Read The Life Of Alexandria Drama Of Epic Proportion Page 4

Chapter 4

  The drive home felt like a funeral procession, mine. Luckily I got to ride with the crypt keeper yapping in my ear the whole time, she was rambling on about the importance of living life to the fullest and learning the homemaker skills that would help me later in life.

  When we pulled up to the house my "mom" seemed just fine to me, in fact she seemed better than okay. The moment we were inside she was all like do this and clean that, no I wasn't folding that right, it was better if done this way so it saved time. When cooking this the temperature should be at this and you should add this and taste that, god, blah, blah, blah.

  You would think that's where it would end but no such luck for me, instead she went on to teach me how to balance a checkbook and keep track of the money online, I think in the four hours of time we spent together I died and was reborn as an accountant slash mother of the year.

  I never thought that I would ever utter these words but I found myself saying them gladly. "Can I please go to my room and do my homework?"

  Incredulously she gave me a dirty look. "Fine, we can finish going over more stuff tomorrow."

  As I trudged off up the stairs I knew that there was no way I would find the time or energy to workout tonight, in fact I was more than ready to just lie down and die. "Why god did you cruse me with this parent? Why can't she just disappear?"

  I got to my homework finishing it pretty quickly which gave me just enough time to get a call into Kevin before dinner would start. "Hey handsome you thinking missing me yet?"

  "I was just thinking about you." He answered out of breath.

  "Yeah? What were you doing exactly? You sound out of breath." I said suspiciously.

  Laughing a little he answered. "I was working out, why what did you picture me doing you naughty girl?" He hinted for a little bit of naughty talk.

  "Guess." I said baiting him.

  "Well I was just about to jump in the shower?naked." He said awkwardly.

  I couldn't help but laugh at his lack of ability in the talking sexy department. "Nice slick."

  "Yeah this just isn't working, probably because we don't have anything real to base it on." He said spitefully.

  "Low blow." I snapped.

  "I wish?" He said with the words trailing off.

  "Listen I didn't call you to start a fight, I just wanted to talk to my loving boyfriend, is he around by chance?"

  "Sorry he's busy trying to make a key to your chastity belt, maybe you can try calling back later." He snickered.

  "Maybe if he's lucky." I said hanging up the phone to get the last word before heading downstairs where my father was standing over my mother with a concerned look on his face.

  "What's going on?" I asked mildly interested.

  "Your mother isn't feeling well again." He answered checking her vitals. "That's it we're taking you to the hospital Haile."

  "There's nothing that they can do at the hospital." She said flatly which grabbed both of our attention.

  "What do you mean they can't do anything?" He asked staring at her blankly.

  "It's time I told you both the truth, a couple of weeks ago I was diagnosed with liver and blood cancer, I started treatment at the beginning of the week and the chemo is starting to make me very sick, that's why I've been so tired lately. I've tried to keep up with my duties as a wife and mother but it's been increasingly difficult. As the weeks go by I'm going to eventually be stuck in bed because the cancer is winning the fight."

  "My god, I'm sorry honey I had no idea, why didn't you tell me sooner?" My father said beginning to cry.

  "I didn't want to worry you and I was hoping that it could be fought and killed right away." She answered cupping his face in her hand.

  At this moment I have to tell you that as cold as it may seem I was actually happy at the news of her being infected with a deadly disease. Finally my prayers had been answered and the wicked witch of the west's reign would come to an end.

  Just think of it, no more problems holding back our family and ruining my life, my dad and I would be happy at last and then maybe we could find someone worth a damn for once.

  "How long do you have?" I asked in a low tone.

  "Alex!" My dad chided upset at the question.

  "It's a fair question." Haile said looking past him at me. "They give me maybe a year with treatment if the cancer responses."

  I stayed quiet at the news, not because it hit me or anything but because I dreaded another year with Haile and not just normal Haile but cancer Haile in full victim mode and I just knew that I was gonna get stuck with her whining to me.

  On the plus side though her being sick meant that she would be stuck in the hospital or up in her bed and that meant she would effectively be unable to interfere with my life.

  "Maybe if you stayed in the hospital and got treatment daily it would help." I suggested. "Dad and I can take care of everything here while you're getting treatment."

