Read Tom the Berserker Book One Page 6

removed themselves from the Banshee’s shoulders. A manoid was revealed itself to Thura. Tom gasped with recognition to see the manoid was himself. He saw himself was still wearing his oxygen mask but his face was pale with veins lining it and his glowing golden eyes appeared to be dim. Tom groaned softly watching as he advanced walking towards Thura with shaking hands. He felt a headache coming on as himself came nearer to her getting more painful, the closer he got nearer to her. Tom saw him self's steps slowed and his eyes narrowed staring at Thura as he saw in her eyesight she holding a familiar syringe in her hand. He saw the Banshee turn to stare at her as she bravely looked at himself straight in the golden eyes while feeling a terrible headache. Tom saw it was a memory of Thura shaken awake by a manoid wearing a grey suit and metal helmet where a grass colored scaly face was seen that yanked her to her feet. The manoid pulled by Thura's arms through the giant vast room towards a familiar gated arch with a wall of cloud covering the entrance. Tom saw walking with them was one of the hybrids. He continued to see Thura was pushed through the gate to reach a dark hallway with a light source behind her. He sensed her in moment of panic found she in the darkness running towards the light source. He saw the light source was the gated arch that showed an outline of a hybrid standing on the other side which walked away. Before Thura could enter gate she acted like she was grabbed from behind lifted her up legs in view kicking air. The grabber carried Thura further into the darkness towards a hallway with light sources on her left side. He could see inside large lighted cylinders imbedded in the wall as the light sources. The cylinders were occupied with Moorra with different colored hairs and different skin colors focused on the Moorra living in Uzan, both male and female wearing various clothing involving the Keos. Tom watched as she was hauled towards an empty cylinder which opened and she was pushed inside. He saw her turned around to find the cylinder door closing and glimpsed a face of a green scaly skin manoid illuminated in a golden glow behind a face plate of the helmet and suit the manoid was wearing. Then the tube filled up with white smoke which there was darkness arriving. Tom blinked his eyes of the memory. He shifted to scan Thura's mind further as she continued to sleep. He saw the memory of Thura staring at himself who pulled the oxygen mask from his face. He saw himself fell onto the grass covered hard floor with his eyes closed. Tom saw Thura kneeled and pulled his left sleeve up and saw the injector implant was gone with annoyance felt within him. She he saw looked at the Banshee with panic felt. The Banshee stood staring at her as she stared back seemingly lengthy as if drawn. Then the Banshee gestured with a head aimed in a direction as another Banshee appeared in the room into her line of sight breaking the staring. Tom saw the second Banshee then walked back disappearing under the arched doorway in the room. Tom sighed seeing Thura's eyesight showing her rubbing a hand on him self’s face. He sensed two flashes of light behind Thura to see a Banshee walking towards her followed by a Keo her mind said it was Geelley coming from a doorway in the room.

  She lips read Geelley mouth “Move away from him now.”

  Tom saw Thura obey as Geelley rushed towards himself lying on the floor appearing to look lifeless to him. He saw Geelley put a new injector device in him self’s arm and held out a hand towards her.

  Thura through memory lip read him say “The needle, hand it to me.”

  Tom saw Geelley's order get obeyed and handed the needle to Geelley. He grimaced fully as Geelley injected the contents of the needle into the implant device in him self’s arm. Then watched he pulled out a small white bottle of white liquid and opened the cap. Geelley pulled out a tube from the cap which he put in the needle cylinder repeatedly making that pouring movement. He saw the color on his own face changed back to his normal skin tones followed by the veins disappearing. Himself, he saw, stirred shaking his head and opened his eyes looking Moorra black looking making him further grimace to look at Thura in the eyes.

  He saw himself speak Thura identifying him saying “Thura.”

  Tom saw the memory shifted to show Thura peering into an asylum cell from standing outside. He saw her eyesight focused onto an opening showing the Queen walked in the cell pushing a sleeping himself in a wheelchair. Tom looked as if drawn via Thura's eyesight to see his Father Thurin kneeling in the cell abruptly opening his eyes showing them glowing like a Banshee.

  Tom eyed watching his Father from the window outside the cell and saw Geelley who she lips read said “He’s one of them.”

  He resumed looking at Thurin whose form changed into a Banshee he stiffening from the change ability.

