Read Scheralt: Marooned Page 4

Chapter 3: Journey to Timberlane

  The trail has no apparent path or markings but Chaytan confidently leads the group through rolling grassland bare of trees, outcroppings, or features that could provide the traders a sense of direction. In just a few moments, the spaceport buildings disappear. The only view is the white rump of the kirtags, the backs of the riders in front and grass. The grass is grey-green, short about 12 inches long and partially flattened in one direction by the wind.

  Katree interrupts the quiet with a frightened, "What?" When her kirtag suddenly stops, stretches its neck, and snatches a mouthful of grass. It is the only warning Marissa gets before her kirtag takes advantage of the slack rein. He stops and does the same. This interrupts the smooth even pace that Chaytan described adding short jolts to the ride for Katree and Marissa.

  The noon rest stop allows the kirtags to graze and everyone else to stretch and relax for a few minutes. Marissa waits and watches the Klarn gracefully dismount then attempts to copy their actions. Although the kirtag remains perfectly still, she misjudges the distance to the ground resulting in her foot slipping, losing her balance, and landing on her back with a yelp of surprise. Jake and Mike bust out in laughter at the spectacle turning Marissa’s face red with embarrassment.

  Marissa objects. “That's not funny.” She watches the kirtag stand complacently and begin cropping mouthfuls of grass as she gathers her courage to try to get up with some dignity.

  Jake and Mike continue to chuckle while retrieving field rations from the packs as Marissa slowly stands, dusting off her clothes. Katree has Mato’s help dismounting and the THERP’s help that she is still wearing.

  When Marissa starts toward Jake, he throws the field rations. “Here, Catch.” The action surprises Marissa. The rations hit her in the chest where the shuttle harness has bruised her.

  Marissa gasps; “Damn.” closes her eyes and crushes the rations with her fist in reaction to the pain. A few inches to the left and the pack would have missed the bruise.

  The Klarn hear Marissa's pain filled gasp, which incites Enapay to stalk toward Jake with his hands forming two massive fists. Chaytan steps in his path roughly forcing Enapay back to rejoin the other Klarn. With their backs turned to the Klarn, the traders miss the Klarn’s reaction and concern.

  After a quick meal, Marissa observes the Klarn as they remount still hoping to imitate their action. When Kangee spies Marissa watching, it inspires him to perform a flashy remount, a flying leap into the saddle, startling the other kirtags.

  Kangee’s grin turns to laughter at his success. After Mato whacks Kangee’s head, Mato reprimands, “You could have fallen and injured yourself or more importantly the kirtag.” turning Kangee’s amusement to remorse.

  Enapay bellows at Kangee, “Idiot. You are disturbing the kirtags.” Chaytan shakes his head satisfied with the discipline administered then moves to help Katree mount.

  With the Klarn pre-occupied with Kangee, Marissa remounts pulling herself up straining the muscles in her arms and causing a deep ache in her chest. Finally, she lies across the saddle breathless. Too late, she realizes that she provided fresh entertainment as she hears Mike snickering. She continues to pull herself further upon the saddle until she can shift her leg over and sit upright. Knowing the effects of her stay in cryo and the bruising from the shuttle’s harness will hamper her for weeks does not reduce the humiliating feelings the laughter creates. Gasping, she feels proud that she mounted on her own but realizes that the strain will make the afternoon’s ride difficult.

  On the trail, Chaytan releases the lead on Katree’s kirtag giving her control and allowing her to starting riding lessons. Chaytan rides with his reins attached to his saddle leaving his hands free to guide Katree. Marissa cannot hear his quiet instructions but Katree slowly appears to gain confidence in controlling the kirtag. Chaytan coils the lead rein and turns in his saddle to store the rein in a small saddle pack. He frowns in displeasure as he glances at everyone following.

  Marissa, feeling self-conscious about her poor riding skill, has no sympathy for Chaytan’s displeasure in watching her slouch over the kirtag’s neck. She has no charity left for anyone’s criticism of her riding ability. In response to Chaytan’s frown, she mumbles, “Get over it.” and then adds, “You will learn by the end of the trip.” The same remark that Chaytan made that morning.

