Read Starburst Page 20

  “Trevas, it’s no big deal if my dad is willing to let me do it then, you should know that it’s okay. It’s not a porn.”

  “But it’s definitely rated R.”

  “Stop it, just keep reading.”

  “I don’t want to read anymore.”

  “Are you really going to throw a tantrum about this?” Alley asked, still amused.

  “Why is this so humorous to you?”

  “It’s humorous because I’m not used to being on this side of the tracks. I’m used to you being the one telling me I’m being ridiculous, not the other way around.”

  Trevas scooted down and put his hands over his head. Alley moved to his side, laying her head on his bare chest.

  “I have to go out of town tomorrow afternoon. I won’t be back until Wednesday.”

  “I don’t want you to do that anymore Trevas. Can’t you just work here in the city?”

  “It’s already arranged.”

  Alley groaned but didn’t argue with him, one because she knew it wouldn’t do any good and two she didn’t want to argue with him.

  Alley woke Trevas at three a.m. “Trevas wake up, you have to get up,” she said, shaking his chest. He tried to open his eyes and rolled to his side, not comprehending what she was saying.

  “Trevas get up,” she demanded, again as she dug through her bag.

  “What the hell are you doing?” he asked.

  “Looking for something, get up.”

  Trevas sat up and turned on the lamp. “Alley what are you looking for and why do I have to get up?” he asked, trying to figure out what she was doing.

  “This,” she finally said, pulling a tampon from her bag.

  “Oh,” he said, understanding.

  She disappeared into the bathroom to clean herself up, and Trevas pulled the covers back to reveal the bright red circle on the sheets. He shook his head, got up and took the covers off. He took the sheets from the dryer from their earlier mishap, glad that he went ahead and washed them because he only had the two sets.

  She helped him put the bottom sheet on and make the bed. She cuddled back up to him, and he kissed her head.

  “I’m sorry,” she told him.

  “It’s fine Alley, it’s a first, but it’s fine.”

  “The first time a girl ever got her period in the middle of the night and left the evidence in your bed?”

  “Yes,” he exhaled and pulled her closer to him. “How long does this last?”

  “My period?”


  “Three or four days,”

  “I’m almost glad I’m leaving for three days now,” he admitted.

  “Why, because you find me so irresistible?” she teased.

  “Yes, that is exactly why.”

  They were sitting at the table eating oatmeal and toast when Peyton called the following morning.

  “Hey mom,” Alley answered.

  “Good morning, how was your night?”

  “It was great,” she said, smiling over at Trevas.

  “Do you want me to come and get you?”

  “No, I don’t want you coming around here. I don’t want the media to start hanging around here because they saw you here.”

  “Good point, when will you be home?”

  “What time are you leaving Trevas?” she asked, holding the phone away from her ear.

  “I have to catch a plane at three.”

  “Will you take me to my mom’s?”

  “Of course I will.”

  “I will be home around one or so,” she told her mom. “Are you going to be busy tonight?” she wanted to know not wanting to spend the night alone for some reason, although that was what she had done her entire life.

  “I’m staying home, but I may have a friend stop by later in the evening. Is that okay?”

  “Who’s the friend?”

  “James Brazen, you’ve met him,” she added.

  “Yeah, he seems to be one of the regulars,” she said, dryly.

  “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “You know what it means mom. Whatever, its fine.”

  Alley and Trevas lounged around on the sofa all morning. Alley was still reading the script and Trevas watched some sports, with her legs thrown over his and his hand rested on the top of her leg.

  “You look very sophisticated in those glasses,” Trevas told her when the commercial interrupted his attention.

  “I am very sophisticated,” she replied, pushing the black framed glasses up on her nose.

  “You are very sexy,” he smiled his suggestive wicked smile.

  “You stop that, we can’t have sex.”

  “I know, and I wanted to before I took you home.”

  Alley tossed the script to the coffee table and moved in and kissed him.

  “Now you stop that,” he demanded.

  She smiled at him and moved her hands to the button on his jeans.

  “What are you doing, you little instigator?” he asked, watching her unbutton his jeans.

  “I’m going to take care of you before you leave,” she admitted, and moved to her knees in front of him, and for a split second he wanted to protest. She had never done that before, and he didn’t want her to feel obligated, but as soon as she had him in her hand, he had lost the confidence to stop her and couldn’t contain the feelings she caused.

  She took him in her mouth and he moaned dropping his head back, closing his eyes. He wondered if this was something all girls just knew how to do and how she knew what to do. She continued until he knew he wasn’t going to last much longer.

  “Alley you have to stop,” he warned, not wanting her to, but knowing that he was going to burst at any second.

  Alley stood up and removed her shorts and panties and lay on the couch. “Finish right here,” she told him, rubbing her fingers between her legs and he thought he would explode just watching her. He moved to his knees and came between her, stroking himself close to her, purposely touching her with every stroke. He wanted to release right away but slowed his pace when he noticed her hips beginning to thrust into him and the look of rhapsody on her face. He knew she too was close and wanted to watch her find paradise with him. She continued to please herself, and shortly after she was emancipating.

