Read Starburst Page 19

  “Very important?” he teased.

  “Shut the hell up, and listen for five seconds,” Alley demanded, putting her hand over his mouth so that he couldn’t talk. Trevas still wasn’t being serious, and bit her hand and then rolled over on top of her and kissed her again.

  “Trevas, I’m trying to tell you something,” Alley, told him, trying to be somber.

  “I’m sorry. Okay, I am one hundred percent paying attention,” he promised and kissed her long and passionate.

  “Trevas?” she said again trying to get his attention.

  “Yes?” he asked, in between kisses.

  “I’m going to do the movie,” she stated, and that got his attention. He pushed himself back and sat against the headboard. Alley moved with him and sat in his lap, with her legs over his so that she could look at him.

  “Alley, are you serious?”

  “Yes, I thought about it half the night, and you’re right. If I did this one movie, it would give me time to figure out what I want to do with my life, but I have one condition.”

  Trevas took her hand. “Alley I don’t want you to do this for me. I wasn’t trying to influence you one way or the other. I just wanted you to think it through.”

  “Do you really think I would do anything because someone else wanted me too?”

  “Yes, I think when it comes to me you would.”

  “You’re probably right, but I’m not doing this for you. I’m doing it for me and maybe my dad a little.”

  “What’s the condition?” he asked, weaving their fingers together.

  “I want you with me, I don’t know where I will be going, but I have been around enough to know that there is a lot involved.”

  “Alley, I can’t. I have to work.”

  “You will be working. You will be working with me, and keeping me from being the spoiled little rich kid that I am.”

  Trevas snickered. “You can’t pay me.”

  “My dad can.”

  “I highly doubt that your dad is going to pay me to travel with you, besides you don’t really need a bodyguard until you are famous. You have never done a movie. I think you will be okay for a while.”

  “Trevas my mother is Peyton Paxton. I can’t do anything now without the paparazzi. What do you think it’s going to be as soon as they get wind that I’m doing this?”

  Trevas shrugged his shoulders. “I guess you know more about it than I do, but you can’t put that condition on it. This is your project, and you need to do it alone, all by yourself.”

  Alley moved from his lap to his side, and he put his arm around her and kissed her head.

  “Let’s just see what my dad says first, okay?” she asked.

  “Alley I don’t want to be your proposition with your dad.”

  Alley started to say something else, and she was interrupted by a tap on the door. Peyton didn’t wait for an answer and peered in the door.

  “You might want to wait for an answer before you just open the door.” Alley stated, pulling the sheet over her naked top half.

  “Alley your dad is here. He said you text him, and told him he needed to come here. What is going on?” Peyton asked with a confused look, ignoring her previous statement.

  Alley got up and pulled a pair of shorts over her skimpy panties and a t-shirt. “Come Trevas, you’re coming with me.”

  “Alley?” Peyton questioned, wanting an answer.

  “We will tell you together, just wait.”

  “Oh God, Alley please tell me you’re not pregnant,” Peyton requested, nervously.

  “Mom, really? No, I’m not pregnant. Come on,” she told her, and led them downstairs where her dad was waiting just as impatiently.

  “Fletcher,” Trevas nodded curtly.

  “Trevas,” he nodded back with a dirty look. “What’s going on Alley?”

  “Sit,” she demanded to all three of them.

  Alley sat by Trevas, and looked over to him, and he gave her a warm smile of encouragement.

  “Alley will you please tell us what is going on?” Peyton asked.

  “We’re getting married.” She joked, and both their jaws fell open. “I’m kidding, geesh,” she added right away, putting them out of their misery.

  “And that is real funny,” Fletcher said, holding his heart.

  “Dad I’m going to do this movie, but I have some conditions.”

  “Is this another joke?” he asked, hoping that it was not.

  “No, it’s not a joke, but you can’t ever ask me to do another one.”

  Fletcher jumped up and went around the table. He grabbed her face and kissed her smack on the lips.

  “Oh gross, keep that up, and I will change my mind.”

  Fletcher sat back down with the biggest grin ever. “Condition away baby,” he exclaimed, ready to give her the moon.

  “Well the, not ever asking me to do another one was one of the conditions and the second one is I want Trevas with me.”

  Trevas jumped in next. “Alley, I told you that I was not going to do that. I have a job here.”

  “You look for jobs, and I found you one that will keep you busy for a while.”

  Trevas shook his head in frustration.

  “Trevas and Alley,” Fletcher began. “I am more than happy to meet that condition, but I have one condition on top of that condition. I don’t want your relationship to be public, and it has to be nothing, but business when you are in public.”

  “I can handle that,” Alley replied, she was just happy that she was able to see him now, “but I can tell by the look on Trevas’s face that he is going to make me discuss it with him first.”

  “Yes I am,” he replied.

  “When do we start shooting? Where is it going to be shot? And how long is it going to take?” Alley wanted to know, and Fletcher laughed.

  “Most of it will be shot in Pittsburg, and some here in LA, and Afghanistan is going to be shot in the Australia desert. We should start shooting in September, but some things are going to have to be arranged because of your age. We have to wait until you turn eighteen to do any of the explicit shots,” Fletcher explained, almost too excited to contain himself.

