Read The Love's Phenomena presents, LOVE CRUST: There is always more then the dejection. Page 3


  Sam dressed up in black tux and red bow, he was looking no more than a Hollywood hero. Sprayed his favourite perfume. Hair combed backwards. Shave done neatly. Mrs. Broad was very happy to see him. And she even shed few tears when Sam asked her before leaving for the dinner.

  “Best of Lucky my dear”, Mrs. Broad spoke as she wiped the corner of her eyes.

  Sam drove to Kate’s farmhouse where he used to drop her every day. Today it was all different and he was very nervous, very very nervous. He had never seen anyone’s parents before neither ever thought that he would see someone’s parents.

  Everything you want by vertical horizon was being played on radio and he was enjoying the song as well. City was completely decorated with Christmas trees and he could listen to Christmas carols all his way to Kate’s farmhouse. Snow has covered everything and he wore his jacket above his suit so that he stays warm enough. He stopped at a bakery and realized how cold it was outside as he stepped out of his car and he got Christmas special cake. And moving further ahead on his car he bought a flower bouquet for the Swift family.

  As he reached the drive way of the farmhouse he could see the lightning and could hear the songs being played. Mr. Swift’s ground was all white, and a snowman stood in between. He knew it was made by Kate as she loved making snowman and placing a carrot in the place of nose.

  He honked the horn but no one came out maybe songs were too loud enough that no one inside could hear the horn honking. Despite being nervous he gathered all the confidence he could and knocked at the door. He could hear someone laughing and reaching towards the door.

  Kate opened the door she was dressed in all red top with light blue jeans and black long boots. Best thing about her get up was the smile she was having. Sam could see the joy in her eyes that was due to his presence at her house.

  Kate got on to her toes and swiftly placed Kate special kiss on Sam’s ice cold lips.

  “Hey”, called Kate.

  “Hi,” Sam replied being a bit shy as he realized swift family was observing what happened a few moments ago.

  “How are you?” Kate asked

  “How was your drive here?” Kate questioned.

  “Nervous” Sam passed a nervous smile.

  “Don’t be nervous darling”, Kate smiled back.

  “They are seriously going to love you” Kate smiled back.

  Kate! Let him come in darling... We both are waiting to meet him”, Sam heard Mr. Swift calling from behind.

  “Ohh… come in…”

  “They were anxiously waiting for you.” Kate informed Sam.

  Sam little nervous and confused entered in.

  “Here I bought these for you.” Mrs. Swift took cake and bouquet.

  “Aww dear there was no need to bring this”, Mrs. Swift said lovingly.

  “Mrs. Swift it was first time that I came to your place and moving on its Christmas”

  “Merry Christmas”, Sam wished Swift family with Christmas greetings.

  Everything in the lounge was artistically decorated. The antique corner with an Italian renaissance painting and copper vases. The flower vase was upon the centre table with roses.

  Everything was exquisite, everything was telling the taste of swift family.

  “Hello young man”, Mrs. Swift asked politely

  Mr. Swift moved to create a space for Sam. While Kate went to get wine.

  “How are you, young man?”, Mr. Swift said with a warm smile.

  Swift family and Sam had a very great evening together. They talked about football to rugby from being leading entrepreneur to leading a business successfully.

  Above all best part of the evening was dinner all prepared by Kate herself. The stuffed baked turkey, potato mash, baked vegetables, and pasta everything was delicious and mouth-watering.

  As it was getting late Sam asked to leave. Kate came along till the doorway to wish him good bye.

  “Thanks for coming over Sam”, Kate thanked him

  “Well thank you so much lady for inviting me over”, Sam smiled

  “And yes I never knew you can cook this good. Everything was just so delicious...”

  “I love you Sam”, Kate did her special kiss.

  “I love you more, babe”, Sam moved towards the car…

  “Go inside its very cold outside”, Sam turned around and shouted at Kate.

  While Kate waved back at him. Sam waved at him and sent a flying kiss towards Kate. Wore his jacket and got into the car. Turned on the car engine and drove back to home.

