Read The Past or The Coming Future Page 17


  “I know there may be a lot of questions at this time, so I will try to answer as many as possible. Alan, what is your question?”

  “You said the Russians were waiting for the right time to attack Israel. Did they attack Israel?”

  “Yes. When they attacked Israel, World War Three began. I will tell you more about World War Three in the months to come. Randy, what is your question?”

  “Did Dr. Messenger like Dr. Mohammed?”

  “The answer to that question is NO! Dr. Messenger despised Dr. Mohammed. Let me talk about these two right now.

  “Dr. Mohammed was intent on having his religion ‘the religion’ of the world. He did not care what anyone thought or what anyone said, he wanted the world to have that which was perfect. His religion was the most perfect religion the world had ever seen. Well, in his eyes he could say that. The real truth was his religion fell short of what a perfect religion should be. However, he wanted his religion to be the most important in the world. He did not care if he had to compromise a little in order to gain a lot. When Dr. Messenger said he was moving his headquarters to Babylon, Dr. Mohammed was thinking of ways he could influence or sway Dr. Messenger into the way he was thinking.

  “Dr. Messenger was thinking the same thing. ‘If I move my headquarters to Babylon, I could be closer to Dr. Mohammed and I would have a chance to influence him.’ The more influence he had with Dr. Mohammed, the more he thought he could change the thinking of Dr. Mohammed. Sooner later, Dr. Mohammed and the new religion would conform to Dr. Messenger’s ideas. Well, it never happened. The more influence Dr. Messenger exerted on Dr. Mohammed, the more Dr. Mohammed resisted.

  “That is when Michael and Dr. Messenger knew they had to remove the obstacle. On that day in February, the obstacle was removed. If you remember, I told you of the bomb that was placed on the ECU jet that killed Dr. Mohammed and the top officials of the ECU.

  “The Board of Directors of the Fellowship of Believers met with the intent of asking Dr. Messenger to be their new spiritual leader. He said it would be an honor to be the spiritual leader of the only true church in the world. In his inner thoughts, Dr. Messenger knew there was no one else as qualified as he was. And if they did not select him, he would start to eliminate those who were opposed to him. One thing about Michael and Dr. Messenger, if anyone opposed them, they would just have them removed, permanently. The Board asked him when he would like to take over as the new head of the religion. He said he thought it would be best for him to be installed immediately, but on April 4 he wanted to have a public commission in front of the whole world. ‘On April 3, Michael is going to be signing the peace treaty, and I am supposed to be with him at that time. In order for the church to receive as much publicity as possible, I will have Michael with me at the commissioning services, also. By having the President of the World --- oh, I mean, the President of the European Common Market present, the news media from all over the world will be at the commissioning services.’ The Board members thought it was a good idea and decided to install Dr. Messenger before the day was out. They had not caught his slip of the tongue.

  “Dr. Messenger was now the head of the church that the Bible said would be the counterfeit church in the tribulation. He immediately started to change things so the church could take in the other churches of the world. He first put forth certain statements that would be announced on April 5.

  “The first statement was, ‘There is only one god, and every religion has the same god. In each religion we call him by a different name, but he is still the same god. If every religion has the same god, then why have all these different religions? The Bible says, And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten, full of grace and truth. This prophecy has never been fulfilled, but I am going to predict within 3 ½ years God will reveal himself to us in a man. That man is god. As I said, every religion has used a different name for god, but his real name is Neanias. I want every religion in the world to start using his real name. If you do not use his real name now, when he comes, he will reject that religion and everyone in that religion, for not calling him by his real name.’ The religions of the world believed what Dr. Messenger said and every person was calling god ‘Neanias.’ They also believed the prediction of Dr. Messenger.

  “The news media and people all over the world were talking about the soon coming of god. If the people knew what the Greek word Neanias meant, they would have known the word does not mean god. In the Greek, Neanias means a youth not yet 40 years of age. Michael was going to fulfill Dr. Messenger’s prophecy. When Michael did fulfill Dr. Messenger’s prophecy, the world was turned upside down. Mankind would be facing extinction on planet earth in the coming years. The plans Michael and Dr. Messenger prepared worked, and they would continue to work until the end of the tribulation.

