Read Southern Belles, A Novel about Love, Purpose & Second Chances Page 16

  Chapter 16: The Good Ole Days are Here Again

  That summer had been wonderful. When I wasn’t working or at school, CeCe, Lucy and I took long lazy days at the beach. I packed up the station wagon with a cooler of food and drinks, plenty of beach toys and a large umbrella for Lucy’s naps. It was these simple things that brought me great pleasure and left fond memories. Several times, Richie came with us. He pitched a tent and we all camped on the beach with warm, sleepy bonfires and cool breezes from the beach. It was the three musketeers plus a little peanut. I had made peace with my life and allowed it to take me where it flowed.

  CeCe started her third year at the University of Georgia that fall. Although she was pursuing an undergraduate degree in political science, she wasn’t completely convinced that it would bring her the satisfaction she longed for in a career. I had six more classes to finish my Associates degree in Liberal Arts with a concentration in journalism. There was a small four-year school nearby that offered Bachelor degrees in English literature and Creative Writing. I planned on attending there as soon as I finished my degree. I had been inspired by my summer to start journaling again. I bought a book to record my thoughts for any book ideas that came to me. Sometimes, it was just a sentence and other times a whole story line would propel itself out of my head. I was excited about life again. I was writing and it made me happy. Lucy was getting big and was into everything. Her vocabulary was expanding quickly. She started saying ‘mama’ which quickly became my favorite word. In the evenings before bedtime while she played outside in the yard, I sat nearby jotting down ideas and story lines. I dreamed of being a successful author of full-length novels turned into movies. The summer had brought CeCe and I back to the good days—the ones that reminded us of our carefree youth as we watched Lucy chase the seagulls one moment and tease the waves the next. I was stirred to write a book about best friends. Like a wild fire spreading across a forest, my pen, tirelessly, brought to life a story of two best friends. There were pieces of me and CeCe woven throughout the characters. Writing brought me happiness and I knew I was just getting started. I had come to accept my life with or without a guy by my side. I loved being a mother to Lucy and I was passionate about life. I looked forward to what each day would bring us. Something had shifted inside of me and gave me the confidence to move forward boldly.

  I spent my spare time putting the pieces of my book together when Lucy was sleeping or playing. I had gotten use to not hanging out with friends other than my family and CeCe when she was home from school and I was okay with that. My mind was obsessed with finishing my book. I had high hopes of finding a publisher to pick up my book for print. I was three-quarters of the way done and had begun snapping pictures of CeCe and I on the beach with my dad’s manual camera, for the cover. I thought about my friendship with CeCe and became endeared to the title Southern Belles. Neither she nor I had ever had a sister but I imagined that if I did I would want her to be just like CeCe. My mother encouraged my writing and offered to edit the book. Since she was very good with spelling and grammar I took her up on it. I found that she was also a very helpful thesaurus.

  I looked at the clock and put down my notebook and pen. I quickly slipped on my jeans and tee shirt, grabbed my black apron and Lucy, and headed downstairs.

  “Grandma, I’ve got to leave for work. I gave Lucy a bottle an hour ago. She should be good for a little while. She had pancakes for breakfast too.” I said, handing Lucy over to Grandma Rose.

  “Hi there sugar. How’s my favorite grand baby girl?” She said, kissing Lucy’s soft pink cheeks.

  “Thank you Grandma. Sorry, I’ve got to run. I lost track of the time and need to get to the diner before the lunch rush begins.”

  “Were you writing again?”

  “Yes. I’m so close to finishing. I just want to get it done; I want to do something good for Lucy.” I said, kissing Lucy and then Grandma Rose.

  “I’m sure it will be great Charlotte. Your mother speaks very highly of your writing style. And, you are always doing something good for Lucy.”

  “Thank you Grandma, I love writing. I love you two, bye.” I said, closing the front door behind me.

  As I neared the diner a few minutes later, only a few cars were in the parking lot. I recognized the Jimmy’s car and Trudy’s. I thought I spotted Willard’s too, a regular, for lunch, for the past 30 years. There was a slight breeze in the November sky that made me wish I had worn a sweater. I walked in and was immediately greeted by Trudy.

