Read Tom the Berserker Book One Page 44

managed to get Anubis to admit that he has this attitude. He has made it clear to the group that his feelings towards them and their orders cannot be dropped on people's telling him to do that. He has reportedly caused the High Council several problems with acts of sabotage around here due to how he's feeling towards them. He always managed to admit to the group on doing his insulting behavior once the sabotage is found and known to the group."

  Tom frowned further forming it on his lips as Barry continued talking "Besides he has admitted to me in the High Council's presence recently to getting a hold of a First One prisoner freed from the brig to be rigged with a bomb. Then send that person through the gate to travel someplace where the High Council was currently in meeting with others. He had that person set off the bomb which the detonation only killed the group's speakers. He admits to the reason for that was from being fed up with the High Council having speakers' mispronounce his name over and over despite repeatedly telling the group to say his name right. I managed to handle this issue by telling off Anubis in the High Council's presence that it was the speakers saying his name wrong and not the High Council doing it. I insisted to him that he should accept that fact period which he took it fine enough but didn't seem happy about it."

  Tom frowned as Barry gave him a familiar facial expression which he opened his mouth to speak only to hear from Ramses blaring "Barry, the High Council want you and Mindbender in their meeting room now. Help me out here since I can't transport you anyway."

  He sighed and got up from the stool as Barry got up.

  Tom heard from the Builder "Hit the hallway Mindbender. Listeners made it clear that there's a no transportation policy in the drinking room period."

  He obeyed to go out of the barroom to hit the hallway. Tom stood eyeing Barry who spoke his familiar language in a compelling voice tone. Tom found himself in the High Council's meeting room facing the group as Barry with back to them turned sideways to edge his head towards the group seated on dais.

  He eyed them to find a familiar masked Highlander standing on top of the steps that spoke "Says watch the recording both of you now."

  He frowned as the lights in the room dimmed but not enough to cause night vision to come on. He saw a light come from the steps shining overhead. Tom wound up to look and saw a large floating rectangle showing a scene. He saw was an overhead shot of the High Council's meeting room with a familiar masked male there that he figured was Hades. He watched as Hades in some super speed move grabbed the axe from the wall where the camera was. Tom saw Hades charged towards the High Council seated on steps seeing the group get up meeting his charge once he was on the dais swinging his axe towards them. He continued to watch as Hades' form shifted into a crowned male wearing white clothing with a lighted torch cauldron staff in right hand. The High Council members all around the male fell towards the ground with forms still appearing to look like they were covered in ice to him. Tom continued to watch as the crowned male shifted form back into Hades with axe in hand. Hades swung the axe down onto the heads of each High Council member shattering their heads before darting down the steps. Hades seen heading towards a female Human he recognized swinging the axe towards her. Tom watched as Hades stopped swinging the axe and threw it aside before running out of the room followed by the female Human. The screen changed to show another view of the scene showing the camera came from the High Council's chair wall. Tom watched with a frown as the camera recording went forwards focused onto something. He stiffened seeing it was himself and saw what he recalled fully while in the room during the assassination. Barry was seen appearing in a light show bending down to shake himself on the arm which he got up and walked out of the room as the Builder walked out of camera view. He saw the rectangle disappear as the lights above stopped dimming by becoming brighter.

  This was followed by the speaker speaking "Says talk Mindbender to your defense on the recording of a group assassination and your behavior seen witnessing it."

  Tom exhaled a breath and inhaled only to hear from Barry "Why don't you ask him about his feelings towards a certain annoying species instead? You'll see what I mean on that question. He admitted something to me that you should hear anyway."

  Tom felt his mood flatten hearing Barry's words as he figured what the Builder was talking about. His talk was related to him admitting his anger towards the Freeloader species after voice ordered to do it. He gave Barry a glare who ignored him to keep eyes onto the High Council.

  He heard from the speaker "Says talk Mindbender on what Barry is talking about related to the Freeloader species now."

