Read The Promise Page 10


  I dreaded this Monday more than usual; the thought of having to face Brandon made me sick to my stomach. And I owed Tess an explanation for Friday, I’d avoided talking to her about what happened all weekend, I needed to get my own head straight first. I came to the conclusion that Friday’s events changed nothing; I’m still going to avoid Brandon as much as I can, as usual. Nothing has to change because nothing happened, right?

  So came into art class and I greeted him cordially as I would any other day, but I could still feel his lips against my skin and I wondered how they would feel against my own. You’re doing it again the rational voice in my head scolded and I was glad when Mr. Anderson started the lesson. When the bell rang I hurried out of the class, but Brandon was easily keeping up. “You’re dead serious about avoiding me, aren’t you?” he asked, an intended joke but his tone sounded a little frustrated. “That’s nothing new really.” I said not breaking my stride, “I’m guessing you don’t want to talk about Friday?” he said; it wasn’t much of a question. My heart sped up, this was exactly the confrontation I was dreading. I reached my locker and decided to play dumb “What about Friday?” I asked, with a cool voice. I met his narrowed gaze after closing it.

  “You’re really going to pretend like nothing happened?” he asked this time; I took a deep breath then quickly regretted it because all I could smell was him. “I don’t have to pretend because nothing did happen.” I said; he was about to reply when I cut him off “We’re still meeting in the afternoon right?” I asked, our project was nearly done, much to my relief.

  “Of course, hey don’t change—”

  “Brandon, hi, I wanted to ask you something.” Rhiannon said stepping in between us, she shot me a glare before looking back at him. I wasn’t sure if I was pissed or glad she interrupted us. But she at leased gave me a chance to run and I decided to take it. I thought I heard him call after me but I kept walking. Rhiannon was probably going to ask him to the dance, and the thought of him saying yes irritated me. I didn’t want to have to compete with Rhiannon and God knows whom else. You fight for something that’s yours, or something you strongly believe you have a claim to and Brandon doesn’t fit in any of those categories.

  “You what!” Tess said before she burst into a fit of laughter, I nervously looked around at anyone close to us in the cafeteria. “Keep your voice down Tess.” I said in a stern voice. She stifled her laugh “Well that would explain why he cant stop looking at you.” she said looking over my shoulder and I tensed, I fought the urge to turn around, “Is he looking this way?” I asked, and she smiled “Yep, like he has been for 45 minutes now.” She said, “Stop that.” I scolded and she chuckled but looked away.

  “I feel for you my friend but this is great entertainment for me,” she said and I couldn’t help but giggle too “You’re having a ball, aren’t you?” I asked “Absolutely” she confirmed with a smile. “I don’t get why you’re doing this Katie, he wants you and you want him. You guys have this primal attraction, why fight it?” she said and I gave her a knowing look and she sighed.

  “Yeah I know, I know.” She said holding up her hands, she took a bite out of her apple and took a deep breath. “I guess I should’ve just let JT interrupt you guys.” She said absently, her gaze far away. I got a feeling there was more that transpired than what she led on. I looked at her questioningly “Well?” I asked,

  “I was walking back to you when I saw you on the dance floor, I was about to make myself scarce so you could get some time with Mr. blonde and delicious. But I saw JT start to walk your way with a clear intension of breaking up the party.” She said and she chuckled sheepishly “I didn’t know what to do so I ended up dragging him away and I basically pushed him up against the wall. He was just as surprised as I was.” She added. I wasn’t sure what JT thought about that but I knew it must’ve been embarrassing for her considering her feelings for him.

  “Wow, you don’t play around do you?” I teased, I decided not to get cranky with her about her feelings for JT, I wasn’t a hundred percent okay with the idea of my best friend with my brother, but who was I to say?

  “Nothing like backing a guy up against the wall to let him know you want him.” I continued my teasing, “Cowards like me should take a page out of your book.” I added with a sigh. She shook her head, slightly amused

  “I’m bold but not that bold.” She said “So in my stupid attempt to distract him from you guys and my sudden attack, I ended up asking him to dance. Thankfully he was sweet enough to agree, or else that would’ve been humiliating.” She added and my eyebrows shot up, well well…

  “You danced with JT?” I asked; I’d never seen him do that except with that wretched girlfriend of his. “It looks like I’m not the only one who had an interesting night.” I added and she surprised me by frowning.

