Read Tom the Berserker Book One Page 42

species for his Berserker side will always come out period. Oh the reason why that side isn't coming out due to him hearing us broadcast is because we're not manoids. That Berserker side will always be triggered by manoids period but not by us."

  Tom frowned as Ramses' voice was heard blaring some more after a pause.

  He seeing no reaction from the High Council or hearing anything from the group “The High Council and their Highlander servants can hear us three talking because their base is surrounding our ocean location and their close proximity means that they can hear every word.”

  He frowned as he heard a feminine voice speaking “Terra and I have been helping people on the Human continent by talking to them in dreams-”

  He figured that the voice was Erra as she was interrupted by another voice speaking “Boom.”

  Erra he heard kept on talking ignoring Terra’s outburst “Your explanation explains why bad things have been happening to the people we’ve helped as in them being killed off by other people we suspect are Highlanders causing the actions.”

  Ramses he heard spoke “The High Council and the Highlander servants are currently eavesdropping on our talk as usual.”

  Tom frowned sensing no response from the High Council as Ramses continued “From scans of the High Council’s minds they want us to assist them with their war agenda against the Human race they refer as First One and will do what it takes to make sure that you two stop helping Humans by making sure whoever Human helped suffers death as a way of getting you two to stop.”

  Terra he heard spoke “What is the High Council planning to do with the Shadonia if they inferred with their battle with the Humans?”

  He frowned as Ramses spoke “Shadonian males are easily mind controlled by Highlanders scanning them and speaking commands to them mentally which is how they’ll make sure the Shadonia won’t interfere by mind controlling the High Lord to order his people to stay out of the battle. They have already minded controlled the High Lord’s predecessor to not have contact with the Humans after they and their land arrived on Shadan.”

  He heard Erra speak “What’s with the current High Lord and why haven’t they mind controlled him yet?”

  Ramses he heard spoke answering her question “From mind scans this High Lord is aware of the mind control done by Highlanders on males and has purposely kept Highlanders away from him along with using females to guard him whenever he travels out of the palace among the Shadonia and other races in the Shadonia’s home base.”

  He frowned as Ramses paused from talking to again hear him speak “Don’t blame me and my sisters for that! Blame Hades for doing that! You’re an idiot!"

  He frowned as Ramses paused then continued “Hades’ face is a mask that can be removed and put on a person changing them into Hades which is what happened to the High Lord. Harrumph each person after being Hades remembers every single detail of what they did while being that Drainer.”

  Tom frowned further as Ramses after a pause spoke “Alright I’ll tell you. A stupid Highlander did that mind control trick on a Shadonian male in front of the High Lord wearing the Hades suit who asked questions on what the Highlander was doing which the Highlander stupidity explained everything not realizing that a Shadonian was wearing the Hades suit asking those questions. Oh by the way the High Lord isn’t the only Shadonian aware of the mind control trick. Hah you Highlanders have gotten too sloppy with your mind controlling males to notice the females every single one of them aren’t fooled by the males’ actions and they managed to figure out by them observing males hanging around you Highlanders that you were causing some mind control trick on them.”

  He heard a pause then Ramses continued speaking “Well from mind scans those females have purposely kept Highlanders away from the High Lord along with insisting on guarding him whenever he travels outside the palace. They managed to rope the other races living on the Shadonia’s home base to spy on Highlanders anyway they can and has already informed them of the mind control trick. By the way the females managed to convince those races to secretly guard the High Lord whichever doesn’t matter if he’s in the palace or traveling among his people.”

  Tom heard a pause followed by feeling off balanced. He felt there were shaking vibrations felt all around him making him wave his arms stumbling his feet.

  He heard Ramses yell “I’m not doing that and neither are my sisters! Stop blaming us whenever there’s some silly earthquake hitting! It’s causing us pain and we hate it when it happens! So stop blaming us, blame the planet!”

  Tom heard Ramses pause as the earthquake he assumed it was continued.

