Read The Life Of Alexandria Drama Of Epic Proportion Page 8

Chapter 8

  I had always heard about people blacking out when they drank too much or when they get too angry but neither had ever happened with me before, that was until that second.

  When I woke up from the daze I had a bat in my hand and I was going to town on Kevin's crouch like I was trying to hit a home run, Janet was holding her head in the corner and screaming like she was witnessing a murder in the making , which at that moment might have been what was going to happen if her mother hadn't walked into the mess.

  She had been holding a tray of some food until her eyes met the sight of me batting a thousand and my only cheering fan was her naked daughter screaming and crying in the corner, oddly enough it was the sound of the tray breaking against their hardwood floors was what brought me back to my senses.

  Suddenly I felt sick to my stomach , I dropped the bat unwilling to do anything other than cry for a moment as she ran to her daughter in an attempt to shake her out of the hysteria.

  "Janet!" She yelled. "Clam down, I need you to get up and call 911, Kevin is going to need something a little stronger than ice to help him."

  After about three more pep talks like that Janet finally focused on me turning green with a look of shame written across her face.

  Pulling her clothes on quickly Janet sniffled as she headed to the door stopping only to whisper I'm sorry to me before running down stairs.

  "Alex, I think you better go and get cleaned up, when the police get here they are going to want to talk with you." June said without looking at me.

  All at once I realized the gravity of what I had just done, if things went badly with this, meaning if Kevin lost his balls more than Janet was getting screwed today. I could very easily go to jail for what I just did, at the least I'm sure I was looking at probation.

  When I finished cleaning up, I went to their living room to wait for my fate when Hal walked in the door whistling away.

  "Alex, I didn't expect to see you here, did you hear I was coming by and rushed over to stomp on my heart some more?" He questioned walking past me until he noticed that I had been crying, stopping he turned me to face him. "What happened? Did you and Janet have a fight?" He questioned concerned.

  "You didn't know?" I asked.

  "Didn't know what?" He questioned clearly confused.

  "About Kevin and Janet?"

  "What about them? Did they get in an accident or something?" He said concerned.

  "Yeah, he walked in and fell inside her." I said unable to continue.

  "Fell inside her what?" He said again confused.

  "God you're thick." I said crying again and turning away.

  Suddenly it dawned on him. "Whoa you mean he and Janet were having?" He said trailing off.


  "Then why the hell are you still here?" He shouted growing angry.

  "Because I have to wait for the police and the ambulance." I said sorrowfully not so much because of what I had done but because of the trouble I knew I'd get in.

  A smile slowly crept across his face. "So what exactly did you do when you found out?"

  "I caught them in the act and so I grabbed a bat and played some baseball." I answered joining him in the smile.

  "With his head?"

  "Yeah the small one." I giggled.

  "I'm glad you think that it's funny you crazy bitch because when the cops show up your dumb ass is going to prison!" Snapped Kevin as he limped down the stairs with the help of June and Janet.

  "You will not speak in my house that way Kevin no matter what happened to you is that understood?" June questioned letting him go for a second.

  "Yes ma'am." He answered beginning to cry again.

  To my surprise at that moment Hal jogged over and helped get Kevin situated on the couch and then turned to face Janet.

  "How could you do this to your best friend Janet?" He asked in a tone so low that I barely heard it.

  Janet took one look at him and then me and began crying again with her head in her hands. "I'm sorry Alex, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for any of this to happen, it's just Kevin came over to check on me and we got to talking about how you have changed. We talked about when we first met each other through you and I confessed to him that I had always liked him and if I had met him first I would have asked him out. He told me that he always found me attractive and didn't want to be with you anymore and from there on things just happened?" She cried hurtfully like none of it was her fault.

  "We don't have to explain anything to that psycho babe, she got what she deserved." Kevin began until Hal started punching him over and over in the face.

  "You low life piece of trash, you had her and this is what you do? You break her heart and her friendship at the same time really?" He yelled hitting him until the police walked in and peeled him off placing him in handcuffs.

  "You need to relax son." The first cop (a guy named Johnny who worked with my dad) said.

  "Okay, who wants to tell us what is going on here?" The other cop said firmly.

  "I'll start." I said standing in front of the cops.

  "Alexandria? Why I haven't seen you in years, tell me that you're not involved in what ever mess is going on here." Johnny frowned at me.

  "Unfortunately I am." I said sadly. "In a nut shell I came here to visit my best friend Janet Reno, when I got here I found her having sex with my boyfriend, needless to say I got a little crazy and grabbed a bat and took it to the only balls in the room I saw." I said. "Ms. Reno came in and stopped my rampage telling me to come downstairs and wait for you and the ambulance to arrive. During that time my other friend Hal showed up and got mad at the way Kevin was talking to me and attacked him." I finished.

  For a second both of the cops were quiet and then they began to start laughing uncontrollably. "That's wonderful!"

  "He got what he deserved I'd say." Johnny said grabbing his sides.

  "I want her arrested." Kevin demanded struggling to stand up.

  "She not going to be arrested." They laughed.

  "Sure we'll make a report and she'll probably get community service but she's not going to jail." Johnny laughed.

  "She nearly killed me!" Kevin whined.

  "Calm down boy if she had really done damage to you it would be apparent." The other cop said chiming in.

  "His balls probably haven't even dropped yet." Johnny laughed. "But we'll know for sure when the paramedics get here."

  Just then the EMT's sailed into the house swarming around in search for the person they called for, when they heard what had happened most of them laughed as well making me feel even better. After a lot of whining from the room where they took Kevin the paramedics walked out with a bag of ice firmly attached to his crotch.

  "He's going to be fine, we gave him some aspirin and he'll be limping for a while but other than that there will be no permanent damage." The lead EMT said still laughing.

  "Well are work here is done." Johnny said heading for the door. "Come on Kevin come with us so we can get your statement and file that report, Alex you can expect a court date sometime in the next month so the judge can decide what to do with you." He said nodding in my direction.

  "Does my father already know about this?" I questioned.

  His look softened for moment. "Not that I know of we didn't use the open police band and after we got here we called in to make sure he wouldn't freak out, I'll get a hold of him now though so expect to face the music later."

  "Thank you for my short reprieve." I said.

  "It's the least I can do with everything happening in your life these days." He said. "Do you need a ride home?"

  "I can give her one." Hal said shyly.

  "Straight home kid, because you're lucky that nothing more is happening to you for that little fight of yours." The other cop added.

  "I want to file charges against him too." Kevin shouted.

  "Shut up you little brat." Johnny snapped. "Understand something, both of you are minors which means if I book one of you for the fight I ha
ve to book both of you okay? You got your ass kicked get over it."

  Practically shoving Kevin out the door the three of them left us in awkward silence.

  "Well we are going to leave." Hal said hoping to leave right away.

  "I think that we should all sit down and talk first." June reasoned heading to the table in the kitchen like it had already been decided.

  "I don't think that now is the best time, I'm still pretty angry, besides I don't know what there is to talk about, Janet has lost my trust and friendship forever end of story." I said stubbornly.

  "I know that you are hurting Alex, please let's just sit and talk for a minute okay?" She pleaded.

  "I suppose a little talking can't hurt." Hal said crumbling under her gaze.

  And that's when I got my forth big surprise of the day.

  "Hey June honey, I can't stay real long, I just came to steal a kiss from you before I find out why Johnny keeps buzzing me on the radio." My dad said as he walked into June's house.