  Marissa watches Katree’s riding lesson for a little while then concentrates on staying in the saddle. The muscle ache from the extended stay in cryo has reappeared. Riding astride the kirtag is abusing her weakened muscles forcing Marissa to hunch over to grasp the saddle horn to keep in the saddle. Every time Marissa glances at Katree sitting upright and at ease in the saddle, her anger at Captain Jerupt escalates.

  Marissa starts mumbling a new complaint, “Stupid cheapskate Captain. One more THERP is all he had to buy.” Her anger and pride is the only thing keeping her astride the kirtag. She refuses to give Mike another reason to laugh at her. By the time, the Klarn find a site for the camp, she is praying for the ride to stop. She closes her eyes but that seems to accentuate the pain and causes her to sway in the saddle. She is now afraid that she will slide off the kirtag.

  Unable to dismount Marissa watches the Klarn unsaddle their kirtags and begin setting up the camp. Chaytan approaches Marissa, “If you get down, I can care for the kirtag. He has worked hard for you today.” a slight reprimand for Marissa’s lack of care for the tired animal.

  Too weary to care what Chaytan thinks, Marissa starts to slide off but it rapidly deteriorates into a fall. Her legs refuse to hold her as she collapses beside the kirtag.

  “You should have told me that you needed help,” scolds a fuming Chaytan. He pulls her onto her feet and supports her until she can stand on her own.

  Concerned that she will fall, Chaytan asks, “Can you walk?”

  “Yes!” Marissa sharply responds knowing that she is being rude and discourteous to someone trying to help. She takes one tentative small step away from Chaytan and staggers to a stop swaying in place. Her legs are trembling with fatigue and threatening to again collapse.

  “I see that.” Chaytan sarcastically comments. He moves quickly placing his arm around her to support her weight and allow her the slight illusion of self-reliance.

  Although, carrying her would be easier, Chaytan maintains the support until she is with the other traders in the center of the camp. Marissa is feeling both frustrated and embarrassed at her weakness making her unreasonable to the point where she refuses to thank Chaytan for his assistance. She is carrying more of her own weight as Chaytan releases her to sit near one of the tents. She is angry that she is so tired and weak. She hates that the natives will view her as a helpless female incapable of the simple task of sitting on a kirtag. The helpless act is a game Katree likes to play.

  Before Chaytan can leave, Jake confronts him demanding a campfire.

  “No. It is too dangerous. The grass is too dry and a small spark can cause a grassfire that the winds will rapidly spread.”

  Jake is not satisfied with Chaytan’s answer and retorts, “If properly made there is little chance for the fire to spread. We have water to douse it if it starts.”

  Marissa sits watching the interplay between Jake and Chaytan. Jake, actively attempts to undermine Chaytan by questioning or arguing with every decision that Chaytan makes. He causes an argument over the positioning of the tents, no campfire rule, and the location of the kirtag. The final argument is about the night guards. Chaytan wants three watches during the night comprising two men for each but excluding both Katree and Marissa. Futilely, Jake argues for Katree and Marissa to have a watch as they would on the Celeste. Chaytan stands quietly listening with his arms crossed and a frown marring his face. Marissa knows that at this point she would not be quietly listening to Jake.

  Chaytan shakes his head no and then walks away from a still arguing Jake.

ssa finds the first evening camp completely set up with two tents. As the camp settles for the night, Mike and Mato take the first watch. When Jake and Katree enter the first tent, Marissa is alone. She smiles at the privacy provided by a separate tent permitting her to succumb to the exhaustion without anyone witnessing her weakness. Her pride has taken a beating today and needs the time alone to recover.

  Marissa is having difficulty sleeping with her muscles aching from the ride. Thus later that night, when an intruder crawls into Marissa’s tent, she is easily awakened. The low opening of the tent’s flap leaves him vulnerable, letting Marissa grab the nearest object and begin banging him repeatedly on the head. “Get out! Get out!”

