Read Tom the Berserker Book One Page 40

gagging onto it while choking. He felt an urge to breath hit him made him continue to inhale the substance some more. He found himself out of the substance falling onto metal floor with a bang sound. Tom wound up feeling a substance plastered all over his form. Tom felt a foot end kick him in the stomach. The kicking made him give up the substance he inhaled through his mouth repeatedly. He coughed and breathed air feeling himself getting the oxygen he needed. Tom gasped as he felt clawed hands grab his arms yanking him up to stand. He finding himself in the High Council's room facing the seat area where there weren't any members seated. He frowned eyeing the wall behind the chairs as if drawn to see it split into two pieces sliding apart showing a set of stairs going up. He saw the top part of the stairs was hidden from sight. High Council members he saw came down the steps in some V formation in a rhythmic walk. He eyed the High Council who reached the chairs and sat down followed by the wall behind them shutting. He continued to eye the High Council to feel the Banshee thrown forwards.

  Tom heard a male voice sounded in his mind "Talk on what did you see happened to a High Council group assassinated. Don't hide anything from us. We know the actual story from recorders in the room seeing you and your behavior. We want you to speak the story period so talk now."

  He felt the voice of the High Council stopped. Tom willed aside the Banshee to speak from memory of what he saw. He verbalized his words loudly without interruption from the High Council. He ended with talk of himself sliding to the floor while having some upsetting feeling hitting him. Barry made his presence known and kicked him out of the room. Tom clamped his mouth shut once done while eyeing the High Council. He sensed his mind scanned seemingly lengthy.

  Tom heard from Ramses sounding annoyed "High Council, quit doing that to Mindbender. He's telling the truth on what he said to you. Besides we found a Seer and managed to transport her to the brig. She's contained at the moment and is currently overheard arguing with Tank. The argument is on a scene seen in her mind of him seen transported off Shadan. She's claiming that it'll happen while he's telling her off that its not going to happen. That's from seeing prophecies of Seers not coming true despite them predicting it."

  Tom frowned hearing that as Ramses became silent.

  He growled of annoyance hearing from a High Council member bringing his Banshee ability forwards "What do you say about the ocean dumping as done by Ramses hmm?"

  He willed aside the Banshee to speak out loud "Ocean? Is that some moving ground that I easily fell into that gave me trouble breathing despite landing into it?"

  He heard from Ramses abruptly "Argh High Council, someone should explain to Mindbender that the ground he's talking about is actually water with some substance in it that he fell into it."

  Tom stiffened hearing that as Ramses kept blaring "Besides he from mind scans was kept out of the loop of planet's weather elements all his life while living in Uzan. He was only let out whenever the weather was just sunny with the sun and warmth felt. He was kept pretty much isolated on Uzan. That's due to Freeloaders' negative feelings towards him and his hybrid status. He was allowed to interact with the Uzan natives once full grown along with used to find hidden First Ones hiding in some nature setting of a forest."

  Tom stiffened further hearing Ramses' words as the Meritanian continued "The Freeloaders of mind scanned of the ones exiled to Shadan after having an interaction with Mindbender have thought that he should be put to death. The Freeloaders have tried to have that happen but the Queen had them thrown off Uzan into Shadan as a result. She wasn't the one responsible for his exiled status. It was the work of another Queen who replaced her actually that did that."

  Tom felt his mood become foul hearing Ramses' words as the Meritanian kept blaring "Besides that Queen who cared about Mindbender wound up exiled to here. The Freeloaders managed to get a hold of that Queen. They threw her into leadership position where she now is holding at the moment. Sorry High Council but I can't transport her to you. The Freeloaders will react nervously if she's out of their sight. It's going to take awhile till the Freeloaders get over their scared attitude to trust having her elsewhere out of their sight. I'm not even sure why their like that anyway despite trying to scan them to find out. Them always resisting to the scans by either killing themselves off or linking with various Freeloaders in the vicinity which usually succeeds in giving us jokey information despite scanning them."

