Read The Seasons May Drift Page 6

  When she mentioned the words, angel and special, his eyes lit up and a smile that was so, so very intoxicating was beamed at her. He grinned from ear to ear.

  Almost as if he looked relieved Ems thought. As she tried to reason and question all of this, he broke into her thoughts with another deep kiss, this time she fell back onto the sofa as he moved forward. When he broke the kiss, he held her, his hand moved her hair away from her forehead and held it there, as he looked deep into her eyes, he was soul reaching again. The look was so deep and so private, Ems had to break the contact,

  'No don't look away.’ he pleaded his voice breathy. Ems looked back up to his eyes. She did feel awkward as no one had looked at her like that ever. He again looked into her eyes for what seemed like minutes. She heard him exclaim 'Ah' and smiled a most beautiful smile and came to kiss her once again. This time his passion was much stronger and bold as his kiss was the deepest he had ever kissed her.

  'Why did you look at me like that?' she enquired.

  With his hand smoothing her hair away from her face he replied,

  'To see you, just you, the person you are, the person you are inside. I want to know.'

  She smiled. 'Well I couldn't do that with you, I can't look for so long without blinking!' she giggled.

  Wrapping her arms around him, she moved close to kiss him. She began to tickle him under the arms. He broke the kiss with jerking movements to retaliate against her tickling him.

  She laughed and he joined in. His laughter stopped as he made her a promise, ' Just for that you will get this,' her laughter faded when his lips kissed hers with such a deep wellness of passion, his hand had left her hair and travelled to her waist, where his fingers began to dance wildly on her skin. He found the buttons of her check patterned blouse, and already Ems had lost herself in that place only he and she could be. A most beautiful place, a heaven on earth, magical!

  Chapter Twenty

  At Kroyton

  The trip to Kroyton was beautiful in that the scenery was stunning, with wild sweeping hills, fields along narrow country roads, fresh mountain air, blue skies, with dashes of lofty white clouds. Music was in harmony as the lovely scenery whisked by. He was singing. Ems looked at him as he concentrated on the road ahead while smiling and singing merrily to a song playing on the radio.

  Laufment, a really pretty tiny village set in a valley surrounded by fields and moors. Dotted along its main path were quaint vintage tea rooms, antique shops, floristries, ceramic and material shops, as well as historic pubs and museums.

  Not having booked anywhere to stay, and on the paper map Ems had, she found the tourist office. 'Perhaps they would know a place!' Ems remarked.

  The Olde Oak guest house was really nice. The bedrooms were individually themed. Max had asked which one Ems would like as there were just two available.

  She picked the lavender room. It had a stunning four poster bed, yet the room had a cosy cottage feel to it with its pretty decorations of white and soft lavender although it was not over powering colour wise, it was just perfect! The bathroom had a Jacuzzi wooden bath!

  You know I had always wanted to sleep in a four poster bed,’ she told him. ‘Also I have never been in a Jacuzzi!'

  He grinned as he pulled her close, 'Well now, you will get the chance to do both!' He kissed her softly; she kissed him back with passion, which he then matched in tempo. When the kiss broke, she looked at him, and noted again the white light in his eyes. It was there for one moment then gone. It had a twirling movement, for what must be all of one second, it was there then it was gone. But she was sure it was not the light from outside as it was early evening and the light was dull. So this wasn't anything that related to it!

  'What was that?’ she asked, what was that in your eyes?’ She looked at him and watched a tapestry of emotions cross his face as she was sure he was trying to figure out a response.

  'What was what?'

  ‘That white light? I saw it in your eyes for a brief second and then it vanished!' she looked at him seriously. It suddenly dawned on her that maybe he was ill or something. ‘Oh my God!’ she thought,

  'Are you ill?' she asked worryingly.

  The look of shock and seriousness of Ems must have triggered the look of concern that now etched on his face

  'No I am not ill. Don't worry.’

  ‘You know I DO worry about you!’

  ‘I know.’

  ‘So tell me, what was that light I saw?’

  ‘It must have been a reflection from the window across the street. It hit the evening suns light and that is what you saw!’ He replied.

  Ems summed up what he said in her mind. Her thoughts again were muddled. The whole 'light' thing was confusing and strange. She tried to shake it from her mind and think on their stay in Kroyton. But she knew at the back of her mind, this was something that be sitting away festering and with no explanation, what else could she do but yet again drop the subject and leave it go! Well, she thought, I will try not to think about it.

  Looking into one of the stores in the village on the main path was like looking into another time. The shop had lots of square panelled windows through which to view and sold lots of old bric a brac and vintage items. It was like an old curiosity shop. Ems loved things like this and felt very much like a child looking through a sweet shop window.

  Every now and then her breath caught at the excitement of the delights and sights of the village. Max would smile broadly at her and swing her around and kiss her randomly. She would pull him along by the hand if he was not moving fast enough for her. He laughed at this and seemed to enjoy watching her act like a big kid.

  The evening seemed to draw in quickly!

