Read Tom the Berserker Book One Page 15

screaming followed by appearing to form a look of pleasure on his face. Tom shook his head of the memory by coughing a spasm very hard. He stared at Tula as she brought a hand towards his chest. He sneezed abruptly and saw her jerk her hand back with a wide eyed look staring at him. He sneezed again several times and then coughed gasping while staring at her. He abruptly grabbed his oxygen mask and placed it on his face. He felt his mind walking power become active. He sensed Tula’s shock as he stared at her mentally scanning her mind. He easily burst through her defenses in her mind and brought the domestication by Keos fully into her memory. He heard the Tula name spoken in her mind confirming her as the one the voice was talking about.

  He mentally spoke knowing that she could hear him and get it his words from the domesticating programming in her “Tula, my name is Tom. Come with me.”

  He stared at Tula who placed a hand on his arm.

  Tom heard her mentally speak “I go Tom make bad Moorra sleep.”

  Tom looked away towards the Moorra gathered in a semi circle staring at him some with angry looks on their faces.

  He mentally spoke “Moorra except Tula, down.”

  Moorra he saw fell towards the ground lying still and he stood up feeling Tula’s hand still on his arm. He left the cave to see three Moorra on the steps and repeated his mental order which the three fell towards the ground. He and Tula walked up the steps which he yanked the cloth open and walked out with her.

  Once out he yelled mentally “Moorra in cave are down!”

  He sensed Keos who appeared from behind bushes and trees surrounding him and Tula. He sensed a powerful mind walker from behind the Keos to get in front of him. He recognized as the Queen who yanked took Tula’s hand off his arm.

  He mentally spoke eyes staring at Tula's nervous ones “Tula, trust me you won’t be harmed.”

  He walked till he was behind Tula and placed his hands on her shoulders while feeling her nervousness running throughout her. Tom felt his deadness remained despite holding Tula by the shoulders. Tula's height size made him feel a feeling of forgetting like he should remember something. He dismissed the feeling setting it aside. He saw the Queen walk in view and sensed her scanning Tula’s mind that stiffened at the scans. He rubbed Tula’s shoulders gently as the Queen was in front of Tula. He saw her place hands on Tula’s cheeks. He heard Tula give out a groan sound as he sensed the Queen scanning her mind deeply. The Queen he eyed monitoring finished her scans of Tula.

  He frowned as the Queen blared to him mentally "Take that mask off now."

  Tom obeyed to yank the mask off along with resuming keeping his hands onto Tula's shoulders. He eyed the Queen who glared at a Keo who made a gesture to follow. He gently pushed Tula to follow while removing his hands. He found the Keo led them to a flying machine which they both got inside. He eyed the window feeling himself no longer coughing unexpectedly. He felt a thump of a fist into his stomach as he looked to find Tula giving him a Keo scolding gesture of a finger waving aimed at him.

  Tom frowned as Tula spoke "Tom bad fake illness. Not nice."

  He frowned to look away resuming looking out the window as the flying machine brought them to the palace.

  Tom heard from voice "Take Tula to a hygiene room to get her cleaned up. She'll accept you this time. Her complaints via mind is disgust of how disgusting the clothes she's wearing is felt."

  He obeyed to lead Tula to his bedroom into the hygiene room. He taught Tula how to use the hygiene room's functions then got waved out by her gesturing him to do it. Tom left Tula to clean herself alone. He felt the deadness feeling within him remain. He went to a drawer in the bedroom to find clothes. He pulled out Moorra female dress and shoes then went to the hygiene room to knock on the door.

  Tom spoke loudly after adjusting the door ajar hearing the rain cleaning on "I found clothes and footwear for you to wear. Where do you want me to put them?"

  He heard from the voice "Just put them on the hand wash's counter. Let Tula find them herself."

  He obeyed and walked out of the hygiene room shutting the door. Tom went to a chair to sit staring at the door to the hygiene room seemingly lengthy.

  He felt himself sleepy unexpectedly shut his eyes to come to blaring in his mind "I have a mission for you so wake up now."

  Tom sat in the flying machine as it took him to some sinister part of a forest that gave him a creepy feeling of being there before. He put on mask due to not meeting Keos around. He tracked a Moorra in a tree via mind. Tom stiffened as he senses the Moorra’s mind is alien and different from other Moorra's minds. He went to the Moorra's tree to gesture to come down his order obeyed. He spotted a striped four foot white and black striped gonoid arrive which his senses blare warning unexpectedly.