  “Hey there, how are you? I am going to be in the back for a little while. The repair guy for the second walk-in cooler is here and I need to be back here if he needs anything.”

  “That’s fine. I can handle it.”

  “If it gets crazy out here just come get me.” She said smiling oddly.

  “Okay, no problem. Do we have any of that rice milk in the back?” I asked following her back there.

  “Sure, I can get it for you.” Trudy said quickly.

  “It’s alright; I’m back here already anyway. I can get it.”

  “Trudy, do you have a second? I found these wires chewed up at the circuit breaker.” I heard a deep male voice say.

  “Sure.” She replied coolly.

  Suddenly, a tan and well-built man looking to be in his mid-thirties appeared from behind the walk-in cooler door.

  “Hi, I’m Charlotte. I see why you need my help so you can be back here Tru.” I said, embarrassing a flushed-faced Trudy.

  “You’re funny Char. Jake, I will be right back.” Trudy said, ushering me quickly out of the kitchen.

  “I didn’t even get my rice milk.”

  “I will bring it to you.”

  “Oh c’mon! He’s cute. You may need to break some more things around here.”

  “Ha-ha. He is cute, isn’t he? I will be right back with your rice milk.” She said still glowing.

  “Hey Tru—he’s not wearing a ring either!” I whispered loudly.

  “Shush, I know.” She smiled turning back around.

  This was the first time I’d seen Trudy gush over anybody. She was so strong and independent that I never saw any guy catch her breath but I could tell there was something there. I was happy for her. I bent down below the counter to grab a glass for my rice milk and a towel to wipe off the counter before customers started coming in. I heard the front door ring as I searched for a towel.

  “I’ll be right with you.” I yelled, from below the counter.

  “Okay.” I heard a familiar male voice say.

  I knew that voice but it had been awhile since I’d heard it. I looked quickly for a towel and a glass to check my face in its reflection. As I stood up slowly I saw a young, handsome man dressed in khaki pants and a button-down white linen shirt rolled up to his elbows.

  “Hi Charlotte; do you remember me?” He asked.

  “Yeah, it’s been awhile. Eric Sothersby, how are you?”

  “I’m good. I mean as good as you can be. I moved back from school to help my parents at their insurance company. My dad got sick but he’s getting better. He still has to go for radiation, sometimes, in Savannah.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. But I’m glad he’s doing better.” I said apologetically.

  “Thanks. What have you been up to? I thought I saw you last Christmas after mass—you and CeCe?” He said shyly.

  “Yeah, I thought I saw you too. Well, you’ve probably already heard. I got slightly pregnant and had a little girl right after high school. It threw me off but I’m good. She’s incredible. Her name’s Lucy.”

  “Slightly pregnant?” Eric laughed raising an eyebrow, tilting his head.

  “Well, very pregnant I guess.” I laughed back.

  “You’re brother told me when I saw him last Christmas; that’s a lot to handle but pretty exciting. I’m an uncle. My sister had a little boy, Aiden, about two years ago and he’s cool—he always has so much energy.”

  “Yeah, she keeps me busy—that work and school.” <
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  “So, is Lucy’s dad around?” Eric asked cautiously.


  “I’m sorry to hear that. He’s sure missing out.”

  “Thanks, it’s a long story I won’t burden you with.”

  “I’ve got time. I’m not going anywhere other than back to work after lunch and I know the boss so if I’m a little late, it’ll be okay.” He said pulling out a barstool at the counter.

  “Where are my manners? I haven’t even offered to get you something to drink before I tell you my soap opera.” I giggled uneasily.

  “A soap opera sounds a bit more exciting than selling life insurance at retirement living complexes.”

  “I don’t know about that. My Grandma Rose sure knows how to keep things interesting. She’s had more dates over the last year than I’ve had in my whole lifetime.” I said pouring him a glass of water.

  Eric grinned. CeCe was right. He had the hot factor going on. He was nice and polite and had a good sense of humor. He also seemed less shy than he was in high school. It was strange talking with him as I remembered only recalling a few brief conversations with him in school. It was comforting. He was very down-to-earth and seemed to have a good head on his shoulders—not like the typical, immature guys our age. He ordered a burger with extra pickles and blue cheese with fries. He listened when I spoke without interrupting. For the few minutes I wasn’t talking, he told me about his trips to Brazil, over the last two summers, for surfing. This small town guy had become cultured and polished without forgetting his roots.