  “I’m your guard.” Mike yells back.

  “It’s my tent. Get your own. Get out!” She lowers her weapon finding that she holds her boot. She calms a little as she realizes that Mike is the intruder.

  Mike grabs her crushing her wrist until she drops the boot. "DAMN YOU!" He yanks her arm dragging her out of the tent then raises his fist. A large hand grabs his arm forcing him around to face an irate Chaytan. “Let her go. What is going on?” Chaytan demands.

  “She hit me! Cut me.” Mike wipes the blood from his head.

  “He entered my tent,” Marissa complains glaring daggers at Mike.

  “We are a trader pair. I am supposed to be in the tent.” Sullenly replies Mike trying to pull his arm out of Chaytan’s grasp.

  “The Guard is to sleep outside the tent entrance to protect. This you should know. Marissa, go to bed. This does not concern you.” Chaytan is disgusted as he releases Mike.

  “You can’t order her, she is my trader.” Incensed, Mike backs away from Chaytan toward the tent that Jake and Katree are using.

  Jake is standing outside the tent glaring at Chaytan. “Mike is a trader. I give him orders.”

  Chaytan supplies the only reason that the traders might accept for his interference. “The female Traders are to be honored and protected. The clans judge a Trader Guard as dishonorable if he harms or allows harm to any trader. Your ability to trade is dependent on the other clans’ respect and opinion. If you do not respect and honor your trader then the clans believe you will not be honorable in your dealings with them. The Trader Marissa wants to sleep alone then her wishes are to be respected.” With that statement, Chaytan leaves the traders.

  Watching Chaytan leave reassures Jake that there will be no further interference from the natives; Jake decides his best reaction is to push the focus onto Marissa. “Mike, you may as well sleep outside the tent. Marissa is an unnatural female. You would have to sleep with one eye open to keep her from taking a trophy.” With that as his parting remark and condemnation of Marissa, Jake re-enters the tent he shares with Katree.

  In the morning after no further disturbances during the night, Marissa starts to carry her pack to the kirtags, when a large hand grabs the strap and pulls the pack out of her hands. Next, she sees a retreating back with her pack slung over a shoulder.

  Chaytan orders from behind her “Leave the loading of the packs to Kangee, Mato, or Enapay. They will see when the pack is ready and take it to the kirtags. “Come. I’ll see you mounted.”

  “I can take care of my own pack.” As she turns to Chaytan, she finds him walking away toward the riding mounts.

  With his back to Marissa, Chaytan concedes, “If they are not here, you may do so.” He unties a mount then leads it to stand next to Marissa.

  As Marissa grips the saddle to remount, a pair of hands grabs her waist, twists her around, and lifts her into the saddle repeating her first mounting from yesterday morning.

  “I do NOT like being man handled!” Marissa reprimands although she comprehends that this is better than the inelegant performance from yesterday afternoon.

  “This will not be necessary when you can mount and dismount with out injury.” Chaytan infuriates Marissa with the implied criticism of her capabilities. As she turns to glare at Chaytan wanting to tell him that she is capable of mounting the kirtag by herself, she finds Chaytan already astride his kirtag frowning at Mike and Jake. Marissa’s anger increases as she sees that Chaytan has already dismissed her just as Jake constantly does.

  With everyone mounted, Mato leads the group out.

  Jake quickly inserts his kirtag behind Mato bringing Mike to ride beside him. “I am Trade Leader. I am riding here. I will not eat dust again today.” The Klarn shake their heads at the obvious lie to justify positioning. Yesterday was a pleasant journey with the thick grasses keeping the trail from being dusty.

  The riding order has changed. Katree is riding without a lead rein alongside Kangee who is following behind Mike and Jake. Chaytan ties to his saddle the lead rein from Marissa’s kirtag forcing her kirtag to follow him. Enapay and the pack kirtags are last.

