Read The Past or The Coming Future Page 16


  “The rapture occurred on Thursday, February 17, 2011. On the next Monday, Michael met with Israel and the delegates from the Arab confederacy to discuss peace. Before the talks started, the speaker for the Arab confederacy said they would like to have someone else to be the negotiator of the peace talks. They said they checked on Michael’s background and found that his grandmother was an orthodox Jew. Also, he had gone to Jewish schools all his life. They knew he was pro-Israeli, and if the talks were to be a success, Michael would have to leave. Michael said he was offended by the statements his Arab brother had just made.

  “One delegate stood up and said, ‘You are not our brother!’

  “Michael said, ‘That has been the story of my life. My grandmother was an orthodox Jew. She married my grandfather, Omar Hassan. My grandfather was killed in a car accident before I was born. My father, mother, brother and sister died in a fire when I was a small boy. I went to live with my grandmother and my step-grandfather. When I was old enough to start to school, my grandmother put me in a Jewish school. The kids did not accept me because they said I was not Jewish. When they found out my grandfather was an Arab from Jordan, I was an outcast in the Jewish community. Yes, all through my life I went to Jewish schools and I received my degree from Hebrew University, but that does not change my blood. I am one-fourth Jewish and one-fourth Arab. You say I am not your brother? What kind of blood must I have in order to be an Arab. My great-grandfather was the most decorated soldier in the Jordanian army, Kamiel Hassan. He became a General and was the person responsible for Jordan joining the Arab war against Israel in 1967. I now ask if there is anyone here who says I am not an Arab or a Jew?’

  “There was total silence, no one said a word, and there were never any remarks about Michael not being an Arab or Jewish again.

  “The talk in the newspapers and on TV was the fact that there had to be some long-term peace agreement, or the peace would be a paper peace only. Michael gave both sides a chance to write down all the points of their terms and then they could focus on each point.

  “The Arabs wrote down their points and then began to talk about the first point with Israel. The first point the Arabs insisted on concerned the Golan Heights. They wanted to have full control of the Golan Heights. The Israelis said no immediately. The Arabs said there was no reason to talk peace if Israel was going to say no on every point.

  “Michael said to read all the points, then, they would talk. The Arabs restated they wanted the Golan Heights. The second point stated the building of new settlements would have to stop. Each side would have their delegates met and talk about the building of new settlements first. If Israel built a settlement for their people, they would have to build a settlement for the Arabs also. The third point would be fair employment in Israel for Arabs. There could be no discrimination by Jewish business owners. The fourth was to make Jerusalem an International City. The fifth point would be the destruction of all nuclear bombs Israel had hidden. Michael asked if there were any other points, and the Arab delegate said those were the points that would bring peace from their viewpoint.

  “The delegate for Israel then stated their points. The first point was to have a wall built that would separate the Dome of The Rock from the place the Jews wanted to build a temple. The second point was for a public statement from every Arab country that signed the peace treaty, that they would recognize Israel as a country. The third point would be for all calendars to go back to the Old Testament days when there were 30 days in a month. The fourth point was that Israel could begin animal sacrifices as soon as the temple was built, and there would be no retribution for the killing of animals. The fifth point was that Israel wanted some kind of long-term agreement that would guarantee the peace. The sixth point was to put the Ark in the new temple.

  “Michael said, ‘We have the points of discussion on the table. We can now talk. I will meet tomorrow with Israel and discuss the Arab points, and the following day I will meet with the Arabs and discuss the Israeli points.

  “When Michael was on his way home, he received a telephone call from Dr. Messenger. He told Michael the screening committee from the ECU called and wanted him to call them immediately, if possible. He said he would be home in five minutes and would call at that time. With Dr. Messenger seated nearby, Michael called the chairman of the screening committee. They talked about the peace treaty and if there was truly going to be peace? Michael said, ‘There will be peace, we just have to work out the problem areas.’

  “‘The real reason I called was to ask if you would be interested in becoming the new president of the ECU?’