  “That was a really good burger. Tell Jimmy that was his best.” Eric said taking his last bite.

  “I will.” I smiled.

  I heard the door ring a few more times. Our lunch rush was just starting.

  “Is there anything else I can get you? It’s going to get busy quickly.” I said, putting the bill by his plate.

  “Yeah, do you want to hang out sometime?” He asked smiling.

  “Ah, well, I’m kind of busy.” I paused, with a flash of CeCe’s face running through my head.

  “I’m not busy except for when I watch Aiden so my sister and brother-in-law can go out or when I have to take my dad to his radiation appointments. I’ve lost touch with a lot of my high school friends and figured it would be nice to hang out with someone who wasn’t one of the high school snobs.”

  “Well, I guess we could hang out sometime.”

  “Good. Maybe we can get Aiden and Lucy together for a play date.” He said pulling out his wallet.

  “Oh that would be nice. Lucy might like having a little friend to play with.” I said surprised by his thoughtfulness.

  “Here’s my number, call me when you get a chance. It’ll be fun.” Eric smiled as he handed me the bill, with his phone number and money. “Keep the change.”

  “Oh, okay. Thanks, I will.” I smiled back.

  I put the bill, with his phone number on it, and money into my apron pocket and moved on to the next customer. Out of the side of my eye, I could see Eric crossing the street to his family’s insurance agency. That had to be one of the best conversations I’d had with anyone in a long time. It felt good to have a nice guy show some interest in me. Unfortunately, it was the wrong nice guy. I didn’t want to hurt CeCe’s feelings by hanging out with Eric. On the other hand, she was hanging out with lots of guys and parties at school while I wasn’t. Why shouldn’t I have some fun, I thought? I wouldn’t let it be anything more than just friendship anyway. I wasn’t ready for that with anyone and besides, Eric seemed like a nice enough guy to hang out with and his looks didn’t hurt either.

  “So, Eric Sothersby huh?” I heard Trudy’s voice behind me.

  “Yeah, he just moved back to town to help his parents.”

  “Uh hmm.” She smirked.

  “So 6’2 back there, huh?”

  “He’s just fixing the cooler.”

  “Eric just needs a friend and so do I.”

  “Really, how much did he tip you?” Trudy pretended to peek in my apron pocket.

  “I don’t know.” I said pulling out his bill and money.

  “I bet it’s over twenty percent.”

  “Okay.” I said sarcastically. “He gave me a twenty.”

  “How much was his bill? Let me see that—Char—his bill was only $8.94.”

  “So, he’s generous. Maybe he felt bad for me since he knows I’m a single mom.”

  “Are you going to tell CeCe?”

  “Yes, of course I am. She can hang out with us. It would actually be nice to get out of the house with someone other than my brother or my parents.”

  “I was just asking. You don’t need my permission to go out with him. You deserve some fun—just not too much fun.”

  “Thank you. I do deserve some fun. There will be none of the kind of fun you just mentioned though—you naughty lady.” I said, taking the check back before I slapped her with my wet dish towel as I passed her.

  “Good for you.”

  I finished the rest of my shift thinking about Eric; telling myself it was only for friendship. Thanksgiving was coming up in a week and a half. I’m sure CeCe would love the chance to hang out with him. She had been stressing out over courses again this semester. Over the phone, I reassured her that she was almost done for the semester and that soon we would be hanging out and she could forget all the pressures from school and her parents to perform well.

  It was about three days after meeting Eric at the diner that I called him to set up the play date. I waited to tell CeCe; I didn’t want her to stress out anymore nor did I want her to get upset with me for hanging out with him without her. I brought Lucy to his sister’s home. Eric made spaghetti and homemade meatballs with garlic bread, one of my favorite but very messy meals. Their home was very neat and looked like an ad for Pottery Barn. I met his sister and brother-in-law, briefly, before they left for dinner. It had been awhile since I’d seen her but she still looked the same. They were a very nice family and Aiden and Lucy seemed to hit it off well. Dinner was delicious and Eric was a good host. After we finished off some of the lemon bars his sister made for dessert, we stepped out their backyard to let the kids run and play while we sat in their wooden Adirondack chairs and talked. It was a warm evening for late November and a pretty pink-orange hue stretched across the western skies.