  After the kirtags have settled into the pace set for the morning, Chaytan drops back, removes the lead rain from Marissa’s kirtag, and hands her a pair of gloves. With the reins of his kirtag tied to his saddle, Chaytan guides his kirtag with his knees then proceeds to instruct Marissa on how to hold the reins, stop, start, and turn.

  After seeing that Marissa has learned the basics in controlling and guiding the kirtag, Chaytan tentatively inquires, “Trader Marissa, why does Katree have a different cloak than you?” He tries not to give offense as he watches her practice controlling her mount.

  Marissa realizes that Chaytan is referring to the THERP as a cloak. “That is a special cloak for Katree because she is the weakest. It gives her support and strength.” Marissa does not add that the extended stay in cryo increased the weakness, recovery time and that she should be using a THERP.

  “You did not answer the question. You tire easily after only a light days riding. Why do you not have a special cloak? You are too weak to mount and dismount a kirtag but do not wear such an aid.” Chaytan continues to probe.

  “There is only the one available. I want to thank you for the riding lessons. Is there more you can show me?” Marissa hopes to change the topic of Chaytan’s questioning. The lack of the THERP is a sore topic for Marissa. Moreover, she does not want to encourage the natives into the same indifferent attitude as her crewmates.

  “The others show you little concern or consideration. Are you not of the same clan?” Chaytan persists.

  “Will you be giving Jake riding lessons next?” Counters Marissa as she ignores Chaytan’s question, which shows the natives noticed Jake’s indifference toward her that boarders on contempt.

  “No.” abruptly answers Chaytan finding Marissa’s avoidance of the question frustrating his efforts to gather intelligence.

  “Why?” demands Marissa feeling as if she has stepped into a minefield, not sure Chaytan will answer.

  “Mike has already done this.” Chaytan shows a hint of increasing anger.

  “Why are you irritated with me? Am I not doing this right?” As Marissa studies the reins then glances at Chaytan sure that the questions are causing his reaction.

  “No, you have learned well. The anger is not aimed at you but your Trader Guard.” Calmly replies Chaytan suppressing his irritation.

  “Are you still angry from last night when Jake argued with you about Mike?” Marissa tries to discover the cause of Chaytan’s anger at Mike and Jake.

  “No.” sighs Chaytan hoping his reluctance will end the question and avoid listing the faults of the other traders and members of her clan.

  “Then why?” demands Marissa wanting to understand the tension in the camp and on the trail. Perhaps she can then defuse the rising tension and animosity between the traders and the natives.

  Chaytan realizes that fortune is not favoring him enough to avoid answering but that Marissa managed to avoid his question. “It is Mike’s and Jake’s duty to their Traders to see that you learn to ride. Instead, Mike taught Jake.”

  “Jake did not know how to ride let alone teach.”
  Not accepting Marissa's excuse, Chaytan points out, “Again this morning, he did not try to help you mount. If they could not do the teaching then their duty is to find another to do so. They did not find another but left you still using a lead rein. Both failed to ensure that you and Katree could ride. His lack has put you in danger.” His irritation with Jake and Mike renews with the recitation.

  “I have not seen any danger. The ride is boring and the pace slow.” observes Marissa.

  “The trail ahead becomes dangerous then we cannot use the lead reins. It is best to learn now while the riding is easy so you do not fall later.” Reminded of Marissa’s falls, Chaytan commands, “You will wait for aid to mount and dismount.” Chaytan realizes that he has violated the protocol and restrictions imposed by the introductions. He cannot command Marissa as he just did. Giving into his anger at himself, he gallops ahead to join Mato and ends the lesson.

  The riding lessons eliminated the casual cropping of the grass by the kirtags making a faster pace in the afternoon. The pace seems to increase the Klarn's alertness as they all search the ground closely.

  Ignoring the Klarn's wariness, Mike and Jake suddenly bolt at a fast gallop toward the next rise, whooping in delight while kicking their kirtags to run faster. Chaytan shouts for them to stop as everyone halts to watch the impromptu race with Katree laughing and encouraging both racers.