  “How long?” Alley still wanted to know.

  “We have a February deadline so you should be done by then and the completed deadline in early May.”

  “Wait, what do you mean the shots that she can’t do yet?” Trevas wanted to know.

  “She isn’t eighteen, and there are strict rules and laws about what she can do.”

  “What does she need to do that she can’t do when she is seventeen?” Trevas wanted to know, not liking the sound of it.

  “Trevas, can we maybe talk about this later?” Alley asked, giving him a shut-up look. She didn’t want to have a heated discussion about her taking her clothes off with him in front of her parents, and she could tell that it was going to be an issue.

  Trevas let it go, and Fletcher continued. “I will set a time for you to meet with Stella Gains one day next week to go over the contract.

  “Why do I need her?”

  “Really it is only because of who you are, I could do it myself, but I just don’t have the time, and I will call Jolene Marshall as well.

  “Who is she and why do I need her?” Alley wanted to know, and wasn’t sure she liked all of the complexity with this anymore.

  “I don’t think so Fletcher,” Peyton added her two cents. “I don’t like Jolene Marshal, she can use my publicist.”

  “Why do I need a publicist? I’m not sure I want to do this anymore,” she fretted, being honest.

  Peyton explained to her why she would need a publicist. “It’s kind of like your dad said, mainly because of who you are. You’ve met Sherry, she’ll take care of the promotions for you and arrange for the good publicity while coaching you to deal with the bad, and help you to avoid it.”

  “Promotions like what? Like you do mom? Jay Leno, MTV, Jimmy Kimmel and stuff like that?”

  “Yes Alley, yo
u have to promote the movie. It will be in the contract, but Sherry will take care of all of that for you.”

  “I thought you did that because they invited you and you liked it. I changed my mind. I can’t talk in front of people like that.”

  “Yes you can, don’t worry about it. You will be fine. Just think of it as part of the job.”

  Fletcher went into more detail with her, and she was beginning to think she made a hasty decision, and wished she would have just talked to Trevas before mentioning it to her dad, but it was too late and she knew it. It would break his heart if she didn’t do it after getting his hopes up.

  Fletcher took a call and then told them that he had to go. “What are you doing tonight Alley”, he wanted to know before he left.

  “I don’t know, what are you guys doing?” she asked, both her parents.

  “I’m having a little party, you can come home with me if you want,” Fletcher invited.

  “Um, no thank you. What about you mom?”

  “I have an interview at seven, and then I will probably go to an after party. You can come with me if you want. It will be a lot fun.”

  “I’m going to Trevas’s,” she told them bluntly, and they both looked at each other and Trevas had a dreaded look on his face. The feeling of the tantrum that was stirring matched the dismay on his face.

  “What time are you going to be home?” her mom asked, giving her permission.

  “Tomorrow sometime,” she stated.

  “Alley, stop.” Trevas demanded before it went too far.

  “Shut up Trevas,” she said, giving him a dirty look.

  “Alley you know we are not going to give you permission to do that,” Fletcher told her in a soft tone, not wanting the tantrum. He was too excited to fight with her.

  Chapter 10

  “You know eventually you are going to have to grow up and not get your way all the time don’t you?” Trevas asked Alley as they drove out of her driveway.

  “Maybe I will and maybe I won’t,” she said with her attitude, and Trevas couldn’t be mad, and could only find her amusing, besides he was more than happy for her to be in his bed. He didn’t think it was possible to miss someone as much as he missed her and he sure as heck didn’t want to fight with her.

  Trevas cooked, and Alley sat at the bistro table and watched as they chatted about the movie.

  “I guess I should have asked you what this movie was about before I encouraged you to go take your clothes off for everyone to see,” he told her as he cut up chicken strips.

  “It’s not that kind of movie Trevas, but there are some sex scenes. She was raped twice and then she has a fling with a soldier, but that’s it. It’s more about her life drama.”

  “I still don’t want you to take your shirt off and show it all over the world.”

  “Trevas, there is nothing sexy about it. There are a million people around with cameras, lights and microphones when you’re doing a shoot. It’s no big deal.”

  “But you’re not the least bit uneasy about taking your clothes off, and your dad is going to be there, does that not bother you at all?”

  “No, it doesn’t. I guess because I have grown up around it. I’m sure you have seen my mother’s boobs in a movie a time or two, if you haven’t, just watch ‘BLACK’. I’m sure you will.”

  “I don’t want to see your mother’s boobs, and I don’t want anyone else seeing yours.”

  “So what Trevas? You want me to tell my dad that Trevas is forbidding me to take my clothes off so we will have to skip that part?”

  “No Alley, I just don’t like it. Can’t I just not like it and complain to you a little?”

  “Yes you can, but you are reading more into it than it is.”

  “Who is the soldier?”

  “I’m not sure, I know about as much as you do.”

  “He doesn’t have to touch them does he?”

  “How about I just give you my e-reader and you read the book. They will cut out a lot, but it will give you a better understanding of what it is, and you’re going to be right there with me.”