  “The second statement Dr. Messenger made was about the headquarters of all the religions of the world. ‘Since every religion has the same god, then every religion should have one central location. I had our giant computer search the world over for the center of the world. The computer said the center of the world is located in Iraq. And to be more specific, the center of the world is at the very site of the headquarters known as the Fellowship of Believers. I believe a central location for all the world religions should be located at the center of the world. We did not have to have the computer to tell us the center of the world is in Babylon. We should have known the center was located here because of the true story of the Tower of Babel.

  “‘The Tower of Babel was built on the location that was the center of the world. Nimrod was building a tower or a monument to Neanias. The people became embittered by their hard work and started to rebel. Nimrod explained to the people the tower was going to be a place where they could worship god. But the people did not want any part of a god that made them work so hard. The rebellion made Neanias mad, and he said if they will not worship me I will confuse their language. The building of the tower had to stop and a place to worship god was never built.

  “‘I want to make the headquarters of The Fellowship of Believers building the new headquarters for all the religions of the world. I also want to change the name to the Fellowship of World Believers. I know all the religions of the world will want to be a part of this new movement. I want every religion to have their top two religious leaders here for an introduction to the world. Over world TV, I will introduce each representative of that religion and where the religion is located. Everyone in the world will be watching this very important broadcast.’

  “Every religion sent their representatives to Jerusalem. The announcement would be seen and heard all over the world, and it would put all the representatives in the limelight; that was something that had never happened to any of them before.

  “The third statement from Dr. Messenger was, ‘Everyone should be proud of their new religion. The only way for you to be proud of the new religion is to have a mark showing you believe in the new religion and you believe Neanias is god. The mark will be a lapel pen that should be worn on the collar of your shirt or blouse. When anyone sees the lapel pen, they will know that you are a fellow believer. If you do not wear your pen, you will be considered as an outcast. The emblem on the pen will be a woman riding upon a dragon. The woman represents our world church, and the dragon represents our strength. The strength of the dragon is known world-wide. Our church will be like the dragon; we will be strong. I want all businesses to look to see if the person being interviewed for that new job is a believer. If he has his pen on, then you know he is a believer. If he does not have his pen on, you may ask if he has a pen or if he is not a believer. I cannot say you should not hire that person if they are not a believer, but having people who believe the same thing could cut down on friction within the work area. It is possible that one of these days it will be the law that you must have a mark in order to buy, s
ell or to have a job. I am sure that time is well into the future. Just think, if you get used to wearing your pen as a sign of your belief, perhaps someday if you are asked to take a mark to prove you believe, it won’t be a big deal.’

  Dr. Messenger had the approval of the Board of Directors for all the changes and for the lapel pen. They thought the pen idea was something they should have thought of years before. One of the Board members said, ‘If Dr. Mohammed could see what is happening, he would not believe it.’ That statement was true; if Dr. Mohammed could see all the changes, he would roll over in his grave.

  “The way Dr. Messenger was setting everything up, it would be easy for Michael to proclaim himself to be god. But in order for the world to accept Michael, there would have to be some kind of fake miracle to make the world believe he was god. Plus, there would have to be scripture to prove Michael was God. Dr. Messenger was a genius when it came to taking a verse out of context. He could twist the scriptures to make it say anything he wanted it to say. His story about the Tower of Babel was one good example. Also, there was no one checking to see what the scriptures really said anyway. So Dr. Messenger could say anything without fear of being caught. Also, if he was caught, he could always say he was the expert. Who would they believe, someone trying to cause trouble or Dr. Messenger?

  “Dr. Messenger met with Michael and said everything was set up just the way we had planned. The changes would take place right after the peace singing on April 3. ‘The world will be ours without anyone knowing what happened.’

  “Michael said the date for the launch of the new satellite would be April 2, and it should go into orbit on the third. ‘By the time we sign the peace treaty, all the satellites should be functional.’

