal position had worried her.

  “I've had our solicitor in Cambridge look into the matter for me, he arranged council’s opinion. I haven't received it in writing yet but I telephoned Mark this morning. According to him Council is of the opinion that if we can get custody in any one European country we should have no problem with the other countries.” Marie Rosita considered for a moment.

  “Which one should we start with? Greece do you think since we are living here.”

  “This would be the last country to start with. You forget neither of the children arrived in Greece legally.”

  Maria Rosita had managed to forget this. She and Ricardo in an attempt to avoid pursuit had arrived by fishing boat. Vittorio had later brought Lucia the same way. None of them had gone through customs.

  “Counsel suggested as both you and Ricardo hold British passports and own a house in Britain, that we start custody proceedings in the High Court.” Marie Rosita frowned as she pointed out.

  “Neither of the children has ever been to England in their lives.”

  “True but you're their foster mother and you're British. We may have to spend some time in Britain but Ricardo should know something
about the country, he is half British after all.”

  They were still curled up on the settee discussing it when the swimming party returned. The children damp, hungry but happy Marie Rosita swept her two up into a large hug. Before organising them.

  “Swimming costumes and towels in the wash Ricardo please. Lucia and Toni you can come and help me lay the table, while Conchita sees to the baby.”

  “What will Papa and Stefano do?” this was Ricardo of course.

  “We will see to the drinks.” Vittorio returned quietly. “Now do as Mama has asked you.” Ricardo nodded and ran off to the laundry.

  When Marie Rosita returned, a tray loaded with china in her hands the two children close behind carrying cutlery, she was aware that there was a disagreement going on between the two men. Stefano was angry about something and Vittorio had the look he put on when he was refusing to argue with you.

  “Stefano would you fetch the juice from the kitchen.” She asked he swung around and she thought he was going to make an angry reply, but then abruptly he stamped of into the kitchen.

  “Could you see to these things?” She asked Vittorio in a subdued voice indicating the tray and followed Stefano through to the kitchen. She had to have a word with him quickly.

  “I don't know what's wrong between you and Vittorio, Stefano.” She said. “But please don't quarrel in front of the children. You should know by now how quickly Ricardo picks up on things.”

  “If you don't know Marie Rosita, then you damn well should.” Stefano exclaimed angrily walking out with the fruit juice and tumblers.

  Oh dear Marie Rosita thought flushing scarlet so he knew about last night and if he knew so did Conchita, but why should he be angry with Vittorio? Stefano was not only Vittorio's employee he was his friend. They had known each other for most of their lives, and Stefano without overlooking Vittorio's faults admired and looked up to him. She would have expected him to be angry with her and not with him. She shrugged her shoulders who could fathom the mind of a man they just didn't think logically!

  Lunch was cold so they waited for Conchita to return, with Nina asleep in the Moses basket that had once belonged to Ricardo. It was a difficult meal Stefano was angry and quiet, while Conchita was embarrassed and quiet, luckily the children chattered happily as usual. Vittorio, Marie Rosita realised, was getting irritated by Stefano's constant disapproval so she took pains to draw him into a discussion on steam trains with Ricardo.

  Ricardo had never seen a real train and had stumped her only the day before wanting to know the differences between steam trains and diesel trains. Her answer that one burnt coal and, and one ran on some kind of petrol he had found inadequate.

  That was one thing that would be easier if they moved she realised. They would be much nearer to libraries and bookshops. Usually when stumped by Ricardo's questions she sent an e-mail to Vittorio who sent or brought books to feed his voracious appetite for information. It had been easier since he had learnt to read, he read English and Italian, and had recently insisted on Mama teaching him to read Greek!

  At nursery he had become fascinated by the fact that the Greek alphabet was different from the English and Italian one. The fact that Marie Rosita didn't read Greek he didn't consider a problem she could learn and then teach him! As a result the local Infant teacher was coming in twice a week to give them both lessons, and Marie Rosita's bedtime reading now consisted of early Greek readers.