  Perhaps it was the time of the year, being late October. Going out that evening to the only restaurant in the village which was at the local inn, she decided on wearing her black winter boots which she had bought but would not be able to wear without his support as the heel although wasn't too high was rather thin. The boots went just to below her knee. She decided on wearing a lovely long shin length skirt and complimentary coloured blouse top to go with it. Wearing her hair in a chignon and donning a black and white leopard print coat. She was ready. He looked at her, smiled and kissed her. She saw him licking his own lips.

  ‘Hmm strawberry!' He remarked in a low voice that sounded almost like a hum of enjoyment!

  She giggled and smiled.

  ‘Like to try some?,' 'she enquired while holding up the glossy berry pink lipstick wand.

  He laughed, ‘I think I will pass on that!

  The food at the inn was good, but not as delicious as the ones she had in Rambleback. Ems left the blueberry desert and Max scoffed the rest of it. She liked sharing desserts with him.

  Back at the guest house, she changed into her nightwear. She waited for him to come out of the bathroom. She heard what sounded like he was running a bath.

  ‘Are you going to have a bath?' she asked through the door.

  ‘No not on my own, I thought we could try out the Jacuzzi together!' he chortled. ‘You can come in a minute.’

  As she entered the bathroom, she was greeted with a light that suddenly dissipated. He suddenly turned around, in a bit of a shock to see her so suddenly in the room. Ems stood in the open doorway, not sure what she saw, but then there had been too many coincidences of white light emanating from him. Something was wrong but neither had she the strength nor will to question him about it. The puzzled look left her face, as she was wrapped in his arms. All she knew was her love for him and his love for her.

  She saw the white light fade in his eyes, now wasn't the time for her to question what it all was. What it all meant. Tomorrow, she would ask him and get some answers to the ever growing questions that were twirling around in her mind.

  That night she slept restlessly. Something wasn't right! Something was wrong and she felt it! As the dawn broke through the window of the bedroom, she was suddenly aware of the
warm fingers that touched her bare arm, turning to find him looking into her eyes but this time, the eyes didn't smile, they didn't look deeply. She could almost sense that he knew something was wrong too.

  This may not be the time to ask,' she spoke low in a serious tone, but what is all this light business? The orb, the glowing light, the bright white light I have seen in your eyes.' She moved nearer to him, and looked pleadingly back. 'Just tell me please!'

  He spoke not a word for a minute, just looked into her eyes. Ems wasn't sure what he was thinking or even if he understood what she was asking him! But it had been a lot to take in and his brush offs only added to it.

  The silence seemed to permeate the room, as did the daylight the streamed through the window.

  'Let's sort this later. Bed is not the place to talk about it!' was his response, as he moved closer to Ems putting his arms about her indulgently, as his lips found hers in a deep soft kiss, while rolling her onto her back. Ems couldn't help but lose all notions of what had been niggling in the back of her mind. They were there, but right now, it was furthest from her thoughts as his kiss deepened and she was there again in that place where it was perfect. Only he was there where she could love him and hold him.

  Chapter Twenty One

  Source illuminate

  The walk through the village to the hill top was pleasant. The views were amazing looking down towards the valley where Kroyton’s village of Laufment, was surrounded by small hills and a mountain range. The chimney stacks and cobbled walkways could be seen clearly in the sunshine. Stumbling upon a random wooden bench Ems sat down he followed her move. Looking out over the rolling hills, where the sky touched the earth, shadows of random clouds passed across this green spectacular. The early afternoon sun was casting its gentle rays.

  Her thoughts of this beautiful scene was interrupted by the warm tones of his voice,

  'I...’he spoke hesitantly.

  He got up and walked up and down a few yards from where Ems sat. He then turned to look around him, as if he was looking to see if anyone else was around, there was no one. Ems confused at his actions but also felt understanding at how difficult it would be to explain all of it.

  He took a few breaths.

  'I don't know how to say it, because the language is different. You would not be able to comprehend it. But I will try.’

  From where she sat, she could see he clearly was in a heightened state of anxiousness and only too aware of what he was about to tell her was something deeper than she had at first realised.

  This was painful. All she wanted to do was hold him and how much she loved him, but right now it wasn't the time for it.

  'I...’ he hesitated again... ‘I cannot describe to you how it is. But know this, it may frighten you and that is not what I want.'

  She cast a glance away and looked out across the valley. Thinking of everything at once, but most of all of the man she loved, how much she had loved him and how at this very moment, she didn't understand what he was trying to tell her.

  She became suddenly aware of a long pause of silence. Looking back to where he had stood, she found nothing! He was nowhere to be seen!

  Automatically she stood up. The vibration of her heartbeat seemed to reverb off of her chest wall. She looked around her frantically, trying to find him.

  She called out to him, calling his name.

  'I'm here!' came a voice out of thin air.

  Ems was puzzled. This didn't make sense...what was he doing?

