Read The Life Of Alexandria Drama Of Epic Proportion Page 6

  Chapter 6

  The conversation went bad from the get go, my dad walked into the living room and threw down his stuff on the couch waiting for me to meet him there.

  "Hurry up and get over here." He huffed while rolling up the sleeves on his shirt.

  "Why are you so angry?" I questioned walking around and flopping into the seat across from where he was standing.

  "How about the fact that my wife is in the hospital and now I'm stuck holding the bag? How about because my daughter disrespected me on the street in front of a dozen people?" He yelled. "Is that good enough reasons for you?"

  "It's not my fault that Haile is in the hospital!" I yelled. "Is that why you're so mad? Because suddenly you have to take more responsibility in my life?"

  "I already have enough going on without suddenly having to babysit you at every turn!" He yelled.

  "I don't need a babysitter I'm not a child!" I screamed beginning to cry.

  "You sure could fool me with how you were behaving today!"

  "That little witch came up and started disrespecting me! She accused me of being a bad daughter." I cried.

  "Maybe she's right." He said cutting my heart in two.

  "What?" I said with my lip trembling.

  "How often did you fight with your mother? How often did you make her life harder?" He said pausing for a moment. "How often was I dragged in the middle of your little fights with each other? Did either of you ever consider what it was doing to me or to each other? For all we know that added stress made her sick quicker, I know it's what led to my ulcers."

  "You think it's my fault for all this?" I sobbed hardly able to believe what I was hearing.

  "I don't know what to think anymore, I need to reevaluate my life and everything in it." He said walking off towards the kitchen.

  "Does that include me?" I questioned afraid of his answer.

  "I'll always be your father." He answered in a lame tone. "Until we find a balance for what's going on I expect you to act your age and take care of your homework and so forth, also I will be spending some extra time at work so don't wait up."

  "Yes sir." I said running up the stairs to my room.

  The last thing I remembered was crying so hard and so much that my whole body hurt and then there was nothing.

  The next morning I woke up to find that my father was already gone to work and again I was left with the clean up of the house along with getting ready for school. Grabbing my stuff I ran out of the house jumping on the back of Kevin's bike but instead of him giving me a hug or kiss he just smiled.

  "You still mad at me?" I asked leaning forward.

  "Not at all, I just think we need to figure out what is going on with us and find a good balance." He said.

  What was going on? Another guy in my life looking for a balance with me, was it something in the water or was it just me?

  "I want to go all the way with you Kevin, the timing has just been wrong lately." I told him.

  "I know it has." He agreed calmly. "But it's like they say everything happens for a reason." And just like that our conversation was over.

  At school everyone was whispering and talking in their little groups about how I lost it and attacked Katie for no reason, as for Katie she was busy fanning the flames anyway she could. Hal of course was trying to defend me to everyone, Janet was quiet only talking every once in a while to tell people to leave her alone. I figured she was having a hard time as well, her mother didn't really have any other friends besides Haile and now she was gone so the depression had probably kicked back in. As for Kevin he gave me kisses on the cheek and held my hand but it wasn't the same as usual, he seemed distant and distracted when it came to us.

  I ignored everyone and went about my day I didn't care enough about any of these stupid people to let them ruin my life with their petty words. I finished my classes and went to cheer practice leading the team in a brand new routine which under my leadership we nailed. After my little performance at the practice things seemed to finally be getting back to normal, guys checked me out and people were whispering but it was about how they wished they were as lucky as me. Maybe my dad and boyfriend were right I just had to find the right balance for this new life of mine. Feeling good about my day and life I decided to take the bus to the mall for a little shopping spree instead of catching a ride with Kevin or anyone else.

  When I got to Coronado mall I was pleasantly surprised to see Janet walking around doing a little shopping of her own, she looked content to be alone so I thought twice about going up to her at first. Finally I thought it better to say something to her even if we didn't shop together, I didn't want her spotting me and thinking that I was avoiding her besides I still needed the dirt on who she was with last night.

  "Hey girl." I said jumping out in front of her. "You never called me back last night."

  "Sorry I crashed out about an hour after we talked." She frowned thinking back.

  "So who was the mystery guy you were helping last night." I said with a wink.

  Rolling her eyes she answered with a nervous laugh that was unlike her. "My cousin was in town and having girl problems so he wanted my advice on the situation that's all."

  "Oh and here I thought it was going to be something juicy." I smiled. "So what are you going to do now?"

  "I was just buying something for my mom she's been really distant and distracted lately." She said with a frown holding up a bag.

  "Depressed?" I questioned.

  "It's that or she has a secret lover on the side she hasn't told me about." She laughed.

  "Not likely." I said laughing at the thought.

  "Right." She said joining in the laugh. "Anyway I was on my way to the car so I could get home and make dinner so I could surprise her wanna join me?"

