Read The Promise Page 8


  The hallways of St. Josephs were buzzing with excitement with the girls’ choice dance being only a week and a half away. Girls have been all over the place asking their boyfriends, friends, even acquaintances to the dance when I wasn’t even sure I was going.

  The only thing on my mind was that the weekend was finally here, I met Tess in the parking lot before we headed inside. We walked arm in arm

  “Did you here about Christy’s party? Everyone’s talking about it” She said and my brows furrowed “Who is she again?” I asked,

  She rolled her eyes “She’s that preppy senior, I think.” she said and I nodded when it rang a bell now. “Are we even invited?” I teased and she chuckled.

  “My friend, you are Katelyn Gilbert, you’re always invited to parties. You just never show up.” She said and I laughed at her over exaggeration, I was not, well not all the time.

  “And if you decide to go, I get to tag along. Come on Katie, it’ll be fun.” She added when we reached our lockers.

  I opened mine “I don’t know Tess, I doubt my parents will let me go.” I said, almost sure of it, I grabbed my physics book and closed it. Tess’ brows furrowed, “Just use the ‘but I never go anywhere’ card, I don’t think they’ll say no to that. Tell them you’re going with me, that’ll put them at ease.” She said and I thought about it for a second, I didn’t go to parties because I didn’t enjoy them that much. Tess gave me her famous puppy dog eyes and I chuckled

  “Okay! Geez, I’ll try, but I’m not promising anything.” I said and she squealed hugging me quickly then closed her locker.

  “I promise it’s going to be fun, we’ll make sure of it.” She said and the bell rang, we started walking to class when I heard someone call me from behind. I turned to find James walking towards me. James was my science class partner, he was an awesome guy, funny, a little nerdy but I liked him, as a friend. But he has recently made it clear that he wanted us to be more. We were never going to happen because I just didn’t feel that way about him. On the other hand I didn’t want to hurt him or possibly lose a good friend. Our relationship was easy at first but now it gets uncomfortable in some instances.

  If I could will myself into liking him, I really would, but as great as he was he just wasn’t Brandon. I flinched at that thought; he was certainly better for my health than Mr. blonde and delicious, as Tess called him.

  Tess gave me a knowing look then chuckled “I’ll see you in class.” She said starting to walk away. “What? Don’t leave me alone with him!” I whispered harshly after her but she kept walking. I’ll get her later, I promised myself.

  James caught up to me “Hey.” He said with a smile that I returned “Hi.” I replied; he ran his hand through his brown curly locks nervously “Uh so I don’t know if you heard about the upcoming dance.” He said and I nodded “Yeah I did, but isn’t it a girls’ choice?” I asked, starting to panic that he might want to ask me.

  “Oh yeah, but I waited anxiously for you to ask me so I thought I should do instead.” He said sheepishly “So, you want go?” he asked.

  My gaze shifted uncomfortably only for it to lock with Brandon’s, who was leaning against the wall of the passageway, was he scowling at us?

  “Katelyn?” James’ voice came through and I snapped out of it “I…uh…I’m not even sure I’m going James, I don’t want to have to bail on you at the last minute.” I said hoping he’d leave it at that.

  “Well at leased keep me on stand by in case you do decide to go.” He said and I looked back to where Brandon was standing in time to see him get dragged away by Rhiannon with her arm firmly around his, he was laughing at whatever she was saying to him. I looked down, “Sure.” I said and we walked in the opposite direction towards our class.

  I got downstairs to find Mom and Dad on the couch watching TV and having a glass of wine; Mom lay across the sofa as he massaged her feet. This was their typical Friday night these days and they seemed to love it more and more. They used to attend a lot of junkets, gala events and parties in the past, but now they only step out in public when they really have to. We’d sometimes tag along with them, but the press wasn’t as interested in the kids. I’ll admit though, it was nice being labeled the princess of the Gilbert dynasty; it made me feel a little significant. Their conversation stopped when I stood before them “I have a favor to ask.” I said nervously and they both looked up at me questioningly.

  “A girl from school named Christy is hosting a party at her house in Malibu, can I go?” I asked and they both stared at me silently

  Dad gave me a reluctant look, before he could say no I babbled, “Please Daddy, Tess is coming with me, I already promised her.” I said trying to guilt them; I also decided to play the card she suggested.

  Dad eyed me “Please.” I tried one last time, giving him my patented sad look I knew he couldn’t resist.

