Read The Past or The Coming Future Page 18


  “Israel and the Arab nations would sign the peace treaty that would start the tribulation. However, Michael decided it was best to make one major change before he signed it. He decided the headquarters of the ECU should be moved to Rome. ‘Since this is the revived Roman Empire, the headquarters should be where the capital was originally, over 2,000 years ago,’ he reasoned aloud. Michael had already purchased land and his new building would be finished in three months. Instead of his corporation moving into the new building, he would sell it to the ECU. He also thought it would be best if there were branch offices set up in every major city in Europe and in the other countries that were backers of the ECU. The branch offices could move into any office space they could find. The first thing he would have to do was to have his plan passed by the 11 members of the ECU. He knew three members would vote no on anything that he proposed. But it did not make any difference he would make a motion for the plan and let the delegates vote.

  “Michael and Dr. Messenger knew they had to replace the three members who continued to vote no on any item that Michael brought up.

  “The plan that Michael and Dr. Messenger liked was really sophisticated; no one would ever know or suspect it was murder. Nicholas Brassen was one delegate who did not like Michael. It did not make any difference if the idea would help his country or not, he would vote no if it was Michael’s idea. Every summer his family would take a vacation to the warm waters of the Indo-Pacific area. Michael and Dr. Messenger decided the summer of 2011 would be his last summer. The plan was very simple. Michael would send four men to the area where Nicholas would be scuba diving. They would catch a stone fish and wait until Nicholas was diving alone. When people dive alone, sometimes things happen that cost them their lives. That would be the case with Nicholas. Three of the men would hold Nicholas while the other man would force the dorsal fin of the stone fish into his leg. The venom would be injected into Nicholas, and before he could make it to the surface he would die. The autopsy would indicate the poison came from a stone fish. The conclusion on the death certificate would state accidental. In Michael and Dr. Messenger’s mind, it was the perfect crime. One plan down, or, as they said, one delegate down and two to go. The other two plans would have to be something that no one had ever thought of before. All three plans would happen within a two-week period. The men that Michael was grooming to take the place of the deceased delegates would guarantee 11 yes votes on anything Michael proposed.

  “While Michael and Dr. Messenger were thinking of two other plans, they continued to work on the move of the headquarters of the ECU to Rome. By having eight delegates always voting yes, he knew they would accept his proposal to buy his new building for the new headquarters. The ECU always went with the majority vote. The new building was designed by Michael. Each room had hidden cameras and microphones that could hear a pin drop. There were also hidden chambers and some rooms were soundproof. Michael had thought of everything. There was no way anyone could do anything without him knowing it.

  “He had wondered many times previously why he had purchased the land and started building a 12-story building. Dr. Messenger also asked Michael the same thing many times, but Michael always said things would work out, just wait and see. Things did work out, just as Michael had said they would.

  “The decision was made to leave a branch office in Brussels, and the most likely place for a branch office was the ex-headquarters of the ECU. If things were to change, they could always move the headquarters back to Brussels. Michael knew he had to have a branch office in every country that was a member of the ECU. So the first step was to have each delegate find a place that they thought would be suitable for a branch office. If Michael did not like the location, he would tell them in a way they thought they were being praised instead of being reprimanded or insulted.

  “Michael said things in a way that made you feel good about yourself. He was very polite and never had a harsh word for anyone. Even though he never said anything derogatory out loud, he always thought everyone was stupid or they were dumb. He never tried to show how smart he was, but people could tell there was something different about him. He had a lot of head knowledge and used common sense to its utmost.

  “Dr. Messenger came into Michael’s office and said, ‘I just came up with a plan that will make it possible for the second delegate to be murdered.’ Michael was excited and wanted to know all the details. ‘This is the way the plan goes. We have to use the headquarters in Brussels until the building in Rome is completed. So when Alex goes into the steam room, we make sure someone puts a drug in his drink. The drug must be one which cannot be traced by an autopsy. Once he is in the steam room, he will pass out and the steam can be turned up. With the room temperature soaring, it won’t take much time for him to expire.’

  “Michael looked at Dr. Messenger and said, ‘I like they way you use words. You could have said he died or he suffocated, but to expire, that show class.’

  “Dr. Messenger winked at Michael and said, ‘Sometimes we have to show a little class or we would not be who we are.’

  “Michael agreed and said, ‘Two plans down and only one to go.’