  "Nah, she probably needs to spend some quality time with just you." I answered. "Besides I think I'm going to head over into uptown and grab something to eat at the elephant bar."

  "Lucky you, we'll get a hold of Hal and set something up so all of us can enjoy some good eats." She said giving me a hug.

  "You're on." I said hugging her back.

  After I walked her to the car and she gave me a ride to uptown I headed into the elephant bar and sat down ready to eat some great food. I was surprised to find June there just finishing up a meal by herself or so I thought until I saw an extra half eaten meal across from her.

  "Hi there Ms. Reno." I said making my presence known as the waiter sat me a couple of tables away.

  Her eyes widen at the sight of me, probably because she wasn't expecting to see me out and about while Haile was dying in the hospital.

  "Hello Alex, when did you get here?" She questioned.

  "Just now." I answered eyeing the other plate.

  Following my gaze she looked at the plate and then back at me with a awkward smile. "I met a friend of mine for lunch."

  "Where is he now?" I questioned. "I don't want to interrupt anything." I said.

  "It's okay Alex, he had to leave and get back to work." She smiled.

  "Wow I haven't seen a smile like that on you in I don't know how long, is this a special someone?"

  "I think he could be." She smiled and then frowned immediately after.

  "You don't seem sure about it. How long have you been dating if it's not pushing for too much information, it's just you have been like a mother to me." I said hugging her.

  "I'm sure that I want to be with him and he is sure that he wants to be with me, it's just difficult because until a couple of nights ago we hadn't been truthful about our feelings for each other. So now it's kind of like fumbling around in the dark and trying to find our way." She giggled slightly.

  "You'll figure it out I'm sure and any man should count himself lucky to be with you." I answered standing up now that my food had arrived. As I began to walk away I suddenly remembered what Janet had told me so I made a judgment call and turned back around. "Just so you know, Janet has been worried about you because sh
e says you have been distant, maybe you should tell her that you have found someone and that's what's really going on." I told her with one last hug.

  "I hadn't thought about what she might be thinking, maybe it is time that I tell her. Until I do would you do me a personal favor and not let her know I'm seeing someone? I want it to come from me and the timing has to be right." She pleaded.

  "My lips are sealed." I said turning around and walking back to my table.

  A few minutes later June finished up her food and gave me a half smile and wave to match as she walked out of the restaurant.

  Eating my food all by myself was relaxing, I couldn't remember the last time I had done something like this. However long it had been was too much time in between, I had to get back into this practice.

  "Enjoying yourself?" My dads voice split the air behind me making me suddenly feel sick.

  Without turning around I answered. "I was."

  "Until I showed up is that right?" He said coming around and taking a seat across from me.

  "Something like that, did you expect otherwise given our relationship lately?" I questioned pushing my plate away from me. "Anyway, what are you doing here? Checking up on me now?"

  "I come here to eat all of the time and seeing you here there's no harm in checking on you is there?" He answered picking at my plate.

  "Depends on whether or not you are here you check up on me or yell at me again." I answered pissed off at the fact that he interrupted my alone time.

  "I'm not looking to yell at you or pick a fight, I merely came over to talk with you about some stuff."

  "Which is?"

  "You are very talented and intelligent, in my opinion that is why I believe you can do anything if you set your mind to it." He smiled pulling the whole plate in front of him.

  "Didn't have enough for lunch I take it?" I frowned.

  "Not quite." He smiled enjoying the rest of my food.

  "So was there a point to what you were saying?" I snapped growing hungry again as the food was shoveled into his mouth.

  "As a matter of fact there is, a friend of mine that runs McDonald's owed me a favor so I pulled some strings and got you a job there starting Monday." He smiled almost evilly.

  "What?" I asked just blinking in shock at the news.

  "You're seventeen years old now and about to become eighteen in a few months, you are an adult now. It's time that you started saving up some money because when you turn eighteen it's time to go out on your own." He continued.

  "You're kicking me out?" I stammered on the verge of tears.

  "No, I'm trying to get you responsible."

  "But I don't have time for a job, I have cheerleading, homework and my duties as class president." I argued.

  "This is happening Alex one way or another, if you don't take and keep the job then I will throw you out at eighteen and you'll have no choice but to make it on your own." He snapped. "The choice is yours Alex either start work now and have money when you're eighteen or struggle with nothing when you turn eighteen." He said standing up from the table and wiping his mouth.

  I couldn't even reply, I was stuck with this choice and it only had two options that sucked. As the waiter brought the bill to me suddenly the weight of money felt like a crushing force that was trying to push me into the ground. How much money had I wasted on useless things? How much money could I have right now if I didn't spend recklessly? In the end it didn't matter what I did in the past it is the future I have to worry about now.