Read Tom the Berserker Book One Page 43

with them. That's due to spending most of my life fed nourishment through needle injections into my arm. That includes along with fed that way through some tube in the same area as well."

  He eyed the Listener who spoke "Hmph tell me you know anything related to the word alcohol."

  He sighed recalling it fully in his mind to speak "Its some kind drink that Freeloaders I was raised with got First Ones to drink while under torture methods. They drank till they got underneath its influence enough to blab anything including what was on their minds. That drink always from what I've seen of the torture causes the First Ones after they've recovered to have some kind of memory loss of the torture they were in. That along with not remembering what they said while underneath the influence."

  He frowned as he heard from Barry abruptly "Actually bartender, just give Mindbender this drink of Vodka anyway. I figured from his talk that the alcoholic drinks that Freeloaders used is different from the alcoholic drinks you've been serving here."

  He frowned as the bartender walked away which he shifted to eye Barry with a frown staring at him. The Builder he saw sipped his drink then looked at him with a golden eyed glare expression indicating him to talk.

  Tom sighed and spoke "The drink that the Freeloaders used to get First Ones to talk while underneath torture. It is dubbed by the name of alcohol among the First Ones. It's some way of saying it’s a drink that they get underneath the influence hence the use of that word. I heard from the Freeloaders that the drink's actual name is Truth Serum. Don't ask me on what is actually in that drink. The Freeloaders have been ordered by their leader the Queen to not to tell me or let me have a sip of it to find out. I can't say if they actually used that drink onto me for finding out information due to having no memory of it in mind."

  He frowned as Barry spoke his familiar chatter in a compelling voice tone. Tom shut his eyes as a headache arrived along with images within his mind. He saw was a memory of himself seated chained to a chair wearing nothing but his underwear on his form and oxygen mask still attached off his face. He grimaced seeing the memory as two Freeloaders came into vicinity one holding a cup. One grabbed his head yanking it up yanking open his mouth as one poured the cup's contents into his mouth. Tom saw himself swallowing it entirely and recall from the taste seemed to make him think it was awful. Tom continued to recall fully in his mind the Queen coming into view after he coughed down the drink. The two Freeloaders seen walked out of sight into inky blackness him surrounded by a spotlight while chained. He grimaced remembering the Queen proceeded to question him questions about the murder of a Keo he killed and if he was sorry for that.

  He recalled answered her back in some slurred voice tone saying "I'm not sorry for that. The Keo was the one pinpointed to kill my mother. It happened after I was yanked out of her despite objections of my father protesting to it."

  Tom grimaced some more recalling the Queen asking him "What drove you to kill the Keo in retaliation for killing your mother?"

  He answered her back saying "Some voice sounded in my mind in some compelling voice tone urged me to do the killing. That along with the voice was the one who insisted that this Keo be targeted by claiming that he killed my mother."

  Tom rubbed a hand on his forehead recalling the Queen speaking "Peter, tell me what's going on with Tom saying this voice issue? Only I can communicate mentally towards him having the oxygen mask on. That's due to finding failure with other Keos doing that communication towards him."

  He frowned as he recalled a male voice sounding Meritanian blared in his mind "Actually you might want to check out Thurin, his father who's contained in the asylum on his mental abilities. I detected something funny going on with him that you need to see for yourself. Besides you should ask the others working there on his mental abilities then test him yourself. You'll see what I mean. I do warn you that your people from knowing them won't buy the explanation that Tom was controlled by some voice to do that murder. They instead will pinpoint him responsible for doing the killing and will try to retaliate anyway they can."

  Tom heard a familiar voice speaking loudly which broke him of his reverie forcing him to open his eyes. His eyes focused onto Barry which he found himself speaking his entire memory to the Builder who sipped his drink. He exhaled a breath once done to frown staring at Barry who looked away resuming sipping his drink. He heard a loud ahem to realize it came from the bartender. He found the bartender had a gold cup in hand which he took.