  “Awe, fuck Trevas,” she said in the softest sexiest tone with her eyes closed and her back arched and he let go, letting his essences flow and he watched as she massaged it into her with her fingers.

  “Jesus Christ, Alley Fletcher,” he said moving to her body and kissing her.

  She smiled and kissed him back. “Are you okay?” she teased.

  “I’m elated, and you surprise the hell out of me sometimes.”

  “I like to keep you guessing,” she replied, and forced her tongue into his mouth.

  “Get off of me,” Alley said and pushed him up, removing herself from the couch. Trevas laughed and shook his head at how she could go from one moment to the next in a flash.

  Alley showered, and Trevas got in as she was getting out. She was standing in front of the mirror brushing her teeth, wrapped in a towel when he emerged. She left and came right back, and he watched as she opened the little wrapper and inserted the tampon, and he again shook his head.

  “Is there anything at all that you are modest about?” he asked, not believing that she just did that in front of him.

  “Not when it comes to you,” she admitted and kissed him, leaving him with a smile to get dressed.


  “I don’t want you to leave for three days,” Alley told Trevas sitting in her driveway as they made out, trying to say goodbye.

  “I don’t want to leave for three days either, but I have to. I will call you.”

  “What are you doing? Why is for so long?”

  “It’s a political thing, and I’m just escorting, we are starting in Detroit and then driving to a few other cities. I will be back before you know it.”

  Alley groaned and kissed him one more time. “I l
ove you,” she told him with one hand on his cheek.

  “I love you too, I will call you later.” Alley opened her door and started to get out and he held onto her hand, pulling her to him once again. She kissed him again and smiled a warm smile and left him.

  Alley hung out most of the day in her room with her script. Peyton made her come down for supper, and they talked about the film and Trevas.

  “You should have heard him last night mom. He was throwing a fit over the nude and sex scenes in this movie,” Alley told her.

  “Did you explain to him that there is nothing sexy about it?”

  “I tried, but he didn’t care, he still didn’t like it. There is one part where she and the one soldier have sex at a hotel while they are waiting for orders in Germany, and he goes down on her, and he was totally freaking out about it,” she laughed, remembering it.

  “Well when he sees that it is you plus a hundred other people he will lighten up. I remember the first time I did anything rated R and your dad was directing. He yelled cut so many times it was ridiculous.”

  “Was it always acting? I mean was there ever anyone that it felt natural with, and you didn’t have to act?”

  Peyton thought for a minute on how much she should disclose, and decided that she was old enough to know. “Yes there was a little carelessness with Miles Slater. You were too young to remember, but you have probably seen the movie ‘High Heels and Alcohol,’ I was the stripper and Miles Slater was the rich stock broker.”

  “Yeah I remember that movie, not one of my favorites that you ever did,” Alley admitted honestly.

  “What? I won best breakthrough performance for that movie, anyway after that was when your dad and I split up. I’m sure if you did some research you would find some dirt. Miles and I had a thing, briefly that turned ugly. There was a lot of chemistry on set when we had our R rated scenes, and the looks that we gave each other were crazy hot, and we were the only two that knew we weren’t actually acting.”

  “You and dad split up because of Miles Slater?”

  “Yes and no. It was coming before that, but when the pictures were plastered all over every tabloid out there, we quit and shortly after got a divorce, and I bought this house.”

  “That is the main reason I’m not looking forward to this movie. I want it to be big for dad, but I want it to be little for me. I hate the thought of the paparazzi twittering to find out where I am.”

  “Twitter, is that what they do?” How do you know that?”

  “I read a lot, and I have read the tweets. They call you Pey Pax.”

  “Yes I did know that, but I didn’t know they were keeping tabs on my whereabouts online.”

  “Yes, that is what they do, and I know you love the attention, but I don’t. I don’t want to do a talk show, a red carpet event, or any of the other things that come along with it. Why can’t I just play the part and skip all the rest? Who says you have to do all of the extras?”

  “Alley your contract is going to say that you have to do all of the extras. The producer has a lot of money, and investors tied up in this movie and from what your dad tells me, it’s a pretty big budget. It’s part of the job. You have to promote the movie.”

  “I still don’t like it. I will probably end up telling someone to fuck off or something because I think they are being too nosey.”

  “You can’t do that. Learn right now to say something that tells them to stick to the movie in a refined way and hold your tongue.”

  The doorbell rang, and Peyton went to the door, and it was her friend James. He put his arm around her and tried to kiss her but Peyton turned away. “James, you remember my daughter Alley,” she said letting him know that she wasn’t alone.

  “Yes, hello Alley, I hear that you are going to follow in your mothers footsteps.”

  “Hardly,” she exclaimed with a repulsive look.

  “Alley is not too excited about all of this, but she will be after it is finished,” her mom winked at her.

  Alley rolled her eyes. “I’m going to my room,” she exclaimed and left them to do whatever it was that he was there to do.