  “Dr. Messenger asked, ‘Michael are you sure the secret covering over the satellites made them invisible to scanners and/or radar?’

  “Michael said, ‘I checked the solution, time and time again, to make sure it worked, and each time I used a scanner the scanner could not detect the metal. I also checked it with radar, and the radar could not detect any metal either. With our other satellites in orbit, no one will know where the fire balls are coming from. If we need to use the secret weapon after the third, it will be available.’

  “Dr. Messenger responded, ‘If you have to use the weapon, make sure there are a number of people watching. Also make the statement, ‘I am going to call fire down from heaven and consume my enemies.’

  “Michael agreed to everything Dr. Messenger said; then he started to laugh and laugh and laugh. Dr. Messenger asked what he was laughing about, and Michael said, ‘Can you imagine my enemies trying to harm me or kill me and in a loud voice I call down fire from heaven? As they stand there, they don’t believe I can call fire down from heaven, but then comes this loud sound of the fire, and all of a sudden my enemies are consumed, I think that is really funny.’ Dr. Messenger started to laugh, and Michael started to laugh again. They could not stop laughing. They thought it was the funniest thing they could image, people being consumed by fire from heaven.

  “Dr. Messenger said they were very lucky that Michael perfected the sound gun. ‘But the real luck was when you were able to combine the sound with the chemical solution that ignites into a fire ball when it enters the earth’s atmosphere.’

  “Michael stated, ‘The real luck was when Dr. Wilson gave me the idea of a satellite that would shoot fire balls from heaven.’

  “Dr. Messenger said, ‘Since we will have all the religions under one umbrella, we need to have an office in Jerusalem and New York. With Jerusalem becoming an International City, visitors will want to have a place to worship. We need to build or we need to buy a church building.’

  “Michael said, ‘Don’t forget Rome.’

  “‘Rome,’ Dr. Messenger said, ‘How could anyone forget Rome?’

  “When Dr. Messenger made the comment, “How could anyone forget Rome,’ he was really being sarcastic. The statement he made about all religions coming to Babylon was not accepted by the Pope. The headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church had been in Rome for hundreds of years. For the headquarters to be moved to Babylon was unthinkable. The Pope was old;’ it would only be a very short time before he would die. But Dr. Messenger and Michael decided they should help the old man along the way, just a little. One person who was a loyal follower of the new religion was one of the Cardinals in Rome. The Pope had his cup of tea every night. The Cardinal who normally served the Pope his tea was killed in an accidental car wreck. When Michael and Dr. Messenger decided to have someone removed, it was always an accident. So the new person chosen to give the tea to the Pope was the Cardinal who was one of Dr. Messenger’s followers. As was the custom of the Pope, every night he had his cup of tea. Each night there was a small amount of poison added to the tea. Within two weeks the Pope was gone.

  “With the Pope gone, there had to be a new leader of the Catholic Church elected. Since all the religions were located in Babylon, the new head should be someone that was known world-wide. There was only one person who could be elected, and that would be Dr. Messenger. It was voted on, and the new head of the Catholic Church would be Dr. Messenger. Since all religions believed the same thing and the soon coming of god would take place within 3 ½ years, Dr. Messenger would be god’s right hand man. Soon all the other religions of the world thought it would be best to have Dr. Messenger to be their head also. One month after Michael signed the peace treaty, Dr. Messenger became the head religious leader of all religions of the world. He was what the Bible called the False Prophet.

  “I said Dr. Messenger despised Dr. Mohammed. Many times they would have heated exchanges about the direction of the church. One day they were talking about the different things that should be changed, and Dr. Mohammed stated there would be no changes unless he made that decision. Dr. Messenger tried to smooth the feathers of Dr. Mohammed, but Dr. Mohammed knew exactly what Dr. Messenger was trying to do. ‘We believe all people of the world must come and worship one god. They must convert to our religion or they will not be accepted.’ Dr. Messenger said people would not convert to your religion. They would not leave their own religion for a new religion that was headed up by someone who was hard headed. ‘I may be hard headed, but I will not let anyone join my church unless they reject what they have been involved in.’

