Read Scheralt: Marooned Page 5

Chapter 4: Timberlane

  The trader party has been skirting along the base of the bluffs when a wide canyon opens in the rugged rock face. Lush green meadows and fields fill the canyon with a stream meandering through the center looking like an extension of the lower plains rather than a part of the rougher bluffs and gullies they had just descended. The Klarn follow the stream to the head of the canyon where Timberlane fills a hillside. The houses are set in tiers like a wedding cake with a switchback road meandering up to a larger complex. At the foot of the hillside, there are large pens and pastures for the kirtags. They head toward the largest structure at the bottom of the hill.

  Several natives are standing outside the structure apparently waiting as if expecting or having noticed the arrivals. Leaving the kirtags and packs for the natives to unload, Chaytan climbs the road to the complex at the top leading the traders with Mike still tied to a kirtag. The traders are a curiosity to the residents of Timberlane; many stop and stare at Marissa and Katree who are still wearing their space uniforms.

  As Chaytan draws near to the last building, Chaytan calls out to an older native with straw color hair, “Shalo! Clan leader Wanahton.”

  “Shalo, Chaytan. Who have you brought to my clan?” greets the native using the spaceport trader language after glancing at the group lagging behind Chaytan. Wanahton is dressed similar to all the other Klarn that the traders have met with long grey trousers, short boots, and plain long sleeved shirt. The clothing appears to be work attire not the dress expected of a clan leader as the title suggests. The difference is the addition of a tunic trimmed in bright embroidery along the front closure that denotes the clan and close affiliations. The spaceport orientation talked about the tunics but this is the first the traders have seen.

  Chaytan makes the formal introductions, “Clan Leader Wanahton acknowledge Trade Leader Jake and Trader Katree.”

  Wanahton nods to Jake and Katree and waits for Chaytan to finish.

  “Clan Leader Wanahton acknowledge Trader Guard Mike and Trader Marissa.

  I request an open hearth and clan protection for traders that offer goods from far places.” Chaytan's introduction places Jake and Katree on equal footing with Wanahton attaching to Wanahton an obligation for room and board.

  “Welcome to my hearth, traders,” Wanahton comes back with a limited acceptance of the traders. “Talk of trade is for the new day but a healer’s care is shown to all. Do you need assistance with your injured?” Wanahton gestures to Mike. The greeting does not extend clan protection to the traders but completes the formalities.

  “Assistance to a bed and a healer” responds Chaytan as he turns to remove Mike from the kirtag.

  Wanahton opens a door and barks a command in the native language. Soon two youths exit the house with one going to aid Chaytan and the other attending to the kirtag. Chaytan and Mike disappear into the house. Wanahton motions the rest of the party to follow him into a large room with a dark haired woman waiting.

  “Clan Leader Matre Zonta, acknowledge Trader Guard Jake and traders Katree and Marissa. Welcome the far travelers to our hearth. A healer is required for an injured Trader Guard. Comfort is needed for the traders tonight and trading for tomorrow,” Wanahton introduces his wife to Jake and lets her know the visitors are to have room and board.

  “Do you wish a meal now or later?” offers Zonta smiling at the traders.

  “No meal.” Katree shudders at the thought.

  Chaytan enters the room and in the native language smirks, “They believe their own is superior and will only eat what they have brought.” Switching to the trader language he continues, “Is the offer open to clan who have come late or must we suffer until morning?”

  “I have guests to attend,” admonishes Zonta. “You are neither mindless nor infirm. You can see to your own welfare.” Laughing Chaytan turns to Wanahton with a raised eyebrow.

  Looking at the traders Zonta asks, “Will any be staying together as one?”

  “No.” Katree responds producing a grimace from Jake.

  “Then, I will show you to your rooms. Your possessions will be brought there.” Zonta exits the room with the traders following leaving Wanahton and Chaytan alone to talk.

  “I did not expect you to return with traders.” Wanahton comments as he watches Chaytan.