  "I wouldn't want to leave the family just like that." Haile argued.

  "Alex is right we could handle things around here, right now all you have to worry about is getting better." My dad reasoned.

  "That's not fair to you guys." She said in a tired voice.

  "Fair or not it is what we are going to do, tomorrow we are checking you into Presbyterian." He said firmly.

  The next morning was all sunshine and birds singing, the air smelled like roses and every piece of food I ate was like a gourmet meal as we drove to the hospital to check in Haile. My dad checked me out of school for the day so I could deal with the massive change in our lives which I liked just fine, I was already over it.

  "So what happens now?" I asked my dad as we stood at the counter waiting for the nurse to finish checking us in.

  "Now we will go to our moms room and spend sometime with her until the doctor gives her something for the pain she is in, then it would be best if we gave her time to rest." He answered flatly.

  "Are you going to be okay dad?" I asked growing a little concerned for the first time.

  "I'm fine Alex, why don't you catch the bus and head home so I can have some time alone with your mother. You can visit her later."

  "But dad I don't mind?"

  "I wasn't asking!" He said raising his voice and snapping at me so fiercely that I jumped a little bit.

  "Yes dad." I sulked heading back towards the door.

  "Alex." He called getting my attention right before I walked out the door.


  "Things are different now, I'm sorry but it's going to be difficult." He said rubbing his temples. "Prepare yourself for that."

  As I walked out of the hospital my dads words kind of haunted me, I knew that things were going to be different now, in fact I was counting on it but when he said it somehow the feeling I got was of dread not happiness and I didn't like that at all.

  I looked at the bus and instantly decided that I wasn't about to jump on that thing, so I called up Kevin who was more than happy to play hooky and come get me.

  Forty minutes later we were on the road pulling into my driveway at home. "Are you going to let me walk you in?" Kevin asked.

  "Of course." I said pulling him up the driveway until we were inside the house.

  Once inside the house all of my inhibitions came crashing down as we made our way up to my room, kissing passionately Kevin slowly started to undress me and I him as my heart started beating a million times a minute at the thought of what we were about to do, but right before anything could happen my dad's car pulled into the driveway with the familiar sound of the garage opening.

  Quickly we redressed and ran down the stairs just in time to act like we were sitting on the couch watching television.

  Absent minded my dad walked in tossing his keys on the counter as he headed straight to the bar in the house and poured himself a drink like we didn't even exist.

  "Dad?" I said finally getting his attention as he slammed his third drink.

  "Oh Alex I didn't see you there.
Hello Kevin." He said unenthusiastically.

  "I'm sorry to hear about Mrs. Holt sir." Kevin said fumbling with his zipper.

  "That's very kind of you Kevin, now if you don't mind I need my daughter to begin her homework and make herself some dinner." He answered.

  "I don't have any homework dad I didn't go to school today remember?" I said.

  Dropping a load of papers on the table my father sighed barely even looking at me. "I picked up your homework for today and tomorrow, you'll be missing school tomorrow so you can go and see your mother."

  "But dad?" I began only to be cut off by his angry yell for the second time that day.

  "No buts!!! Just do what I said damn it!" He yelled. "Goodbye Kevin!"

  Hastily Kevin ran out the door without even saying goodbye because he was so afraid.

  "I'm going for a drive, I'll be back in a little bit and your homework better be done!" He said slamming the door behind him as he went to the garage.

  "God I hope this isn't what I'm in for now." I said out loud looking at the homework.

  "You can't expect him to be okay with this right away." Janet's voice said as she closed the front door behind her.

  "Are you a sight for sore eyes." I said hugging her.

  "And I brought reinforcements for happiness." She said pointing at the door like a magician where Hal jumped through landing on his knees.

  "Tada!" He yelled.

  "If this doesn't cheer me up I don't know what will." I said hugging him as well. "I have to say I'm surprised to see you guys here though."

  "I snuck out, my home girl needed me." He said gangster style. "We ride together, we die together big dog."

  " mom said I should come and check on you, she said she needed time alone after hearing the news anyway." Janet said beginning to raid the fridge. "So I figured that we could get on that homework and veg out on some television."

  "You guys are the best." I said joining them at the table. "I guess things are looking up after all."