  “I want you back here by 11pm.” He said “Deal.” I quickly said “Will your brother be there?” he asked and I sighed, I knew he’d feel a lot better knowing JT would be there to watch over me. “Yes JT will be there, and if not I’m pretty sure you’ll send him.” I said exasperatedly and he and Mom chuckled.

  “Fine then, you can go.” He said and I squealed in excitement and kissed them both on the cheek before rushing back upstairs.

  I grabbed a quick shower and walked back to my room to call Tess, I put her on speaker when she answered, “We’re on for tonight.” I said throwing the phone onto my bed and walking over to my closet. Her scream of excitement blared through the small speaker. I chuckled

  “Don’t get too excited, we have a curfew of 11pm.” I said, “We can totally work with that.” She said “Alright, get ready, I’ll come pick you up in an hour.” I said, “Okay girl.” She said before the line went dead. I went further into my closet, it was a small-sized room, it wasn’t as enormous as my parents’. I finally found a one-shoulder blue cocktail dress; it was above knee length. It was an A&A Designs number off their summer collection; I had it before it even came out. It helps when your relatives own the brand; my aunts Allison and Amanda said they designed it with me in mind. The moment they launched their clothing line it blew up and now they are renowned stylists and designers to the stars.

  I paired it with 3-inch Manolo heels, I was a flat shoes kind of girl, but sometimes I get inspired by the skyscrapers my Mom occasionally wears. I brushed my hair down; I applied a small amount of make-up, which was an unusual thing for me. When I was done I went back downstairs only to be stopped by Dad, I slowly turned around. “What are you wearing?” he asked, disapproval in his tone. “It’s a dress Daddy.” I said, self-consciously smoothening its skirt and his blue gaze narrowed, “I don’t care what it is angel, you’re not going out looking like that.” He said and I frowned turning my gaze to Mom “Mom!” I wailed for her to help me out. She turned her gaze to Dad “Put a jacket over it sweetie.” She said and I groaned going back upstairs. She could’ve easily convinced Dad to let me go, I didn’t get what the big deal was. We already established that I’d have a bodyguard tonight, speaking of, I wondered if JT had already left for the party.

  When I got my long jacket they gladly let me go, I shook my head walking over to my Jag, I noticed JT’s car wasn’t there.

  I drove to Tess’ house and waited for her on the driveway, she soon came out looking wonderful in her black dress and the red ankle boots I bought her to match her fiery hair. She climbed into the car.

  “I’m so glad I wore my best outfit, I would’ve paled next to you girl, wow.” She said and I smiled at her “Oh come on, you look gorgeous Tess.” I said as I pulled away. We arrived at the Malibu mansion, with cars parked outside and on the driveway. I could hear music emanating from it as more people started to arrive. “Lose the jacket girl.” Tess said and I did then we went inside. Judging by everyone there I was glad we dressed up a bit, it would seem as those we overdressed but in LA it was quite conventional.

  As conventional as we might look
I couldn’t help but notice the few heads that turned every now and then. I didn’t know weather to blame it on our outfits or that we hardly attended these parties. Tess and I went through the crowded house, and popular dance music echoed through every corner. We spent a great deal of time moving around the big house and admiring its stylish interior and its splendid view of Malibu beach. We got settled in the huge living area, which looked like it had been rearranged to make space for a dance floor. The glass walls were completely open to the big front pool area. We leaned against the counter watching everyone have a good time, that’s when we noticed Christy playing the perfect hostess. She was a lovely girl, with her straight brunette locks and hazel eyes, not to mention her model type body. She spotted us and a look of surprise crossed her features and she walked towards us.

  “Katelyn, Tess, I didn’t know you were coming.” She said greeting us with a warm smile. I returned her smile “I hope we’re not intruding.” I said, questioning weather or not we’re welcome. She chuckled shaking her head

  “Not at all, I’m actually glad you came to my party, I heard you weren’t into them.” She said and I nodded, not bothering to elaborate.

  “You have a beautiful house.” said “Thank you, enjoy the party.” She said then walked outside.

  “She’s nice.” I said, genuinely surprised. I didn’t know that much about her though, “I know, she’s like the only nice prep I know, and she’s not in the cheerleading squad.” She said and I chuckled, it made sense then. My gaze went to the group of girls coming up the steps into the pool area, I sighed “Speaking of,” I said and Tess looked to Adrianna, Rhiannon and the rest of their clique. “Great, the bubbleheads are here. Now the party can begin!” she said sarcastically and I laughed at her vehemence. She put her plastic cup down, “I’ll be right back okay?” she said and walked away when I nodded. I turned and faced the counter, “You want to dance?” A smooth familiar voice came up behind me.