  "Those two men were having disagreements almost every day. There had to be a change, and the change came upon the death of Dr. Mohammed.

  “When Dr. Messenger started making the changes, he knew the new religion had to be in every country of the world. With his friends in high positions in every country, he was able to have all the other religions outlawed. Some countries outlawed one religion after another, while other countries outlawed all religions at once. The only religion that was open for worship was the ‘Fellowship of World Believers.’ Most countries imposed strict penalties for those who broke the law. If you were caught worshiping any other religion, you were given a mandatory five-year prison sentence. There was only one thing a person could do if he wanted to worship other religions. They could go to Jerusalem. Not only was Jerusalem an International City, but one could worship any religion they wanted there. Dr. Messenger knew he could not outlaw other religions in Jerusalem as long as there was the Jewish religion. If he did not want a war, the Arabs could worship any religion they wanted, also. All of that would change in a very short period of time.

  “Dr. Messenger made a statement that most people believed was the most important statement he ever made. In every country in the world, on Sunday he had a radio program which was titled, ‘Preaching to the Believers.’ He gave a one-hour sermon on the beliefs of the only true religion in the world. On one particular Sunday, his sermon was on, ‘How Can a Person Know He Is Secure?’ He started his sermon with many of the things he had said before, but then he said, ‘Just like in Christianity where they believe they have eternal security, our religion ca
n prove we are secure. Eternal security starts in the mind, and it goes out in all directions. The different directions it goes and the result it brings back is called WORKS. If Christianity was the true religion in the world, then the eternal security they believed in would have reached the entire world and brought back great WORKS. But did they reach the whole world, and if they did why did their WORKS not show it? One can see our great WORKS by our faith. We have reached the whole world with our religion, and the whole world has responded. This proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that we have secured our faith by our WORKS.

  “When he would finish his sermons, everyone would stand up and applaud, but not this Sunday. Everyone stood and did not applaud or say anything; they just stood there, speechless. It was his custom to walk to the back and greet everyone as they left. On his way to the back, he was wondering what he had said that made everyone mad. He had never seen people act like this before. What would he say as they left, or maybe it was best if he said nothing and let the people do all the talking? As he walked to the back, he could sense all eyes following him. Each step he took, he was aware of their piercing look.

  “When the first person walked out and shook his hand, he said it was the most profound sermon he had ever heard. ‘It was unlike any other sermon you have ever preached. It seemed to come from the heart other than the mind.’ One person after another said the same thing as they left.

  “The next day in the newspaper and all over the news were comments about the greatest sermon ever preached. Dr. Messenger could not believe the response he was receiving. When questioned about the sermon, he said he and Michael had talked about different topics he should speak about. ‘Michael suggested the topic and also helped write more than half of the sermon. Michael should be the one who receives the credit for the sermon. Without his help, I would not have achieved the clear teaching on the believer being secure.’

  “Dr. Messenger decided every Sunday he could give another great sermon. The sermon on eternal security was twisted just a bit, but the result was astounding. He decided to take other doctrines from the Bible and just give them a little twist also. He took the doctrine of the Shed Blood of Christ and wrote a sermon he thought the people would like. He stated that when Neanias comes, he must cleanse the world. ‘The only way to cleanse the world is for god to give his blood for the world. Neanias will give his own blood for the whole world.’ After the sermon, Michael asked Dr. Messenger how he, ‘Michael,’ was going to shed his blood for the world. Dr. Messenger said, ‘We have 3 ½ years to put together a plan the world will accept.” Doctrine after doctrine was counterfeited and twisted to meet the needs of Dr. Messenger. Dr. Messenger was a liar and a very good one at that. He could take any verse in the Bible and twist it to mean anything he wanted.

  “At this time, I think it is time for some questions, so who wants to be first to ask a question?”

  “Why did Dr. Messenger give a sermon on the believer being secure?”