  Two days later, Kate’s car horn honked in Sam’s drive away. Unfortunately, Mrs. Broad had gone to see some relatives and Sam was home alone.

  As the doorbell rang Sam left the Forbes magazine he was reading on the center table and moved towards the door just to check who it is. He certainly wasn’t expecting Kate on such a cold morning.

  “Hey, Sam”, Kate presented her 32-teeth smile and sparkling eyes.

  “OHHH... Hi”, Sam was surprised to her.

  “What brought you here madam?”

  “You should have called me. I might have picked you”.

  “I wanted to go shopping with you so I was supposed to pick you”, Kate laughed.

  “Go pick your coat its cold outside and I don’t want you to catch cold”, ordered Kate.

  Sam got back into the lobby took his coat from the nearby stand and placed a sticky note on the door telling:

  Dear Mum-ma

  I am going shopping with Kate. She was here by 12 pm.

  I’ll be back by evening.

  Don’t wait at lunch

  With love,


  Sam knew Mrs. Broad will be worried about him. And since last few weeks Mrs. Broad wasn’t well. Sam always tried his level best to keep his mother at ease.

  Kate wanted to get some clothes for New Year’s Eve and certainly for Sam too.

  They spent complete afternoon searching for the perfect outfit while sipping hot chocolate to keep themselves warm in this extreme cold.

  After getting free from the shopping, Kate dropped Sam back home and promised she’ll come along with him on New Year’s Eve and meet Mrs. Broad too.

  “Welcome, my dear son”, Mrs. Broad was sipping on her coffee while reading her favourite novel.

  “Aww mum-ma”

  “When will you get over this freaking Withering Heights”, Sam teased his mother while entering the lounge.

  “Oh Dear, I love this book”

  “It is such an awesome book” Mrs. Broad explained.

  “Do you need another cup of coffee mum-ma”, Sam asked courteously knowing Mrs. Broad is already having her cup of coffee.

  “Sammy”, Mrs. Broad called him from the kitchen.

  “Come here sit with me “, Mrs. Broad wanted Sam to sit with her.

  They both shared few thoughts on what Sam had bought for New Year’s Eve. And if Kate was excited to see Mrs. Broad. Where Sam assured her that Kate is very excited to meet Mrs. Broad.


  Last sunset of the year was going to take place. Sam went over to Kate as per his promise that they’ll view the sunset on the CuHo’s terrace same place where they first met.

  Sam couldn’t resist the beauty of black when wore by Kate. Kate was dressed in Long gown with red platforms making her even taller and more graceful. Hair tied in a high pony tail. Liner finely done with blood red lips. She was an angel; the prettiest angel Sam had ever seen. He held his breathe when he saw Kate coming towards the car.

  “Hey gorgeous”, Sam praised Kate as she opened the door to sit inside the car.

  Kate was more than happy to hear Sam praising because there were very rare moments when Sam praised her as he wasn’t tha
t “praise her win her” kind of guy.

  Sam moved forward and brushed a light kiss under her cheek. Kate was hard to resist and Sam wanted to make her happy make her feel special on such occasions. Same drove to CuHo’s where they decided to sip over the coffee.

  Kate hugged Sam while they stared the sun. How peaceful was it to have his girl in his arms where Kate could hear his heartbeat.



  “I love you”, Kate whispered

  “I know”, Sam replied.

  “Don’t you love me?” Kate wanted to hear that she is loved.

  “You are my life Kate”

  “My everything”, Sam’s voice echoed.

  “Okay come on let’s go. Everyone would be waiting for us at the party”, Sam asked to move.

  “And then I am going to see Mrs. Broad too”, Kate smiled.

  “Ohh I am glad you remembered”, Sam wanted to deliberately kiss her.

  As expected Sam and Kate were the most awaited guests of the night. Both of them hated to drink. Both of them enjoyed the music, observed people dancing neither of them danced but a little move it move it was the must thing and they couldn’t resist the slow music so they rose to perform couple dance and everyone was impressed by their skills. As the clock struck midnight everyone wished New Year, danced, partied while Kate and Sam excused themselves and came back home.