  The kirtags are running neck to neck with the riders legs nearly brushing against each other. Nearing the hill's crest, the kirtags collide causing Jake’s kirtag to stumble and Jake to tumble to the ground. Katree hoots and claps as Mike turns at the crest bellowing his victory with his arms raised into the air. Jake remains sprawled on the grass and his kirtag staggers to a halt.

  Chaytan commands Marissa and Katree, “Stay here.”

  Enapay drops the reins to the pack kirtag and rides with Chaytan who is heading for the fallen Jake. While Chaytan continues to where Jake lays, Enapay stops to tend the kirtag. Chaytan dismounts as Jake recovers enough to sit.

  “Are you hurt?” with anger infusing a note of loathing into Chaytan’s question.

  Jake reads his wristband. He sighs in relief seeing the pulsing lights blinking yellow for fair health. “No, mostly bruised pride. I was winning!” declares Jake as he glares at Mike and then Chaytan.

  Enapay approaches leading the still limping kirtag. “Fools! You could have killed the kirtag and may have lamed it.”

  Jake bristles at the accusation. “The animal deliberately threw me! It’s not my fault that it’s lame.”

  Mike arrives with the euphoria of victory and gloats, “The better rider won!”

  “You act like irresponsible youths.” Chaytan condemns their actions, aware that neither regrets injuring the kirtag.

  Affronted Jake retorts, “There is nothing wrong with a little fun and competition. We were testing who has the best kirtag and is the best rider.”

  “Did you not see the darriet homes, the holes in the ground that trip kirtags. We have been traveling around their villages to avoid a kirtag stumbling into a hole.” Chaytan points to a dirt mound just beyond where Jake sits.

  Jake stiffly stands rubbing his right leg, limping toward his kirtag and mumbling about ignorant savages.

  Enapay steps in front of Jake. “The kirtag can not be ridden.”

  “I am not walking” Jake pauses, turns to Mike for support and sputters. “I am sore from the beast throwing me. You can not expect me to walk to Timberlane.”

  Jake refusing to allow the Klarn to decide the matter and knowing that the Klarn will not obey his orders turns to Marissa. “Give me your kirtag and ride double with Katree.”

  Enapay starts to object as he looks to Chaytan who shakes his head trying to defuse tempers and stop a confrontation. Enapay is protective toward the kirtags and hates seeing them injured and abused.

  Jake, seeing Chaytan and Enapay's disapproving expressions, justifies his decision with, “Marissa keeps falling off her kirtag. This will be a better arrangement since Katree can keep her from falling.” Jake alludes back to the disastrous dismounting from yesterday.

  Later as evening approaches, Chaytan signals everyone to dismount and beckons them to walk forward. “Careful! The ground is not stable. Look to the right.”

  The grasslands abruptly end with steep cuts, ravines, and canyons formed by eroded slopes supporting no vegetation. This is a stark and striking harsh landscape comprising of pinnacles and bluffs created by centuries of wind and water erosion. The setting sun makes the green, yellow, maroon, and gray striations into an astonishingly beautiful view with no apparent way down.

  “Kangee searches for a safe trail down. He hunts here with his grandfather and knows the trails in the area. We sleep here tonight and in the low plains tomorrow.” Chaytan reveals the plans for the next day.

  The next morning, Chaytan gathers everyone together to warn, “The trail down is dangerous covered in places with loose soil, deep sand and slick clays. Enapay will be in command of the journey. He sets the pace, rest stops and sequence of travelers.”

  Enapay begins. “The pack kirtags are going first after the packs are redistributed to the other kirtags. We are not riding. We are walking and leading the kirtags with everyone leading one kirtag. Kangee will follow me with the lame kirtag. Chaytan will arrange the sequence to follow.” Enapay deftly returns the responsibility back to Chaytan.

  Marissa glances at Mike and Jake finding them resentful but quiet. Perhaps yesterday’s accident taught them some discretion and caution.

  Chaytan starts, “I want an experienced rider next in line to each trader.”

