Read Tom the Berserker Book One Page 8

  Rhinna continued “Next time I come in here, I expect to find you in bed in the sleep mode and I mean it.”

  Tom watched her storm from the room slamming the door. He exhaled a breath and went to the bed laying down on it closing his eyes.

  Tom dreamed of himself waking up in the morning by Rhinna who spoke “The Queen has a mission for you.”

  The dream shifted showing him entering a flying machine and coming out of it in a clearing. The dream showed him putting on his oxygen mask searching for minds in the forest. He came upon the Queen with several Keos standing around. The Queen turned towards him and fell towards the ground lying on it. He saw a Keo behind her bring a knife to his throat slashing it. He sensed the other Keos attack him which were easily knocked down. Tom dreaming this jerked his head moving it back and forth. He in the dream stood and stared at the Queen who lay down and gasped seeing a knife sticking in her back. Tom in the dream wretched off the oxygen mask and kneeled shaking appearing to be from weakness as other Keos arrived.

  One of them spoke “Tom knocked them out killed that Keo and stabbed the Queen in the back with a knife.”

  Tom stiffened seeing an object placed on his temple in the dream and there was a loud sound as he hit the ground appearing to shut his eyes and form went dead. Tom jerked his head as the dream changed to show Thura lying on a bed with blood on her throat. Her eyes were open dead while her body was covered with a blanket. Geelley he saw stood to the side dropping a bloody knife while holding a moving bundle with one arm.

  Geelley in the dream stood as the Queen walked in the room and took the bundle speaking “Good our own weapon to handle the rebelling Moorra.”

  Tom forced his eyes open as he stared at the ceiling with a shocked expression on his face. He gasped panting and sat up on the bed shaking his head. Tom wearily looked around the room with night vision of everything in day vision of green. He panted for breath then got up from the bed towards the chair to sit. He looked at the window which showed the sky in the color green in his night vision. Groaning Tom rubbed a hand on his head and lowered the hand onto the arm rests of the chair. He sat as night vision winked back and forth indicating the sun coming up turning night into day

  Tom gripped the oxygen mask with a frown and waited as Rhinna came in the room speaking “The Queen has a mission for you.”

  He yanked on the oxygen mask as Rhinna seeing that went running towards the doorway yelling “Ran he's got his mask on!”

  Tom mentally spoke “Throw back.”

  Rhinna’s form went backwards hitting the wall with a thud as Ran came into the room with a glare on his face.

  Tom looked at him mentally speaking “Down.”

  Ran gripped his head and went falling towards the floor with a loud thump. He turned his attention to Rhinna who groaned shaking her head from sitting on the floor with back to the wall. Tom got up and went to Rhinna. He grabbed the top of her head by her long hair and put a hand on her throat gagging her. He mentally searched her mind seeing images of her pouring out white liquid down the sink from four needles like cylinders.

  He focused onto Rhinna mentally speaking to Ran from the kitchen sink “I don’t think he’ll live any longer anyway since the Queen issued this mission. It will kill him.”

  Tom searched her mind finding a link towards the Queen alive in her and focused onto it. He saw in her mind an image showed the Queen pacing in a clearing.

  Tom narrowed his eyes speaking mentally “A message for you.”

  He saw the Queen in Rhinna’s mind fall to her knees closing her eyes jerking her head groaning loudly in pain. He sensed no resistance from him scanning Rhinna's mind despite the link to the Queen. He pushed the images of the dream throughout him into Rhinna’s mind pushing them towards the Queen who was seen to threw her head back like if punched.

  Tom waited watching via Rhinna’s mind as the Queen was heard speaking verbalizing her words “It’s Tom. I’m getting a message from him through my link with a Pishon.”

  He heard the Queen gasped out “Oh he’s aware of the trap I set for him and sending me an imaged scenario of this.”

  Tom narrowed his eyes hearing that and spoke mental voice traveling through him to the Queen via Rhinna “I don’t like being manipulated.”

  The Queen replied mentally towards him “Your not being manipulated Tom.”

  He mentally roared out as he sensed minds of other female Keos in Rhinna’s mind activating abruptly “What? You and the females are linked by mind! Your linking together would be enough to stop me!”

  He focused the memory of the shopkeeper that died by his mental power command of die mentally spoken towards the victim that killed the Keo as if drawn to do it.

