Read The Legacy of Kilkenny Page 21

Abel snuck out of his house and met with Oakley and me as we looked over picture after picture and drilled into his head who everyone was in the pack. We told him about the different affairs, wolves are horn dogs not much different than regular dogs. Although there are mates for life, there is also mate just to mate and it wasn’t frowned upon. It sounds worse than it really is, but we live together all of the time. We don’t inbreed like dogs do, we are part human so we know who is our brother, cousin or parents and all of it was off limits. It wasn’t unheard of for the Alpha to find an omega and mate or when another pack was in town for the Alpha to offer one of his for the other Alpha to enjoy running with for the night. I was special in the pack so no one tried mating with me, probably because I didn’t send out the pheromones that I was willing to mate with anyone yet. Civilized packs lived as such but when you traveled and ran across rogue wolves or other packs, they had some skank low lives.

  We played a flash card game with all of the key players so Abel would catch on. For every right answer he got a gas card to help fuel up his tank. He worked really hard and I knew he was getting fatigued but we had to make sure he was armed with info.

  “Hey Abe, you ready for us to take you home? You’re looking a little tired.”

  We all said good night and drove him to the end of the street.

  I turned and looked at Oakley, “Do you smell that?” I took a big whiff out the window and he did too.

  “It smells like Parker. Was he over here tonight Abe?”

  “No, but I’ve been meaning to ask you about that. What is his beef with me? Ever since the first night I found out about the werewolf stuff, he has been coming and lurking around the neighborhood. Hell, the dogs don’t even make as much of a hissy fit over him anymore. I don’t think they like him but they don’t howl as much as they did when he first came around. You’ve seemed a little tense so I haven’t said anything. It’s not like he has done anything, I figured no foul no harm.”

  “What the hell Abel! I wish you would have told us. You can’t keep secrets like that from me. I’m going to find out what he’s doing here. I wondered where he was running to. Dad had said he wasn’t staying out there at night and had got a small house on the outskirts of Yukon. That slimy good for nothing mutt. I’m going to kick his ass.” Like it or not, it was about time for a good ass kickin’.

  “Slow down there Sparky,” Oakley said to me.

  “Oh no you didn’t, you just called me Sparky, and I’ll kick your ass too. I’m going for a run!” I hopped out of the car and shifted before either of them could stop me.