Read The Seasons May Drift Page 5

  She felt her heart beat faster and her breath become shallower. She looked back behind her, thinking maybe it might be a better choice, as her eyes set once more towards the bathroom, the light had disappeared! Next she heard the shower being turned off. Making as silent a retreat to the bedroom as possible, her puzzlement and curiosity had been awoken again. Maybe he was working on the light orb trick he said was for her birthday! She decided not to mention anything and act as if she had not seen anything.

  Over the next couple of days, Ems enjoyed the outdoor life of Rambleback with Max. The walk through the hills and woodlands were awesome. The view was spectacular from the picnic spot, where Max placed the food and drink that he had packed into his backpack, and placed them onto the cotton cloth on the stone rock near the seats. For one moment, Ems said not a word nor moved she just concentrated on the stillness that surrounded them. She heard some unfamiliar bird songs. Lost in her thinking, she followed the line of the river that was in the distance, she watched as it trailed to the right and as it moved up to disappear out of view beyond the large trees. She suddenly became aware of his gaze upon her. Her eyes met his, she smiled. Noticing something deep in his eyes, something she could not figure out what it was, but he was smiling too, like as if he had been watching her all the time she was taking in the scenery, his gaze only transfixed on her.

  'Eat up' he said, 'or the flies will be trying to sample it soon!' He grinned. Ems munched on a delicious home baked pie, he had bought at a local Rambleback bakery, the pie was washed down with sparkling apple juice drink, while he drank from small bottle of wine.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Down to earth.

  After the picnic, they walked back to the cottage. The day now in turn was giving way to the night, as Ems curled up next to Max, closing her eyes once again he encompassed her world. Lost, carried away on the tide of love.


  Is this what it is? What it feels like? She thought. Was he the ONE?! The one she had been searching and waiting for all of her life?

  In the dim light she could see the rise and fall of his chest, the slowness of his breathing.

  Placing her hand on his chest, just above his heart, she silently said, 'I love you.' Whatever her emotions were or even his, she did indeed love him.

  Kissing him gently on shoulder, Ems tucked herself next to him. She felt him move her even closer; he turned his head to kiss her. She eventually fell asleep locked in his arms.

  The days at Rambleback went far too quickly for her own liking. She loved it here. It was in a sense the essence of Max it was heavenly, serene and majestic. The second last day he took Ems out on the ferry that crossed the river to Tyecrest. The river was beautiful, with the odd boat house and river cottages lined with a variety of trees and shrubs. Tyecrest was a small town just like Rambleback, but with just a lot more antique and outdoor camping shops.

  In the evening, on the last night at the cottage, Ems sat on the sofa while Max was entertaining her with some songs A capella style accompanied by him attempting to dance, well rather move to the songs he was singing. Ems accidently let a cushion fall onto the floor, he picked it up while still singing and threw the cushion at her. She pretended to be annoyed at this, and retaliated by throwing back cushion at him. It gradually became a full on cushion throwing fight, all the while he was singing and dancing and Ems sitting on the sofa firing cushions at him! She couldn't stop laughing! She loved how he sang, his voice was so lovely, rich, warm and deep, but the cushion throwing was preventing him from finishing the song.

  With that he suddenly pounced on her, just as she was about to throw another cushion, his weight made her fall back to a recumbent position. Ems was still giggling and smiling up at him.

  '...and just for that, he said as he held her close, 'you get this...'

  Her eyes closed as his lips found hers. It was at first, light and tender, but developed quickly into a strong deep passionate kiss. His hand entangled in her hair, his other hand held her waist fast and close to him. He then lightly trailed the bare skin of her waist through the gap between the top of her jeans and the end of her blouse, with his fingertips, as his kisses travelled to her neck. Ems arms reached to him, running her hands up and down his back. Every fibre of her being was on heightened alert. The goose bumps and tingles coursed through her blood setting fire to every molecule. She felt that nothing on earth could ever match the feeling that compelled her to him, it was almost as if,,.

  Her thoughts were abandoned when his lips met hers again, and his fingers found the buttons on her blouse. She drifted off to a place where only they could be, where she was safe yet wildly free!

  Chapter Sixteen


  Ems had her trolley case packed. The journey back to Ravelham would take a few hours. It was sad that the lovely week she had here with him was just about over. As with all things, time seemed of the essence. Going back to Ravelham, meant she would be travelling back home soon too. This was a week she would never ever forget. Rambleback now held a place of special memories for her.

  The drive back to his hometown was a long but pleasant. Once again, music and song was involved. Ems had felt awkward about 'acting' out singing. But when one of the songs she liked played on the car cd player, she couldn't help herself. She moved to the music and acted out a few key notes in the song, Max was beaming a broad smile he grinned like a Cheshire cat, obviously loving what she was doing. When the song was over,

  'That was really nice, he said, ‘just chill and you can do more songs like that!'

  ‘Oh I am not doing that again!’

  ‘Why not? Isn’t it good to be more expressive, more creative,’ he spoke as they turned into the driveway to his house, ‘enjoy it, feel the music!'