  Jake and Mike stiffen in insult but surprisingly again they say nothing as Chaytan lists the order to be followed, “Katree will go after Kangee. Next Jake, myself, then Mike, Marissa, and last Mato.

  Kangee adds to the warning. “The trail is steep and narrow with new gaps cut by recent rains. The new gaps are the most unstable where footing is easily lost even for the kirtag. In a few places, we will travel only in a single file. It will take most of the day to reach the bottom. Do not try to hurry.”

  The other Klarn shift the packs, while Enapay inspects and cleans all the kirtag’s legs and hooves.

  Marissa’s curiosity drives her to ask Chaytan. “What is Enapay doing?”

  “The kirtags have a semi-sticky part on the back of their hooves that makes them stable when climbing over rocky terrain. Enapay is checking that all are in good shape and not damaged.” He smiles to take the sting out of the next remark. “Before you ask ‘why’, the kirtags are essential in clambering down the trail. You will see at the first gap in the trail.”

  Kangee tells Chaytan, using his native language. “She will have little trouble. She is bottom heavy.” as the Klarn heartily laugh.

  Mato adds, “Nicely top heavy too.”

  “What did they say?” Marissa wants to know the joke.

  “They are describing the weather,” Chaytan lies eliciting more chuckles.

  “Bravely done.” Whispers Enapay as he passes Chaytan.

  Suspecting that she is the brunt of the joke, Marissa returns to Enapay’s duties. “Why is Enapay in command of the journey?”

  Chaytan tries to stifle his laughter but chuckles, “You got your ‘Why’ said anyway. Enapay is the best at handling the kirtags. Now, it is time to get started.”

  The group starts down. At the first gap to cross, Chaytan has the traders shift positions to watch. Enapay ties a lead rein to the saddle, holds the opposite end, and sends the kirtag across the gap. The kirtag scrambles to safety moving its hooves independently of each other, which grants it an advantage to gain a secure purchase on the unstable terrain. Once secure on the opposite side, the kirtag halts, stands perfectly still, and waits.

  Enapay tightly attaches the rein he is holding to the second kirtag looping and cinching the rein on the saddle then wal
king the kirtag back stretching the rein taut. Next, he uses a harness to slide along the rein to the other side. Kangee releases the rein for Enapay to retract then sends the lame kirtag across so that Enapay can take both kirtags and move down the trail.

  Before Kangee repeats Enapay’s performance, he secures Katree into a harness. After he is across, Kangee takes his kirtag down the trail but returns to check if Katree needs help. He finds that Katree is already across and teasing Jake on being slow.

  Chaytan singles out Marissa for additional instruction. “After you cross, Mato will cross and give you a rein to use at the next gap. Mato will use your rein to bring his mount across the gap. Do you understand?”

  Marissa nods, “Yes, I do not release the rein until Mato is across. Mato retrieves his kirtag after crossing.” Mato is the last to cross resulting in the slight difference in the crossing method. The training, demonstrated by the cooperation between the kirtag and Klarn, amazes Marissa. She wonders how long it takes to train a kirtag to jump a gap, immediately stop, and then stand still keeping the rein taut.

  This first gap takes the longest for everyone to cross even though it is the smallest. It is training for the more difficult gaps on the narrowest portion of the trail. By late afternoon, all the traders are feeling the strain from crossing gaps and the downward slope. Marissa is glad that the trail is not ascending where they would have to pull their weight across the gaps. Where the trail is wide enough, she hangs on the saddle forcing the kirtag to carry some of her weight as she walks. She is moving slower and falling well behind the others.

  As Marissa brings her kirtag forward to where Mike is impatiently waiting for her kirtag, he brags, “I tire of this slow pace. I know a faster way to get across and will not have to wait for you. These natives are not so smart. Watch me.”