  “Well, as we all know, the believers he was referring to were those in the false church. Dr. Messenger knew how the Christians enjoyed hearing sermons on the great doctrines of the Bible, so he decided to twist the doctrine of eternal security. He probably thought this would be an easy one to begin with. He changed the meaning and the people the Bible was talking about. The first thing I must do is to teach you what eternal security truly is and what it is not. Most of you do not know what eternal security means. In order for you to understand what eternal security is, I will use an illustration. The people who became Christians during the tribulation and went into the millennium are saved for eternity. They cannot be lost. God has placed a seal upon them, and if they have been sealed they have eternal security. A person who has eternal security cannot be lost, period.

  “One movement that caught fire during the last 50 years before the rapture was eternal insecurity. What that means is if a person were to sin and they did not ask for forgiveness immediately, and they were killed, they would go to hell. Some churches even taught that if you sinned you were not a Christian, and you would have to ask Christ to be your Savior all over again. In other words, one would have to crucify Christ a second or third or fourth time. The Bible says one salvation and one crucifixion. The majority of the people who believed in eternal insecurity did not understand what Christ did on the cross for them. They did not understand once you become a Christian, you are not sinless, you would still sin. They thought it was their salvation they lost, instead of losing rewards at the Bema Seat.

  I guess you could say that most people were ignorant of the Word of God. They believed what their parents would tell them, or what their pastor would say, but to go to the Bible and check it out for themselves, that was something they never did. That was the main reason there was a falling away in the last days. People did not study the Bible. In First Corinthians 12:13, it says we were all placed into the body, that being the body of Christ. And in Ephesians 1:13, it says once we believe in Christ we Christians are sealed. If we Christians were sealed before the rapture, then the idea of eternal insecurity is a lie that the devil made up to hold Christians in bondage. And he did a really good job of that. Churches would even put insecurity in their statement of faith. What a sad state the churches were in! They would take the statement of Christ when he said, ‘If you believe in Me you have eternal life,’ and say that Christ really did not mean what He said. What is the next question?”

  “You make it sound as if everyone in the world were unbelievers. Were there any believers?”

  “Yes, when the Antichrist signed the peace treaty, there were 144,000 Jews who believed that Jesus was the promised Messiah. Throughout the first half of the tribulation period, they spread the Gospel to every part of the world. There were multitudes that heard the Gospel and accepted Christ. In the late 1990s, there were an estimated 30,000 missionaries in the world. During the first half of the tribulation, those 144,000 Jews were all missionaries. These 144,000 had been sealed by Christ. What that meant was the Antichrist or the False Prophet could not harm them or kill any of the 144,000. I will take one last question.”

  “Brother Steven, I know you have told us before what makes Christ’s blood different than our blood, but there may be some who did not understand. Could you explain it one more time?”

  “This was one of the great doctrines during the Church Age. Sermon after sermon was preached on the sinlessness of Christ. You must remember, sin came into the world because of what Adam and Eve did in the garden. They were forced out of the Garden of Eden and forbidden to ever enter the Garden again. The blood of Adam was sinful, and when they began to have children, that sinful blood was passed down from generation to generation. Every person born had the sinful blood given to them by their father. In Matthew 1:23 it says, ‘Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel, which, being interpreted, is God with us.’ A virgin is a woman that has never had a sexual relationship with a man. So for Mary to have a child while she was a virgin was a miracle. If she would have had sexual relations with a man, her son would have the same sin nature that all men have. But Luke 1:35 says, ‘And the angel answered, and said unto her, The Holy Spirit shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee; therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.’ The child who was born to Mary did not have the sinful blood that everyone else has. That child, Jesus Christ, did not have an earthly father. Remember, the only way sinful blood can be passed down is through the father. Since Jesus did not have an earthly father, He did not have the sinful blood. Since He did not have sinful blood, He was the only person possible to take the sins of the world upon Himself, who had no sin of His own. That is why John the Baptist said in John 1:29 - ‘Behold the Lamb of God, who taketh away the sin of the world.’ I hope that answers your question. Tomorrow I will tell you about Michael mo
ving the ECU headquarters to Rome.”