  Ems smiled at him and wanted yet again to hold him close to her. The need to hold or hug him was constantly on her mind. He was like a magnet; the need to be close to him was powerful. The way the sunlight dappled his hair was lovely.

  ‘What are you smiling at?' he quizzed

  Ems looked away as she replied. 'Nothing!' The smile remained on her lips.

  Flopping onto the sofa, she waited for him to come back downstairs from leaving the luggage cases in the spare bedroom. He had put the TV on and was going to get some drinks and a packet of popcorn to share from the kitchen. His arms were full when he came back into the sitting room, carrying a bottle of sparkling apple juice along with his bottle of French rose wine and a large packet of popcorn. He put the movie channel on and started to search for a good film to watch.

  Snuggling close together, Ems felt the peaceful contentment of being near him. Munching away on popcorn and laughing at the comedy movie. She wanted to point out something about the movie, when as she looked up towards him, he had his eyes closed. He was asleep.

  Aww, she thought, he must be tired after that long drive. She didn’t want to wake him, she let him sleep. For a few moments, Ems watched as his breath had slowed, the light smile lines, the contours and texture of his skin, perfectly cream. She smiled to herself how at home he was with her to drop off to sleep in her company. It was endearing. The more she looked at him she knew something she had not known, realised or thought of before. She would tell him her thought when the time felt right.

  The last day of her stay at Ravelham, was upon her. It was a day she had dreaded. Loft Park train station was as busy as ever in the late afternoon. On the way to the station, she had taken in everything that passed by. It was as if she felt as if it would be a while before she would see this lovely city and tried to consign everything to memory.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Entering the station, Ems had felt the coldness of the late August winds. Autumn would be here soon, as summer was leaving. He had his arms around her holding her close as she held him as close as she possibly could. The platform was not too crowded for the train she was getting, thankfully. She looked into his eyes and lost herself in them.
His lips found hers, kissing her soft and deeply. He caressed the tender skin on her cheek tracing the contours of her own face, to run delicately along her lips. It made her quiver, then smile. He held her again close to him, as she rested her head against his chest, through his open jacket.

  She felt him touch her hair, running his fingers through it, then down to her shoulders and back. The sound of a train engine entering the station, made Ems raise her head to look. It was the train that would take her away from him.

  She looked back to him, her breath caught as she saw what looked like a reflection of white light in his eyes, it seemed to pulsate and then it disappeared.

  She wanted to ask him what it was but those thoughts dissipated when he kissed her deeply just before she boarded the train.

  ‘I'll text you in a few minutes and ring you tonight.' as he spoke she saw a tinge of sadness in his eyes.

  'Thanks,' she replied in a sad manner. Inwardly she was dying with emotions of the loom of impending separation, a feeling that seemed to have grown and expanded to her very core. The depth was a bit of a shock but it was there nonetheless.

  As the doors of the carriage were about to close he shouted, 'See you soon'.

  She smiled as he let go her hand as the doors closed. The train moved slowly out of the station. He was there on the platform until she could see him no longer when the train went through a tunnel.

  Siting in the seat, Ems felt a deep loss, it welled in her so much that she felt like crying. Suddenly her phone alerted her to a message, which made the feeling she had evaporate somewhat, it was from him. ‘

  Have a safe journey back, I will ring tonight. Don't forget your music player' See you soon lovely.’ The message ended with lots of kisses.

  She smiled as she took out the music player, which he put music on it just for her. The songs were really nice and ones that she liked.

  Listening to the music, she felt the ever increasing distance between them now, didn't exist. He was here, and with her in the music.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Recollection of Pieces

  College recommencement was a just day away. New assignments would be the order and the obligatory field trip. Ems wasn't overtly looking forward to it. She would rather be online chatting with Max, instead of taking up homework and writing out project summaries.

  The grey granite college building was as always an imposing sight, with its bolstering archways and prominent statues. The cold black and white tiled floors, century’s old wooden doors added the sense of austereness within its educational environment. Alice was already in class, Ben had yet to arrive. Alice had dyed her hair a vibrant red which really made her stand out in the class. When she saw Ems from across the room, she hurried over to her.

  'Ah it’s great to see you, she chuckled, my but you look different!’ Giving it more thought she added, ' More ...glowing!'

  Ems smiled back and gave Alice a hug. 'Thanks, but I can see you are different too, looking and nodded in the direction of her red hair.

  ‘Oh yes, I was getting bored with it, so decided a change would do me good!'

  Ben came in, placing his bag on a chair, and came over to join in the conversation, but immediately gave some strange facial expressions at what Alice had done with her hair. In a typical Ben way, he just didn't get it and thought she had ruined her hair.

  Much of the day was taken up with setting up assignment projects for the coming months, which would include an explanation of lenses and understanding camera placement. All the while her mind was wondering every other second with thoughts of Max. Moments from Rambleback came to her mind, including the ferry crossing, and what happened after the cushion fight, making Ems blush at her intimate thoughts.