  “Michael paused for a moment and said, ‘I would be interested in that position, but the ECU has an agenda of war. I am a man of peace. If the ECU made a public statement denouncing war and if they were going to undertake an agenda of peace, I would accept the position of president.’

  “The chairman said, ‘I will have to talk to all the delegates and see what their thoughts are about that type of statement.’

  “Michael reminded him, ‘I am known as the Prince of Peace, and if it was public knowledge that the ECU has asked me to become president and yet was not willing to take a stand for peace, it could have worldwide repercussions.’ With that statement the chairman knew he was in a position that would be very hard to get out of.

  “The chairman spoke with the 11 delegates from the nations that formed the European Common Market to see if they had changed their minds about asking Michael to be president. He told them, ‘Michael wants a public statement that would put the ECU on an agenda of peace. These are his terms of acceptance.’ The result was the same as it was when they first talked. Eight delegates were still voting to have Michael sworn in as president and three delegates were totally opposed. The ECU always went with the majority, and it would be no different at this time. Michael would be asked to take over as president of the European Common Market.

  “The next day the chairman called and told Michael the delegates had agreed to make a statement that would usher in a time of peace. He said they wanted Michael to come to Brussels so he could be sworn in on Thursday. Michael said he would ask for a pause in the peace talks, and hopefully everyone would understand.

  “The following day Michael called for both parties to return to the peace table. He said, ‘Something has come up that will ensure peace, but I must be gone for a couple of days, and when I get back on Friday the talks will resume.”

  “On the plane to Brussels, Dr. Messenger told Michael, ‘The things we had planned are all starting to work out. The world is at our feet. When you meet with the delegates, make sure you remind them of the peace talks and that the ECU must guarantee the peace of Israel or there will be war. Also, let them know you want the ECU to be the strongest union of countries in the world, economically. All the countries of the world must trade with either gold or the ECU dollar.’

  “When Michael met with the delegates at the headquarters in Brussels, he explained to them what was going on at the peace talks. He said, ‘Israel is demanding that the ECU guarantee her safety.’

  “One delegate asked, ‘How can the ECU guarantee the safety of Israel.’

  “Michael explained, ‘It is very easy, if any country attacks Israel, it is the same as an attack on the ECU.’ The three delegates who were opposed to Michael becoming president were also against the ECU protecting Israel. Michael did not let those three delegates know how mad he was, but he determined he was going to get rid of them as soon as he could come up with a good plan. The other eight delegates agreed the best way to avoid war would be to guarantee the peace of Israel. Michael also gave them his idea how the ECU could become stronger than any group of nations in the world, economically. He said, ‘If they want to do business with us, they must use gold or our dollar.’

  The three delegates said, ‘That would mean the only currency in the world is our dollar.’

el said, ‘That’s exactly right.’

  “They said, ‘The other countries will not stand for it.’

  “At that time, Michael informed them he was the inventor and the owner of the only computer system in the world. ‘If the other countries want to do business with us, they will have to do what we say. I will pull the plug on any country that resists, and without the use of computers I will bring them to their knees.’

  “The three delegates who were against him thought to themselves, ‘This does not sound like the Prince of Peace talking, it sounds more like a person who is wanting to take over the world.’ The vote was taken, and it was eight the three. What Michael wanted, he got. At five in the afternoon, Michael was sworn into office as the President of the Common Market.

  “Michael and Dr. Messenger flew back to Jerusalem that night and were ready for the peace talks the next morning. Upon arriving at the peace conference, all the delegates stood and congratulated Michael. He informed them they had to have a firm agreement for peace before April. ‘If we have to take 10 or 12 hours a day until peace is worked out, we will do it. I want to have the peace treaty signed on April 3.’ The delegates wondered why he wanted everything finalized and the treaty signed on April 3.

  “If you remember, I told you that I had told Michael many things about the rapture and that there would be a 45-day lull period before the tribulation. When the rapture occurred on February 17, he knew the tribulation had to begin on April 3. It could not be a day earlier or a day later; it had to be on the 3rd. Michael did not fully understand why the signing had to be on that date; if he had, he would not have signed on April 3.

