Read Tom the Berserker Book One Page 25

He feeling cold air with a foot poking him in the stomach while sensing clothes on his form that felt like his normal clothing. Tom jerked his eyes open with a start to find the foot’s owner was a familiar male he recognized was Jacin covered up in gonoid skin clothing while holding a sword weapon in his hand that back up from him. He got up from the grassed ground with a start and stared at Jacin who continued to stare at him back.

  He heard blaring “Wake up Tom! You’ll miss Thura seeing you if you don’t wake up!”

  Tom stiffened from Peter's blaring voice shut his eyes. He shook as the scene changed to find warmth hitting him while wearing too short pants on his form. He opened his eyes forcing himself to sit up finding himself in an asylum room with its familiar window and door in vicinity. He eyed the window to get up with effort finding his arms restrained by cloth making them folded around him. He felt the cloth restrained his arm on his upper body feeling bare of clothing. He figured to himself that he was wearing a different kind of restraint. He walked towards the window and leaned against it sideways on his right side while sensing Thura behind it eyeing him. Tom sighed to refrain from smiling despite the emotion of happiness hitting him. He continued to sense Thura behind the window. He felt his familiar deadness feeling hitting as the happy feeling went away. He figured to himself was from sensing that Thura had left. Tom went to the padded wall to thrust his back onto it. He felt something poking his back on his cylinder body arch area that seemed to follow his entire cylinder body's arch area from the feel. Tom forced himself to sit on the rugged floor and leaned back eyes staring at the window. He frowned to feel some kind of angry feeling hitting him which made him stiffen. He continued to eye the window till the angry feeling left him followed by deadness. He looked away to stare at the wall in front of him seemingly lengthy. Tom continued to stare at the wall unknowingly of the time letting the deadness take control. He felt a familiar weakness feeling hitting him frowned.

  Tom wound up thinking "Blast I have to take in nourishment. Just my luck they won't give me anything."

  He cut his thinking as he heard a door opening sound looked in the direction to find a male Keo wearing an asylum worker's uniform come into the room holding a syringe with white liquid sloshing in it. He eyed the syringe as if drawn and licked his lips continuing to follow it. The Keo he saw paused from walking to exchange the syringe in his hands he followed with his eyes before settling the thing in his right hand's grip. Tom continued to eye the syringe as he felt the cloth covering his left arm peeled back. The syringe was felt injected into his injector in the area. He sighed from the weakness feeling leaving him to feel some feeling of pleasure hitting him. He ignored the Keo sensed staring at him as he eyed the wall from the feeling of pleasure hitting him. Tom felt the cloth resume covering his arm. He stared at the wall sighing loudly and then smiled from the feeling hitting him. Tom continued sighing before feeling sleepiness which he shut his eyes and felt himself passing out unconscious to dream of the bedroom in the palace. He saw Thura seated on the bed looking sad with tears streaming down her eyes. He reached out a hand to touch her shoulder only to discover his hand went through her. Tom removed his hand to stare at Thura as she continued to cry tears. He watched as Thura lay her form down onto the bed on her stomach. Thura he saw still appearing to be crying tears. He frowned wondering why she was upset. The scene went black which he came to finding himself in a round cylinder tube that had a glass part opened. He fell out to find himself in a hallway holding cylinder tubes. He frowned seeing the area seemed familiar as he had been there before. He felt his his arms and back freed from restraints. He looked around feeling his oxygen mask still on his form placed it on. Tom looked around to find a figure in grey running towards him off his right. The manoid he saw was having a green scaly face seen through some face mask.

  Tom mentally spoke “Throw back.”

  He saw the figure threw himself backwards sailing in the air then hit the ground sliding onto it. Tom saw the figure shaking with feet becoming flat followed by the rest of the body becoming flatter and flatter till the movements stopped. He heard noises of a crowd followed it to find a gated opening with smoke between in it.

  He walked through to hear a horn sound along with a male voice sounding odd speaking “Entry Mediterranean gate.”