  “The branch office in Jerusalem had to be completely different from the other branch offices. Jerusalem was going to be an International City, and that meant the office had to be a very plush office. Several things it definitely needed were the cameras and hidden microphones in every room.

  “Michael told Dr. Messenger, ‘We can’t let people say anything and then let them get away with it. In the secret conference rooms, there will be a number of cameras and microphones. When there are meetings in Jerusalem, the different groups can go into a secret conference room that is soundproof. The cameras and microphones cannot be detected by scanning devices or other types of detection devices. When a group wants to have secret meetings, they will, of course, first scan the room for any bugs, such as microphones or cameras. Since their devices will indicate the room is clean, they will then meet and discuss their plans. We will know exactly what is said, and most of the time we can watch the whole meeting.’ During the tribulation people would pay with their lives if they made statements that Michael or Dr. Messenger did not like. This was just the beginning of the lack of privacy and spying which would take place.

  “Michael had made plans for Tom and Debbie also. He informed them that half of the time he would be in Rome and half of the time he would be in Jerusalem. He wanted them to be with him all the time. He said, ‘Since there was an attempt to kill me in Rome right after the disappearance, I want you two to be with me so I can provide you with protection. Even though I was not in Rome, if I had not tripled the security around my mansion, you would have been killed.’

  “Tom knew all about the cameras and the microphones Michael and Dr. Messenger had installed in the buildings, but was not aware of any of those things in Michael’s mansion. However, when Tom and Debbie wanted to talk, they were cautious and would take a walk or they would go into the freezer. Tom told Debbie, “Michael does not know that we are Christians, but if he finds out, I know he will make examples of us to the rest of the world.’

  “Debbie wanted to know what he meant when he said ‘examples to the rest of the world’.

  “Tom said, ‘Since we are so close to Michael, if he finds out we are Christians, he will show the world that he has no compassion on people like us. The death that we would suffer would be an example to those that proclaim to be Christians.’

  “Debbie wanted to know what Tom wanted to do. ‘Shall we go hide in the closet or hide in the basement?’

  “No, Tom said. ‘We will live like we have always lived, but we will tell people about Christ and try to get as many saved as we can. If we do not make it completely through the seven years, that’s fine, we have lived a long life. I just wish we would have become Christians early in life instead of waiting as long as we did.

  “Debbie had a l
ittle tear trickling down her cheek and said, ‘I wish we would have accepted early in life also.’

  “Tom asked Michael if he had any set schedule for the times he would be in Rome and when he would be in Jerusalem. Michael told him, ‘No, most of the time something will come and I will have to go to Rome or Jerusalem immediately. When that happens, I will leave a message telling you where I am. I know the media will want to know who you are and why you are always with me, so I think it is best to tell them that you are friends who did commercials for me.’

  “Tom wanted to know, ‘Will we be living at the branch office in Jerusalem or somewhere else?’

  “‘There is more protection at the branch office, but it is not like home. I have been looking for a mansion in Jerusalem that could be protected from any attempts of terrorists. Once I find what I am looking for, that is where we will live. While in Rome we will continue to live at my mansion.’ Michael had begun to make all the decisions for his benefit and, again, was not considering what anyone else might want or desire.

  “Michael had to go to the United States for some very important meetings with the acting, ‘Soon-to-be President.’ The first thing they discussed was a branch office in New York and one in Washington, D.C. He told the President, ‘There will be some kind of military engagement in the near future, I’m sure. The U.S. must be ready when the call comes to launch nuclear weapons against our enemies. Also, it may be necessary for troops to be air lifted straight into battle.’

  “The President asked, ‘Do you know specifically of some trouble that you are not sharing with me?’

  “Michael said, ‘There is no trouble now, but I know the Russians are looking at Israel. When Israel destroys their weapons of war, the Russians will most likely make their move into the Middle East. I know that just as certain as I am standing here, the Russians will invade Israel.’

  “The President wanted to know, ‘Why don’t we hit them with a surprise attack and destroy the country now?’

  “Michael stated, ‘I will be the savior of Israel. When Russia attacks, no other country will come to the aid of Israel. But I will rain down hail stones that weigh 100 pounds each upon the Northern Confederacy troops.’

  “The President was bewildered by Michael’s statement. ‘How can you bring hail stones down upon the troops of the Northern Confederacy?’

  “Michael said, ‘I cannot say at this time, but you will see the power I have in the coming future. What I am telling you is that World War Three will be fought over Israel. However, the invasion of Israel by Russia is not the military action I was thing about. I will not have to use any troops to defeat the Russians. But the engagements after that war will take a lot of troops. We must be ready when the time comes, and the time will come soon.’