  “The commander wanted a guide to Panche for these traders. I agreed to guide but did not specify where I would guide.” Chaytan explains with a wicked grin.

  Thoughtfully Wanahton studies the situation. “Traders do not usually probe and push to go where there is no profit. Panche is an industry center, not a trade center and a waste of traders’ time to go to there. These have the aura of the traders but perhaps the commander does not understand where the traders need to go. You said the commander wanted them guided to Panche.”

  Frowning, Chaytan disagrees, “The commander knew where she wanted the traders to journey. That offworlder has a great interest in Panche. I do not trust any of them. The traders have the trader aura but there is a wrongness about it.”

  Zonta enters stirring Chaytan to address her, “Can you have the healer examine Marissa?”

  “No one said she was injured.” Zonta lightly protests a perceived criticism of her hospitality.

  “She tires too easily,” grumbles Chaytan.

  Zonta gazes appraisingly at Chaytan. Wanahton looks amused at his Matre. “You are causing my Matre to scheme and plot with your obvious concern for the trader.”

  “It is just common caring for a traveler.” Chaytan quickly refutes.

  Zonta responds smiling at Chaytan, “Perhaps the healer should see them all?” as she leaves to comply with Chaytan’s request.

  Later the healer reports to Wanahton, Zonta, and Chaytan, “Two of the traders are weak like someone recovering from a long illness. I cannot tell much more from the slight contact. You wanted me to be discrete.” Exasperation entering her voice, she continues, “The traders mock my skills.”

  Zonta interjects trying to sooth the offended healer, “You have done well. The traders believe that their ways are best. Their blindness deprives them of knowledge and is a weakness that we have exploited in the past.”

  Barely appeased the healer continues her report, “Mike is not weak as the others, but the leg is broken. The healing has started and is progressing well. I must compliment Chaytan and his team on excellent first aid. They left me nothing to do.”

  Chaytan responds, “Thank you. I will tell the team. They will be proud that a healer complimented their work.”

  Turning to Zonta with a grim expression, the healer demands, “Before I go on to Marissa, I must insist that you assign none of the younger apprentices or women to care for the trader Mike. Besides rebuffing my aid and barely tolerating my touch, he requested inappropriate personal services. Additionally, there is a wrongness about the group that I do not understand.”

  Quickly Zonta reassures the healer, “Only clan members that have experience dealing with the spaceport personnel are to have contact with the traders. We are very much aware of the problems. I realize that this has been difficult for you.”

  Satisfied that Zonta is acceding to her demand, the healer adds, “Unlike the other traders, Marissa reacts as if she feels my questing Touch and senses the healing energy. Marissa’s weakness is not as great as the other female.” Amusement lightens the healer’s face when she points out “Marissa also has a great inner strength which will bring about much annoyance to a clan leader and Metsar.”

  Chaytan laughs at that observation. “She is stubborn to the point of foolishness. She tires herself performing tasks when there are others better able to help.”

  Wanahton remarks to Chaytan, “The healer also talks about a ‘wrongness’ as you did. Her wording is very similar to yours. Even without both of your observations, I have seen to it that they are closely watched.”

  In her room, Marissa finds herself ti
red but unwilling to sleep. Not wanting to disturb anyone, she leaves her room and quietly listens in the hall hearing mumbling behind the next door. Encouraged she raises her hand to knock when from the other side of the door she hears Mike loudly shout, “WRONG!” Then a slight pause as if he is listening then continues, “I want transport now!”

  Marissa waits thinking she may need to get Mike help, if he is delirious, when Mike angrily demands, “Get that corporate shuttle. If they want crystals and recordings, they will deliver. You have this signal location. There is a large valley where a shuttle can set down.”

  Marissa realizes that she is listening to half a conversation between Mike and another. Mike must have a portable communication set. “Damn the treaty! Tell the commander, I want to be in medical tomorrow. I need medical attention to heal and recover or I will not be continuing with the trade group. I have seen nothing in controls or equipment that we have not seen before. Everything so far has been primitive and manual. I need to be at an industrial complex when the magnetic storms begin.”