  Tom found himself in a familiar large room that he recalled he had been there before from feeling of familiarity. He saw nine covered in white clothes manoids as before from familiarity seated opposite from him in chairs. He spotted two figures of male and female forms in front of the nine manoids. He saw three males by their bodies looking Moorra while having gonoid heads standing nearby him eyeing him from the looks of it.

  He heard from the male winged figure “Anybus bring this First One to us now.”

  He didn’t protest as his arms were grabbed by two of the gonoid head males who appeared to be twins. He felt himself pushed and pulled forwards towards the seated nine manoids. He felt his mind scanned from senses giving him a familiar head pain. Tom struggled to keep the mind scanner out. He felt frustration finding the mind scans too powerful and easily getting through his defenses. Tom was halted once reaching the steps where the male and female forms were. He noticed that they had heads bowed. Tom wound up eyeing the covered up robed figures seated behind them as he continued to feel his mind scanned. He saw clearly in his mind his learning how to use the mask for turning on his mental abilities. He recalled learning how to manipulate things with mental orders and scanning by mind. He continued to see clearly in his mind his memories of himself using the mask for doing missions for the Keos' Queen. He recalled how he felt doing those missions which was feeling deadness hitting him. He recalled in his mind of the Keos' giving nourishment of some white liquid through an injector implant in his left arm by syringe. He felt the mind scanning stop followed by the two manoids raising their heads.

  He heard the male speaking “Anybus yank that thing off his face now.”

  He grimaced as the oxygen mask was removed and grimaced feeling disoriented while shaking his head and shutting his eyes. He stiffened feeling a headache hitting him and figured it was from his mind scanned. He opened his eyes to stare at the group finding their speakers he assumed he’ll call them still having heads bowed. Tom figured that the robed covered people were mind walkers all scanning his mind in unison. Tom grimaced from the headache hitting him till it went away to his relief.

  This was followed by the speakers raising their heads and the female speaking “We adjourn for now. We will come back once its time for us to be needed. Anybus have this First One come with us now.”

  He watched as the mind walkers got up and went between a break in the chairs with light shows flashing seen. Tom saw the speakers follow them through. He felt himself forced up the stairs by the twins he assumed he'll call them. He got thrust through the break of the chairs and thrust into the gate he figured what it was. He wound up with an image flashed in his mind and came out of the gate finding himself again restrained by the twins. He spotted the third Anybus he assumed nearby. He frowned as Anybus grabbed his chin and appeared to be scrutinizing him by an eye narrowed aimed at him.

  He spoke figuring out the language to speak “Anybus who’s that group of mind walkers anyway with those beings speaking for them?”

  He heard a loud whisper from Anybus who spoke “The name is Anubis which is what you’ll refer me from now on. Excuse the group named High Council’s speakers Shad the male and Onya the female saying my name wrong. It’s Anubis anyway.”

  Tom frowned as Anubis he assumed he’ll call him let go of his chin. He heard Anubis gave up an Hmph sound.

  He heard a loud male voice sounding like Peter to him speaking sounding in his mind “Anubis the High Council wants the visitor in their meeting room now.”

  He didn’t protest as he was hauled out of the room to a vast hallway. He saw himself led to a break in the wall that seemed lengthy by height into a large room. He saw the familiar mind
walkers he assumed he’ll call them High Council seated with their speakers Shad and Onya having heads up. Tom kept his mouth shut feeling like it was required in the presence of the High Council.

  Shad was heard speaking “Welcome to Shadan. We're the High Council. We see in your mind previously to your arrival that you have been to Shadan before. You spent some time to Shadan. That was before some status of boredom and feeling useless arrived. This caused you to return to your home dubbed Uzan by the Keo natives.”

  He again kept his mouth shut not recalling the High Council's wording involving Shadan. Onya he heard spoke “Anyway we have plans for you to do. That’ll give you something to do and give you a purpose in life while you’re living here on Shadan. We got the impression from your mind that the Keos on Uzan have found you too much trouble unworthy of living among them. They threw you off to be deposed of on a permanent basis. We found this deposing a waste and not a good thing to do towards you.”

  Tom heard from Shad as Onya became silent “Ramses put this First One we dub Mindbender to sleep and transport him to medical for testing on his health. Have Barry debrief him on his purpose of