  Reaching for paper to write the next assignment, she scribbled it down and ended up doodling tiny hearts and Max’s name. The day progressed seemingly in a long slow pace. Even though she enjoyed the study, it seemed as if it had become gobbledygook of late! It was an effort to concentrate. Ben wanted Ems to go out with him and Alice along with three other college class mates, Cheryl, Tina and Darren, but she wasn't up for it. Home was calling and so too would be Max. After much badgering and 'Pretty please!' by Ben, she still didn't relent.

  ‘I've got to be home tonight, Max will be ringing me.' she replied with a tone that meant it was her final say on the matter. 'Have to go!' and with that walked quickly out the door while her casual returning words to Ben were 'See you tomorrow! ‘Glancing back as she left.

  Staying up way too late was not a good thing! Having to get up in the morning was going to be a challenge in itself. She had spent most all of the night talking with Max. Hearing his voice and seeing him again, at least on the webcam, was so lovely. But come the morning and it was a fight to extract herself from her cosy warm bed, into the cool air of the room. Even though the radiators were on, the temperature was so different from the comfort of her bed.

  Finally the weekend had arrived! Tonight would be a movie and a chat with Max. Engrossed in the movie and sipping on a drink of warm herbal tea. Ems had a sudden overwhelming emotional feeling. Almost a surge and she felt her eyes moist even further. This she had not expected while watching this movie, a Quattro of relationships, feelings and all things romantic. The story was such and so much, that by the end of the movie, she was crying and had her rushing to grab her phone. Dialling the number was tricky between trying to take deep breaths to calm herself and the dryness of her mouth.

  'Hello!’ the other voice spoke. The warm tones and richness of his voice only seemed to heighten the state she was in...

  Greetings were an unnecessary right of this time, right now, all she wanted to do was tell him...

  She took a between crying...

  'I love you' ...'I love you so much'

  There. She told herself. She said it.


  ‘I love you too,’ he immediately responded. ‘Aww, don't cry. How come you're crying lovely?'

  'I...' she stopped to blow her nose, 'was...’

  Every word had a gap for breath while she tried to control her crying, ‘was... watching ...a!'

  He talked with her, requested that she get a drink of water, and then was very romantic with what he said to her. Her tears were ceasing and he in turn made her giggle...

  When the conversation had finally ended, his last words still echoed in her, ' I love you.'

  Ems could feel the smile as he had said them to her.

  Going to bed that night, Ems found herself in the world she had always dreamed of, a world where she loved and was loved in return. All the years seemed to fall away, all the solace, all the heartache. Gone! Now she was here, she felt safe, protected and more than anything; she was loved by the man of her dreams.

  She never knew anyone like him before and somehow, nothing will ever be the same again. It was all new, all exciting and the world was a wondrous place.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Time's Essence

  After several months of moving back and forward to Ravelham, Ems felt as if indeed she had found the pearl in the proverbial oyster. He rocked her world! In a few weeks she would yet again travel to Ravelham this time the journey would also take her away with Max to Kroyton and to a little village named Laufment.

  It was a present for her birthday. She would see the historic house of Manet de Trois who was a French scholar and artist. She had always wanted to see the house, and visit Laufment. It had been on her things she wanted to do or her dream list.

  So here she was on her way, on the train, watching the world pass her window from where she sat, in another three hours she would be with him. Already her heart was pumping adrenalin and her palms were slightly sweaty.

  It was so exciting to see him and be with him again! It was the best feeling on earth.

  He had sent her text a few times, checking on where she was at. Ems thought he must be counting the time too! Leaving the train at station, she was met wit
h an embrace and a light soft kiss. He looked directly into her eyes. ‘You look lovely, lovely,' he spoke with a smile and then embraced her again. He then, after, took the handle of her trolley case as she walked with him, linking her arm under his, and headed out of the station to his car.

  The moment she got into the sitting room, she flopped on the sofa. He followed her move, once her case was tucked in the corner of the hall. He pulled her close to him, when she looked up at him; he took the initiative and lent down to kiss her. The kiss was much deeper than the one at the station. It awoke all the passions deep within her. She felt as if she was on fire. When the kiss had slowed to a stop and he moved away, she thought of the something e she had long wanted to tell him.

  'Please don't think it odd when I tell you this,' she looked down at the floor and then up to him, 'do you know what you are?'

  His smiled dropped. His face became taut and his eyes serious, yet there seemed to be a tinge of sadness there too. This confused Ems a bit.

  'Are you ok?!'

  'Yes, he momentarily paused then continued, 'I'm just waiting for you to tell me.' He smiled but it didn't seem to reach his eyes.

  Ems was puzzled by this expression and wondered what he was thinking.

  'Well, she continued, what you are is something very special..' she stopped for a moment to look at him and this time she didn't take her eyes from him. She noted that his mouth had partly opened and his eyebrows slightly quizzical....'You are an earth angel!' she stated. ‘I never said that before to anyone. It is just how I feel you are as a person and I think it’s lovely that you are. Because that means you are very special indeed. My earth angel!.' she smiled as she spoke the words.