  Another pause as Marissa lowers her hand then Mike sneers, “Are you going to tell the natives that the shuttle came from space.” Mike then snickers as he apparently is listening to a response.

  Mike waits and then whines, “Well, this is an emergency. I need medical attention. I do not care that a storm might crash the transport. You know what is at stake here and who is paying. We all have a stake in this project and its success. No, the traders do not suspect anything. Just get me relief so that I can do my job.”

  Marissa feeling uncomfortable eavesdropping and not wanting to be caught, starts to leave but pauses when she hears, “Yes. The traders are greedy and with four, the chances are better.” The only traders are Jake, Katree, and Marissa. Marissa speculates that this is about more than trade as Mike informs the listener, “Return me the next day with the healed leg that ought to distract the natives from a little treaty breach. If not, then ignore the complaint. If everything goes as planned the treaty will not matter.”

  Marissa backs away from Mike’s door and is thankful that he cannot walk. She continues down the hall finally hearing the murmur of voices, one male, and one female. Knocking quickly, Marissa waits staring at the rough wooden door. As Jake opens the door, Marissa spies Katree sitting on the bed eating field rations.

  “Going to join us.” more of a statement that question from Jake as he moves out of the doorway.

  Marissa’s enters, stands near Katree, and asks, “Did you know that Mike has a portable com?”

  Offhandedly Jake replies, “Yes. He is calling for a transport,” as he closes the door behind Marissa.

  With Jake not meeting Marissa’s eyes, she reluctantly asks, “Why not call last night or this morning?”

  Katree looks up and explains, “The satellite is available only for short periods because the magnetic storms are about to start.” an explanation that must have come from Mike. The traders do not use military procedures or secure satellites like those that orbit Scheralt.

  Quietly Marissa confides, “Mike was talking about more than a pickup. He was talking about breaking the treaty.” She is worried that the traders and Mike comprise four offworlders amongst a planet full of Klarn.

  Moving closer to Marissa, a disbelieving Jake admonishes, “You cannot have heard right. You said you were in the hall and these doors are thick. No one wants trouble with the natives.”

  Backing away from Jake, Marissa defends what she overheard. “Mike was asking about the corporate shuttle to land. Think about the damage that a landing will do to those fields and meadows. How happy do you think our hosts will be with us?” She spreads her hands in a pleading gesture.

  Tired of the bickering between Marissa and Jake, Katree tries to end the discussion by chiding Marissa, “You have been suspicious about everyone on our journey; Commander Saldicy, Gene, Mike, Captain Jerupt and now an unknown corporation. You need to relax.”

  Firmly, Marissa asserts, “I know what I heard and Mike’s door was not completely closed. He was angry and loud.”

  “We can ask Mike,” Jake declares as he ushers Katree and Marissa to Mike’s room. When he knocks, the door pushes easily open. Obviously, it was partially open.

  Jake with a sheepish expression recounts what Marissa overheard. A momentary flash of guilt and annoyances crosses Mike’s face, then he give the impression of being thoughtful and deeply concerned. “I called for transport not a corporate shuttle.” Then he adds with a slight frown, “I can understand how you would misinterpret what was said. I was using military jargon that asks for a military corpsman to ship on the transport. The door would muffle and distort the sound where it is easily mistaken.”

  Displaying a roguish air, Mike continues, “I will admit that the operator is a good friend and we were discussing a diplomatic simulation we both must complete for promotion points. The commander will discipline us, if we are discovered using the com for that. Marissa probably heard that part of the transmission.”

  Jake smiles at Mike’s smooth explanation, Katree looks relieved, and Marisa is unconvinced but knows it is futile to pursue it. Marissa returns to her room shaking head at the blind trust that Jake and Katree have in Mike and the commander.