  We shared about our aspirations for the future. I tried not to be over excited about my writing but couldn’t help it. I hadn’t talked to anyone, other than my family, about the details of the book and Eric was kind enough to seem interested. I explained how the writing had helped to bring me hope when my dreams were doubtful. Even CeCe didn’t know as much about my book as I shared with Eric because she had been so busy unloading on me about school. I didn’t feel it was right to cut her off to tell her how excited I was about my book. Eric told me that he loved music and had learned to play the piano when he was six. Since coming home from school, he’d begun writing music and playing the piano in the evenings. He still dreamed of teaching music, even though he knew he would take over his dad’s insurance agency, someday. He had finished all of his prerequisites to start the music program at Calvin College when his dad got sick. After he opened up about his dad, I felt an easiness to tell Eric about Lucy’s dad and how we met; just once. I shared that although Skylar’s abandonment hurt me deeply—Lucy was the best thing that had ever happened to me and I admitted to still thinking about him to Eric.

  “How could you not think about him? He was someone very special to you—even if it was only one night.”

  “Yeah, I thought he was my future. At least a part of him still is.”

  “Do you think you’ll ever see him again?” Eric asked raising his glass to his lips.

  “I don’t know. I’m not sure I’d know what to do if I did. I’d probably want to slug him or kiss him—one of the two—or both.”

  “Hmm.” Eric smiled.

  “What? Do you have anyone special?”

“No, not really.”

  “Not really? I think I’m going to need you to elaborate some more.” I looked at him grinning as I took another sip of my lemonade.

  “Well, once, there was a girl. But nothing ever came of it.” He said looking over at Aiden and Lucy in the sandbox.

  “Hmm.” I smiled.

  “What?” He smiled back.

  “I was just thinking about the first day I saw you. It was fifth grade. I was in the hallway with CeCe. It’s kind of a funny story but I’m not sure you want to hear it.”

  “I like stories.” Eric looked back at me with his deep brown eyes.

  “Well, since you like stories. We were fighting over the locker mirror because I wasn’t allowed to wear make-up yet. My dad is a little old fashioned, so I kind of had to put it on at school so he didn’t know.”

  “You rebel you. I always thought you were the good one.” Eric joked.

  “I am…was…still am.”

  “The rebel or the good one?” He asked with a bit of amusement in his voice.

  “The good one.”

  “So you were being sneaky…” Eric continued my story.

  “Sort of but then I saw a new face behind me from the mirror’s reflection and it made me forget about my make-up.”

  “And this new face?” Eric looked intrigued.

  “Yes, I kind of had an instant crush on you—when I saw you. But after I pointed you out to CeCe she decided she had a crush on you too.”

  “You had a crush on me?” He looked surprised.

  “Well, a little bit.”

  “Just a little?”

  “Uh hmm.” I smiled. “We were hoping that you were going to be in our class.”

  “Ahhh—how come I never knew you had a crush on me?”

  “That’s coming. Hold on. You see once we got to the classroom and realized you were, in fact, in our classroom. There was some…some…” I looked for the right word, taking my time.

  “Some?” Eric hung on to each of my words.

  “There was some—contention—actually, a bit of a dilemma.”

  “What sort of dilemma do you speak of?” Eric eased up into another smile.

  “I’m getting to it. You do like stories don’t you!” I smiled sipping my lemonade.

  “It’s getting late and my mother always told me stories at bedtime.” He raised his eyebrows nodding.

  “I’m not sure how to take that.”

  “I love my mother and she always had the best stories?” He said. “I’m listening.”

  “Okay. Well we were sitting in the classroom both eagerly waiting for Mrs. Newwater to pick a volunteer to show you around. We already knew that she was going to do that.”

  “And.” Eric sat up in his chair, looking at me with a reserved smile in his eyes.

  “And then it happened.”

  “Yes?” He leaned in.

  “The moment came and we raised our hands. I, quite unexpectedly, had my hair pulled which hurt and made me lower my hand quickly.”

  “Oh the violence of fifth grade!” Eric looked serious.