  Marissa watches in open-mouthed shock as he laughs, uses the rein to swing across, and walks up the opposite side of the gully like a mountain climber. It was faster but Mike did not notice the kirtag stagger and take a backward step as Mike’s weight jerked the rein taut. Mike raises his fists in a short gleeful victory dance and without looking back quickly moves down the trail. Marissa wearily shakes her head not having the energy even to be bothered about Mike’s antics and prepares to cross.

  At the next and hopefully the last crossing, Marissa watches from a distance up the trail as Mike rappels across the gap. His weight and momentum wrenches hard on the rein causing the kirtag to stagger and turn sideways as Mike reaches the opposite side. He crashes hard into the gully with one leg receiving all the impact. He drops a few feet scraping down the wall as he screams in pain. The scream brings Mato sliding around Marissa’s kirtag at a run. After a quick glance at Mike dangling at the end of the rein, Mato emits a piercing whistle. By the time, Marissa finally arrives at the gap, Chaytan has returned from down the trail.

  Mato and Chaytan talk for few minutes in their native language then Chaytan leads Mike’s kirtag down the trail pulling Mike up and away from the gully. Initially, Mike starts swearing which changes into more screams then silence. Mato sends Marissa’s kirtag across then he crosses to help Chaytan.

  Marissa notices that Mike is quiet and not moving. “Do you want me to cross?” Thinking she might help.

  “No, loosen the reins.” Chaytan commands as Mato searches the packs pulling out the tent poles and rope.

  Mike groans and then screams when Chaytan moves Mike’s leg. The tent poles form a temporary splint to immobilize Mike’s leg. Chaytan and Mato have a short discussion then create a sling from a tent and sleeping bag also extracted from the packs. After tying Mike into the sling, Mato leads Mike’s kirtag away dragging a screaming and cursing Mike along.

  Chaytan tightens the reins between the two kirtags and turns to Marissa, “Come.” He then watches Marissa struggle across the gap in the trail. Finally, he brings the last kirtag across.

  “Did you not tighten the rein?” accuses Chaytan clenching his jaw with disapproval etched into his face.

  “No, Mike did not wait, he tried to swing across. The kirtag staggered and Mike hit the gully wall.” Marissa angrily retorts tears flooding her eyes as she turns away from Chaytan feeling hurt that he blames her for the accident. She is too tired for more drama and augments.

  Chaytan turns to Mato’s kirtag retrieving a flask that he hands to Marissa. “You are too tired. Drink.”

  “How is Mike?” inquires Marissa stiffly as she takes a sip before realizing that it does not contain water. She tries to hand the flask back to Chaytan.

  Chaytan refuses the flask and repeats, “Drink. You need to drink more of the fylar juice. It will restore and return a little strength. I do not want to tie you to a kirtag when you no longer can walk. We still have far to go before we can camp.”

  Marissa is a little miffed at his threat, sips the fylar juice, and repeats, “Mike?”

  Giving her time to drink the juice, Chaytan waits before answering. “His leg might be broken. We will have Enapay check it when we reach the camp.”

  There are no more gaps and gullies to cross but it is night before Mato, Mike, Marissa and Chaytan reach the camp. When Jake spots Mike in the sling, he turns on Marissa, “Have you killed him?”

  “He lives.” Chaytan answers instead. Marissa too shocked by Jake’s accusation to form a coherent reply.

  “Then that incompetent, man-hating, lover of other females has caused him to be nearly killed.” Jake replies angrily.

  “She is not at fault,” Chaytan calmly asserts not looking at Marissa but she still feels his censure for the accident.

  “Then who?” demands Jake.

  “We will find out after he is seen to. Are you going to help or argue?” Chaytan turns to summon Enapay and Kangee, at the same time Jake stalks off.

  Enapay examines Mike’s leg and informs Chaytan, “Two bones in the lower leg are broken.” After Kangee and Chaytan clean the cuts, scrapes and gouges, Mike wakes moaning in pain. He glances at his wristband seeing red and yellow lights, bad health indicators. “Am I going to die?”

  “No,” Chaytan assures him. “Your leg is broken.”

  “I need pain Meds! I need Medical!” Mike begs.