  After rising in the morning, Zonta gathers the traders in a large meeting room where she displays her samples for trade. Katree and Marisa each use a separate table to display trade samples. This is good practice for implementing the native trade protocols. With Jake standing behind Katree and Wanahton behind Zonta, Marissa is surprised when Chaytan stands behind her as her Trader Guard.

  Zonta as host presents her crystals each with an assay report and certification along with samples of the agricultural products. Next Katree presents the ore samples with certification and eliminates Zonta’s agricultural products as having no interest to Katree as a possible trade. Lastly, Marissa presents her ore samples with the addition of Castian silk. She also eliminates agricultural products from the trade.

  The formal presentation is finished and the true trade discussions start with Zonta expressing her desire for the silk but not for the ore. This eliminates Jake and Katree from the trading.

  Jake eyes Marissa’s silk with fury. He wanted the silk trade but the merchants refused to speak with him after his initial contact. His failure to obtain any silk was humiliating and made worse when Marissa made her trade. He asked to see the best silk and pointed out the flaws in order to negotiate a lower price. Marissa practically drooled over the silk, a bad practice in trade negotiation. She asked for the lowest grade, pointed out its best features and then told the merchant who would be interested in the various grades based on the silks features. As a technician, she does not have the skill to negotiate a good trade. He knows she paid too much for that bit of silk because she let the merchant see her desire to obtain the silk.

  Today, Marissa is required to trade for blue and red crystals that Zonta does not have. It is a disappointing morning for all parties.

  Sighing Zonta enviously eyes the silk as she advises the traders, “Trade will be better at Dansk where there are multiple markets. I trade in two different markets, crystals and agriculture. You would be trading in the metal and crystal markets but the silk is special. I would suggest the weavers or use it as an enticement to close a trade.”

  Marissa reluctantly explains, “The silk is mine not the Celeste’s. I am looking for an unusual but small item to trade that may have little value here but would be a curiosity and garner a large profit on another planet. The amount of silk traded would depend on the item.”

  Zonta nods in understanding. “Perhaps you could walk with me later as I show you Timberlane. We may find something of interest then.”

  Puzzled by Zonta’s reference to Dansk, Katree inserts her opinion, “I thought Panche is a better trade area that is the reason Trader Guard Mike requested a journey to Panche not to Dansk.”

/>   Jake agrees, “We must go on to Panche. Chaytan brought us to a bad trade center.”

  Shaking her head, Zonta reaffirms, “No, Panche is a pure industrial center. The trade center is Dansk. There is no profit in purchasing from Panche since they purchase through the markets in Dansk. It is the largest and most popular Trade Center.”

  Wanahton reinforces Zonta opinion by agreeing with her. “Chaytan did well to bring you here. Timberlane is mid-journey to Dansk where we do our trading. As a matter of fact, Chaytan is going there early to obtain a good location for our trade booth.”

  Jake regretfully admits, “It matters little since Mike cannot travel until his leg is mended. A transport is arriving at noon for an emergency retrieval. The transport communications can allow me to ask Captain Jerupt’s approval to trade in Dansk.” Jake uses the captain as an excuse to delay making a commitment to travel to Dansk.

  Wanahton alarmed by the danger a transport represents, confronts Jake, “Where will the transport land? Timberlane has crops and herds in the near fields and pastures that the transport will kill.”

  Jake quickly denies, “No. There will be no damage. The landing is out in the low plains beyond the fields. Mike must ride out to meet the transport. We do not wish harm to our generous host.”

  Later in the afternoon, Jake returns from delivering Mike to the transport. He lets Marissa know that the transport was not space capable and had a medical corpsman, medic for short, on board just as Mike explained. Marissa nods and then ignores Jake.

  After Jake reports that the transport and Mike have departed, Wanahton presses, “When will you be traveling?”

  Easing into a seat Jake discloses, “When Mike returns. Captain Jerupt approved changing the trade to Dansk.”