  “I had a great time, but it wasn’t long before Adrianna practically pushed me away from him.” She said and my own smile fell “Oh.” I said.

  “I think he felt bad because he promised me a dance again soon.” She said and my gaze narrowed. I doubted guilt had anything to do with that offer, but I didn’t dare voice that thought. I didn’t know JT’s angle here, but I had a feeling he liked Tess more than he led on.

  “But either way Adrianna helped keep him distracted, when I went back to find you, it didn’t take much to figure you went out with him.” Tess said and I shook my head “And I nearly did something I’d regret.” I said. She raised a mocking eyebrow at me “Really? You would’ve done anything but regret that Katelyn Gilbert.” She said, challenging me to deny it. I threw a piece of candy wrap at her and she ducked it laughing. The bell rang and I passed by my locker before heading to class. I picked up the note that fell to the floor and read it,

  I’m not easily deterred princess, Brandon.

  Nice! I thought bitterly, I had become some kind of challenge for him and I had a feeling he wasn’t going to stop until he got what he wanted. I sighed and went to class after cramping up the note and throwing it into the bin.

  Like he agreed we met and worked on our project, it was nearly finished and looking absolutely stunning. It also helps when you have a fairly talented partner. Thankfully Brandon didn’t bring up Friday again, or the note he left in my locker. I didn’t know weather to be relieved or suspicious, I knew he was far from being done with me. I had pretty conventional reasons why I should stay away from him, but I also had an inexplicable fear of getting close to him.

  No matter what he says, he’d soon get bored chasing after me and seek his next prey. I’ll have to be faced with the choice of either accepting his advances or watching him walk; it would’ve been a no-brainer if I weren’t so crazy about him.

  After we called it a day, we cleared up and walked towards the door “So, you’re going to the dance with Rhiannon?” I asked, then immediately bit my tongue, cursing inwardly. Why on earth did I have to go and say that? Of course I didn’t like the thought much but I had no business sticking my nose where it didn’t belong. I quickly turned for the door after a pause, desperate to get out “I’m sorry, that’s really none of my business” I said turning the knob. I slightly opened it before Brandon shut it again with his hand. It remained on one side of my head, firmly keeping the door closed, I didn’t turn to face him, he was standing way, way too close.

  “Then make it your business.” He breathed, I realized then why he played it cool the entire time. He wanted me to crack first and damn it I played right into his hand. His scent was like a blanket around me and I could laterally feel the heat radiating from his body, that’s how close he was. I rested my forehead against the door, I wasn’t built for this, I really wasn’t. Some girls might love it but it only exhausted me.

  “Just let it go Brandon.” I said quietly “There’s a line of girls waiting for the attention you’re wasting on me. Why do it?” I asked, not sure I really wanted to know.

  “Isn’t it obvious princess?” he said, so quietly that I wasn’t sure he??
?d even said it. He moved his hand and stepped away a little “But if you want to know, she did ask, but I refused.” He said, having more space to breathe, I turned to look at him “You did? Why?” I asked incredulously, no one ever refuses the pretty cheerleaders. He gave me a brilliant smile as we walked out

  “I want to go to the dance with you Katelyn, I want you to ask me,” he said with a serious tone despite his nonchalant expression. I stared at him shocked for a moment, I didn’t know what to say, or do.

  “I—” I started when I heard someone call my name; I turned to see Tess gesture for me to come over, I breathed out, grateful for the chance to run. “I have to go.” I said to him, turning and quickly walking towards Tess. I knew it was rude to leave him hanging like that and I might come to regret it, but he threw a curveball I wasn’t prepared to deal with. Tess took me by the arm and we walked outside

  “I was about to quietly walk away when I saw you completely freeze over.” She said and I chuckled uneasily “I know, I owe you one for saving me.” I said getting in the car.