  Tom continued to feel his mood foul from Ramses' words as he shifted his eyes towards the floor feeling himself angry. He reached a hand to feel the scar on his cheek feeling it entirely with gentle caressing moves. He narrowed his eyes feeling the Falcons' holds off his arms as he continued to rub his face feeling his mood bad despite them releasing him. He felt himself still in the High Council's throne room from the feel of his bare feet on the floor. He felt himself still angry while feeling the scar on his face fully. He bared his teeth forming some angry sneering look as he felt his mind scanned. Tom shut his eyes recalling why he had that scar on his face and who gave it to him fully in his mind. He snarled a soft growling sound recalling his life on Uzan fully in his mind. Tom recalled being treated as an outcast by Freeloaders not wanting anything to do with him. He kept growling as he remembered the Freeloaders using him as fodder for their jokes. He growled sound getting louder recalling being used to find hidden First Ones in the forest. He discovering the hunt was actually a hunting game the Freeloaders did after releasing some wild First Ones into the forest for them to be hunted. He continued to growl a soft sound recalling why he was wearing the oxygen mask and tubes implanted into his arms was for the Queen to control him. He recalled her hiding that fact from him which he easily figured out from the way she treated him in front of Freeloaders' presence. He kneeled to feel the ground stopped being metal while feeling it rugged from the touch as he continued to feel himself angry. He fisted his hand touching his cheek rubbing the fist onto the area. His senses blared warning unexpectedly despite feeling his mind still scanned by the sense telling him of it.

  Tom felt the Banshee thrown forwards unexpectedly by a familiar male voice sounding in his mind "The High Council is manipulating you to serve them with undivided loyalties Tom. So stop it with that angry attitude now. You're falling into their trap they set for people to serve them."

  Tom jerked open his eyes and wretched his fist from his cheek while narrowing his eyes seeing nothing around the room. His senses continued to blare warning as he figured was warning him of a Freeloader's presence.

  He continued to hear the Freeloader talking mentally to him "Stop it with that attitude Tom. The High Council is only going to use you for their purposes like they have used towards others in their service."

  He snarled a growling sound rising himself to stand with hands fisted.

  The Freeloader kept up his chatter which he ignored to mentally speak "Talking Freeloader hidden reveal now."

  Tom heard a whining squeal to see a male Freeloader appear in front of him. The Freeloader was staring at him that did a double take look along with putting a hand on an arm.

  He mentally spoke again "Throw back pinned."

  Tom saw the Freeloader flew backwards hitting the wall with form appearing to be pinned in its place. He charged towards the Freeloader who mentally spoke words he ignored. He reached the Freeloader to rake clawed fingernails onto the Freeloader's face causing grooved scars.

  He finished the raking to mentally spoke "Die!"

  Tom found his order obeyed to sense nothing from the Freeloader but death. He saw the Freeloader displayed some bloody look out of his eyes and ears with form still. He mentally willed aside the Banshee to see the Freeloader slid to the floor body still dead. Tom gave off a loud roaring noise and cut himself off. He with hands fisted and teeth bared brought his fists into the Freeloader's front. He wound up not caring on where he was hitting till the hardness became soft of bones crunching. He kept up the fisting while ranting to himself mentally as he sensed his mind scanned.

; Tom ranted mentally "I wound up being out casted all my life by the Freeloaders and First Ones. I was treated bad while grown. I was used for amusing Freeloaders to do various things. The Freeloaders gave me that scar on my face for the death of one of them. I'm not sorry for the killing for they deserved to die for the treatment they gave me. I'll do what it takes to see that the Freeloaders are put down permanently. I'll do what it takes to get the acceptance I wanted from anyone not Freeloader species. I will give those people my undivided loyalty to serve them without questioning their orders. It doesn't matter what orders it is as long as they treated me the way I wanted in the first place."

  Tom halted the fisting and his mental talk to straighten up his form while eyeing the dead Freeloader.

  He mentally spoke "As far as I'm concerned the Freeloaders outlived their usefulness in helping me get acceptance. I won't have anything to do with the Freeloaders for not accepting me. I now see them as my enemy for that's what they'll forever be. I don't give a care of what they say to me to drop this view. I'll assassinate them even if their in my presence. I'll do what it takes to get what I wanted which was acceptance. I'm willing to pay any price tag