Read Tom the Berserker Book One Page 4

disappearing through a doorway in a flash of lightening show.

  Tom mentally spoke to Thura “This Banshee you saw is my Father.”

  He shifted the scene to a long black haired Moorra female walking in the forests wearing raggedy clothing and fainting after a fully naked Keo showed himself to her from hiding around a tree.

  Tom spoke “The Moorra female is my Mother who my Father mated with.”

  He changed the scene to show the Moorra female his Mother waking up to face Thurin his Father sitting in a kneeling position inches away in a cave. His Mother according to the scene was acting hesitant but allowed Thurin to touch her stroking her face with a knuckle. He again changed the scene to show his Mother walking in the forests with Thurin holding her hand. Thurin was seen put a hand on his Mother's swollen abdomen over the clothes and smiled as she smiled. Then Thurin abruptly put her back to the tree and stood in front of her in some fighting stance move. He showed six Keos, all males arrived running from the bushes to face the two. Thurin grabbed his head and fell to the ground as the Moorra female stood shaking appearing to be in fear. Four of the Keos grabbed her pinning her to the ground as two pulled out knives.

  Tom continued “They took me out alive with my Mother screaming from the pain.”

  Tom showed the two Keos cutting open the screaming female at the abdomen area and yanked out the baby which appeared to be Tom as a baby. The Keos let go of her and she turned to lie on her side groaning in pain. One of the Keos pulled out a gun from his pocket and put it on the female’s head pulling the trigger. The female jerked shaking and went still as if dead.

  Tom added “The Keo who did the shooting died by my hand.”

  He sensed Thura stiffened seeing the image of a Keo the familiar shopkeeper with a peaceful look on his face standing at a table reading a book. The shopkeeper Tom showed looked at the door to see himself walking in with oxygen mask on his face and narrowed eyes. The shopkeeper according to the scene put a hand on his head and then threw a book at himself who raised a hand. The book was deflected like it hit a wall instead of hitting him. Tom walked towards the shopkeeper to halt walking. He focused onto the shopkeeper who shook grabbing his head jerking from the pain as blue liquid spurted from his eyes and ears. The shopkeeper opened his mouth as blue liquid came out and fell towards the floor laying on it jerking his form and then went still. Tom showed the scene of him leaving shopkeeper's store with oxygen mask still on his face.

  Tom spoke as he sensed other minds scanning “You will not take Thura away from me or the Queen will suffer my anger.”

  He felt Thura again stiffened as he flashed an image of the Queen with a pained look on her face, throwing her head back and grabbing her head with her hands. The imaged scene went away as Tom took off his oxygen mask and cuddled Thura in his arms.

  Tom stood facing Geelley with his back to Thura who spoke “Let her have her independence, Tom.”

  Tom sighed as he watched Thura get up and leave the house unstopped by Geelley and himself as indicated by the Keo glaring at him. He went to a cushion on the floor and sat on it in a cross legged pose while staring at the doorway. Geelley he saw exhaled air and left the house as the sun shined rays in the sky. He figured he'll stay in the house and wait for Thura's return. He proceeded to wait seemingly lengthy as the sun changed positions in the sky by the sunlight blaring through the windows. Tom got up as he heard the door opened and looked to see Geelley walk in with an angry look on his face. He stood as Geelley went to a cushion and sat down cross legged position and bowed his head while closing his eyes. Tom went to the bench and sat watching the doorway as the sunlight stopped shining. He stood up to pace with a glare look on his face as night arrived. Tom went to pace as he heard a knocking banging sound on the door. He rushed towards the door opening it as Geelley he glimpsed got up from his cross legged position. Tom stiffened of shock seeing one of the Queen’s royal Keo guardian force came in carrying an unconscious Thura in his arms.

  The guard he heard spoke “She was found on the road lying asleep. Her mind was scanned and have indicated that she was attacked.”

  Geelley, Tom saw was quick to take Thura from the guard’s arms and ran up the stairs carrying her.

  Tom followed Geelley after bidding the guard a Swell comment Keo speak for "Doing good."

  He stood with anger in Thura's bedroom watching Geelley feel her head with his hands.

  He heard Geelley speak as he edged towards the door “Stay and protect her, Tom. I’ll find out who did this.”