  Tom growled out mentally “You had the power to stop me from my attacks and having that Keo die by my hand, why didn’t you stop me?!”

  Tom jerked his head closing his eyes as he felt the oxygen mask yanked off his face. He removed his hands on Rhinna who was heard coughing loudly. He fisted his hands as he felt hands on his back pushing him and he felt himself forced to sit on the bed.

  He angrily roared out “Why didn’t you stop me?!”

  Tom didn’t protest as his sleeve of his right arm was rolled baring it. He felt a prick of pain in as a needle was injected in the arm. He opened his eyes roaring loudly unseeing Ran he assumed was the one who put the needle into his arm. Tom growled loudly as Ran pushed him down on the bed settling his head on the pillow. He stared angrily at the ceiling as Ran was felt moving his legs onto the bed.

  Tom yelled as he felt sleepiness arrived to him “Why didn’t you stop me?!”

  He closed his eyes letting the sleep drug take over his system.

  Tom angrily woke up shaking his head as the sun shined rays in the window of the room. He got up from the bed and stormed towards the door yanking on his mask putting it on his face. Tom briskly walked down the stairs to face Ran and Rhinna at the bottom.

  Tom seeing Ran mentally spoke “Down.”

  Ran, Tom saw grabbed his head and went down as he felt a headache come to his head and closed his eyes. He felt the oxygen mask yanked off his face followed by a headache as his mind was scanned. He forced opened his eyes to stare angrily at Rhinna who turned her head to stare at Ran. Tom looked at Ran who jerked himself up in a sitting position with eyes opened.

  Tom roared out as Rhinna turned to look at him “Why didn’t you stop me?! That Keo wouldn’t have died by my hand!”

  He growled as Rhinna grabbed his arm and pulled him towards the bench next to the table and forced him to sit. Tom sat with anger running through out him as he felt his sleeve on his left arm rolled up revealing the injector in the arm. He sat with hands closed in fists letting anger running through him. Tom closed his eyes as he felt a familiar feeling of pleasure take over inside him. He sighed as the nourishment was felt in his system making him much better. He sighed loudly and was forced up by Rhinna. He didn't protest as she got him outside into a Drudnose pulled carriage. Tom sat inside feeling the carriage move.

  He felt his anger returning as he thought to himself "Their putting me in an asylum."

  Tom heard in response "Not so. It's for seeing Thura who's in the palace actually."

  He felt his mood remained bad despite hearing the familiar voice's blaring in his mind. Tom kept his thoughts to himself keeping his mind blank as he heard nothing from the voice in response. He felt his mood remained angry as the carriage entered the city. He felt an urge to wear his mask obeyed to peer out the curtained window with a hand holding onto the cloth. He mentally scanned the minds of Moorra within vicinity of the carriage. Tom heard various comments aimed at him.

  He heard "He killed a Keo. He should die for this. No Moorra will accept this murderer for what he did."

  He felt his mood become worse off yanked off the mask and leaned back in the carriage's seat feeling the hardness of the back instead of padded like the Queen's carriage.

m mentally spoke to himself "Why can't they accept me? For respects, accept me as I am."

  He exhaled a breath through his mouth and stiffened as his mind was felt scanned by the familiar headache arriving. He groaned softly as the headache persisted. Tom shut his eyes willing himself to calm from the head pain. He breathed deeply through his mind as the scanning kept up till it stopped abruptly to his relief. He opened his eyes and rubbed a hand on his forehead feeling anger at the mysterious mind scanner that has refused whenever asked to show themselves to him. He felt himself angry again from the mood taking hold as the carriage reached the palace where the Queen lived in one end of the city. Tom got out after the Queen's guard opened the carriage doors and jabbed their bony stick weapons aimed at him while silently gesturing him out. He growled an annoyed sound not caring if the guards heard him of anger still running through him. He stood outside the carriage standing and waiting as the guards he eyed refused to speak to him as usual.

  He looked around the courtyard and saw a female Keo arrive who spoke "For respects, come with me."

  Tom heard the sarcasm of her voice tone felt his mood plummet further as he wordlessly followed the Keo into the palace as if compelled to do the following. He angrily followed the female through hallways passed doors. He finding that she was ignoring the way to his familiar bedroom. Instead he saw her reached a door she opened. He fisted his