  “You will get the medication after you tell me how you were hurt.” Chaytan probes, “Did the rein come loose from Marissa’s kirtag?”

  “No,” The pain reduces Mike to unthinking one-word responses.

  “Was Marissa there?” quietly prods Chaytan.


  “How did you get across?” Chaytan demands.

  “Swung across. Faster.” gasps Mike.

  “Enapay, get Kangee. It is time to set the leg.” Chaytan asserts appalled by Mike’s admission.

  “I need Medical!” Mike screams. He spies Jake and pleads, “Jake, I need pain meds.”

  “What are you doing?” Jake challenges Chaytan.

  “We must pull and set the bones in his leg then fasten the leg so it does not move. The leg can not remain as it is now,” claims Chaytan.

  Jake observes as Enapay pulls the leg straight with Chaytan and Kangee restraining Mike from thrashing. Thankfully, Mike screams once then faints. Chaytan and Enapay quickly wrap the leg onto the splint.

  “He needs to sleep in a tent.” Jake insists. “Marissa can nurse him,”

  An irritated Chaytan explains, “Dragging him here destroyed the tent. Unless you give him your tent, there is no tent. Marissa sleeps. Mato has not been able to awaken her even to eat.”

  Chaytan asks. “Do you have the pain meds he cries for?”

  Jake retrieves the medication from his pack, and then joins Katree in her tent ignoring Mike and not even looking for Marissa.

  Chaytan stares unseeingly at Mike as he considers the problems the accident has created. The first problem is the trader pair, Mike and Marissa. Mike can no longer perform his duties as the Trader Guard. Chaytan knows he will have to
temporarily replace Mike as the Trader Guard, since the other Klarn were not introduced and thus by custom they may not talk with Marissa. For some reason that Chaytan does not understand, Jake dislikes Marissa as shown by his accusations and neglect, a problem that is not his to solve. Chaytan is proud that the clans do not behave so savagely.

  Although Enapay has the responsibility of the kirtags, he also has the patience for attending Mike who cries like an unweaned babe. Chaytan decides to reassign Enapay’s responsibilities among the other Klarn freeing him to attend Mike. This will cost him a personal debt to Enapay. Until they reach Timberlane, Mike cannot be sent to the spaceport medical facility. Sending Mike to the spaceport is a problem to solve when they arrive at Timberlane.

  The easiest problem is the night watch. If Chaytan does not include Jake, the watches can be two hours each using only the Klarn. Chaytan accepts that he is avoiding another conflict with Jake.

  With the immediate problem of the night watch resolved, Chaytan remembers Wanahton telling him this was a simple trip to the spaceport and back. When he sees Wanahton, Chaytan wants to ask him to describe a difficult journey. With that thought, Chaytan rouses from his contemplation, leaves Mike, and joins the Klarn to assigned duties for the night and the next day.

  Marissa wakes to a gnawing hunger aggravated by a delicious aroma reminding her of barbecue from her childhood. The breeze blows the delectable sent away rousing Marissa. As she opens her eyes in search of the source, she discovers that she slept in the open on a mat of blankets stacked to soften the hard ground. Turning her head to the left, she finds Chaytan crouching next to her, holding a small slice of roasted meat. Tempted to grab the meat, she searches for the other traders while hoping they are still in their tents. She knows they disapprove of native foods. What she finds is almost everyone ready to leave. Heartily disappointed Marissa starts to complain giving Chaytan an opening to slip the meat between her lips. She barely has time to savor the bit, when Chaytan announces, “Time to leave.” as he straightens and picks her up in one motion.

  “You ride with me.” Chaytan informs Marisa, lifting her to his kirtag’s back. Marissa is still too tired to protest. She watches Kangee grabs her sleeping bag along with the blankets that made up her bed. He packs them before mounting his kirtag.

  The journey is at a slow easy pace that is consistent with minimizing Mike’s pain. The traders arrive at Timberlane, their destination, by nightfall tired more from Mike’s complaints and whining than the ride.