  He again heard Ramses yell “Stop asking me questions about the earthquake! I’m not a planet! I’m a mind walking sentient plant and don’t you forget that!”

  Tom sighed as the earthquake was felt stopping. He eyed the High Council to see them waggling their heads and moving their hands in some gestures to figure out that they were in discussion.

  He heard from Ramses speaking “Damn Highlanders. Every time there’s a disaster such as an earthquake hitting the High Council’s base they always blame me for causing it which I’m hearing them saying that.”

  He heard one of the females give off a harrumph like sound as the other spoke “Why don’t they just go to the depths?”

  Tom frowned at the question as Ramses was heard speaking “Shouldn’t it be time for you to get up from bed?”

  He stiffened from the question as Ramses became silent.

  He focused onto the High Council to hear from one of them blaring in his mind again triggering the Banshee forwards "Don't mind Ramses' question of getting up from bed. His question is talk for Osiris to stop chattering with Lance Richard who's some First One deity in some astral projection form. We're aware of this from mind scanning Osiris's mind actually. We haven't shared this fact with Ramses yet despite him supposed to be aware of us knowing it. He thinks he can fool us by saying his bed question instead of telling Lance Richard to get Osiris out of talking to him."

  Tom frowned to will aside the Banshee as the High Council member stopped talking to see the group again in discussion. He wound up to hear a loud noise sounding loudly in the room making him grimace from the loudness.

  He frowned as he heard from Ramses "Alright to anyone who cares your homing beacons marking your home base underwater are active at the moment giving off signals which the First Ones on the State Territory land are from mind scans receiving the signals but haven't done anything to track them yet. Don't expect me to put them off on tracking the signals due to knowing how obsessed First Ones are whenever they get their minds made up on something and nothing will put them off from doing it."

  Tom spoke out loud as he recalled something "Don’t tell me, Ramses, that this silly earthquake you call it triggered these homing beacons to turn on."

  He heard a whispered Argh in response from Anubis.

  Ramses he was heard speaking "Sorry High Council but that earthquake did trigger them to turn on. Besides your servants are saying that the homing beacons are turned off after hearing me broadcast that they were on. I have to warn you that I have to monitor the First Ones quite heavily for awhile just to make sure that none of them get any ideas of tracking the homing beacons' location despite me thinking that they might have the technology to pinpoint where the beacons' locations are. I’m still trying to find out if they actually tracked it or not so excuse me while I see if they did."

  Tom frowned as he found himself out of the High Council's meeting room in a familiar hallway. He got compelled to go into the barroom which he obeyed finding the room's familiar natives were inside along with Barry. Barry he saw was seated in a stool drinking from a gold cup who didn't glance in his direction. The others in the room did glance he saw before resuming doing their business. He went to a stool to sit and got stared at by the bartender a Listener.

  He heard from Barry off his right "List the drinks bartender. He's Mindbender who's new around here recently called i
nto service of the High Council."

  Tom frowned hearing Barry's words as the bartender rattled off words that sounded unfamiliar before resuming staring at him again.

  He spoke "Uh what drink do you recommend I have bartender?"

  He got a glare from the bartender who ranted off vulgar language. Tom heard was in a familiar language he heard sounded of the Humanians' main language of Hammarabbi. The Listener he heard seemed lengthy with the ranting till he felt a tap on his left shoulder to look finding another Listener with facial hair standing there with eyes narrowed. Tom frowned as the bartender he assumed was the Listener was heard cutting off his chatter.

  He frowned as the Listener with facial hair spoke in Basic "Don't ask us Listeners questions period. We don't tolerate questions. We have brought death to the person who asked that question as usual. We give you mercy due to what Barry said regarding you but that's the last time we give you mercy. Next time you ask question to us you're down period. And don't forget what we said to you ever again."

  Tom spoke as the Listener gave him a glare "I get it your talk Listener."

  He watched as the Listener pointed a finger aimed at him before walking off to join his companions.

  Tom shifted to face the bartender and spoke "Tell me on the drinks you recommended I try, bartender. I admit it I'm not familiar