  “I know. I don’t know if I ever really recovered from it.”

  “Catfights, they’re terrible.” Eric nodded his head.

  “So, after my hair was pulled, just about out of my head, I heard CeCe whispering something to me.”

  “Sweet nothings?” Eric sat on the edge of his seat.

  “No, not really; it was CeCe pleading to show you around.”


  “She was afraid that Mrs. Newwater would have picked me over her to show you around.”

  “Was she right?”


  “So, why did you relent?”

  “She’s my best friend. There was something about you written all over her face that told me to let you go.”

  “That’s true friendship.” He said, looking down at his feet.

  “She promised me that if I let her have you…”

  “Have me? Like for dinner?” Eric looked back up.

  “That she would let me have the next good guy that came our way.” I looked over at him.

  “And now, does she still feel that way about me?” He asked earnestly.

  “I can’t really speak for her.” I paused not sure I wanted to tell him that she was completely enthralled with him at mass and then, again, at the diner last Christmas. He was such a good guy and I couldn’t help but wonder if this was my second chance for a good guy.

  “And what about you? Do you ever wonder what would have happened if you didn’t lower your hand?” He said leaning in towards me with his deep brown eyes only a few inches from mine.

  “Uh.” I could barely let anything else out thinking about him and my best friend, conflicted with my loyalty to her and to my happiness. As I leaned closer to Eric, Skylar’s face popped into my head. It was the same tender face that looked at me before he kissed me for the first time.

  “I see the kids are having a great time.” A female voice rang out from behind us.

  “Mommy!” Aiden squealed as he ran past us to Elizabeth, Eric’s sister.

  “Yeah, they’ve been playing so nicely. Aiden is so sweet to Lucy.” I smiled recovering from an almost something with Eric.

  “How were my lemon bars?” She asked picking up Aiden.

  “Come here Lucy.” I said standing up. “Come to mommy.”

  “They were great but I think my spaghetti was the hit of the night.” Eric laughed, getting up from his chair.

  “Did he tell you that he actually taught me how to cook?” Elizabeth asked laughing at Eric’s comment.

  “Why no he didn’t. You have all kinds of talent.” I turned and smiled at Eric as I picked up Lucy.

  “I was too busy with sports, growing up, and never had enough time at home. Eric, here, was always mom’s little helper. When I married Matthew I didn’t know how to cook to save my marriage. Eric coached me through lasagna, chicken parmesan, and meatloaf over the phone, from college.”

  “Okay, that’s enough bragging.” Eric said kissing Aiden on the cheek.

  “Mommy’s little helper, huh?” I couldn’t help but cheese as I saw Eric’s face turn two shades pinker.

  “Yep, still am. I’m their favorite.” Eric looked at his sister.

  “Thanks guys for watching Aiden tonight.” Matthew said taking Aiden from Elizabeth.

  “It was my pleasure. Lucy and I had great company.”

  “So, Eric tells me you’re a writer?” Elizabeth continued as we all walked back into the house.

  “Well, I don’t know if I could call myself a writer yet—maybe an aspiring writer.” I said caught off guard that Eric had talked about me to someone else.

  “Very talented.” Eric nodded.

  “Thanks.” I looked at Eric.

  “You’ll have to let us know when your first book comes out.” Elizabeth urged.

  “I will; thank you.”

  “I’m going to make some coffee; does anyone want some?” Elizabeth turned towards all of us.

  “I’ll take some dear—it sounds good with some of your lemon bars.” Matthew said kissing Elizabeth’s cheek as he passed her.

  “Do you two want some coffee too?” She inquired.

  “Oh, I’d love some but I think Lucy and I need to get going. I didn’t realize it had gotten late. I need to get her in bed soon.”

  “Well, maybe next time then.” Elizabeth smiled opening her arms to hug me.

  “That would be nice.” I said hugging her back briefly.

  “Sorry, we’re all huggers in this family.” Eric said shyly.

  “That’s okay. We are too in mine.”

  “Sis, I’ll be back. I’m going to walk Char and Lucy to their car.”

  “Okay, we’ll be here.”

  “Good night Char, it was nice to meet you.” Matthew called to us on our way out.

