Read Tom the Berserker Book One Page 24

his cheek reaching his chin bone then the knife's digging stopped. He felt his face bleeding from the knife's cut from the feel of liquid following. He saw Geelley stepping back dropping the knife. He stiffened as his senses blared warning from seeing Geelley had a Keo look of a smirk on his face seen. He felt himself sleepy shut his eyes and passed out.

  Tom came to finding himself lying in bed with Thura seated next to him holding his hand. He felt her other hand was rubbing his forehead. He brought a hand to his left cheek from feeling soreness there only to get blocked by Thura grabbing his hand and shaking her head.

  He sensed Thurin was lying asleep on his front again as he stared at Thura who released her holds on his hands to finger spell "The Queen had you punished for killing a Keo by having the Keo’s relative cut you on the cheek with a knife. It was as traditionally done towards manoids who kill other manoids which doesn't matter if their Moorra or Keo." He frowned forming it on his lips as Thura continued "The healer said that you would have a marking from the knife cutting. You need to leave the area alone so the cheek can stop the bleeding by healing up itself. The cut will leave a marking in its place judging by the looks of it."

  He didn't comment a response as Thura stopped her finger spelling to hold his left hand. He felt himself tired shut his eyes and passed out to come to finding his stomach poked by a stick like object from the feel. He woke up and finding himself in the Queen's throne room with the Queen seated in the throne chair looking sinister to him enough to creep him out. He stood up in a fast mood only to get restrained by guards in a tight ironclad grip who haul him towards the Queen. The guards' halted the hauling till he was a hand touch away and forced to kneel along with his face jerked to side to show his cut cheek. He kept his mouth shut in response as the Queen he eyed still giving off that sinister feeling leaned forward appearing to be scrutinizing the cheek of his. He saw her cock her head sideways which he found himself released followed by sleepiness as he blinked his eyes. He blinked his eyes to found himself back in the bedroom lying in bed where Thura was sensed asleep next to him with Thurin next to her who is asleep like his Mother. Tom reached a hand toward his cheek with his anger hitting but halt the hand's movement. Tom figured that he’ll go into the hygiene room and take a look at it in the reflection glass. He proceeded to do seeing he has a marking that is black colored along with seeing knife's groves on the area where the knife dug into his cheek. He felt himself angry as he realized that he’ll forever have that scar on his cheek. Tom bared his teeth aimed at the reflective glass recalling Thurin his son. He stopped the teeth baring as he figured to himself he would have to one sun explain his marking's purpose to Thurin once his son is old enough to get it the reason for it. He continued to feel himself angry reached a hand toward the scar only to halt as if compelled not to touch the area. He obeyed to his sense lowered his hand and stared at himself in the mirror feeling his anger take control. He recalled Geelley words while contained in the asylum and the Keo's facial expression involving cutting his cheek.

  Tom eyed the mirror as he mentally thought to himself "The Keos' Pishons somehow contacted Geelley hence his hysterical laughter and wording he used to speak towards them. They replaced Alesia the Queen who raised me with another Pishon who sympathized with Geelley and his feelings towards me. Hence he seen with that expression on his face after he cut me. This explains why the Queen I saw in the throne room gave me feelings of she being sinister instead of my familiar deadness feeling whenever I'm around Alesia as she's called."