  “Twelve-hundred and sixty days after Michael signed the treaty, he would go into the temple and proclaim himself to be God. I had told you before that date would be October 3, 2014. That date was Yom Kippur. Michael was going to do everything in his power to hasten the peace talks. Day after day the peace talks continued. Michael thought it might be best if they took a couple of days off and rest.

  “The ECU officials were getting a little agitated that their President was in Jerusalem instead of Brussels. When called, Michael made it perfectly clear that this peace treaty would bring peace to the world. If it meant he would have to stay away for 30 days or more, it would be worth it. Michael knew the three delegates who had opposed him were the ones complaining. He thought to himself, ‘As soon as we sign the peace treaty, you three are going to get the sunrise of your lives.’

  “The night before the peace talks resumed, Dr. Messenger and Michael talked for two hours about the different points Michael would make the next day. Dr. Messenger said it would be better to announce the guarantee as the first point. Since Egypt and the other Arab countries signed their mutual protection accord, which they call the Southern Confederacy, to guarantee the protection of Israel may be an insult to them. ‘If you get by the first point without anyone saying anything about it, the other points will pass. But the way the point is worded, they will think it is leaning towards them.’

  “At the peace table, each side discussed the different points which they wanted. Israel would not give up the Golan Heights even for peace. The Arabs would not change their mind; they wanted the Golan Heights. Michael said he had come up with a 10-point peace plan that both parties could live with. He then started to give each point.

  “‘Point one, the ECU will guarantee the peace of Israel for seven years. If there is an attack on Israel, it will be the same as an attack on the European Common Market, and everyone remembers what happened to Iran in 2008. We will place 300,000 troops in Israel to guarantee her peace. The troops will be placed in every city and in every town. If there is an attack, the attackers will have to kill ECU troops first, and that will bring an immediate response from the ECU.

  “‘The second point is, since we are going to defend Israel, Israel will have to give up all her weapons of war. This includes all her nuclear bombs. This plan will help Israel economically. She will not have to spend any money on war machines or on war material. All of those billions of dollars can be used to set up social programs for the Jews and the Arabs.

  “The third point is to set up the guillotine as the only method of capital punishment. The threat of terrorism will not be halted unless we eliminate the terrorists. If we are going to use the guillotine for terrorism, we should also use it for all types of capital crime. When a person is caught in the act of a crime, they will appear in front of a special judge. That judge will be appointed, and his identity will not be revealed. If we reveal who he is, he could be assassinated. The person caught in the act will be tried within 24 hours, and if found guilty by the judge, that person will have their head cut off in a public execution. The guillotine will be set up in every city and town in Israel.

  “‘The fourth point relates to the Golan Heights. Israel will give up the control of the Golan Heights to the Arabs. Since Israel is giving up all her weapons of war, the Arabs who live in Israel will have to do the same. The only troops that will have any weapons will be ECU troops. The Golan Heights will continue to be part of Israel, and since it will be part of Israel, there will be no weapons allowed in that area either. If any country attempts or does bring weapons into the Golan Heights, it will be the same as an attack on the ECU. The Golan Heights will be open territory to both Arabs and Jews. If there are any disputes in the Golan Heights, the special judge who is appointed for that area will determine which side is correct, and his judgment will be final.

  “‘The fifth point deals with the temple mount. The Dome of The Rock will remain where it is, and there will be no changes in the control of that area. There will be a wall built next to the Dome which will be five feet taller than the highest point on the Dome. The wall would extent the full length of the area next to the Dome. The Jews will be able to build their temple where they consider it to be the Holy Place. Their temple cannot be higher than the highest point on the Dome. The Ark will be placed inside the temple, and it cannot be removed for any reason. The animal sacrifices will begin when the temple is finished. If Israel agrees to do away with her weapons of war, I will match whatever money she uses on the temple. If she were to put $500 million into the building of the temple, I will also put $500 million in for the building of the temple. All calendars will be changed to the Old Testament days of Israel. There will be 30 days per month starting in April.

