Read Tom the Berserker Book One Page 5

towards a round metal arch with clouds in it. The manoids were seen in Thura's mind disappearing in flashes of lightening shows. The hybrid holding Thura forced her up the stairs towards the metal arch. Tom saw in her mind she entering the area to see at first clouds then the scene changed. He saw she blinked her eyes to see that she was in a field at night time illuminated by torches on the trees surrounding it. Tom stiffened seeing ugly scaly manoids of black skin color having bumps all over the place. The manoids had long reed claws stood around Thura surrounding the area. He saw that they had red Moorra like eyes and huge fanged teeth outside their jaws opening and closing revealing a round tongue in their mouths. The monsters as Tom called them stopped their charging towards Thura. Then the monsters abruptly walked away from Thura being held by the hybrid. The monsters formed an aisle that Tom saw led to a set of steps to lead to nine seats in a row broken up by a round metal arch behind them. He saw through Thura's mind she concentrating onto the metal gate arch as lightening shows were seen showing the familiar covered up manoids in white were coming out were sitting in the chairs. He saw Thura was pushed towards the seated manoids and forced to stand there watching them sit. A manoid came walking towards her out of the corner of her eyes. Tom looked to see that the manoid with a Moorra like face, with Keo colored short hair and on his forehead was a circle of black jewels that surrounded a large jewel. Common sense told Tom that the jewels were eyes. Tom sensed a flash of light and saw another manoid with a gonoid head came out of a gated opening with a crown in his clawed golden shiny hand. The hybrid was followed by a floating fiery torch stick with a round opening for the fire. He watched as the forehead eyes manoid a male moved his mouth Thura he sensed from the memory seemed confused on what was said. Then watched as the scaly long reed hand creatures stood aside as they revealed a high square slab featuring a male Moorra dressed entirely in white. The hybrid holding the crown places it on the male’s head and the staff went to be gripped by the Moorra’s hand focused onto the right. One of the hybrids grabbed Thura as they pulled her towards the male who appeared to wake up and saw him get up from the slab. His eyes he saw were glazing red colored and he flinched from memory of Thura feeling pain from a cut on her neck that bled liquid felt falling down her clothes. The crowned male in white in a fast move rushed towards Thura putting a hand on her chest above the breasts which made her eyesight indicating of dizziness. Tom saw the male through Thura's dizzy eyesight licked his lips. He grimaced from the memory as there were two pricks of pain on her neck area followed by lips as she felt the crowned male making a sucking motion onto her neck. After sucking her neck the crowned male licked the bite area making it sting harshly followed by the dizziness stopped and removed his head from the area. Then he saw the crowned male's eyes were no longer glazing red. Tom saw the crowned male grabbed a male with eyes on his forehead and then the scene went black indicating on Thura falling unconscious from the biting.

  Tom mentally kept up the scans despite Thura felt moving in her sleep while lying on him. He saw in her mind that she came to find herself lying on the stone ground. One of the monsters was gently nudging her awake with a foot aimed at her arm. Thura Tom saw got up and stood as the monsters formed an aisle. He saw that the manoids in their formless white robes were still sitting in their chairs. He looked to see a flash of lightening from a metal gated arch as if drawn as a manoid came out walking to stand in view. Tom stiffened staring with shock as he recognized the manoid to be a Keo Thura's mind identified as Geelley who stood with black eyes and clawed hands dressed in his usual uniform. He saw Geelley make several gestures with his hands and looked towards the manoids on the seats. One of the manoids stood up stiffly walking towards the stairs to stand reaching the top most step to appear to be staring at Geelley. The manoid folded arms folded Moorra style indicating Moorra to him. Tom saw one of the hybrids was gesturing towards Geelley and pointed his stick towards him while repeatedly aiming it at her and the Keo over and over.

  He looked at Geelley with anger felt as her mind registered words the Keo was mouthing she lip read him say “What about Tom?”