  “It was a pleasure meeting you all.” I said holding up Lucy’s hand to wave goodbye to Matthew and

  “Say bye-bye Lucy.”

  “Bye-bye.” Lucy said softly.

  “Awe, good job baby.”

  “I had a good time tonight.” Eric said as he opened the front door.

  “Me too, I think Lucy has a little crush on somebody.”

  “Really, you don’t think I’m a bit too old for her.” Eric said with a straight face.

  “Aiden.” I laughed, shooting some snot out of my nose.

  “Oh that’s who I was talking about.” Eric shook his head.

  “You’re funny.”

  “I must be. Was that snot shooting from your nose?”

  “Oh you saw that? Sorry, I was hoping you missed it.”

  “It’s okay. I’ve changed Aiden’s diapers. It doesn’t get any scarier than that.” Eric leaned against my car.

  “What a good uncle.”

  “Uncle of the year, actually.” Eric nodded his head.

  “I had a lot of fun tonight. Thank you for inviting us out.” I said, fastening Lucy’s car seat belt.

  “I had a very nice time too; thank you for trusting me.” He leaned close to me.

  “You’re welcome.” I said, finding myself face-to-face to him again.

  “So, do you want to try this again sometime?” Eric asked.

  “I do. I…” couldn’t finish my sentence.

  “Is everything alright?”

  “Yes.” I paused. “Earlier I think you were going to kiss me.” I said shyly.

  Eric smiled. “You did—how would’ve you felt if I had?”

  “I think I would have liked it?”

  Eric moved in and pressed his lips to mine.

  “But I don’t know if it’s right.” I pulled back and bit my lip as I looked into his gentle eyes.

  “Did I do something wrong?” Eric looked confused.

  “No, not really…unfortunately. My best friend has always liked you and I don’t think I can betray her.

  “This is about CeCe?” He asked concerned.

  “Yeah. You’re a great guy—the kind I need. I like you but I don’t want to hurt her.”

  “Oh.” He leaned back and against my car. “Well then, what are your thoughts on being ‘just friends’?”

  “You want to be my friend still?”

  “Of course I do. You’re a great person—fun, smart, pretty and you’re a great mom.” Eric smiled.

  “Are you joking with me? Some guys just say they want to be friends and then try to sneak a move on you when you’re not expecting it.”

  “I promise. I’m not that kind of guy. But I need a friend, I guess, more than I need a girlfriend right now.” He said sincerely.

  “Really? I’d love to be your friend. You are the nicest handsome guy I know—and you kiss nicely too.” I shot him a smile.


  “So, we can do this again soon?” I asked.

  “Yeah, that would be nice. I’ll be gone most of Thanksgiving—my dad has radiation treatment again, so we’re all spending next week in Savannah. How about when I get back?”

  “Oh darn, I was thinking that you, CeCe, and I could hang out over Thanksgiving. She’s going to be home then. Maybe at Christmas instead, then?”

  “That would be fun.” He said walking around me to open my car door.

  “Good.” I smiled as I sat down in my car, rolling the window down.

  “So, just to be clear—we’re going to be friends because CeCe has feelings for me?” He asked leaning on my window.

  “Uh, yeah.”

  “And she always has?” He asked.

  “Yeah. Why?”

  “She was my first kiss.” He laughed.

  “In the janitor’s closet…right?” I let out a giggle.

  “Yeah, in the janitor’s closet.”

  “What ever happened?”

  “Well, it was my first time. I was a little awkward and not exactly sure what to do.”

  “You’ve come a long way then.” I reassured him.

  He smiled as he looked down at me through my rolled-down window. “I was confused, my heart was beating fast, and I didn’t know what to do. CeCe was beautiful and overwhelming. I was just a kid and really shy then too. A few days later I tried to make eye-contact with her but she was too busy to notice. I figured it was a one-time thing and I was too nervous to approach her after that.”

  “Wow. She always wondered why you didn’t call her.”

  “She never gave me her phone number. I was the quiet new kid and she had the attention of all the popular guys.”

  “Just so you know I told her that she shouldn’t have expected you to ask for her phone number.”

  “I wanted to ask for it. I was just intimidated by her.” He said, smiling.

  “Maybe next time you see her, you could ask for her phone number?” I suggested.

