Read Tom the Berserker Book One Page 41

for getting what I want."

  He backed up to point a finger aimed at the Freeloader lying on the ground.

  Tom mentally added "No matter what anyone says the Freeloaders are my enemy. That's what I oath I will keep this view."

  He fisted the fingered hand and waved it towards the Freeloader cutting his talk. Tom felt his mind stopped scanned. He found the scene changed to see Barry seated on a bed staring at him with eyes narrowed. He exhaled a breath through his mouth to inhale through his nose while forming a frown on his face.

  Tom eyed Barry who spoke "You were seen reacting negatively towards a Freeloader. You were seen killing him and then punching his departed body soon after that. Your facial expression seen suggested that you were angry about something so talk on what it is now."

  He saw Barry's facial expression turn into a glare as he gulped and spoke "I was just taking out my anger towards the Freeloaders for giving me this scar on my face."

  He clamped his mouth shut and thought to himself "I think I'll keep to myself what I was really thinking till its obvious I got the acceptance I wanted then I'll talk about it."

  Tom eyed Barry who's eyes flare golden making him frown further as the Builder spoke foreign language to him in some compelling voice tone. He found to his shock after Barry cut his chatter relaying everything he was thinking related to his feelings towards the Freeloaders. Tom found himself speaking his feelings' view of seeing the Freeloaders as his enemy and the reason for it. Tom clamped his mouth shut once done feeling himself annoyed with his talk. Barry he eyed stopped flaring golden eyes.

  Barry spoke "You'll find clothes for you in the private room the doorway behind me. Use the facilities anyway if you need to use them. Besides be sure to clean yourself up while you're in there. The fisting of the Freeloader left a mess on your body form so excuse me I need to concentrate onto something suspicious."

  Tom frowned hearing Barry's words as the Builder shut his eyes with a familiar expression on his face. He felt rage willed forwards the Banshee to see Barry open his eyes flaring them golden. He heard Barry speaking foreign language in a compelling tone to find the Banshee willed away. He felt his rage take control charged towards Barry with hands fisted. He continued to hear Barry still speaking his familiar language and in a compelling voice tone. Tom found himself floating in the air in the night sky while falling towards he saw was the ocean he assumed. Tom gave off a roaring noise as he fell clamping his mouth shut as he entered the ocean sinking into it. He felt his mood bad found the water kept away his Banshee side despite trying to will it forwards each time as he floated in the water. Tom fisted his hands and made several thrusting movements with his fisted hands forming punching as he kept it up. He felt like needing air found himself hitting something like rugged floor instead of the ocean all around him. He breathed the air deeply through his mouth while gasping and panting for breath with eyes shut. He stiffened as he felt a stick whack him on the side of his head. Tom opened his eyes feeling the whacking making him look up seeing he was with Barry still seated on the bed that gave him a familiar glaring stare look with eyes golden. Tom exhaled a breath to force himself to sit up kneeling while eyeing Barry.

  He inhaled to speak sensing Barry wanted him to talk "I'm just angry and is taking it out on anyone I can."

  He clamped his mouth shut feeling his bad mood lower its ebb but remained in control.

  He stared at Barry who spoke "Don't ever target me in one of your rages again. I won't be merciful like I was towards you. I have caused people trying to hurt me out of anger to suffer medical ailments that takes awhile for them to recover from it. I also have caused death to people who refused to get my lesson of using something else for getting rid of their anger despite targeting me repeatedly over and over. The High Council has been made clear by me that I'm not to be used as fodder for people's angry attitudes. I will do what it takes to keep myself from being harmed. That including having that person die if they won't stop doing that behavior towards me. I expect you to get it this talk. I won't be merciful next time you take out your anger onto me. So hit the private room and get yourself cleaned up now."

  He obeyed to find a doorway in the wall behind Barry. Tom went inside seeing it was a bathroom. He spotted folded clothing with shoes on the toilet's seat cover.

  Tom went to the mirror to stare at himself eyeing the scar seemingly lengthy along with his face. He felt his angry mood stop hitting him unexpectedly as sadness hit abruptly. It wound up making his eyes water as he saw water drip from his eyes rolling down his cheeks.