  “Sam will Mrs. Broad be up till now?”, Kate felt it’s already too late.

  “She knows you are coming over. She’ll be waiting for you probably in her night suit”, Sam assured.

  Kate laughed at the idea of night suit and wondered how sweet it is of Mrs. Broad.

  While getting into the drive way. Sam pulled the duplicate key from his pocket and opened the door and what they saw next both of them burst into laughter.

  There she was, Mrs. Broad, sitting in her night suit with a blanket wrapped around her to fight cold.

  “Hey mum-ma”

  “Why are you still up?”, Sam knew the reason but he just wanted to pick a conversation.

  “Look who came with me”, Sam pointed towards the Kate who was standing next to her.

  Mrs. Broad was delighted to see Kate. Sam got three cups of coffee for all three of them. After a lot of laughs and talks.

  “Mum-ma, why don’t you go and have some rest I’ll take Kate and show her my room”, Sam sensed that Mrs. Broad is bit tired.

  Sam took Kate into his room. Where he showed all his childhood pictures.

  “Kate, this young boy is me and…”

  “He... he is my father,” Sam almost broke off in between while pointing towards a picture on the wall.

  “Sam, are you okay?”

  “Yes I am fine, my love”, replied Sam.

  “Sam I wanna ask you something?”.

  “Speak darling”, Sam wanted to get over the sad part memories played.

  “You mentioned some facts in the interview that only a person who have suffered from the crisis can know that”, Kate questioned.

  “I thought you didn’t noticed that”, Sam replied shocked.

  “Mr. Sam, University’s topper was interviewing you, how can she ignore such a fact?”

  “And you just forgot that we all studied psychology in our under graduation courses”, Kate kept on giving explanations.

  ” Ask what do you wanna ask, love?”

  “I’m here ready to answer your every question”, Sam realized he no longer can hide his past.

  “Who was the victim of Black Tar Heroin?” Kate questioned.

  “My father”, the answer was abrupt but clear.

  “Whhhh…whhhaaattt do you mean Sam?”, Kate was in a sort of turmoil.

  “Yes Kate, my father was a black tar heroin addict. He he…”

  “He got addicted to it when we suffered a loss in business.”

  “He used to bring prostitutes home”.

  “I saw my mother crying and only crying. She won’t say a word. She tried to fight back, she tried to raise her voice but the thought that what people will think about the ex-leading entrepreneur,” Sam voice became husky.

  Kate couldn’t hold it more she almost burst into tears herself. How can she be so selfish that she allowed memories to haunt Sam once again?

  Kate bent forward and embraced his lips with her. She removed the ache with her kiss, the deep kiss Sam was longing since he met Kate this evening. Since he placed a kiss on her cheek. And when she was clung to him at the terrace. The intensity of urge to give love could easily be judged by the swift deep movements of their lips. Mouth to mouth, tongues meeting each other. Kate sat in Sam’s lap. Sam untied her hair and the only dyed maroon strand was exposed to his bare hands.

  Sam could feel the heat of the skin in this cold weather. He sucked softly her lips; separately upper from lower ones. While moving along lower lips, he grasped her around the waist and placed his hands on her hips. Kissed, they kissed, and they kissed. It was Kate kissing away all of Sam’s pain. Sam’s right hand went inside her shirt and he could sense the touch of her bare skin. While Kate unbuttoned him and the molten lava inside Kate EXPLODED. She took a deep intense breath; a moan perhaps. Sam could feel blood rushing under himself.

  Every curve, every inch of her skin was explored by Sam. He couldn’t stop himself as the aroma of her skin had covered his brain. He unlaced her dress and while kissing her affectionately around her neck. They continued to discover every margin of each other’s body for hours. And eventually, they bonded. Both shared the most wanted pleasure.

  Chapter 4

  It was such an awesome morning. Kate felt herself light as light as she could be without any tension. Like a miracle took away every painstaking experience. She felt different. She felt special. She felt happy.