  “Maybe; isn’t that a bit strange?”

  “No, not strange at all—I won’t even tell her about that little kiss either.” I smiled.

  “Okay, we’ll all have to get together then, at Christmas.” He proposed.

  “That would be lovely.”

  “Alright, I know you’ve got to get Lucy home. I think she fell asleep back there.” Eric peeked through the back window.

  “Thank you. I really did have a good time tonight. You give me hope that somewhere out there is a really nice, really good-looking guy for me too.”

  “He’s out there Char. You are a great person and you deserve a great man.” He said leaning in to hug me goodnight.

  “Thank you.” I said as I felt his embrace and his warm breath against the back of my neck.

  “Drive safely. I’ll see you soon.” He said as he backed away from the car.

  “I will. I’ll keep your father in my prayers too.”

  “Thank you Char, I appreciate it. Have a good night.” Eric said before I pulled away.

  As I drove away from Elizabeth’s house I felt a sting of pain in my chest but I knew I’d made the right decision. Like Skylar said to me that night, I didn’t want to take something that wasn’t mine to take. It wouldn’t have felt right. On our way home I thought about the night Lucy was conceived. Being with Eric made me think about Skylar. Thinking about him brought a smile to my face.

  I had kept Eric’s dad in my prayers as promised. At Thanksgiving, when it was my turn to give thanks, I thanked God for Lucy, our health, and all the people that God had brought into our lives over the past year. CeCe joined my family for Thanksgiving but seemed distant or overly stressed from studying for upcoming exams. She said that political science classes were consuming and that her parents were not of any help to take the load off. CeCe’s parents graduated with high honors from both undergraduate and graduate law programs. She confided to me that she continued to struggle and was pulling all-nighters, at least once or twice a week to pass her tests. She looked tired and less of her usual perky self. I proposed that we take another day during Thanksgiving break to go somewhere fun. She said she wanted to but needed the time instead to study for finals. I told her I understood but was a little let down. Hoping to take her mind off matters, I shared that I’d run into Eric and that we hung out once. I assured her that he had asked about her and was interested in how she was doing these days. CeCe seemed to brighten a little and was excited to hang out with him over Christmas break if she could just get through finals and her parent’s insistence with her grades.

  Thanksgiving break ended for CeCe and she went back to school, wary for her approaching finals. Eric came several times to the diner and let me know that his father’s radiation appointments went well. We joked back and forth and talked about Lucy and Aiden. I told him that CeCe would be home in a week for Christmas break. Eric seemed excited. I was looking forward to spending time with CeCe after the finals, that she had been dreading, were over. I had talked to her far less this semester than usual. She was always busy with studying or Tri-Delta events.

  It was nine o’clock. I picked up the pho
ne and dialed CeCe’s number. She answered the phone.

  “CeCe, it’s Char—I’m just checking to make sure you’re still coming home tomorrow.” I asked over all the background noise.

  “Yes. I’m so thankful my finals are over. I’m going to a party tonight with some of the girls and I so badly need to just unwind. I’ve never had this much stress in my life.”

  “I’m so glad you’re done with your exams. Why is it so loud CeCe?”

  “Oh, we’re getting a little party on before we head over to the frat house.”

  “Okay, well don’t get too much party on—be careful Ce.”

  “I’ll be fine—you’re too behaved Char. I just need a good party.” She said sounding possibly tipsy.

  “What? I’m too behaved? Single-mom over here?” I asked surprised by her comment.

  “I’m just joking. I love you Charlotte Renee. I gotta let you go. We’re leaving; I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon.”

  “Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow CeCe. Have fun—but be careful. Make sure you stay with the girls—you sound like you’ve been drinking.” I said concerned.

  “I’m fine. Just fine. Really fine—now that finals are over. I’ll be okay mom.” She laughed.

  Slightly offended I replied, “Alright, I just care about you and want you to be safe CeCe.”

  “I’m fine. I’ll call you when I get home tomorrow.” CeCe said before hanging up the phone.

  I could tell CeCe had been drinking, which wasn’t completely unusual at school. However, she sounded drunk and vulnerable. I worried about her being so far away. If I were there I could at least make sure she didn’t make any bad decisions. I said a prayer for her and went to bed with Lucy.