  He moaned out loud "Just wish someone would accept me for my personality instead out casting me for who I am a hybrid of species."

  He rubbed hands on his eyes feeling them still watery as ever and removed his hands to enter the shower stall manipulating the door to it. He felt sadness still hitting him as he turned on the water through a faucet switch to heat toleration levels. Tom felt his knees become weak as he kneeled in the stall with water spraying down him. He cried tears with water dripping down his eyes and gripped his arms around himself while rocking his form back and forth seemingly lengthy till the sadness stopped abruptly along with the drippings of his eyes. Tom sighed and forced himself to stand in the shower letting the water spill itself down all over him. He rubbed hands on his cheeks still feeling the scar but felt his mood not foul. He sighed again to remove his hands looking around in the shower stall finding the soap and shampoo dispensers. He proceeded to use cleaning himself thoroughly till he felt himself cleaned completely. Tom sighed again to allow the water to wash his body of the soap and shampoo. He felt himself free of the substances left the shower stall after turning off the water. He saw the towels hanging on a wall rack took one and scrubbed himself dry before putting it back in place. Tom went to the clothes and shoes to put them on finding that they were the same as before, masked High Council servant wear omitting the mask. He sighed once done dressed to eye himself in the mirror. He groaned softly rubbing a hand on his scarred cheek.

  Tom wound up staring at himself mentally thinking "Just for once can't someone accept me for who I am personality wise instead of rejecting me due to my hybrid status?"

  He heard nothing in answer to his question left the private room after removing his hand. Tom found Barry still seated on the bed which he went to stand in front of the Builder while giving off a throat clearing noise sound.

  Tom frowned as Barry spoke "Just go to sleep Mindbender. You need the rest anyway. I'm busy here at the moment so excuse me."

  He sighed softly and went to the bed on the floor to lie his back onto it and shut his eyes. Tom felt sleep not coming opened his eyes to stare at the ceiling quite lengthy while having hands clasped in front of him on his chest area. He sighed and rubbed the area where he recalled the oxygen mask was. Tom rubbed along with rubbing his arms where the tubes to the mask jutted from along with the feeding tube's former area. Tom sighed again feeling relieved to be free of the oxygen mask and feeding tube. He heard Barry speaking foreign language in some compelling voice tone. Tom felt sleepiness hitting him as the Builder cut his talk. He sighed figuring out that Barry noticed him not sleeping compelled ordered him to sleep. He shut his eyes and passed out unconscious to come to feeling a stick end poking him in the stomach. Tom jerked open his eyes. He found Anubis standing over him that removed his staff.

  Anubis he saw jabbed a finger in a direction while speaking in a loud whisper "The High Council wants you up and awake now. Spare them the acrobatic move you do to get off the floor. So get up anyway."

  He sighed softly and forced himself to get up awkwardly to stand with arms folded. Tom eyed the High Council to find their familiar Highlander speaker in place. The speaker he saw formed a grimace on the face seeing him making him wonder what the servant was implying.

  Tom frowned eyeing the High Council as the speaker spoke "Your folded arms is Freeloader styled."

  Tom stiffened as he saw several High Council members behind the sp
eaker make throwing ball gestures towards the Highlander who bowed his head cutting off his talk. He looked down at his arms seeing one bent arm over the other bent arm. Tom wound up to recall Thura's arm folding habit in front of him to adjust his arms her styled. He again eyed the High Council shifting from them and their speaker back and forth.

  Tom frowned as the speaker raised his head and spoke "Says excuse the rudeness of the speaker. Ramses transport our speaker out to be dumped in the ocean now."

  He saw the speaker disappear in a white light show along with hearing a loud click sound then silence.

  He frowned as he felt the Banshee willed forwards again as a male voice sounded in his mind "Excuse us for having to communicate this way. Our regular speakers aren't easily replaced. The Meritanians have balked on helping us find replacements for this. They have repeatedly dumping the asker into the ocean as a response. Now explain why you're flaring your Berserker side whenever we talk to you mind to mind."

  Tom heard from Ramses unexpectedly as he willed aside the Banshee "Actually High Council, Mindbender's Berserker's side as you call it will always be triggered whenever there's a manoid mind walker talking to him mentally. It doesn't matter the manoid