Read The Decameron (Day 6 to Day 10) Page 39

  Francesco Fortarigo, _played away all that he had at_ Buonconvento,_and likewise the money of_ Francesco Aniolliero, _being his Master.Then running after him in his shirt, and avouching that hee had robbedhim: he caused him to be taken by Pezants of the Country, clothedhimselfe in his Masters wearing garments, and (mounted on his horse)rode thence to_ Sienna, _leaving_ Aniolliero _in his shirt, and walkedbare-footed._

  The fourth Novell.

  _Serving as an admonition to all men, for taking Gamesters andDrunkards into their service._

  The ridiculous words given by _Calandrino_ to his Wife, all the wholecompany hartily laughed at: but _Philostratus_ ceassing, Madame_Neiphila_ (as it pleased the Queene to appoint) began to speake thus.Vertuous Ladies, if it were not more hard and uneasie for men, to makegood their understanding and vertue, then apparant publication of theirdisgrace and folly; many would not labour in vaine, to curbe in theiridle speeches with a bridle, as you have manifestly observed by theweake wit of _Calandrino_. Who needed no such fantastick circumstance,to cure the strange disease, which he imagined (by sottish perswasions)to have: had hee not been so lavish of his tongue, and accused hisWife of over-mastering him. Which maketh me remember a Novell, quitecontrary to this last related, namely, how one man may strive tosurmount another in malice; yet he to sustaine the greater harme, thathad (at the first) the most advantage of his enemy, as I will presentlydeclare unto you.

  There dwelt in _Sienna_, and not many yeeres since, two young menof equall age, both of them bearing the name of _Francesco_: butthe one was descended of the _Aniollieri_, and the other likewiseof the _Fortarigi_; so that they were commonly called _Aniolliero_,and _Fortarigo_, both Gentlemen, and well derived. Now, althoughin many other matters, their complexions did differ very much: Yetnotwithstanding, they varied not in one bad qualitie, namely toogreat neglect of their Fathers, which caused their more frequentconversation, as very familiar and respective friends. But _Aniolliero_(being a very goodly and faire conditioned young Gentleman) apparentlyperceiving, that he could not maintaine himselfe at _Sienna_, in suchestate as he liked, and upon the pension allowed him by his Father,hearing also, that at the Marquisate of _Ancona_, there lived the PopesLegate, a worthy Cardinall, his much indeared good Lord and friend: heintended to goe visite him, as hoping to advance his fortunes by him.

  Having acquainted his Father with this determination, he concludedwith him, to have that from him in a moment which might supply hiswants for many moneths, because he would be clothed gallantly, andmounted honourably. And seeking for a servant necessary to attend onhim, it chanced that _Fortarigo_ hearing thereof, came presently to_Aniolliero_, intreating him in the best manner he could, to let himwaite on him as his serving man, promising both dutifull and diligentattendance: yet not to demaund any other wages, but onely payment ofhis ordinary expences. _Aniolliero_ made him answere, that he durstnot give him entertainment, not in regard of his insufficiency, andunaptnesse for service: but because he was a great Gamester, and diverstimes would be beastly drunke? whereto _Fortarigo_ replyed that heewould refraine from both those foule vices, and addict all his endeavourwholly to please him, without just taxation of any grosse errour;making such solemne vowes and protestations beside, as conquered_Aniolliero_, and won his consent.

  Being entred upon his journey, and arriving in a morning at_Buonconvento_, there _Aniolliero_ determined to dine, and afterward,finding the heate to be unfit for travaile; he caused a bed to beprepared, wherein being laid to rest by the helpe of _Fortarigo_, hegave him charge, that after the heates violence was overpast, heeshould not faile to call and awake him. While _Aniolliero_ sleptthus in his bed, _Fortarigo_, never remembring his solemne vowes andpromises: went to the Taverne, where having drunke indifferently, andfinding company fit for the purpose, he fell to play at the dice withthem. In a very short while, he had not onely lost his money, but allthe cloathes on his backe likewise, and coveting to recover his lossesagaine; naked in his shirt, he went to _Aniollieroes_ Chamber, wherefinding him yet soundly sleeping, he tooke all the money he had in hispurse, and then returned backe to play, speeding in the same manner ashee did before, not having one poore penny left him.

  _Aniolliero_ chancing to awake, arose and made him ready, without anyservant to helpe him; then calling for _Fortarigo_, and not hearing anytydings of him: he began immediately to imagine, that he was becomedrunke, and so had falne asleepe in one place or other, as very oftenhe was wont to doe. Wherefore, determining so to leave him, he causedthe male and Saddle to be set on his horse; & so to furnish himselfewith a more honest servant at _Corsignano_.

  But when hee came to pay his hoste, hee found not any penny left him:whereupon (as well he might) he grew greatly offended, and raised muchtrouble in the house, charged the hoasts people to have robde him, andthreatening to have them sent as prisoners to _Sienna_. Suddenly entred_Fortarigo_ in his shirt, with intent to have stolne _Aniollieroes_garments, as formerly hee did the money out of his purse, and seeinghim ready to mount on horsebacke, hee saide.

