Read The Life Of Alexandria Drama Of Epic Proportion Page 7

Chapter 7

  Two months had gone by since my life fell apart that day in the restaurant, I had started my new job and worked some flexible hours so I could keep my other activities at school. It was harder than I like to admit, my cheerleading was beginning to slip a little and I hardly ever had time to meet with the different groups at school and direct them but some how I was managing my duties for the most part.

  My father and I hardly said a word to one another any more which was only slightly less than my communication with Kevin. Hal and Janet I saw only at school and I was beyond tired all of the time, as for Haile she had steadily got worse for a while but now seemed to be leveling out. I went to visit her once or twice a week and strangely enough we got along better now than we ever had before.

  During my morning walk to school on Friday morning Janet drove up in her mother's car pulling along side me.

  "Hey stranger hop in." She smiled looking at me over the rim of her glasses.

  "I'm sorry I haven't been around too much lately Janet." I frowned looking at her. "One of us had to bring up my absence eventually."

  "It's okay, I completely understand." She said happily.

  "Wow I had expected you to yell at me, call me a bitch or something." I joked.

  She smiled at first but quickly her expression changed into pure sickness, she swerved away from the road and parked the car quickly jumping out and throwing up all over the place. I swear I jumped all the way from my side of the car to hers in one leap quickly pulling back her hair so the vomit didn't get in it.

  "What the heck is going on?" I asked as she finished.

  "Food poisoning." She said after a minute. "I took a chance and got some take out from that place on forth street again."

  "Are you losing your mind?" I asked feeling bad about her being sick.

  "Yeah I think that I am." She said beginning to sob a little bit as she held her stomach.

  "Maybe you should just take the day off of school." I suggested getting my things out of the car. "Go home Janet I'll let the office know that you were sick."

  "Thanks." She said dragging herself into the car. "Will you come by later so we can catch up?"

  "I probably won't be able to Janet, I have work tonight but I'll call you after okay?" I said.

  "Rain check for hanging out then?" She asked starting the car.

  "Definitely." I said.

  I didn't really like having to work but what I did like was the paycheck, I got my first one that morning and although it wasn't stellar it was all mine.

  When I got to school I told Hal that Janet was sick and it'd be the two of us with Kevin which he didn't really care for.

  "Isn't hanging out with him considered cruel and unusual punishment?" He questioned walking ahead of me.

  "You know I'd like it if you both could stop acting like children and get along, I mean it's like you guys are fighting over me." I sighed.

  "That'd be an unfair fight seeing as he gets to actually kiss you." He said miserably.

  Suddenly a thought hit me that I didn't like at all so I stopped and gave him a tug on the arm to turn him around.

  "You aren't actually thinking?I mean you don't want to?" I said.

  "Do these sentences have endings by chance?" He smiled blushing a little bit.

  Frustrated I slugged his arm. "You know what I'm talking about Hal, do you have feelings for me or not?"

  After a minute of looking for the answer on his shoes Hal finally answered. "Well lately I have been thinking about you a little more in that way."

  "What are you talking about? We're best friends! We grew up together, we're practically brother and sister, it'd be like incest." I said grossing out on the idea.

  "So that's a no on the return of my feelings?" He frowned playing with his coat zipper.

  "You can't be serious Hal, this is some kind of joke you're playing right?" I answered.

  "No, it's not a joke, I would take care of you and love you more than Kevin ever could." He said turning around and stomping off in the opposite direction.

  "Hal!" I said calling out for him.

  He kept on walking like he didn't hear me which I guess was for the best because even if he had come back I didn't have a clue what I would have said to him.

  "Trouble in paradise babe?" Kevin said smacking my butt like I was a piece of meat.

  "Is there some reason you can't just walk up and kiss me like a normal person?" I said smacking his hand off of me.

  "Ah my friendly girlfriend, loving as always." He answered. "Where's Janet and the puppy dog that follows you two around?"