  “We haven’t discussed that yet either but if your dad is willing and you’re taking your clothes off, you damn right I’m going to be there.”

  “I knew you would already.”

  “That is because you are an evil little princess.”

  “An evil princess that loves you like crazy,” she said with a grin and he grinned back.

  They ate Chicken Alfredo in front of the television and rented the first ‘Black’ movie, starring Peyton Paxton and Brady Swift. Trevas was really into the movie and thought it was excellent. Peyton and Brady were cop partners, and it was a lot of action and romance. Both characters were married but spent so much time together that by the end of the movie, there were a couple of sex scenes. Trevas felt very un-comfortable watching her mother be intimate with the hot cop and turned his head not wanting the image of her breast in his mind. The movie ended by the pair catching the drug lords and getting caught in their rendezvous. Trevas couldn’t wait for the second one to come out after watching, and Alley laughed.

  “Great now you are going to be one of the crazy, fanatic fans chasing my mom.”

  “I would rather chase her daughter,” he provoked, and grabbed both of her legs and pulled her to him and she squealed. She lay on the couch with her legs over his and Trevas ran his hands up her waist and ribs, staring down at her with a hungry look. He unbuttoned her jeans, and she looked down at his hands.

  “I want to go take a shower,” she told him quietly while touching his hands lightly with her fingers.

  He moved her leg from around him and helped her to her feet. “Go… get out of here,” he demanded, needing the space.

  Trevas waited until she was in the shower, and although he kept telling himself to wait he couldn’t and moved in behind her. She smiled to herself knowing that he was there, and slowly turned to him. They didn’t speak, and she moved her arms around his neck, and then turned her head to the side as he tried to kiss her, he kissed her neck.

  Her eyes were closed and she placed one hand on the side of his face and slowly moved to his lips, just brushing them with hers until he held her face and kissed her. Her breathing was heavy, and she wasn’t sure how much longer her legs were going to hold her. His touch, his hands, the feel of his lips and his wet body on hers was always more than she could handle, and she wondered if it would always be this way.

  He tried to pull her up to him, but she wouldn’t let him, and stepped out the side of the curtain, pulling him with her. He kissed her backward all the way to the bed, gently laying her back, dripping wet from the head down, he kissed her soaked body. There was so much tension and attraction to each other, and Trevas didn’t waste any time. He thrust into her, and she let out a loud moan. He took her fast and hard, and of course she was screaming out her normal profanity in no time. Trevas made it for about two more minutes and was exalted himself. They both breathed quick heavy breaths and then Trevas laughed.

  “Yes Trevas, the bed is soaked,” Alley said, already knowing what he was laughing at.

  “It’s your fault. I tried in the shower,” he replied.

  “But you are the one that got in the shower.”

  “True, you have a point, but I don’t care about the bed. I love you being wet in my bed. I love you.”

  Alley smiled. “I love you too, but you need to get up so that we can get the bed dry.”

  Trevas stripped the sheets and took them to the washer, came back and he and Alley put on dry ones.

  “What do you want to do now?” Alley asked, and Trevas gave her a strange look.

  “It’s ten o’clock, what is there to do?”

  “I didn’t mean it like that. I was just hoping we could go to bed and read.”

  “Why would I care if you did that?”

  “I just don’t want you to think, I would rather read than be with you.”

  “You are with me. What are you reading???

  “The script, do you want to read the book?”

  “Yeah, I do.”

  Alley took the two inch script and gave Trevas her e-reader. He propped himself up against the headboard and Alley moved to his side, he put his arm around her and kissed her still wet hair.

  They read for over an hour before either of them spoke. Trevas moved to kiss the top of her head every now and then, and Alley smiled to herself every time.

  “Okay Alley, please tell me this part won’t be implemented in this film.”

  Alley sat up and crossed her legs Indian style and faced him. “What part?” she asked.

  “They are in a hotel in Germany,” he started, and Alley knew exactly what part he was talking about.

  “What?” he asked, seeing the look on her face.

  “I know where you are, and yes that is in the script. I’m already past there, so I know that it will be in the movie.

  “I don’t get it, how is he going to go down on you?”

  Alley laughed. “He isn’t really Trevas, it’s a movie. It’s not real,” she explained, talking to him like he was a child, afraid of a scary movie.

  “You think this is funny?” he asked, and she laughed.

  “No, I think you are funny. Trevas there will be so many people around, it’s fake, it’s a movie.”

  “How are you supposed to make it look like that is what he is doing without him touching you?”

  “I don’t know. I’m not sure if it will be under the covers and you see nothing but his head bobbing or if they will use a cloth to cover that part.”

  “But he is going to be that close to you with his mouth?”

  Alley let out a drained breath.

  “And what are you supposed to do while he is doing this?” he continued.

  “Enjoy it, what do you think I’m supposed to do?”

  “How are you going to do that?”

  “Like this,” she said, throwing herself back and arching her back, thrusting her hips, twisting her head from side to side and making the most lustful noises she could muster.

  Trevas grabbed her wrist and pulled her back up. “You think that is funny?”