  Alley sat down with her dad, Stella Gains, which was her new agent, the producer an attorney and a couple other people involved in the movie and went over the contract. She wished that Trevas was there and wanted to know what he thought about some of the things that she wasn’t sure about before signing the contract.

  “Can I just have a copy of this and think about it for a couple of days?” she asked, mostly looking to her dad.

  “There is no time Alley, sign the contract,” her dad demanded, and she did. She knew that he wouldn’t get her into anything that was shady, she just felt like she needed Trevas there.

  Alley spent her three days, mostly alone in her room and some with her mom. They did swim some and Peyton made her come and eat with her every evening. Alley was glad that she was spending more time with her mom, but couldn’t wait for Trevas to get back. He called her every night and they talked for hours, but it wasn’t the same, and she missed him.

  Trevas finally called around seven in the evening on Wednesday.

  “You have to see me tonight,” Alley answered, and he smiled and at that moment realized how much he missed her.

  “I do, do I?”

  “Yes, I miss you like crazy.”

  “Good because I missed you too. Will your mom let me come and get you?” he asked, hoping.

  “She wants you to stay here. She got beer, and is going to be on Mickey Blue’s talk show tonight. She wants us to watch it with her.”

  “Okay, that’s fine with me. I will be over as soon as I stop by my place and take a shower. You wouldn’t happen to be done with that whole monthly thing, would you?” he teased, more serious than not.

  “If I say no, are you still coming?”

  “Of course I am. Do you think that is all I want you for?”

  “I just figured that since that is all I want you for than you felt the same way.”

  Trevas laughed. “I will see you in a little bit my evil princess. Do you want me to bring anything?”

  “Hang on I will ask my mom,” Alley told him, and opened the patio door where her mother was sitting at the table drinking a beer.

  “Do you want Trevas to bring anything?”

  “He can pick up some kind of chips or tortillas and dip if he wants.”

  “I heard her,” he said. “And you can tell her I will get the tortillas, and I have some homemade dip in the freezer, I will bring that.”

  “Okay, I will see you in a little bit.”

  “What, no I love you’s?” he joked.

  “I just told you, I only want you for your body. I love you Trevas,” she added with a smile and couldn’t wait to see him.

  “I love you too.”

  Alley went out and sat at the table with her mom. As soon as she sat down, Peyton’s phone rang, and it was her dad.

  “Yes Mr. Fletcher.” She answered.

  “Hey beautiful, what are you doing?”

  “Sitting outside with Alley right now, what are you doing?”

  “Nothing I’m lonely and you should come and see me.”

  Peyton got up and walked around the pool and Alley took the hint and walked back inside.

  “I’m not coming over there. What has gotten into you lately? This is the third time this week you have wanted me to do that. We haven’t had sex in twelve years. Why do you think we are going to now?”

  “It has not been twelve years. We had sex at Alley’s thirteenth birthday party.”

  “That didn’t count. I was too drunk to remember it.”

  “Well come over and I will refresh your memory.”

  “No Nicholas, I’m not doing that and besides, Trevas is on his way over to watch Mickey Blue with us.”

  “You’re not letting him stay there are you?”

  “Knowing Alley, yes he will, but I don’t know. Why does it matter, we know she is having s
ex with him, and she is almost eighteen.”

  “I think Trevas Evans has sex with a lot of girls,” Nicholas stated.

  “I don’t think he does,” Peyton defended him. “I see how he is with her, and I don’t think he would do that to her.”

  “I bet you a hundred bucks he would.”

  “You’re on, now how are you going to prove it, you going to hire a P.I. to follow him?”

  “No, I don’t need to do that. You just need to hit on him and see how far he will go.”

  “You’re an idiot. I’m not hitting on our daughter’s boyfriend.”

  “Because you are afraid you will lose,” he demanded.

  “No because it would just be creepy, and why would he want her old mother when he has her?”

  “For one you are gorgeous.”

  Peyton laughed. “I am not going to try to get Trevas in bed, forget it Fletcher.”

  “Chicken shit, you’re just afraid you will lose your money.”

  “Actually a hundred bucks don’t mean much to me.”

  “Fine I will bet you a blowjob.”

  Peyton laughed again. “And what’s in it for me?”

  “You name it.”

  “You just need to chill out and accept the fact that your daughter is in love, and I don’t think Trevas would do anything to hurt her, and I am not going to hit on him.”

  “Come over,” Fletcher told her and she rolled her eyes and laughed again.

  “No. Good bye Nicholas.”

  Peyton hung up and went into find Alley.

  “What did he want?” Alley asked from the couch, looking up from her e-reader.

  “Does your dad ever want anything?” she answered, and wondered if Fletcher was right. Was Trevas in it for the sex and would he hurt her?

  “No, good point.”

  Alley had no sooner left to take a shower when Trevas showed up. Peyton let him in, and he went to the kitchen with a brown paper grocery sack. Peyton got him a bowl for his frozen tortilla dip, and he poured it in the glass bowl.

  “Do you want a beer?” Peyton asked, sliding around him to the refrigerator and Trevas looked at her in an odd way because of the look she was giving him.