Read The Life Of Alexandria Drama Of Epic Proportion Page 3

Chapter 3

  Richard was having a normal day as far his days went, so far he had taken three calls, one mugging, a domestic dispute and a robbery. Through out everything though his thoughts drifted again and again to his home life, the problems between his wife and daughter had been getting worse as of late and it was starting to effect his own happiness.

  He wasn't sure what he could do to help the situation any longer, he wanted to do right by them both but there just didn't seem to be common ground.

  "Maybe this lunch we can make some head way in their dealings." He thought.

  With a frustrated breath he stood up from his desk grabbing anything that he might need after his lunch.

  "Penny for your thoughts." A heavy set man said lumbering over to stand in front of him.

  "Detective Jones, to what do I owe this honor?" Richard questioned with a raised eyebrow.

  "The unhappy look on your face." He smiled.

  "Family troubles, that's all." He answered with a sigh.

  "Why you ever got married I'll never know!" He laughed slapping him on the back. "This job with all the female opportunities it comes with is no place for a married man if you ask me."

  Pushing past him forcefully Richard growls. "Yeah well I didn't ask you."

  "What do you say we take off early and get a drink?" He questioned grabbing Richard's arm.

  "No can do old friend I have a lunch date with my wife and kid, we're meeting at the mall and having some food with Janet Reno and her mother June, then I have a full day of cases I have to go through."

  "Whoa there, you are having lunch with June Reno? The widow?" He questioned intently.

  "Yeah. So?" Richard asked.

  "Miss Universe 1989? That June Reno?"

  "For the last time yes, why?"

  "I say you drop the wife and kids for a day or so and get some of that, or better yet just drop that wife and move on to her." He said slyly.

  "You're sick." Richard said pulling his arm away and storming off.

  "Don't tell me you have never thought about being with her! Every guy in his right mind has!" He shouted after him.

  The drive to the mall was quicker than he had meant it to be, still fuming from the conversation earlier Richard used his police lights to get there and get it over with as soon as possible.

  The shopping had been dreadful so far, it wasn't even Janet and Alex that were shopping it was more like they had been brought for decoration, like dolls the two girls were paraded into the shops dressed in what the parents decided and then paraded back out again. The few times that the two girls voiced their opinions the wants fell on deaf ears.

  Finally the two girls were given a reprieve when they headed to the food court in the Coronado mall and were given money and free reign to choose what they wished.

  "How can they call this shopping when we are little more then slaves walking around and doing what we are told?" I asked.

  "I'm just glad to be out of the house at all, since my father died my mom doesn't really want to do much." Janet said with a saddened tone.

  "I'm sorry Janet, here I am complaining about my parents and forgetting about your problems, some jerk of a friend I am." I answered shamefully.

  "Your dad's going to be here right?" She asked hopefully.

  Ever since her father had died my dad had kind of become her father figure taking her to father daughter stuff and inviting her and her mother to family picnics and stuff.

  "He said that he would and if there is one thing you can count on my dad always keeps his word." I smiled grabbing my food and heading to the table with her in tow.

  "Well you girls certainly seem to have an appetite." Haile said happily picking at her salad and looking pale.

  "It's been a long day and we're planning on eating our troubles away." I answered tearing into my hamburger.

  "Thank you for the day out Haile, it's been a while since I took a day to shop." June said absently picking at her food.

  "I'm sorry that it hadn't been sooner June." She said half heartedly. "I have just been so tired lately and with all the school stuff going on with the PTA I've just been swamped, I'll try to make more time for us to spend together."

  "Don't worry Haile you do more than enough for me and your family." June answered.

  "Yeah right." I whispered to Janet. "The only thing she ever does for me is keep up my arguing skills."

  "I didn't want to say anything but I heard my mom talking on the phone the other day and she was saying that your mom has missed the last four PTA meetings, instead she has them email her the stuff that needs to be done and then she does it." Janet whispers.

  "My god, that is a new level of laziness even for her." I shot back.

  I was about to get up and ask her why she has been missing all the meetings but right then my dad showed up with his million dollar smile.

  "I'm sorry for running late everyone, it's nice to see that you didn't wait for me girls I can't have my two favorite ladies starving."

  "Hello honey." Haile smiled giving him a very friendly peck on the cheek instead of a real kiss because they were in public.

  With a frown at the lack of affection my father forced a smile before continuing onto give a big hug to June. "And how are you doing June?" He questioned.

  "I am?surviving Richard, thank you for asking." She answered in her normal methodical tone.

  "I don't mean to be forward June but I have a number of single friends that you might be interested in, that is if you are ready." He said pulling out his wallet.

  Silence filled the air in a bubble around the table as the words just hung in the air like a cartoon.

  "Listen you don't have to decide now but if you choose to the option is there." He quickly added to break the silence.

  As he walked off both June and Haile watched to make sure he was out of ear shot before thy talked about what just happened.

  "I'm sorry if he pushed you." Haile quickly apologized to save face like she had said it.

  "It's really no problem at all Haile, Richard is very sweet to even be thinking of my feelings." June smiled focusing on her food.

  "If there is anything we can do for you at all don't hesitate to ask us okay." Haile smiled pushing away her half eaten salad like it was pure evil.

  "As a matter of fact there is some work that needs to be done on the house, if you could spare Richard for a few hours sometime I'd be in your debt." She answered more playing with her food rather then eating it until she noticed Haile plate pushed away from her. "What's wrong? Was the food not good?"

  "It was fine, it just not sitting right with my stomach." She half grinned holding her stomach for a second. "As for Richard what ever you need him for I'm sure he'll be happy to help."

  "What's that?" My dad asked returning to the table.

  "June was saying that he has some chores that require the touch of a man and I told her that you would be more than happy to help out with them whenever you have the time of course." Haile answers.

  "Sure, I'd love to help out it's the least I can do for you guys." He smiled happily. "Robert was like a brother to me."

  "That would give Janet and I some extra time to hang out." I said happily.

  "You have far too many responsibilities for that right now, besides you are still grounded from that little sneaking out thing you pulled last week." Haile chimed in.

  "That's right, but perhaps Janet could instead come over and spend a little time with our family." My dad suggested saving my sanity.

  Suddenly little miss Haile decided that she would grab all the attention by feigning that she was in massive pain holding her stomach.

  "What's wrong honey?" My dad jumped up coming to her aid.

  "It's just my stomach, it's been hurting a lot lately, probably just stress from everything." She said holding her hand up to her forehead all dramatically.

  "I guess the fun day of shopping is over." I sighed standing up and throwing the rest of my food in the trash, for some re
ason I had just lost my appetite.

  "Maybe we should take you to the hospital?" Suggested June.

  "No!" Haile said a little too quickly in my opinion. "No?I'll be fine I just need to get some rest, if you don't mind Richard would you take June and Janet home for me?"

  "It's on my way to the station anyway." He answered still furrowing his brow at the quick change of subject.

  "Can Janet come over for a while?" I blurted out.

  "Not today Alex, I need you to help clean the house and get dinner started maybe another time." Haile answered before anyone else could.

  "Great I'll just squeeze all that in between my homework and regular chores no problem." I said sarcastically, naturally I was a little distraught at the thought of my up coming manual labor.

  "Alexandria your mother needs help because she's not feeling well, please for me will you do a little extra tonight? I promise I'll make it up to you, besides just think of this as life experience that will someday come in handy."

  I just couldn't say no to my dad. "Okay dad you got it."