  How now _Aniolliero_? What shall we goe away so soone? I pray you Sirtarry a little while, for an honest man is comming hither, who hath myDoublet engaged for eight and thirty shillings; and I am sure that hewill restore it me back for five and thirty, if I could presently payhim downe the money.

  During the speeches, an other entred among them, who assured_Aniolliero_, that _Fortarigo_ was the Thiefe which robde him ofhis money, shewing him also how much hee had lost at the Dice:Wherewith _Aniolliero_ being much mooved, very angerly reprooved_Fortarigo_, and, but for feare of the Law, would have offered himoutrage, thretning to have him hangd by the neck, or else condemnedto the Gallies belonging to _Florence_, and so mounted on his horse._Fortarigo_ making shew to the standers by, as if _Aniolliero_ menacedsome other body, and not him, said. Come _Aniolliero_, I pray theelet us leave this frivilous prating, for (indeede) it is not worth aButton, and minde a matter of more importance: my Doublet will bee hadagaine for five and thirty shillings, if the money may bee tendereddowne at this very instant, whereas if we deferre it till to morrow,perhaps hee will then have the whole eight and thirty which he lentme, and he doth me this pleasure, because I am ready (at another time)to affoord him the like courtesie; why then should we loose threeshillings, when they may so easily be saved.

  _Aniolliero_ hearing him speake in such confused manner, and perceivingalso, that they which stood gazing by, beleeved (as by their lookesappeared) that _Fortarigo_ had not played away his Masters mony atthe Dice, but rather that he had some stocke of _Fortarigoes_ in hiscustody; angerly answered; Thou sawcy companion, what have I to doewith thy Doublet? I would thou wert hangd, not only for playing awaymy money, but also by delaying thus my journey, and yet boldly thoustandest out-facing mee, as if I were no better then thy fellow._Fortarigo_ held on still his former behaviour, without using anyrespect or reverence to _Aniolliero_, as if all the accusations didnot concerne him, but saying, Why should wee not take the advantageof three shillings profit? Thinkest thou, that I am not able to doeas much for thee? why, lay out so much money for my sake, and make nomore haste then needs we must, because we have day-light enough tobring us (before night) to _Torreniero_. Come, draw thy purse, and paythe money, for upon mine honest word, I may enquire throughout all_Sienna_, and yet not find such another Doublet as this of mine is. Tosay then, that I should leave it, where it now lyeth pawned, and foreight and thirty shillings, when it is richly more worth then fifty, Iam sure to suffer a double endammagement thereby.

  You may well imagine, that _Aniolliero_ was now enraged beyond allpatience, to see himselfe both robde of his money, and overbornewith presumptuous language: wherefore, without making any morereplications, he gave the spurre to his horse, and rode away towards_Torreniero_. Now fell _Fortarigo_ into a more knavish intentionagainst _Aniolliero_, and being very speedy in running, followed apaceafter him in his shirt, crying out still aloude to him all the way, tolet him have his Doublet againe. _Aniolliero_ riding on very fast, tofree
his eares from this idle importunity, it fortuned that _Fortarigo_espied divers countrey Pezants, labouring in the fields about theirbusinesse, and by whom _Aniolliero_ (of necessity) must passe: To themhe cryed out so loude as he could; Stay the Thiefe, Stop the Thiefe, herides away so fast, having robde me.

  They being provided, some with Prongges, Pitchforkes and Spades, andothers with the like weapons fit for Husbandry, stept into the waybefore _Aniolliero_: and beleeving undoubtedly, that he had robdethe man which pursued him in his shirt, stayed and apprehended him.Whatsoever _Aniolliero_ could doe or say, prevailed not any thing withthe unmannerly Clownes, but when _Fortarigo_ was arrived among them, hebraved _Aniolliero_ most impudently, saying.

  What reason have I to spoile thy life (thou traiterous Villaine) torob and spoyle thy Master thus on the high way? Then turning to theCountrey Boores: How much deare friends (quoth he) am I beholding toyou for this unexpected kindnesse? You behold in what manner he left mein my Lodging, having first playd away all my money at the Dice, andthen deceiving me of my horse and garments also: but had not you (bygreat good lucke) thus holpe mee to stay him; a poore Gentleman had binundone for ever, and I should never have found him againe.

  _Aniolliero_ avouched the truth of his wrong received, but the basepeazants, giving credite onely to _Fortarigoes_ lying exclamations:tooke him from his horse, despoyled him of all his wearing apparrell,even to the very Bootes from off his Legges: suffered him to ride awayfrom him in that manner, and _Aniolliero_ left so in his shirt, todance a bare-foote Galliard after him, either towards _Sienna_, or anyplace else.

  Thus _Aniolliero_, purposing to visite his Cousin the Cardinal likea Gallant, and at the Marquisate of _Ancona_, returned backe poorlyin his shirt unto _Buonconvento_, and durst not (for shame) repaireto _Sienna_. In the end, he borrowed money on the other horse which_Fortarigo_ rode on, and remained there in the Inne, whence riding to_Corsignano_, where he had divers Kinsmen and Friends, he continuedthere so long with them, till he was better furnished from his Father.

  Thus you may perceive, that the cunning Villanies of _Fortarigo_,hindred the honest intended enterprise of _Aniolliero_, howbeit in fittime and place, nothing afterward was left unpunished.