  “‘The sixth point is to recognize Jerusalem as an International City. Since Jerusalem will be an International City, it will be governed by International Rules. What this means is that every country in the world will have to have an ambassador in Jerusalem, under the agreement signed by all countries of the world in 2007. Each country will have to give the government of Jerusalem 1 million dollars a year. Also, every foreigner who comes to Jerusalem after the signing will have to pay a 10 percent tax on everything they buy. Also, if any item is brought into Jerusalem, it will be assessed the ten percent tax.

  “‘The seventh point will be that the Arabs have the right to work in Israel without being discriminated against by Jewish business owners. If anyone is discriminated against, that place of business will be shut down by the agreement signed in 2007.

  “‘The eighth point concerns the building of settlements. Israel can continue to build settlements only if they build equal settlements for the Arabs. One-fifth of the money Israel would have used on war materials will be used to build settlements. Dr. Messenger said he would match whatever money is used to build new settlements for both the Arabs and the Jews.

  “‘The ninth point would be a $50 tariff for every person entering Israel. The tax would be paid only once a year. That money will be used to build a rail system throughout Israel. If the surrounding countries want to connect to Israel’s rail system, they will have to pay a tax.

  “‘The tenth point, the Arab countries that sign the peace will have to acknowledge, in public, that the nation of Israel has the right t
o exist.’

  “After giving his 10-point peace treaty to both sides, he stated he had been as fair as he could be to both sides. He asked for a two-day rest so both sides could talk with each country’s officials. He informed both sides that the news media was wanting to know what the points of peace were. ‘There will be a news conference called in one hour, and at that time I will give the 10-point peace plan to the world.’

  “Michael gave the media exactly what it wanted, the 10-point peace plan. The questions came fast and furious. Question after question was asked, until Michael put a halt to the mad rush. He said, ‘One question at a time, please.’

  “The first question asked was about peace. ‘Will this peace treaty really stop the war between the Jews and the Arabs?’

  “Michael smiled and said, ‘Yes, it will. But it goes a step further. The world will see how peace is supposed to be, and this agreement will bring in world-wide peace within 3 ½ years.’

  “The next question focused on who was to gain, the Arabs or the Jews? Michael answered that question very easily. ‘Both sides gain. I don’t see how either side can say they lost face or territory. Both sides will gain a lot, and neither side will be a loser.’

  “One reporter was stumped, so he asked Michael a question. The reporter wanted to know, ‘Whose idea is it to have one of the points to be the rail system? That does not seem to have much to do with peace?’

  “Michael said, ‘That is my idea. If Israel and the Arabs build new settlements, this will mean more people, and with more people there will be more jobs. With a rail system people can go from small towns to larger towns or cities to find work. Also, with Jerusalem becoming an International City, it will bring a lot of tourists into the country. The tourists can go anywhere in Israel very quickly. Just think, if the surrounding countries were to tie into the rail system, the tourist who comes to Jerusalem can take a train to Cairo or some other large city, and that would help the surrounding Arab countries economically. If tourist wanted to see the countryside, they would be able to take a train and visit Petra, if Jordan were connected to the system. Not only could Israel make a lot of money out of the tourist trade, but so could the surrounding countries. And as we all know, money is often the cause of conflicts.’

  “Another reporter asked about the guarantee. Michael made it perfectly clear that Israel would become totally defenseless. ‘She has to be protected even if it means a world war. If she signs the agreement, she promises to do away with all weapons of war. Using a term from the Old Testament, Israel will be living in unwalled cities.’

  “The next question was about the guillotine. ‘Do you really think that the guillotine will stop crime?’

  “Michael said, ‘I don’t know if it will stop crime or terrorist or anything. But I know this, that if a person is a terrorist or a criminal and is caught, he will be holding his head in his hands within 24 hours. I believe it will stop some types of crime immediately. The humiliation a person and the family would experience by a public execution would be unthinkable. Yes, the guillotine will stop crime. Just think, if the crime rate goes down to nothing in Israel, the other countries throughout the world will probably put the guillotine in as their method of capital punishment, also.’

  “One reporter asked a question about money. ‘Michael, you and Dr. Messenger have promised to match whatever money is used on the temple and on the building of settlements. That is a lot of money out of your own pockets to spend just for peace.’