  Tom shifted to glare at the High Council finding his mood becoming fouler. He sensed Barry staring at him by senses blaring. He recalled fully of his feelings towards the Freeloaders and his reaction towards one of them in his presence. That including what he did towards that Freeloader. He felt himself angry ignored the speaker repeating his words. He stared at the floor to bring a hand fisted towards the scar on his face rubbing the area while baring his teeth in some sneering angry look. Tom wound up feeling his anger coursing through him. He heard Barry speaking didn't register the words. He continued to stare at the floor while continuing to rub the scar on his face with his fisted hand. Tom felt his mind scanned as he recalled everything involving his encounter with the Freeloader. Starting with the Freeloader's presence sensed and what happened next after that. He gave off a soft growling noise as the mind scans seemed lengthy despite the memory ran its course through his mind. He ignored to fist his other hand bringing it to his other cheek rubbing the area followed by unclenching his fists to rub hands on the top of his head. Tom brought the hands to cover his eyes feeling himself getting more angry. Tom felt the mind scans stopped abruptly as he kneeled finding his knees feeling rugged floor. He removed his hands to give off a loud roaring sound of anger he repeatedly gave up over and over while rocking his form back and forth. He kept up the roaring till his throat began to complain of pain. He halted his noises as his senses blared warning unexpectedly alerting him of a Freeloader's presence behind him. Tom threw forwards the Banshee. Tom was on his feet in a quick move along with spinning around to mentally give the order of death towards the seen Freeloader. The Freeloader was seen collapsed onto the floor with form still blood leaking from eyes and ears. He willed aside the Banshee. Tom charged towards the dead Freeloader with hands fisted and once reaching the male he saw. Tom threw his left hand into the Freeloader's front not caring on where it landed. Tom kept feeling himself still angry kept up the fisting over and over as bone crunching noises were heard along with softness kept it up. Hands clawed like grabbed his arms yanking him up and away from the Freeloader. He struggled against the hands' grips while snarling some growling sound of anger. He shut his eyes feeling his anger left him abruptly making him feel sadness hitting him. He felt a hand clawed and familiar patting him on the cheek. He opened his eyes finding himself in the High Council's meeting room restrained by the Falcons as Anubis removed his hand to step aside. He noticed Barry there as tears fell from his eyes. Tom felt his mind scanned stared at the floor with face aimed at it with eyes dripping of water. He clamped his mouth shut feeling his knees weak sagged in the Falcons' grips while feeling himself no longer inclined to stand up. He eyed the floor lengthy as he recalled his crying reaction while in a shower stall of a bathroom and his thoughts related to it. That included along with what he was thinking while in there. Tom felt his sadness stop abruptly as his eyes stopped their watering. He felt the Falcons release their holds on his arms which he found himself still strong enough to stand. Tom continued to eye the floor seemingly lengthy as he wiped his eyes with his top's sleeves. He felt the mind scanner withdrew sighed from that to feel a hand gripping his chin raising it up to face Barry. Barry he saw was shorter than his standing height appearing to reach his chest area, standing in front of him, the hand's owner. Tom exhaled a breath and frown eyeing Barry whose eyes were narrowed staring at him before releasing his hold on his chin and stepping aside for
m sideways facing the High Council. He concentrated onto the group to see that they were in discussion by waggling heads and waving gloved hands. He eyed the High Council who seemed lengthy with their inner discussion as the speaker he saw had head bowed.

  This was followed by the masked Highlander raising his head and speaking "Says Ramses transport Mindbender to Fingers now."

  He found the scene changed to find himself in some observation room. Tom eyed the bed seeing Thura wearing her familiar Uzan dress on her form lying asleep on it that didn't stir despite him transported into the room. He felt himself weak in the knees stumbled towards the bed and once reaching it to kneel on the rugged floor next to it. Tom reaching out a hand towards Thura's nearest hand which he gripped in some gentle grip move. Tom wound up finding her turning to her side gripping his hand in some tighter grip but remained asleep as he stared at her. He held Thura's hand seemingly lengthy and heard a gun shot like sound along with a stinging prick of pain hitting the back of his neck. He figured was a needle dart as he felt himself getting sleepy