  Tom got told "A rule around here is no gulping drinks regardless of what they are. That includes even if you're thirsty unless ordered by the High Council to do the gulping. So don't forget this period."

  He sighed softly to give a head bob in a First One yes gesture. He saw the bartender walk away going to his companions off the end of the bar gathered nearby chattering in their familiar language. He forced himself to not eavesdrop due to figuring out that the Listeners would react negatively if he did that. He eyed the cup's contents seeing the drink was an orange color. Tom brought the cup to his lips sipping it slowly finding the taste seemed good to him. Tom took his time sipping it down entirely and once done placed the cup down on the bar. He adjusted his form to face the wall where Nameless was standing sideways from sipping from a cup. Nameless he saw held up his cup in some salute move towards him before resuming his sipping. He stared at the walls near Nameless that appeared to flash scenes of night skies he recognized with some having clouds in them along with some having a shiny ball with clouds in it. He frowned as his right ear itched making him scratch.

  He heard a loud voice speaking in Basic with an odd accent "They show you what they want you and whoever here to see, Mindbender."

  Tom frowned as his ear remained itchy scratched to find his eyes focused onto Nameless as if drawn who stopped drinking.

  Nameless he eyed spoke familiar voice heard "The name is Nameless, Mindbender and excuse me for making your ear itch. Shadonia my species' name's staring at manoids other than Shadonians can cause their ears on one side as always to itch as usual. Don't ask me how that happens for it always happens period."

  Tom frowned as he got up and went to stand next to Nameless feeling compelled to stand sideways from the Shadonian who added "Pleasant meeting you, Mindbender. You'll find life here very interesting enough to serve the High Council on whatever whims they think you should do. Just be warned that the High Council, don't like complainers complaining about the jobs their thrown into service to serve them. The High Council expects undivided loyalty from servants serving them period or else their worse off in life here. I warn you that the High Council have been known to give exceptions towards others with divided loyalties towards them and their enemies. It's whenever they think this person should have this treatment. I also warn you that this exception towards people doesn't always last too long. That's due instead this person that they given exception have found themselves reception of torture by other servants. That after the High Council gets fed up with giving them special treatment. Just be warned that this special treatment varies on which servant they give it to. There is no warning of who they'll give it to in question. There is no warning of when they get fed up with the giving in question and order torture done."

  Tom frowned hearing Nameless' words as he kept his mouth shut while glancing at the Shadonian out of the corners of his eyes. Nameless appearing to be a male resumed drinking from his cup. He figured that the talk was over went to the stool next to Barry to sit and sensed the Builder staring at him from senses blaring. He looked at Barry who he saw had appeared to finish his drink and was facing him entirely while on the stool he was seated on.

  Tom frowned to eye Barry that spoke in Basic "Actually the special treatment the High Council usually gives towards servants is mostly towards ones who appear to be threats to them. Hence their treatment just to butter up the person into serving them including recording the person doing something negatively against them. They can record back at a later time to flaunt in this person's face
. It's as in getting this person to serve them period with undivided loyalties. There's another reason why the High Council have this special treatment. This is used towards people they think they can rope into serving them. The person they roped is always recorded anywhere either on their home base or elsewhere for awhile in hopes to catch them doing something insulting against them. They'll use the recording to flaunt in the person's face to get that person to serve them period. This always happens period. There's cases of servants telling the High Council what they want to hear before resuming doing something insulting over and over. That despite the group catching them in the act of doing that insulting thing and telling them off to not to do it along with giving threats of making their lives miserable if they kept up the behavior."

  He heard from Nameless as Barry paused "Tell him about Anubis and his attitude towards the High Council as an example of this talk you're telling Mindbender."

  He frown hearing that as Barry continued ignoring Nameless' talk "Anubis is one of those people known to have an attitude towards the High Council as in serving them one day and then rebelling against them another day. The High Council