  “The next day the President reinstated the draft. All men under the age of 40 would have to sign up on a list in case there was a need for troops. The President informed the nation that most of those who would be drafted would be under 25, but they still needed to know how many men were under 40. Since the men who would be drafted would be under 25, the rest of the men, those over 25, would have to have 30 days of training a year, just in case things in the world started to heat up and they were needed. The President was not a very popular person, but since the disappearance of millions all over the world, people were thinking that maybe the aliens would come back. If they did, the United States would be ready.

  “While in the U.S., Michael was watching one of the old movies that had been made in the seventies. The movie was ‘The Godfather.’ Michael was intrigued by the movie and the lifestyle of the character in the movie, Michael Corleone. As he watched the movie, the more he was determined to eliminate the last delegate the same way that Michael would have it done it in the movie. He would contract for a hit man. Michael wanted the last delegate to die knowing it was he, Michael Glispbe, who had contracted his murder. Michael purposed that he would have the movie, ‘The Godfather,’ sent to Ramon Garcia. Before Ramon was killed, there would be a telephone call to his house and the caller would ask if he had watched the movie, ‘The Godfather,’ and the character Michael? This is from Michael.’ At that time, the hit man would pull a pistol and kill Ramon. It would happen just like it did in the movies.

  “Michael thought to himself, ‘I sure do come up with many clever ways to remove those who oppose me. I must say, I surprise myself sometimes by my brilliance.’

  “I know there are a number of questions that everyone wants to ask, so I will take as many questions as I can answer in the next one hour. “I believe Wes wants to know how Michael knew about the Russian invasion of Israel. That is an easy question to answer. I told Michael about the invasion. One evening when Michael came over to my house, he asked if there were any major wars during the tribulation. I said in Ezekiel 38 and 39, the Russians are called Gog, of the land of Magog. We know the Russians are the ones spoken of in that verse because it speaks about the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal. The city of Moscow was named after Meshech, and Tobolsk was named after Tubal. When the Russians invade, there will be no countries in the world that will come to the aid of Israel. I told Michael how God will rain down hail stones that weigh 100 pounds each upon the invading armies. The destruction by the hail stones will be so great, in 39:2, it says only one-sixth of the invading troops will escape. There is more than just one army in the battle. In 38:5 and 6 there are at least five other armies that go with Russia for the invasion of Israel. I had also told Michael about the coming Battle of Armageddon. When Michael told the President of the United States to be ready when he called upon him for military help, Michael was thinking about Armageddon.

  “The next question is from Andy.”

  “I want to know why Michael said that he would rain down hail from heaven upon the invading armies.”

  “Like I said, I told Michael about the invasion and about God destroying the invaders. I also made it very clear that there would not be any country coming to the aid of Israel. God would be Israel’s savior. What Michael did was to try and take the credit for what God did against the Russian invasion. The world would believe it was Michael who saved Israel from certain destruction. The world had seen Michael call fire down from heaven and consume his enemies once before, and now they believed he had called hail down to destroy the Russian army and its allies. Who could fight against someone with that kind of power?”

  “When Tom and Debbie were away from Michael, how did they witness for Christ?”

  “Right after the rapture, Tom and Debbie flew to Rome so Michael could protect them. While in Rome and in Jerusalem, they became friends with many people. Some of the people recognized them from the commercials, while other they met and saw for the first time became friends. During their talks, people wanted to know about the disappearance and what was going to happen in the future. Tom shared with them the things that would soon happen and that Christ was the only way to live eternally. When Michael signed the peace treaty which began the tribulation, Tom and Debbie had to be very careful how and when they witnessed to strangers. During the first 3 ½ years, they were able to lead many souls to Christ, but during the last 3 ½ years they never realized how many people’s souls would be saved simply by their actions and what they said. One last question and then I have to go.”

  “Did the cameras and microphones really catch people saying things that made Michael and Dr. Messenger mad?”

  “The answer is yes. As a matter of fact, those who made Michael or Dr. Messenger mad were taken away and executed immediately. Also, when different delegates would meet and discuss different issues, Michael would watch and listen and then work up a plan before he met with the delegates. When he would walk into the room, he would say he had just come up with a new plan. The delegates would listen to the plan, and they would all be dumbfounded. The very thing they had just been talking about was solved by Michael.”