Read The Promise Page 9


  Already accustomed to this, I nearly smiled to myself as I slowly turned around to find Brandon staring down at me. His grey eyes swept all over me with clear appreciation “You look beautiful.” He said softly, he said it so tenderly I felt it like a caress, I took in a shallow breath sweeping my hair behind my ear self consciously. “Thanks.” I said blushing scarlet; it was the first time he’d ever said that, and I suppressed a smile. He thought I was beautiful. That’s when I noticed his appearance too, he wore a lite brown shirt and he had its sleeves rolled up, he complemented it with a black waistcoat and jeans. He looked incredibly handsome, my gaze went to his golden hair, it looked silky soft and I caught myself wondering if it felt that way to the touch.

  “Why do you keep sneaking up on me?” I asked, it was starting to become a trademark of his, he chuckled “I swear I don’t do it intentionally…sometimes.” He added with a cheeky grin, I shook my head at him, unable to keep from smiling too. It was infectious.

  “So how about it?” he asked, holding out his hand, I suddenly panicked remembering that he’d asked me to dance. I panicked not because I had to dance, I loved to, I freaked out because I had to dance with him. Being that close to him does terrible things to my common sense, haven’t I proven that many times?

  “I have to find Tess.” I said turning to walk away only to be yanked back by the waist, his arm unlocked around me but he kept his hand on my arm, making sure I didn’t try to escape again.

  “Brandon, let go!” I quietly hissed as he started pulling me to the dance floor “Come on Katelyn, I wont bite.” He said, but it sounded like he might. He held my hand and twirled me around; he frowned when I refused to loosen up “You’re not going anywhere until you give me this dance.” He said and I raised my eyebrows at him “You might want to be careful, I have a bodyguard tonight.” I threatened and he smiled “If you mean your brother, oh he’s too preoccupied with that blonde chick.” He said and I sighed defeated. I wasn’t sure if I sighed because JT wasn’t available when I needed him or that Brandon still doesn’t know Adrianna’s name, everyone did. I guess I should feel special that he at leased remembers my name. How pathetic is that?

  I decided to humor him so I could get him away from me. A song I liked started and I also started to enjoy dancing with him. I turned around and he gently put his hands on my waist pulling me a little closer and his scent hit me like a sucker punch. I wished I had the will power to tell him to get his hands off me, but I didn’t.

  “When we’re not working on our project, you avoid me like a plague, why?” he said over my ear. “That’s because you are.” I said honestly and he chuckled “Ouch.” He said then paused “And James is not a plague I suppose?” he added, and his voice was laced with bitterness that shocked me a bit. What was his problem with James? He twirled me around to face him.

  “What’s your problem? I think James is a great guy.” I said and he chuckled without humor, “The guy is as boring as a rock.” He said and I frowned “I resent that.” I said trying to pull away but couldn’t. “I’m not trying to offend him, I just think you could do so much better.” He said and I raised my eyebrows at him “Really? Like who?” I asked and he smiled “Like myself.” He said and I paused in surprise, always thought flirting was second nature to him so I tried not to read too much into it. But he’d never admitted to wanting me before.

  “You look a little surprised, you’re a beautiful girl Katelyn, I don’t see how I can be faulted.” He added with a lower voice.

  I slightly shook my head, just like he can’t be faulted for how he acts around every other girl; I had to remember that he’s given me no inclination that his feelings for me are true.

  “Right.” I said sarcastically “James may seem boring to you but I enjoy his company, it’s just easy with him.” I said without thinking and he frowned, a strange emotion touching his gaze “Do you have feelings for James?” he asked, and I thought I heard a hint of hurt in his voice.

  “No.” I said, I couldn’t lie about that; it was quite obvious. Even so, why did I just admit that? It was none of his business either way, was it? He grinned, “He’s just a good friend. So I don’t appreciate you insulting him.” I added. “I didn’t mean to, I was just trying to point out that he’s not the right guy for you, you don’t want easy.” He said, moving closer “You want excitement, a challenge and a bit of danger.” He added softly, his hand moving from my waist to sweep my hair over my shoulder and lightly brush the back of his fingers against my neck. His grey eyes boring into mine, I could hear my heart drum in my ears.

  “And you’re so sure I want those things and that you have them with you?” I asked, not quite sure why because it really didn’t matter. He stopped dancing and smiled “Come with me.” he said holding out his hand again, giving me a choice again.

  It seemed as though when it came to Brandon my mind and heart were always fighting for superiority and my heart always won because I placed my hand in his and he led us outside. We walked to his black Audi RS5 convertible “Where are we going?” I asked pausing when he opened the door for me.

  “We’re just ditching the party for a little while.” He said motioning for me to get in and I did. I knew it was stupid to trust Brandon of all people, but I just did, I couldn’t even explain it to myself. The engine purred to life and we drove out and down the seaside road, there weren’t many cars on the road. I watched Brandon the whole time; I could see that he loved the drive and the open road. He looked at me and smiled “You want to know how it feels like to fly?” he asked then he pushed some button on the side of the gear. I chuckled nervously “Don’t kill me.” I said and he laughed, “You better hold on tight princess.” He said and the engine gave an aggressive grunt when he put his foot down on the gas. I watched in a mixture of shock and amazement as we blurred forward, but he was right, it felt like we were flying. With the smell of ocean air whipping against my face and hair, I smiled “You are crazy!” I shouted to a smiling Brandon. “Then go crazy with me,” he shouted back over the rushing wind.

  Why not I thought as I spread my arms wide and screamed into the night at the top of my lungs, actually feeling like I could fly. I don’t know how long I did that before I slumped back on the seat laughing with Brandon. We finally slowed down and eventually stopped, I wasn’t sure where exactly but we were still at seaside and we could see the moon reflected on the water, it looked breathtaking. We sat on the rear of the car just enjoying the view and cool ocean breeze.

  Soon enough we were back at Christy’s house with the party still in full swing, I hoped Tess and JT didn’t freak out wondering where I was. I smiled when Brandon cut off the engine “That was fun, thank you.” I said, meeting his gaze, really meaning it.

  “You’re welcome.” He said gently but he didn’t smile, the look in his eyes was too intense but I couldn’t look away. Before I could stop myself I reached over and swept his hair away from his eyes, down behind his ear to his nape, my hand lingering there; I was right, his hair felt amazing to touch. A small gasp escaped my lips when I realized what I just did, I pulled back but Brandon caught my wrist. He gently kissed my fingers then he slowly leaned down to kiss me, I felt myself lean towards him as well. As if a switch had been flicked in my mind, my head snapped to the side and I pulled back glancing at my watch.

  “I-I have…to go.” I said with an unsteady voice as I reached for the door and pushed it open. “What? Wait—” Brandon said and I looked back,

  “I’m sorry Brandon, some of us have curfew.” I said stepping out of the car.

  “Katelyn…” he said before I cut him off “Thanks for the ride.” I said before I closed the door. Glad he’d put the hood up on our way back, so our little moment was kept away from prying eyes. The last thing I needed was gossip following me around on Monday. I neatened my wind blown hair as I rushed back to the house what the hell were you thinking! I shouted at myself. I placed my hand on my forehead, I shouldn’t have even agreed to going anywh
ere with him. I nearly kissed him for heaven’s sake! My hand still tingled from the feel of his lips; I shook it, hoping to get rid of the lingering feeling.

  I found Tess talking to a girl from our class, I pulled her aside “I was looking everywhere for you…” she trailed off as she zeroed in on my expression “Are you okay? You look a little flustered.” She added and I just nodded “Can we go?” I asked and she must’ve sensed something was not right because she agreed without protest or questions.