  'Why are you hiding from me? This is no time for games!' shouting out the words, she felt the beginnings of frustration mixed with a small dose of panic.

  ‘I'm here lovely,’ came the response, ‘and I'm not playing any games with you!'

  'Well, where are you then?' her tone was concerned now.

  'Right in front of you...where I have been all the time!' his voice sounded soothing and calming in her franticness.

  Nothing was in front of her.

  'I can't see a thing. I see nothing!'

  'Look again.' he told her.

  This time Ems focused and shielded her eyes from the glare of the sun. The glare had masked a small white orbiting light in front of her. It was so tiny it would almost be invisible. It twirled, and was almost luminescent. Its shape was almost indistinguishable. This may have seemed to be like a star, but this wasn't any star, it was Max!!

  She opened her mouth as if some part of her wanted to put words to this, to what was happening, nothing came. Not a word or sound issued. All she could do was look at the light in front of her, trying to figure out the puzzle in her mind, trying to make sense. This was all not going to be easy. Right this instant, their relationship was a whole something else that she didn't even understand. She didn't know if it was shock setting in or not.

  It was too much to comprehend.

  The light began suddenly to grow and change, forming into and shaping slowly into a human form that was transparent. One great surge of bright white light...Ems had to cover her eyes as it was blindingly bright. She felt a hand take her own away gently from her eyes. Max was standing in front of her, not as a white orb light, but as himself, the one she knew. Ems could not find the words to speak. She felt lost and was in replay stage in her mind over and over. He must have sensed this as he was the first to break the silence...

  'I am sorry. It is not easy for you to understand all of this.' Ems just nodded her head lightly. Her own thoughts were a plethora of jumbled words.

  'As you can tell, he began softly, I am not from here!'

  Ems thoughts began to settle and she thought what he said was such an obvious thing. He was indeed not from her world. She listened as he tried to explain. She flopped onto the bench seat behind her. He followed her actions and sat close to her and continued.,

  'I'm from somewhere that is beyond words and beyond your known stars and planet systems. The greatest minds on this, this earth will never find it. It cannot be seen or heard and will never be.'

  Ems thoughts were becoming clearer and she wondered. Oh why not just ask, she told herself.

  'Are there others like you?' she enquired, like here, now on this world?'

  'Yes, but not many,' he continued, ' very few exist outside like this, in this form on this sphere. Time, space, corporeal existence is incomprehensible, for it does not exist where I am from. We do not speak, we just ...just understand. Where I am from is ...something I cannot describe. Something that is beyond the corporeal, beyond anything you can possibly imagine!'

  As he spoke, she just looked at him, her eyes to his. Picking up his hand and feeling the skin, the pulsating blood and life beneath the pink flesh, the rivers of blue veins, the lines in his hand, a life, a human being.

  She looked back up to him again. She hadn't realised she was crying till she felt the trail of salty water run down her cheek. In a fraction of a second he had soothed it away with his other hand. She felt as if she was losing the man she loved. The realisation of him being ...'not from this world' was something that she never ever thought would be a thing of fact. She was in love and loved someone from another place that she didn't know or never knew existed. Who was he really? Was he really Max? The man she loved was a coating for another being, another life and now she felt so confused emotionally that all her human instincts told her to run and keep running. Yet her feet felt glued to the ground to the spot.

  It was time to ask the question then, the one that mattered. 'Am I an experiment? Were you sent because you are learning of our existence and want to ascertain if we are a threat?'

  He broke into a mightily laugh for a minute and then looking back at her, she could see his eyes soften and love reflect in the shimmering pools of his eyes.

  'No no and no, most definitely not. You are not any experiment. It is not like that. I just never expected to fall in love with you. I am here because of you. Because I have been with you since ...since, he broke off his sentence, paused and then continued, ' remember whe
n you were twelve, the night you cried, the one of utter despair? The one where you had felt like as if you had lost someone so close to your heart, your heart wrenched and your tears flowed unceasingly that night into your pillow.

  You then heard the light noise from your bedroom door and then a soft kiss was placed on your tear filled cheek...'

  Ems looked at him. Her eyes widened in shock, the blood drained from her face and her mouth moved apart and she felt held steadfast.

  'Yes, that was me.' He smiled. ' You called to me that night. I heard you. That night from beyond your realm beyond the horizon nebula beyond the worlds of existence... you called me.' I had seen you cry a lot. You would bury yourself in the blankets or cry into the rug. You felt like you were a half and the other half was missing. You felt the loss of someone you loved...loved so very much and so very deeply, that it had affected your whole life and for your whole life you had been searching.' He continued...'And now you have stopped because you have found...and here I am!'

  Ems began to shiver. Next thing he had placed his corded sheepskin jacket around her shoulders. The warmth of the jacket along with his scent, made her relax and as she felt the heat permeate her body, she recalled the lovely times in Rambleback, his house and now in Kroyton. She realised that now things were different and she may need time to think on all of what he said. It was way too much to absorb right now and even though her questions had been answered, they were backed up with more questions.