  “‘That is correct, but sometimes you have to spend a lot to get a lot. The price of peace cannot be measured by money, but peace can be measured by the number of lives it saves. If I had to spend all I had for peace in the Middle East, I would spend it. That is the last question I will entertain. I need to get some rest.’ He was dead tired.

  “The next morning the headlines read, ‘PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST?’ The talk everywhere was peace. People were talking about the 10-point plan everywhere. The radio talk shows were talking about peace. On TV, all programs were put on hold while different reporters had experts giving their ideas about the 10-point plan. All over the world the talk was positive about the talks.

  “The Russian news media stopped all programming to tell the country about the Middle East situation. They seemed delighted that Israel would be giving up all her nuclear bombs and other weapons of war. One General was interviewed and asked what he thought about Israel giving up all her weapons. He said sarcastically, “It is really a shame that Israel is going to be defenseless. Any country could invade her.’ The more the Russians talked, the more it seemed as if the Russians were acting like a wolf about to devour a lamb. Russia was as strong now as she was before the end of the Cold War.

  “The treaty she signed with Iran right after the ECU's surprise attack in 2008 was the start of the rebuilding of the Russian war machine. The treaty stated that an attack on Iran would be the same as an attack on Russia. Iran had to give the Russians 5 billion dollars for that agreement. The money was needed so badly that Russia started making the same agreement with other nations. Iraq decided it was in her best interest to join Russia and Iran. But the Russians saw what was going to happen and the price for Iraq would be $6 billion. The third country that wanted Russian backing was Libya. Libya and the other countries that paid Russia were already allies of Russia, except for Germany. The other countries never had a firm treaty signed, but money can do wonders. Ethiopia was the next country to sign, then came Turkey and Germany.

  “The Germans were part of the European Common Market but were kicked out because of her neo-Nazi backing. The German government had high-ranking officials that were outspoken backers of the neo-Nazi party. The scandal was growing larger and larger, and finally the ECU said that was enough. By a majority vote, Germany was expelled. The German government decided the Northern Confederacy was going to be a major power in the world, and it would be best to be with the Russians rather than against them. The Russians made over $40 billion from all the countries that wanted Russian protection.

  “It was obvious, the Northern Confederacy was preparing for war, but where would war break out? The Russians were looking at Israel, but as long as Israel had nuclear bombs, Russia would not invade. If the Russians did invade Israel, it would have to face the ECU army, which was also backed by the United States. With the United States and the ECU armies together, it would be almost impossible for any country or group of countries to win against those odds. The Russians would just sit and wait for the right moment.

  “The delegate to the peace talks for Israel convened with his officials, and they discussed the 10-point plan. All the officials stated they did not see any problems with any of the points. The Golan Heights was a major sticking point, but the way the treaty read, if any country put weapons in that area, it would be an attack on the ECU. The way Michael had put it together, the other points looked as if he was pro-Israeli. Making Jerusalem an International City was not what the people wanted, but the way the point read it was the best thing for Jerusalem and Israel. ‘The money Dr. Messenger is going to give to help build settlements for both the Arabs and us is an answer to prayer. Plus the money to help build the temple that Michael is going to give will ensure the most magnificent temple since Solomon’s. They were thinking that every point leans toward the Israeli point of view.’

  “The Arab delegates met with their officials also. They went over every point with a fine-tooth comb. They all agreed the points leaned toward the Arabs’ point of view. The one delegate who said Michael was not an Arab confessed he was totally wrong. ‘Michael is an Arab, and the 10-point peace treaty shows that he is a true brother.”

  “After a two-day rest, the peace conference reconvened. Michael asked if everyone was able to go over each point with their officials. They all agreed they had talked everything over. Michael wanted to know what the Israeli government believed about the peace plans. The delegate said
his government thought the points were as good as could be expected and they would sign. He asked the Arab delegates, and their response was the same as the Israeli delegates. The Arabs would sign the peace treaty also.

