Read Tom the Berserker Book One Page 7

being in her presence."

  He got silence as his answer groaned loudly before breathing deeply willing himself to calm down from his angry mood. Tom once calmer walked out of the bedroom and went down the stairs to see Thura sitting at the table eating. He walked towards her and was blocked by Geelley whose eyes were narrowed glaring at him. Tom stared at Geelley who thrust a green cloth box towards him which he gripped. Tom stared at Geelley with deadness fully taking control.

  Geelley he saw pointed a finger at the door and spoke “Get out I don’t want you around here. The Queen insisted that you go back to Rhinna and Ran.”

  Tom took a step towards Thura but Geelley blocked his way with fisted hands up. Tom sighed feeling like he didn't want to get into a fist fight with a Keo. He left the house to see a flying machine sitting nearby with whooping sounds. He heard the door to the house behind him slam shut with a loud bang sound. Tom walked towards the flying machine to settle himself inside. The flying machine flew over the city and landed next to a house where Tom saw two familiar Keos stood watching. He left the machine and walked out towards to Rhinna and Ran who stood there with frowns on their faces. Rhinna took his arm as Ran took the green cloth box from his hands. Tom formed a frown as Rhinna led him into the house and up the stairs towards a doorway to his familiar room which she left him. He heard the door slam shut in a harder move than her regular gentle closing. Tom went to his familiar chair to sit staring at the wall with the deadness still within him ignoring the sunlight outside stopped shining. He kept himself in the chair only sleeping when the mood struck him and waking up once aware to resume staring at the wall again.

  It was eight suns passed since he was ordered away from Thura by Geelley. Tom stood outside staring at the Queen’s carriage with a frown.

  He heard Rhinna speak “The Queen wants you in her carriage.”

  Tom spoke “No, I’m not going in some asylum.”

  Ran was seen standing next to him spoke “It’s just for a private talk with you that’s all.”

  Tom groaned and went inside the carriage to sit down next to the Queen. He stiffened with his eyes averted staring ahead of him to avoid looking the Queen in the eyes as protocol required. He felt one of her Moorra like hands touch his head. Tom groaned inwardly feeling the pain of a headache as she scanned his mind. Then she rubbed the top of his head as the headache went away. Tom jerked groaning of pain as her hand grabbed his hair yanking his head up as her other hand went to his throat gagging him.

  He heard the Queen blast her voice into his mind in a loud tone “I don’t tolerate threats towards me. I don’t find this acceptable. I had Geelley by word of mouth hit Thura on purpose as ordered. Your separation from her was punishment for your threats towards me. You will obey me as your Queen and cease your threats or I will see that your separation from Thura becomes permanent.”

  Tom groaned shaking his head as she let go of him.

  He heard her continue speaking using the voice this time “You may leave. And by the way, Thura is carrying your child.”

  Tom stiffened hearing her words and left the carriage. He walked towards Rhinna and Ran with concerned looks on their faces as the carriage drove away.

  He spoke “Rhinna, Ran, drop the act. The Queen ordered you.”

  Tom stood as anger arrived on their faces and walked passed them towards the doorway. He fell as he felt a kick at the knees from behind putting him to kneel while feeling a gloved hand on his hair jerking his head up.

  Tom stared at Ran who spoke “Your right this is an act. I won’t tolerate Moorra who kill or hurt our kind.”

  He heard Rhinna speak “Get inside to your room Tom and stay there. Don’t come out for anything unless the Queen orders a mission for you.”

  Tom felt Ran release his hair and he stood up walking inside the house. Once in his room he went to the chair to sit down resuming staring at the wall seemingly lengthy. The door to the room banged opened as he looked to see Rhinna came in slamming down a large bucket with a loud bang sound.

  He kept the blank look on his face as Rhinna spoke “Use the bucket for wastes and don’t bother leaving the room without the Queen’s orders.”

  He stared at her as she left the room slamming the door. Tom groaned to himself and continued sitting while staring at the walls again seemingly lengthy while sleeping on and off.

  The sun was detected to rise to a higher position as he heard the door to the room bang open.

  He jerked open his eyes as Rhinna came in the room speaking “The Queen has a mission for you.”