  Straightening from leaning against a wall, Chaytan announces to the group, “I leave tomorrow for Dansk. It will be weeks before Mike returns. You’ll have to contract with another guide.”

  “The transport will return Mike tomorrow adding a short delay to our departure.” Jake refutes Chaytan’s assumption on weeks for Mikes return.

  Smugly, Chaytan counters, “Transportation is allowed for emergencies only. Mike’s return is not an emergency. You will not be ready to travel by tomorrow. It will be weeks before Mike returns.” He does not want to travel with these offworlders again.

  Testily, Jake insists, “We have a contract with you. You will have to delay until Mike returns. You will fulfill the contract or pay a penalty.” Jake looks at Katree and receives a confirmation on the contract. At her nod, Jake feels more confident in his position.

  “No, I must be in Dansk by weeks end. I guided you to Timberlane. The contract is finished.” Chaytan is adamant and looks to Wanahton for backing.

  Instead, Wanahton agrees with Jake's position, “Chaytan, the contract is for you to deliver the traders to a trade center. There has been no trade. The contract is not fulfilled.” His agreeing with Jake surprises Chaytan with the apparent betrayal by Wanahton.

  Chaytan glares at Wanahton then smiles finding a possible escape. “The contract is for two trader pairs with Mike gone there is only one trader pair. The contract is void.”

  Then Wanahton calmly points out as he smiles at Chaytan, “You stood as Marissa’s Trader Guard during the trading today. Jake will agree that makes two trader pairs. The contract stands.” He knows that Chaytan is going to argue.

  Quickly, scheming Chaytan contemplates using Jake’s dislike to cause Jake to refuse to travel with him. “As a guard not from Marissa’s clan I am entitled to additional authority.” Smiling at Wanahton, Chaytan lists, “All traders will submit to me as clan leader while on the journey. I determine the allowable items to be packed since we will take only one pack kirtag. Katree and Marissa’s hair marks them as offworlders; they will wear Kirch scarves. They will also wear clan dress leaving their uniforms here.”

  Wanahton intercedes before Jake can object. He is sympathetic to the unpalatable choice as he points out, “You can remain here knowing the storms may force you to stay at least six months. Especially, if Mike and a guide are not available by the time the storms start. Otherwise, Chaytan is correct in his entitlements. Jake, you must decide if this is acceptable?”

  Katree pales at the mention of six months, looks at Jake, and nods her compliance. Marissa looks away knowing Jake will ignore her objections to the required dress. Jake is concerned about the limited time Captain Jerupt has allocated for this trip. The start of the magnetic storms will keep the starship Celeste in a distant orbit and reduce the pickup window for when the trade is finished.

  Jake thinks about the options: the magnetic storms begin with large gaps between occurrences, later in the season the storms are more severe and closer together. The Celeste needs a 20-day window in order to retrieve the crew and trade goods then escape the star system. If we do not complete the trade at the start of the magnetic storms, we could be on planet for six additional months. Any delay will reduce our profits and our supplies on the ship. The captain will not be happy at purchasing additional supplies from the starport, which will cost a premium since we cannot use local foodstuffs.

  A disgruntled Jake agrees, “Acceptable.”

  Resigned to wearing strange clothing, Marissa asks, “Where do we obtain the clan dress and scarves?”

  Chaytan answers her as he glares at Wanahton. “I will have them delivered when I evaluate the packs. Now, I need to arrange kirtags and supplies. Wanahton, please may I have your aid.”

  Chaytan accompanies Wanahton to his office. Wanahton stops Chaytan's tirade before he begins. “Wait until I explain. As we discussed, travel to Panche preoccupies the traders. They need watched and what better way than as a Trader Guard?”

  Dissatisfied with Wanahton reasoning, Chaytan counters “Why not Kangee or Enapay?”

  “You are the obvious choice. As I said, you were Marissa’s guard today. Assigning Kangee will cause more suspicion than assigning you. Plus, he is young and inexperienced. I am surprised that you even suggested him.”