Read Tom the Berserker Book One Page 33

swung himself up with an acrobatic move and stood with arms again grabbed by the Falcons restraining him. He kept his mouth shut while staring at the High Council to notice their speaker had his head down and sensed his mind scanned. He continued to stare at the group figuring out that they were scanning him. He didn’t resists to the scanning as the scans seemed lengthy then stopped.

  The High Council’s speaker he saw raised his head and speaking “Says excuse us for not trusting you. That servant you killed was recording you doing the assassination job for us to see with our own eyes how you did the job as ordered.”

  He kept his mouth shut finding it was best to do it as the speaker continued talking “Says the servant is dead by mind organ found in pieces by tests done on him so explain how you killed him.”

  Tom recalled the death fully in his mind spoke “I was wearing the oxygen mask when I gave the order word ‘Die’ to the servant that appeared to have substance I called blood come out of his eyes and ears. The same thing happened when I did this to a Freeloader while living among them on their world.”

  He clamped his mouth shut once done talking to eye the speaker have his head bowed and shifted eyes to see the High Council had heads waggling and hands gesturing seemingly lengthy to him then this stopped.

  He heard “Says Ramses transport Mindbender to Isle number four and have recorders on now.”

  He found himself freed from the Falcons. Tom found himself in a jungle clearing to hear roaring noises. He eyed the bushes to see gonoids that made him think they were some version of a Stripy come walking out walking in a circle around him. He twisted his form into a circle while eyeing them. Tom frowned as he felt claws on his shoulder from behind along with seeing the gonoids in front attack him by getting their mouths onto his form which he felt himself getting sleepy shut his eyes passing out unconscious.

  Tom came to feeling himself getting nourishment into his injector. He gave out loud sighing sounds from the feeling of the liquid going into him and rolled his eyes of pleasure hitting him. He felt his mind scanned during this but ignored the feeling to continue sighing as he felt nourishment enter him giving him feelings of pleasure. He felt his strength returning along with urged to remain asleep which he obeyed to the feeling passing out unconscious.

  Tom came to with a start opening his eyes as if compelled to find himself naked and chained to a bed. He looked around finding himself in a familiar rounded bedroom and eyed the door as if drawn. Tom eyed the door to see it slide open followed by a female Highlander entering the room who dropped the robe on her form baring her body as naked. He stared at her form finding himself not interested in the mating mentally ordered the restraints off. Tom found his order obeyed as he sat up seeing the female came up to him. He exhaled a breath as she came onto him sexually touching him on his sensitive part along with pushing him down to lie. He didn’t resist figuring that the High Council would order him to play along as he eyed her straddling him. Tom frowned as he felt himself entering her sliding in quite a bit barely. He sensed her having an effort to get him inside her and out for thrusting motions while having her hands on his shoulders rocking him. He stared at the ceiling feeling himself still not interested in mating as he felt the female continued her efforts to mate with him while having problems. He exhaled a breath recalling himself having no problems mating with Thura. She fit him perfectly and seemed to accommodate his size something he was not sensing from the Highlander struggling to get him inside her and out. Tom frowned as he continued to stare at the ceiling and heard a hiss from the female as he spilled himself inside her seemingly lengthy. He heard groaning noises from the Highlander sounding of pain to him. He didn’t comment as the female got off of him with a loud groaning sound. He ignored her to stare at the ceiling while hearing a door slide open followed by shutting closed. He felt sleepiness shut his eyes and passed out unconscious.

  Tom came to feeling a butt of a stick poking him in the stomach. He opened his eyes finding himself held up in a standing position by the Falcons while not having clothes on his form. He found himself in the High Council’s throne room to see the group had their speaker’s head down which he sensed his mind scanned. He recalled the mating fully in his mind to feel himself not keen on having that again with the Highlander female or any female of any species due to feeling himself missing Thura running in him. He eyed the High Council as his mind stopped being scanned.

  The speaker he heard speaking “Says you are not capable of fathering offspring through Highlander females despite tests done to determine that.”