  Could life be any better?

  Could it be more beautiful; more complete?

  Everything seemed perfect. Kate’s life was complete. She was completed by a complete person. Someone who complimented her in every aspect. He was hard to handle yet worth it. Kate knew best things demand efforts and if you want something different you have to swim another mile, a mile against the flow. Where others could hardly think of being. Sam rarely praised her but he knew Kate knows that she means everything to him. She is his perfect lady. a cherry to his life. WHAT A PERFECT START TO A YEAR, Kate thought.

  Kate dressed herself up for university. She clearly wanted to look different and better. The glow of the skin, the freshness could easily be felt. She left her hair open today not bothering them to tie as Sam liked them this way.

  After reaching university she waited for Sam as Sam didn’t even come to pick her up. After missing her first class she decided to go by herself wondering Sam would be still sleeping.

  A complete day passed but there wasn’t any sign of Sam. Kate thought he would have been busy somewhere. She didn’t want to spoil all those positive vibes she had. She completely trusted Sam so she had no second thoughts.


  Three days passed but there wasn’t any news about Sam. Kate got worried now, there wasn’t any reply to any of her mails. No contact to Kate not even on landline, or by post or any media from where Kate could know that he is fine, absolutely fine.

  Kate was sitting alone on the bench. Wishing Sam could be seen somewhere.


  A not so familiar voice came from behind.

  Kate turned around and was shocked to see Daniel standing there and smiling at her. Kate ignored him as she wasn’t in a mood to respond to him or talk to anyone.

  “Is everything okay?”

  “Why I find this gorgeous lady so upset every day?”

  “Let me tell you a fact you seem much more beautiful after the vacations”, Daniel kept on praising Kate. Kate ignored him.

  Finally, when Daniel pressured Kate she told him that Sam is missing and he had no contact with her. She went to his house but it was locked a
nd neighbours told that they also haven’t seen them since 1 January’s morning.

  “I don’t know where is he, I wish I can find him I wanna know if everything is fine or not”, Kate broke into tears.

  Daniel manipulated Kate by taking full advantage of all the information he came to know from Kate.

  He made her believe that Sam was a cheater, a betrayer who just ran off like cowards. Slowly within a week Daniel replaced Sam, if not completely then partly.

  Yes, Kate and Daniel came closer within a week of Sam’s disappearance.

  Until the day Sam return with swollen eyes and all new Sam.

  But Kate no longer bothered It. Sam was shocked to know that she isn’t even talking to him and is busy with Daniel.

  When Sam talked to Kate about what she was up to she didn’t even bothered to listen a word against her will. She was convinced Sam was a cheater. “Maybe he was always like that. That’s why he never praised me. Maybe he wasn’t into me. Maybe it was all a blur past. Maybe. . .” She thought.

  All she had to say was that she no longer can stay with Sam.

  “But Kate now I have no one to be with me”, Sam spoke with tears in her eyes.

  “My mother had a brain haemorrhage. She was in ICU for 14 days but she couldn’t fight for life Kate, I lost her Kate I lost my mother my only asset my only blood relation.”

  “Don’t do this to me Kate I can’t handle it I can’t take it anymore, don’t go Kate trust me I wasn’t lying, I didn’t cheated on you neither I played with you”.

  “I didn’t even ever wish to take your virginity believe me I love you Kate”, Sam pleased.

  But Kate wasn’t in a mood to hear a single word. She was already hypnotized by Daniel. Sam kept on asking for chances for forgiveness for the sin he hadn’t even committed. But Kate destroyed Sam’s Life. She even destroyed her destiny because she lost a diamond while searching for coal.


  Chapter 5

  They were in a meadow; it was a windy day. October had finally taken its turn. Yellow leaves were scattered all around the clearing. “I love October” said Kate, her eyes were closed. She was breathing in all the scents October brought with it, the sun glistened on her clear skin, giving it a beautiful glow. She opened her eyes and saw that Sam was standing very close to her with a worried expression on his face. “What’s wrong Sam?” asked Kate.