  Tom groaned hearing the firmness of her voice tone and got up from the chair. He followed her out of the house towards a flying machine which he got in alone. Tom sat as the flying machine flew over the city towards a meadow in the forest. The flying machine landed hard with a jarring thump aggravating him to feel a headache. He got out facing seven male Keos standing around.

  One spoke sounding firm towards him “Move it there’s a hidden Moorra around here that must be found.”

  Tom put on his oxygen mask and searched the forest looking. He walked in the forest alone as the other Keo followed lagging behind his brisk walk. He came upon the mind of a Moorra male. He walked briskly till he reached the Moorra dressed in fur clothing tied to a tree. Tom scanned and sensed a presence behind him. He spun around to find a male Keo blocking his efforts to figure out who by mind scans easily.

  He saw the Keo pull out a knife held in his hand and throw it at him who raised a hand fast while speaking mentally in a rush "Shield."

  The knife deflected away from Tom as if hitting a wall.

  Tom mentally spoke “Down.”

  The Keo went down grabbing his head falling towards the ground. Tom heard a twig snap behind him and turned around to witness the Moorra freed of the ropes running towards the bushes.

  Tom mentally spoke “Down.”

  The Moorra grabbed his head and went down on the ground as the other Keos arrived with anger detected from them.

  One of them spoke in an angrily tone “You didn’t have to knock out the Keo hostage.”

  Tom yanked off his mask and spoke “But the Moorra was the hostage.”

  The Keo who spoke continued “You expect me to believe that? The Keo was reported missing. He was captured by the Moorra which you freed and knocked him out.”

  Tom groaned inwardly hearing the firmness tone of the Keo. He saw one of the Keos walk forwards towards him grabbing his arm in an ironclad grip pulling him away from the scene. Tom frowned staring at the Keo who took him to a clearing where a flying machine sat. The Keo let go of his arm and glared at him before walking away. Tom went to the flying machine and sat inside as it flew towards the house he stayed in. The flying machine landed on the ground with a hard jarring thump. Tom got out to see Rhinna and Ran standing at the doorway with glares on their faces. He walked by them and went inside the house towards his room and sat in the chair resuming his wall staring.

  He looked as the door opened with a bang sound showing Rhinna coming in the room speaking “I shouldn’t be giving you this."

  Tom watched as she went to him and yanked his sleeve on his left arm and put in a small cylinder of white liquid which went in the injector on his arm. He frown feeling tiredness and not the familiar relaxed feeling as Rhinna left the room after the injection was done again slamming the door. He wound up sitting resuming his staring at the walls lengthy till a door bang sound broke his reverie.

  He saw Rhinna standing in the doorway speaking “The Queen has a mission for you.”

  Tom groaned softly as he walked out of the house towards the flying machine which flew over the forests to a clearing where it sat again landing with the familiar jarring thump. He left the flying machine and put on his mask scanning with his mind. He sensed Keos standing together chatting mentally and followed the chat towards another clearing where Keos stood together.

  One of them seeing him spoke “There’s Moorra hidden, find them.

  Tom walked briskly as the Keos jogged following him. Reaching a cliff wall he sensed a mind of a Moorra male and went to the mind entering a cave to see a Moorra lying on the ground shaking his head. Tom jerked as he sensed a Keo behind him and turned around to see the male throw a knife at him which he easily deflected.

  The Keo charged at him as he mentally spoke “Throw back.”

  The Keo went flying backwards hitting the wall as Tom felt his oxygen mask yanked off his face.

  He groaned shaking his head as he heard a voice of a Keo yell “What are you doing you murderer?”

  Tom stiffened from the wording use of murderer to look at the Keo speaker who continued speaking “It’s bad enough that you killed one of our kinds that you have to attack our kind as well? See that the Queen is informed of this.”

  Tom left the cave walking out towards a clearing to see a flying machine land down. He entered the machine which flew him towards the house. Reaching the house he walked inside as Rhinna and Ran stood with arms folded.

  He heard Ran speak “You have no respects from us for trying to kill our kind again after killing one of us.”

  Tom groaned inwardly and walked towards his room closing the door. He again sat on the chair with as the sun went down lower in the sky.

  He heard the door open as Rhinna came in speaking “I’m not giving you this.”

  She he saw held up a needle cylinder with white liquid in it.