  He didn’t comment a response kept his mouth shut as the speaker continued “Says Freeloaders when questioned says that it doesn’t matter which species, First One or Freeloader for their females will always carry offspring after you have mated with them. The Freeloaders claim that your size will make it frustrating for you to mate with a First One female. That's from witnessing the effort a female Highlander had with you. They also claim that there are special First One females can accommodate your sized private can handle having you mate with them.”

  He frown hearing the word private to regard his sensitive part as the speaker continued talking “Says the Freeloaders have claimed that your height and body size is related to inherit from your Father. They say your Mother was normal sized for a First One.”

  Tom struggled against the hand grips of the Falcons as he gave off a loud roaring sound sounding angry. He wound up finding the holds on his arms gone and the scene changed to find himself back in a familiar bedroom. He kneeled while giving off roaring sounds of anger while having that emotion running through him. He rocked his form while cutting off his roaring sounds as he felt the deadness persisted running through him. He got up and went to the bed laying his form sideways on it and pulled the blanket over his head feeling himself much better having it covering him. Tom sighed and felt the blanket removed with such force that it was yanked out of his hand’s grip. He looked with annoyance to find Anubis there that thrust him cloth.

  Anubis was heard whispering loudly “Here’s something for you to wear so put it on now.”

  He obeyed finding the clothes and shoes were the same as before and stood facing Anubis who added “Ramses he’s clothed so transport him now.”

  He found himself back into the High Council’s throne room to feel his arms not grabbed but stared at the group with feeling deadness hitting him.

  Tom heard from the speaker “Says you’ll be transported to a travel gate where you’re to return to Uzan. You are with any means possible acquire this female dubbed Thura and return to here with her.”

  He exhaled a breath finding himself not protesting to the order. He found himself standing in front of a familiar metal arch. Tom put on his oxygen mask which he saw an image of a place within his mind. He walked through only to feel a stinging pain hitting his neck of a needle dart. He felt the oxygen mask yanked off along with sleepiness hitting him. Tom woke up feeling compelled to do it finding himself in a familiar room. He saw room was in the asylum while wearing cloth restraints on his arms. He wound up feeling of metal poking him in the cylinder area on his back again along with too short pants on. He looked around to eye the window with a frown as the door opened showing the familiar Queen with a disgusted expression on her face.

  He gave her a glare as she spoke “You should not have returned to here.”

  Tom spoke as she paused “Then give me Thura and I’ll leave through the travel gate.”

  He got her giving out a hissing sound before she spoke “That is not negotiable Forbidden One.”

  He shrugged recalling himself getting the restraints off stood up as she added “I’m forced to have you put down on a permanent basis due to how the Keo are feeling about you.”

  He mentally spoke “Restraints off.”

  Tom felt the restraints off of him and yanked on his oxygen mask seeing her eyes widen with shock in them.

  He mentally ordered towards the Queen and guards “Go to sleep

  He found the scene changed to find himself in some bedroom facing a familiar female with short hair wearing a dress on her form that did a double take look on her face before darting towards him. He scanned her mind and discovered that she was Thura and wanted the oxygen mask off him. He obeyed to do that and felt Thura hug him in a tight grip. He hugged her back feeling his deadness stop abruptly by the familiar feelings of pleasure hitting him from touching her.

  He heard a male Keo voice speaking loudly off his right sounding familiar “Peter transport those two either to a gate or off Uzan now.”

  He looked as he hugged Thura tightly to see a Keo who had a smirk on his face. The scene changed to find himself facing a gate which he pulled Thura not resisting into it. Tom came out of the gate to find himself in the High Council’s base with Thura next to him that hugged him abruptly. He felt her giving off tears from the wetness feeling from her face touching him on a bare spot on his chest. He sighed and hugged Thura in response sensing her agreeing to his arms around her. He felt the urge to mate hitting him abruptly opened his eyes to discover them both in a familiar bedroom. He gently pulled the dress Thura was wearing her not resisting to it over