Read The Life Of Alexandria Drama Of Epic Proportion Page 5

Chapter 5

  It was a great night after my friends showed up, we laughed and worked on the homework together while watching TV and for a short time nothing else in the world existed. At that moment I didn't care if my dad came home pissed off about my friends being there or my mother died with a one way ticket to heaven or hell depending on the judgment.

  I thought about calling over Kevin to join us in the fun but something held me back, maybe it was the scared look on his face or maybe it was the fact that we had almost had sex that afternoon and I wasn't sure it had been the right decision, in any case I didn't make the call. Besides if this was a small taste of how my life was going to be from now on I would have plenty of time for Kevin in the coming weeks and months.

  The next morning I stretched out with a good yawn followed by a yelp when I saw my father on the couch opposite of me looking like he had tried to take off his clothes and was dreadfully unsuccessful. I thought about waking him up for some breakfast but changed my mind when I saw him still wearing his holster.

  Instead I got the dishes done and the mess cleaned up from our little party last night, then I decided to make breakfast and leave it out for him so when he woke up he'd have a nice surprise.

  Then being the awesome daughter I am I got ready and did the last thing I wanted to, I hopped a bus and went to the hospital to see Haile.

  When I got there she was barely awake enough to talk but I tried because I knew it would make my dad happy. "How are you doing?" I knew it was a stupid question that everyone asks, how are you doing? I'm dying from cancer how do you think?

  "I am fighting hard." She answered. "More importantly how are you doing with all this?" She asked genuinely sounding concerned.

  "I'm managing." I said unable to meet her gaze for some reason.

  "School?" She questioned struggling to get the word out.

  "I missed yesterday and today but I'm going back tomorrow and I've kept up on my homework." I answered.

  "That's good, you are a great kid and a wonderful daughter, I don't think I said that enough but it's true." She said passing out at the last word.

  For the first time I felt bad about what happened to her, but just as quickly as the feeling came it left me remembering that she was all drugged up. Unable to do anything else I left the room needing to clear my mind but instead of just leaving out of the room I left the entire hospital.

  I didn't know exactly where I was headed so I got on the bus and just rode until it felt right to get off the bus, I walked to the nearest ice cream shop and sat down without ordering anything. Instead I called my friends hoping that they would come to cheer me up like they did the night before.

  Half of an hour later instead of my dear friends my worst enemy showed up instead.

  "So this is what you do when your mother ends up in the hospital? Ditch school and come to ice cream shops wow you truly are a wonderful daughter." Katie mocked standing next to my chair.

  Suddenly I lost it all the rage I had been holding in came out and was solely focused on her. Using techniques that my father had taught me I had her on the ground in seconds pounding her face like I was kneading a piece of dough.

  It felt like the fight lasted for minutes but it couldn't have been more than a few seconds before the surrounding people pulled me off of her.

  "You crazy bitch!" She yelled held back by people herself.

  "I'll show you crazy hoe, come here." I yelled struggling against the people's grip that held me.

  Suddenly Kevin's face was in front of me. "Calm down baby, it's me, just calm down okay?"

  I calmed down instantly as the sounds of police sirens began to draw near from the distance.

  A minute later my fathers unmarked police car pulled up at cold stone with everyone parting quickly in the hopes of not being caught up in the mess.

  "Alex! What the hell is going on here?" He yelled walking up to me.

  "I got in a fight dad, it's no big deal." I answered still trembling with anger.

  "It's no big deal?" He stammered like I was speaking a foreign language. "That's where you're wrong, I can't have my daughter running around starting fights like some brat! I don't need that right now!"

  "What is it you do need dad?" I shot back. "How would I even guess what it is? Anytime you speak with me lately it's to yell not talk!"

  "That's enough Alex, get in the car you are going home right now and we'll have the talk as soon as I'm off work!" He demanded.

  Shooting him the dirtiest look I could muster I charged past him into the car.

  The whole ride home we didn't say a word to each other, the whole time he kept checking his watch and for the first time in my life I didn't see my dad as mister perfect and I couldn't help but wonder if it was because of what Haile was going through or was I wrong and he was the lesser of two evils?