  Tom stiffened as he heard from the voice "You're in Stripy the gonoid's breeding grounds."

  Keos he saw arrived and got the alien minded Moorra away. Tom stiffened as they grabbed his arms locking his hands behind him by hardness on his face. He felt them yanking his mask off his face making him dizzy. Tom shook his head of the dizziness as his legs were kicked into a kneeling position. He felt a foot kick him in the head making him more dizzy which he shut his eyes and kept his form still. Tom stiffened as he felt a large rough tongue licking his face after lying still for a lengthy time period. He shook his head and jerked his eyes open to stare at the Stripy gonoid that was licking his face repeatedly. He sat up as Stripy backed up giving a loud purring rumbling noise. He sighed as Stripy rubbed its head on his shoulder in a gentle motion.

  He sighed again thinking to himself from memory “Gonoids regardless of what they are, are always friendly with me and not so with others.”

  Tom yanked at the cuffs pinning his arms behind his back. He with thrust movements found that they refused to budge from around his wrists.

  He grunted of annoyed sound to hear "Try the mental command, restraints off."

  Tom frowned hearing the voice speaking who repeated its words.

  He spoke "Restraints off."

  Tom heard a click sound as the metal snapped off his wrists which he got up to stand. He stood up as Stripy rubbed its head on his leg. He gave Stripy's head a gentle rub while feeling it push its head in his hand.

  Tom heard in his mind the familiar voice speaking “Just use the sun's position as a guide to get you where to go. You should reach the Keos before nightfall.”

  He sighed again and eyed the sun above seeing its position in the sky. He walked in the sun's direction walking in the forest with Stripy sensed walking besides him. He continued to walk till the sun got lower in the sky. Tom reached a dirt road which Stripy stopped escorting by turning around bounding into the forest disappearing from his eyes sight. Tom exhaled a breath as he continued to walk on the pathway walking by houses till he reached the city. He felt disgust take hold as he noticed the Keos looking at him with narrowed eyed looks while in the city. He sensed them giving off anger towards him as he walked further. He eyed Moorra who looked at him with different emotions on their faces some having pity in their eyes as he walked by them. Tom reached the palace to walk inside. He felt a pull feeling which he allowed to take control guided by it till he reached a door. He opened the door to see a familiar Moorra female his mind called her Thura inside sitting in a chair holding a boy child his mind called him Thurin with a worried expression on her face. He walked inside closing the door and saw Thura’s worried expression change to relief seeing him. He felt himself happy again with deadness leaving as Thura darted from the chair holding Thurin and ran to him. He sighed feeling Thura’s arm go around him as he felt Thurin’s small hands touch his chest while he was being hugged in a tight grip by Thura. Tom sighed feeling himself happy again from Thura's hug and his son's touch. He heard Thura yawn loudly as he looked at her. He eyed Thura who put Thurin into a crib bed for babies before going to the bed to sleep. He sighed as he got into the bed and hugged Thura despite feeling like he was forgetting something hitting him. Tom felt himse
lf confused but dismissed the feeling as he shut his eyes. He woke up with a start finding Thura and Thurin gone from the room with memory of them in the room before he fell asleep. Tom figured that Thura took a walk around the palace while holding Thurin. He sighed to walk out of the bedroom to find a guard halting his walk.

  Tom frowned as the guard made finger spelling gestures he finding himself understanding "Do you know who Thura and Thurin are?"

  He spoke "Thura is a Moorra Pishon. Thurin is her son her offspring a Moorra Gihon she wants me to help raise. Hence she living with me in the palace."

  Tom got from the guard still using finger spelling "Be warned that Keos have treated Moorra with acceptance from the Queen such as Thura and Thurin in a bad way. The bad way is purposely harming the Queen accepted people to die from medical ailments."

  Tom frowned as he spoke "Well have you seen Thura and her son? I like to see if I can protect them from the city's natives."

  He stiffened as the guard finger spelled "Thura's in the city with Thurin. She was seen walking out of the palace abruptly. Mind scans of her indicated that she was going to a shop that sells items called books to find something to read. I suggest you hurry and find her before the Keos assumed the Queen have accepted her."

  Tom darted away from the guard which he jogged in