  He left the private room feeling himself too anger to stare at himself in the reflective glass any more. He found Thura awake sitting on the bed who formed a frown seeing him. He sensed Thurin was in the crib by his son no where in sight on the bed next to her. He stared at Thura who continued to frown followed her forming a grimace. He felt his angry mood take hold collapsed to his knees while bowing his head to rock his form giving off angry nonsense sounds. He felt Thura hugging him unexpectedly while standing in front of him. He hugged Thura back putting his cheek that isn't marked on her front keeping his scarred cheek away from her form. Tom felt himself needing to mate unexpectedly hitting him removing his angry mood. He pushed Thura down to kneel in front of him her head reaching his chest as he brought his lips to Thura’s neck kissing her there while feeling her not resisting to the kissing. He continued to kiss Thura trailing kisses towards her face and reached her lips to kiss her there. He felt Thura's lips move meeting his lips while sensing her hands running through his hair in response while he has his hands on her back. He moved his hands to her chest to kneed and stroke the jutting bumps he not sure what to call them through the fabric of her top while kissing her. Tom felt Thura break off the kiss to his regret which he didn't protest as she yanked off his top he’s wearing unlatching it around his tubes and tossed it aside. He felt Thura putting hands on his stomach he noticed seemed a bit rounded in the area. He sighed from the feel of Thura's hands massaging him to stare at Thura who ignored him staring. He wound up feeling her hands go lower and lower till they settled on his sensitive part through his pants touching him there. He exhaled a breath from Thura's touch was making him feel like needing to be inside her in a mating ritual. Tom broke off the touching Thura’s bumps to grab her top by the waist and yanked it off of her. Tom shook shivering from her hands stopping touching him to find her bare of any clothing covering her bumps to his relief. Tom didn't protest as Thura forced him to stand by her getting up. He finding her height was a bit above the middle of his chest. He sighed as Thura bent down yanking his pants off his form and yanked off his shoes before tossing aside his clothing. He sighed feeling himself bare of clothes and not humiliated from that. Tom stared at Thura feeling his urge to mate hitting him some more as she removed the remainder of her clothes and boots till she’s naked facing him. He eyed Thura who took his hand and led him to the bed pushing his back onto it. He didn’t protest as Thura straddled him putting hands on his sensitive part to play with it. He felt himself getting charges of pleasure from the feel of her hands touching him. He reached out his hands and touched her bumps fondling with the farthest jutting parts even playing with them. He sighed as she stopped touching him and placed hands on his shoulders. He rolled his eyes as he felt himself entering Thura from her movements over him. He felt additional charges of pleasure hitting him each time he entered her while she moved over him. He gasped loudly as he spilled himself inside Thura while feeling her shake then she collapsed onto him. He wrapped his arms around her holding her in place and opened his eyes to stare at the ceiling. Tom sensed Thura sleeping by her breathing feeling deeper and continued to hold her as the Queen’s face came into view appearing to be leaning towards him. He stiffened seeing the Queen whose eyes were narrowed with some sinister look in them.

  This was followed by her speaking sounding odd to him and not of his Queen Mother raiser “It remains to be seen if Thura will be carrying again, Berserker.”

  He stiffened from her odd voice tone and calling him a Berserker.

  He spoke from recalling his thoughts in the hygiene room “Talk. You replaced the Queen that raise me did you? That was because of her refusing to see that I’ll get punished properly for a death of a Keo.”

  He narrowed his eyes as the Queen’s head darted out of view in response. He looked towards the Queen's direction to find her walking towards the door followed by guards.

  He added loudly “That Keo killed my Mother despite the protests of my Father after I was taken out from her. Plus I remember clearly that the Queen back then arrived there and said my Mother should be the one who’ll end her own life instead of by the hand of a Keo. He didn’t get his face cut for the death as traditionally done.”

  He glared at the Queen who halted her walking with guards stopping to bow her head. He saw the Queen appearing to have form shaking before the shaking stop. Then she turned around to glare at him with an angry look in her face still sinister to him.

  He glared at her back as she
spoke “It’s a no wonder Alesia my predecessor favored you. She valued you too much to see you as her offspring. Alesia took pity on you when a Keo died by your hand as sensed from her. That along with Alesia sensed balking to punish you properly by giving you that marking on your face. She was removed due to her feelings towards you. Her feelings was found not right for Queens to have towards Moorra especially one raise by her.”

  He continued to glare at the Queen who added “Once you have gotten some rest I aim to see you out of the palace into the asylum where you’re to stay there on a permanent basis. You have caused us too much damage destroying what was built up between Keo and Moorra relations which I have to fix the mess.”

  He spoke as the Queen paused “What about Thurin? What are you planning on telling him?”

  He heard from her sounding like an edge in her voice tone “Just the truth. Berserker.”

  Tom felt sleepiness jerked his eyes struggling to stay awake till the feeling persisted. He shut his eyes and felt himself passing out unconscious to come to finding himself lying on grass.