  Tom went to Thura and sat on the bed next to her as he heard Geelley added “Don’t worry they’ll be found.”

  Tom gripped the oxygen mask on his chest with anger raging through him. Geelley, he glared at left the room without a comment while turning off the light as a night light turned on dimly illuminating the bedroom. He climbed into the bed lying down and pulled Thura towards him wrapping his arms around her.

  Tom spoke out loud “I’ll see that they who hurt you will pay for this."

  He stared at the ceiling seemingly lengthy with anger running through him while holding Thura in his arms. He felt a hand he felt was Thura's touch his cheek in a rubbing movement. He moved his eyes to stare at Thura’s open eyes that were tear stained.

  He moved his mouth seeing Thura eye his lips, she lip reading “What happened and who attacked you? The Queen’s royal guard brought you in after finding you lying asleep on the road. They said that you were attacked.”

  Tom eyed Thura who removed her hand from his cheek and watched as she did her finger spelling “I was attacked from behind. They hit me on the back of my knees with a long thick object forcing me to kneel then hit me on the head putting me down asleep."

  He mouthed "They pay for hurting you."

  He felt his anger take control only to get himself calmed by Thura kissing him on the lips he kissed back in response.

  Tom sighed as she broke off the kiss to resume her finger spelling "For respects, stay with me tonight."

  He frowned at her use of the words for respects for it was the Keo way of begging.

  He eyed her as she kept finger spelling '"I keep having this odd image in my mind of a Drudnose a Keo's rider gonoid with some plank attached to it. I can't seem to figure out where this came from."

  Tom mouthed as Thura stopped her finger spelling "I can mentally scan minds while wearing the mask on my face. One of my mental powers involves mentally able to mind walk people's minds. Let me scan you to help-"

  He was interrupted by Thura covering his mouth halting his mouthing followed by her shaking her head in a Moorra way of not agreeing with talk which was tipping the head sideways in on the left side repeatedly.

  Tom frowned forming it on his lips as Thura removed her hand to finger spell "That image has always brought the feeling of fear within me enough to shake from it. I think it's a tall tale message put in my mind not to have mind walkers scanning me period. So don't you dare do that mind scanning to me."

  He sighed softly as she quit her gestures to lay her head on his shoulder. He stared at the ceiling quite lengthy sensing no movement from her. He looked at Thura seeing that she appeared to be passed out asleep to him.

  Tom groaned softly and put on the mask mentally speaking towards Thura "Mind reveal."

  Tom saw clearly in Thura's mind of her came walking out of a tunnel where there was a light source shining. He watched as Thura followed the source of light to enter a large room that appeared to be a gathering spot for people to meet. The room was in a large circle shaped and seemed vast in size above. He glimpsed held in one of her hands was the Keo's rider gonoid called Drudnose’s guide strap on the face that was twin to a Banshee's head and face. He saw that Thura had grabbed the gonoid at the light source due to it rearing up on back legs repeatedly like it was panicky. Thura restrained the Drudnose as she entered the opening of a light source some clouds surrounding a shiny metal gate arch to reveal the large room holding various manoids. He saw man
oids that weren't of the Keo's home of Uzan. One of the manoids with a head of an unidentifiable gonoid and a Moorra's male muscular body with a stick in his right golden clawed shiny hand appeared to be standing next to Thura. Tom watched as then another gonoid head manoid with a Moorra's male's body was twin to the one who appeared next to Thura. He saw one of the hybrids' he assumed they were grabbed the Drudnose by the strap yanking it away from Thura. He saw through Thura's eyesight as the hybrid pulled the Drudnose to round metal gated arch at the other side of the large room. Thura was grabbed by a hybrid and nearly dragged towards a where manoids were sitting in throne chairs. He saw the manoids seated were covered up in robes entirely hiding their species' features sitting in chairs in a half circle he counted about nine of them. In front of them was a white winged manoid in a male form with scaly skin and had similar eyes like Geelley and had twin colored hair to his. The winged manoid was waving a long weapon appearing to be some kind of a knife. Next to the winged humanoid was a manoid in a female Moorra's form with skin one of the colors of the sun set and had white hair and all white eyes. She was holding a long stick twin to the hybrids. He saw the winged manoid move his mouth and saw through Thura's mind that she didn’t understand what was mouthed. Then the manoids in chairs got up and walked