  Tom exhaled a breath and saw Thura's eyesight of her walking towards Geelley. She he saw reached Geelley and entered the opening. Blinking her eyes, he saw herself in a grey room that was grey all around. He saw with annoyance that standing watching was the Keos’ Queen with her arms folded and her black eyes were narrowed. She he saw in her mind sensed a flash of light as Geelley came into the room from the opening. He saw she looked before resuming looking at the Queen. Geelley was seen bowing towards the Queen who waved a hand. Geelley grabbed Thura's arm and pulled her towards a wall that slid open like a door. The wall revealed an all white hallway with red colored markings on the doors her mind didn't register what they were. There were large square windows seen with manoids glimpsed in the vicinity. Geelley pulled Thura through the hallway. He saw Geelley pressed a button on the console on a wall and once again a wall slid open revealing a small room. Geelley took her inside the wall slid closed and he felt a sensation of going up and realized that it was an elevator. Then the up feeling stopped as Geelley was seen keeping his ironclad grip onto Thura's arm. Tom frowned as Geelley pushed Thura out of the elevator towards a hallway that led to the entrance of the Asylum. Geelley led her towards a wall next to the entrance and pressed his hand on the wall. The wall slid open showing a chair where a female Keo stood waiting. Geelley waved a hand and Thura's eyesight focused onto him with annoyance felt.

  Geelley pointed to his lips and mouthed he seeing in Thura's mind “We have a problem we need your help solving.”

  Geelley got her inside the room and the wall slid shut locking her inside with the two Keos. Tom saw Thura staring at the female Keo who made Keo gestures to sit in the chair by making a pushing movement with her hands below her waist. Tom groaned as Thura was seen obeyed and sat in the chair as both Keos held up their hands. He frowned as they walked around Thura in a circle with stiff looks on their faces with both hands up facing her. Tom exhaled a breath recognizing the Keos were mentally deep scanning Thura's mind for information. Then the Keos lowered their hands as there was blare of sunlight seen Thura looking in the direction and the Queen came in the room.

  Tom saw Thura focused onto Geelley moving his mouth “She doesn’t know what happened despite the scans.”

  The Queen spoke with Tom seeing Thura looking at her and lip reading “I think she should be told.”

  Geelley, Tom saw and went to kneel in front of Thura who stared at him with confusion felt from the memory.

  He saw Geelley pointed to his lips and spoke with her lip reading “After you were taken away Tom attacked manoids out of letting one of his angry rages take control of him.”

  Tom felt himself annoyed with Geelley's words as the Keo continued “Remember the grey room you entered through a gated opening? Tom managed to escape us to enter it and went through. He seems to be looking for you judging by wording used to indicate this looking status. We need your help in finding him.”

  Tom felt anger as Thura focused onto the Queen who spoke “I know you have questions but they’ll be answered in time. Don’t worry with your help we’ll find Tom.”

  The scene went away followed by Thura stood alone in a house with the doorway open that showed the shining rays of the sun. Tom watched as she went to the kitchen unit's cupboard and pulled out a familiar green boxy pack. She he saw opened it to see rows of syringes filled with white liquid his nourishment he took via implant in his left arm. Thura pulled one out and walked towards the table examining it with her hands. Thura he saw shifted to stare at the open doorway to the house as if drawn. He saw her eyesight blinked as a lightening flashed revealing a Banshee. Tom saw in her mind she identified the Banshee as a monster due to its bony veins tan appearance with a Drudnose like face with veins on it, clawed hands and feet came stumbling out. The Banshee he saw fell towards the floor shaking its head. Then the Banshee stood up and stared at Thura with glowing golden eyes
that reminded him of his with the oxygen mask on.

  Tom stiffened as he heard a male voice appearing to be in Thura's mind from memory sounding of the Banshee speaking “It is I of the Banshee species speaking via voice in your mind. You, Thura, are seeking Tom which I have found and will bring you to him.”

  The Banshee held up a clawed hand towards her and spoke again via voice in her mind Tom heard “For respects, grab my arm. I will transport you to where Tom is.”

  Tom saw Thura obeyed pocketing the syringe in a hidden pocket in her thick red waist band and went to the Banshee taking his arm. The Banshee stepped through the doorway as Thura again seen blinked her eyes. He saw she found herself in a large room with open doorway entrances. Thura was seen looking at the Banshee which took off her hands off his arm and went speed walking through a doorway entrance disappearing in a flash of lightening. Tom frowned as Thura wound up looking around the room. He saw her spun around after a lightening flash was detected as a Banshee arrived shaking its head. Tom grimaced as Thura stared at the Banshee as Moorra hands