  “Michael said he would draw up the official papers and have them ready for each party to sign on April 3, 2011, at 10 in the morning. He said he was going to contact a friend at one of the largest TV networks and make sure the signing was covered world-wide. He said he also wanted the signing to be heard on all the radio stations. ‘Since Dr. Messenger is going to put up a large amount of money, I would like to have him there at the signing also. At the signing, each country’s delegate will sign the peace treaty and acknowledge that Israel has a right to exist. After each country has signed the treaty, the 10-point plan will be read over the air, so the people of the world will know there is peace in the Middle East.’

  “At the end of the day, Michael and Dr. Messenger went back to Michael’s mansion. At the mansion they started to discuss how they could get rid of the three officials of the ECU. ‘We know we can’t blow up a plane they are on; that would look too suspicious since the other plane accident took high officials. We know we can’t use a scandal against them; we used that before. Instead of killing all three at one time, it may be best to eliminate them one at a time.’ Michael said it might be best to wait until after the peace treaty was signed. Dr. Messenger agreed it would be better to take care of business first, and then take care of personal business or fun next.

  “The day the whole world had been waiting for was at hand. Heads of State from every country in the world were there to watch the historic signing.

  “The one block of countries that Michael thought he would have a lot of problems with sometime in the future was the Eastern Confederacy. During the last two or three years, all the countries of the world had been lining up behind one major power or another for protection. When the United States pulled out of the Far East, it left one major power, China. The other countries around her decided it was in their best interest to have China as an ally rather than an enemy. Japan was the first to sign an agreement with China and after that, it was one country after another. Within one year, almost all of the Far East countries had signed with China. The Chinese army alone could field an army of over 200 million soldiers. However, with the other countries’ combined armies, they were well over 200 million soldiers strong. Michael knew one of these days he would have to fight the Eastern Confederacy.

  “As he looked at the different officials who came into the large meeting room, he knew all the eyes of the world were focused on him. This day was his day. He was the one everyone was watching. He was the ‘Prince of Peace.’ Peace for the whole world was at hand. One official after another came into the room and had a seat.

  “Once everyone was seated, Dr. Messenger rose and walked to the microphone. He spoke very eloquently and told how much time Michael had spent putting this peace treaty together. ‘Sleepless nights, the telephone calls to work out this point or that point, the long days of talks, all were tiring. Because of all the hard work that Michael has put forth, we have a peace treaty that will usher in peace around the world. At this time, I want to introduce the world to Michael D. Glispbe, The Prince of Peace.’

  “Michael arose and walked to the podium. Dr. Messenger did something that had been done only once to Michael before. Dr. Messenger kneeled down and kissed his right hand. Michael was caught off guard by Dr. Messenger. He did not know what to say or what to do. He just stood at the microphone, waiting for the cheering and the applause to stop. But they did not stop. They continued for one minute, then two minutes, and five minutes later it was still going on. Finally, Michael spoke into the microphone. Everyone stopped cheering and applauding and took their seats.

  “Michael said, ‘This is the most important day in the history of the world. This day will be spoken of for years to come. This day we have peace in the Middle East. Tomorrow we will have peace in the world!’ With that statement, everyone stood and cheered. After two minutes of cheers, Michael spoke again and said, ‘The start of peace in the world started when Dr. Messenger set up the Brotherhood of Common Beliefs. The Brotherhood was set up to stop wars before they begin.

  “‘At this time, I would like to have all the countries involved in the peace signing to come forward. Israel will sign the treaty first and then the other countries will sign, and after each of those countries sign they will make a short comment.’

  “After Israel signed the treaty, then came Egypt, the leader of the Southern Confederacy. When the Egyptian official signed the treaty, he walked to the microphone and stated to the whole world, ‘Israel has the right to exist as a nation.’ Country after country signed the treaty and made the same statement.

  “When everyone was finished signing, Michael signed his name to the peace treaty and walked to the microphone and said, ‘These processing are closed.’ With his signature, the dreaded Day of the Lord began. No one had any idea what was in store for the world for the next seven years. The time known as the Tribulation would change everything, and the world would not be the same again.”