  After he dropped me off he peeled out in the street heading towards the Westside of town which wasn't even on his work route. He was probably going for a drive, that's what he did anytime he was upset, it looks like I had got to him as much as he got to me.

  A few minutes later the doorbell rang and to my happiness it was Kevin. "Hey you, I thought I'd come and check on you that was a pretty intense fight with your dad." He said hugging me tightly and kissing my neck.

  I pulled him inside hugging him back and kissing him but then before I knew it he was beginning to undress me.

  "Seriously?" I thought. "I just had a fight with Katie and then argued with my dad and you choose now to try this?"

  "What's wrong?" He questioned as I pulled away.

  Mentally note at that moment was guys are epically stupid when being controlled by hormones. "Are you kidding? I just got in a fight with Katie and then my dad and you think it's a good time to try and get in my pants?"

  "What better way to forget your troubles then picking up where I left off the yesterday?" He answered happily.

  "That's the line you're going with really?" I said shaking my head. "You know what Kevin? Thank you for coming to check on me but I think sometime alone would be best."

  With an evil smirk Kevin shook his head as well. "You know what Alex? I've been very patient waiting for you to be ready, I'm thinking that this probably isn't going to happen ever at this rate and I won't wait forever." He said walking back to his bike and jumping on it leaving no room to debate his words.

  With a pissed off slam of the door I turned on my heels and stomped over to the kitchen absolutely hating my life.

  Hastily I grabbed my cell and dialed Janet's number. "Hey Janet it's me what's going on?"

  "I'm kind of busy right now Alex do you mind if I give you a call back in just a little bit? I've got company right now and my mom isn't home if you catch my drift?" She said whispering into the phone.

  "Oooo, who's the lucky guy? Are you about to have sex?" I said eager for more details.

  "No I'm not going to have sex, I'm just helping out a friend that's all." She giggled but I could tell that she was into whoever it was.

  "Okay, call me afterwards and tell me everything."

  "it's a deal." She said hanging up the phone.

  A small smile crossed my face before I again thought of everything that had happened that day and once again I swiftly dialed a number.

  "Road kill caf?, you kill 'em we grill 'em." Came Hal's voice when he answered making me laugh instantly.

  "Hey Hal." I said.

  "Ah a preferred customer that knows the owner this calls for something special! How about skunk a la mode?" He said continuing his little play.

  "I'll have that and a little rat sandwich."

  "Excellent choice we will have that out to you in thirty minutes or less." He answered. "Is there anything else we can do for you? Counseling perhaps? We have excellent and affordable rates and if you act now the first session is free."

  "What a great deal! I'll take it!"

  "Great! So let's begin tell me when did you first begin to pee your pants?" He asked.

sp; "You're an idiot." I said.

  "Maybe but I did already start to make you feel better didn't I?" He said and I swear that I could practically see his smile through the phone.

  "Who said I needed to feel better?"

  "I'm psychic." He answered happily.

  "Well you were right, I've been having a rough day."

  "I'll bet you have, first the visit to the hospital and then the fight with Katie and your dad, that'd be tough day for anyone." He sighed.

  "Did you say you were psychic or a stocker?" I questioned. "How did you know about all that stuff?"

  "I went to the hospital to visit your mom and saw you leaving to get on the bus as for the fight you know how it is, people on vacation already know what happened at cold stone." He said triumphantly.

  "Well congratulations Sherlock Holmes." I said. "Anyway depending on how goes tonight with my dad do you feel like hanging out again?"

  "I'm always up for a little one on one time with my girl." He laughed.

  "You wish I was your girl." I teased.

  "One day I shall have you and then all will be right in the world. Muah, ha, ha, ha!" He said changing his voice to sound evil.

  Before I could say anything else I heard my dad pulling up and had to prepare for our little talk. "I better go Hal, my dad just got home and he wants to talk. I call or text you later okay?"

  "Okay girl, keep your head about you alright?" He said.

  "Don't I always?" I questioned convinced I was right, little did I know those would become famous last words.