  Conchita had been horrified she had always considered Marie Rosita's ideas on child rearing eccentric, but learning to read Greek just to satisfy a four year olds whim! Marie Rosita however could remember only to clearly the frustration of being four years old and wanting to know everything! Now!

  After lunch while Francisca cleared the table Marie Rosita tucked Lucia, Ricardo and Toni up in the nursery, the two little ones to sleep and Ricardo with a book. He considered himself far too old for a nap but still fell asleep over his book most days and Toni always had his nap with the other two. By the time Marie Rosita returned to the sitting room Conchita and Stefano had both disappeared although Nina was still there in her basket.

  “Conchita's gone to bed as well.” Vittorio explained. “Apparently she had a bad night with Nina.”

  “And Stefano.” She questioned.

  “He and Spiro want to strip the benzinas engine.” The benzina was the old Greek fishing boat that they had bought when it became clear the small boat was too little to carry them all.

  “I'm surprised he trusts us on our own.” She remarked with some asperity.

  “Oh he trusts you.” Vittorio returned lazily. “It's me he doesn't trust but with the children to watch he thinks I'll have to behave myself.”

  “Won't you.” Marie Rosita asked anger giving way to amusement; Vittorio picked up the Moses basket and carried it through to the nursery.

  “He's forgotten the baby alarm.” He reminded her. “They are all asleep even Ricardo.” He added coming back to her and taking her in his arms.

  “Why don't we see exactly how much mischief I can get into?” He asked kissing her before picking her up and carrying her through to her bedroom and shutting the door firmly behind them.

  By the time Stefano returned to the house Vittorio had already left, he was taking a late evening plane from the local airport to Athens and then flying on to London. The children were up and about again and being entertained by Marie Rosita. While Conchita sat on the settee nursing the baby. Everything seemed back to normal.

  Marie Rosita was subdued though this was the first time she had been almost glad to see Vittorio leave, but so much had happened and in such a short time. After living with Vittorio for four years she had finally become his mistress, and it seemed they were all going to leave the home they loved.

  She spent the evening preparing her report and studying the financial papers, and for once she had trouble concentrating. She had lost a lot of working time today, although she wouldn't say she had exactly wasted it! Whatever happened in the future she had memories she would always treasure. Although if she was honest she'd rather treasure Vittorio than any memories he might give her.

  It was three days later that Vittorio was called out off a meeting by the young woman who ran the London office.

  “I hope it's important, Samantha.” Vittorio said, displeased.

  “I'm sorry.” She returned meekly. “I thought it might be important, it’s one of those coded emails from Greece”

  Vittorio shrugged he had never bothered to correct the general belief that Marie Rosita's e-mails concerning family or household matters contained hidden financial information. It was going to surprise Samantha one day to find out that Ricardo and Lucia were real people.

  Marie Rosita never used the phone preferring to email which she did about everything. This one was simple and to the point.

  Subject Chanpagne

  Exactly when did you put the Champagne to chill? M-R

  He had certainly confused Marie Rosita if it had taken her three days to realise that chilled champagne, something they didn't usually have, indicated a certain degree of planning on his part. Now if he could only continue to keep her of balance long enough for the rest of his plan to work.

  “Would you send this back please?” He asked.

  M-R I bought it in Paris on the 22nd & put it in fridge just after lunch, you like fizzy wine. Vittorio

  That should really give his Marie Rosita something to think about and, if he was lucky confuse her even more!

  Marie Rosita was pleased to receive the telex it had occurred to her that Vittorio might have seduced her on a sudden impulse, only what about that champagne. Usually they drank red wine, Italian or Greek wine. The only time they had had champagne before had been when Conchita and Stefano's became engaged. She wasn't sure Vittorio even like champagne although he knew that she did! It was reassuring to know that he had planned it, even if she had no idea where he intended their relationship to go. The society columns had recently been linking his
name with an Italian aristocrat and hinting at an engagement. Marie Rosita however had been in love with Vittorio for far too long to refuse whatever he was offering her.