  He saw Thura look away to stare at the thick red book in her hand and then looked at Geelley who spoke with her again lip reading “I’m sorry, most of the book was made up, except for the part where we met your kind.”

  Tom sighed as he watched the Banshee Thurin stood up and walked pass the Queen entering the open doorway to the cell with a flash of lightening and was gone.

  Tom saw Thura looking at Geelley again who spoke “The Queen has decided to let Tom mate with you.”

  Geelley he saw as jealousy hit him suddenly receive a big bear hug from Thura who let go.

  He saw the Queen come out of the cell pushing an awoken himself in the wheelchair who spoke he seeing himself smiling and eyes light up with happiness in them “Thura.”

  Tom smiled removing the oxygen mask to lean down and kissed Thura on the cheek.

  He stiffened as Thura jerked her eyes open with shock seen in them followed by her lurching up in a sitting position. Tom gently pulled Thura down back onto him he still holding her in his arms around her she not resisting. He sighed feeling himself happy having Thura in his arms' grips while lying on top of him. He gently kept his hold around Thura seemingly lengthy even when she was sensed fallen asleep.

  Tom smiled forming the expression on his lips while mentally thinking "I have what I want. Its acceptance like I've been seeking."

  He shut his eyes and allowed himself to sleep passing out unconscious..

  Tom woke up from the sunlight blaring into the room by the open window he finding Thura gone from him. He felt himself annoyed with her gone from his arms again got up feeling rage hitting him again. Tom stormed to the door to the bedroom to stomp walk out meeting Geelley in the hallway.

  Tom stood facing Geelley who spoke “Put your mask on, Thura's attackers have been found.”

  Tom obeyed and scanned Geelley’s mind showing of the Keo himself walking towards one of the city’s exits. A male Keo stopped in front of him with a large thick stick in his hands.

  The Keo spoke mental voice heard sounding with an edge in voice tone “You will hit Thura knocking her out with this stick or suffer the consequences.”

  He saw Geelley walking up behind Thura and hitting her with the stick behind by the legs as she fell towards a kneeling position. Then Geelley hit her on the back of the head with the stick who limply fell towards the ground falling asleep.

  Tom let rage overcome him as he mentally spoke “It was you, Geelley who did this to her!”

  He narrowed his eyes as Geelley grabbed his head shaking in some manner indicating pain to him despite not giving off any mental orders. He stiffened feeling the oxygen mask yanked off his face. He shook his head and looked with to look at Thura’s face with a hurt look on it.

  Tom mouthed for Thura to lip read him “It was Geelley who attacked you. I saw him do the attack via mind scanning him.”

  He jerked his head aside as he felt her hand slap him hard on one of his cheeks on his face. He felt himself going dead again as he followed her into her room. Tom put a hand on Thura's shoulder which was yanked off by her she keeping her back towards him. He felt the deadness take control as he tapped Thura on the shoulder. He saw Thura shook her head in a Keo gesture of disgust which was an up and down bob while waving her hand behind her in a Keo gesture to go away. Tom felt himself go dead inside walked out of the room. He saw Geelley leaning against the wall with hands on his head while shaking his head. He angrily
walked up to Geelley and brought a fist hard into Geelley’s face. He saw Geelley pretend to be more hurt by sliding towards the floor still shaking his head. Tom felt his deadness feeling take control stormed into a bedroom slamming the bedroom's door. He went to the bed and sat growling some sounds rocking his form back and forth. He pulled his head up and roared some nonsense sound as he rocked from his position on the bed.

  He heard from the voice again "Tom what's gotten you upset?"

  Tom mentally yelled "Acceptance! I wanted that and was willing to do anything to get it! I wasn't getting acceptance from Moorra or Keo themselves! I managed to get this from Thura! Blast the Keos and their tricks manipulating things! I lost the acceptance I got from Thura from their trickery! I won't tolerate this stunt happening to me again! I'll do what it takes to get acceptance from anyone-"

  He was interrupted "Tom you're ranting isn't going to solve anything so calm down first and think smartly on what to do."

  Tom exhaled a breath and inhaled air repeatedly before mentally speaking "I thought I got rid of the deadness feeling I had in control within me by how I felt towards Thura. I don't have a purpose to live among the Keos and Moorra. Thura gave me that reason for living from how I felt from