  "Hal already went to class and Janet isn't here today she was feeling sick." I answered.

  "Too bad for them but that means I have you all to myself today." He smiled hugging me as we walked to class.

  "Just here at school afterwards I have to go in to work." I said annoyed at the thought.

  "That's okay babe I know you have a lot on your plate already." He said kissing my hand before running off after one of his friends.

  Before I could chase after him and explain that I wanted to spend time with him the head coach of our cheer leading team pulled me to the side.

  "How are you doing Alexandria?" She said sitting at her desk.

  "I'm okay."

  "Your grades have dropped a little bit in the last week or so, your teachers say that you have been missing assignment's and in class you are always tired." She said sitting back and watching me carefully.

  "I've been going through a lot lately with starting a job and my mom being sick. I'll work harder." I promised.

  "Until you do I am afraid that the facility and the student body have decided that you should step down as class president and as cheer captain." She answered shaking her head.

  "That's crazy!" I said shooting to my feet. "I know that I've been a little off lately but you can't just take this stuff away from me."

  "If I remember correctly you told me that you never even wanted to be a cheerleader, you did it to stop your mother from nagging you all the time. Isn't that right?" She questioned intently.

  "That may have been true at first but I love being a cheerleader now." I pleaded.

  "And you can stay one if you like just not as captain." She replied coolly.

  "So I have no say in any of this?" I said slamming my hand on the top of the desk.

  "No, we have already spoken with your father and he has signed the proper forms, I'm sorry but it is done. You are no longer class president or cheer captain." She said flatly.

  "Who is going to take my place? Janet?" I asked hopefully.

  "No Janet quit the cheer team yesterday. Katie will be in charge of the team and she is one of the people nominated for class president." She smiled happily.

  Ms. Laden our beloved cheer coach never liked me as captain, from the moment she took over from our last coach she rode me harder than anyone else, probably because she was Katie's cousin and everyone knew that we hated each other. Now finally she had the perfect excuse to put Katie in the driver seat and get me out.

  I stood up but before leaving turned around one last time. "How long have you been waiting for this Ms. Laden?"

  "I'm sure I don't know what you mean by that." She smiled.

  "How long have you been a bitch and plotting to get me out of the captain spot so you could get your loser cousin in? Is that plain enough for you?" I yelled ready to fight.

  "Talking to a teacher like that could warrant an immediate suspension, but I think that I'll over look it and instead give you a month of detention, good luck on catching up with your studies or making it to cheerleading since it will be performed before and after school." She laughed.

  "I quit the team." I said turning back around.

  "A little difficult to stay on top when mommy dearest isn't constantly talking you up to everyone on the school board isn't it?" She questioned.

  "What?" I said thinking that I must have heard wrong.

  "That's right, I know all
about how your mother lobbied for you at the PTA meetings and to the school board." She said rolling her eyes. "Well two can play at that game. Now get out of my office while I call your father and let him know that you will be attending detention."

  I slammed the door extra hard when I left the office hoping to annoy her in anyway possible, that's all I needed now, not only had I lost my president stature and my position as cheer captain but later I was going to be looking forward to one of my dads now famous yelling sessions.

  Feeling like crap from the day I had a call had to be made and that call was to my job letting them know that I wasn't going to be in today, instead I was going to check on my best friend and relax as I chewed her out for quitting and telling me.

  When I pulled up to her house the garage door was cracked with the smell of paint floating out of it, I was curious as to why it smelled like that but instead ignored it heading around to the backyard where the hidden key was so I could surprise Janet.

  Turning the key as lightly as possible I opened the back door and snuck up to her room, my only hope was that when I jumped into her room she doesn't throw up from the scare. Giving myself a mental count down I slowly turned the knob, then when I was ready I jumped into the room yelling surprise!

  Unfortunately it was me that got the surprise and lost my lunch all at the same time when I saw Janet on the bed, but instead of alone there she was having sex with Kevin.