Read Tribes Of Chonohaush The Mace And The Bow - Attack By The Asuras PART 1 Page 11

  Chapter 11 – Trophy Heads

  Both Idaha and Pelmec offered their respects to Acura.

  Acura asked “So is everything fine with you both, did you enjoy your fight?”

  Pelmec said “Yes, we did enjoy but we have a feeling that the Asuras who were injured vanished into some other location and we are sure that they are not present somewhere in the vicinity.”

  Acura nodded his head and said “Yes you are right, all of them have gone into the tunnel which leads to the shape shifting tower near the Wax Tower, where the trophy heads of Kalihan’s ancestors are hidden. If they get hold of those trophy heads and reach the centre and Kalihan uses those heads while sacrificing the people of this island, then this island will be doomed. So please both of you start immediately and reach the shape shifting tower and make sure that those Asuras are destroyed before they enter it.”

  Both of them accepted the instructions from Acura and climbed on top of Bragloid and within no time they were in the air searching for the location using the compass that Idaha had received from Qazvin. Both of them reached the required location and got down from Bragloid, at that moment they were able to hear footsteps but after a few seconds there was literally no noise and then the entire place was completely deserted.

  Pelmec and Idaha started exploring the place next to the Wax tower which Idaha had not done before as he had spent his entire time in the tower learning the art of fighting. Pelmec asked Idaha to walk nimbly as he was able to hear something, Pelmec was able to see that there was a tree which shape shifted into a door and again back into a tree.

  Pelmec gave Idaha a clue and Idaha immediately understood, both of them asked Bragloid to wait outside and the twins went ahead near the tree and waited, but nothing happened they knew that they had to get inside before the Asuras would gain entry into it otherwise the trophy heads would be lost.

  Idaha at that moment, when they were waiting to gain entry observed that there was a branch which was present inside out; it looked like as if the branch had been fixed by someone. Idaha immediately jumped to a particular height and pulled at the inverted twig and lo! , the tree shape shifted into a wooden door and both of them gained access and went inside.

  Pelmec was beaming with pride at the intelligence of his brother. There was a narrow passageway and both of them started walking through the narrow paths as there was not much of light inside. When both of them started exploring the tunnel little by little the tunnel started becoming visible, there was some sort of light source which both of them were not sure of, but they did not bother thinking about it as they were happy that they were not blinded by the darkness.

  Pelmec stopped all of a sudden and started paying respects to an idol which resembled Acura, but before Idaha could realize what Pelmec was up to, it shape shifted into Kalihan. The twins were able to make out that the entire tunnel was alive, there was some sort of a mystic spell the tunnel was under, as it was reacting to the mental states of the people.

  Pelmec gave a huge laugh at the thought of paying respects to Kalihan, the Acura idol had shape shifted into Kalihan. Idaha winked at his brother and both of them were trying frantically to recover the trophy heads. They were moving continuously with no sight of recovery of the trophy heads, after sometime they found out that both of them were revolving around the same area and that the entire area was a maze. The entire tunnel was shape shifting so as to confuse the people that they were covering a larger area than they actually had thought.

  Pelmec said “ Idaha let us do one thing, let us try to find a hollow place inside the tunnel maybe something might be hidden in the inner layers of these walls.”

  Idaha liked the idea and both of them started tapping the walls of the entire tunnel, both of them did as they had thought but it was to no avail. They had almost covered the entire area but there was not even a single hollow area. At that time Pelmec had a brainwave, he remembered that the idol imprinted on the wall had shape shifted from Acura to Kalihan, maybe that had something to do with the trophy heads. Pelmec explained his idea to Idaha and both of them started searching for hollow areas near the idol, and to their surprise found that there were many hollow parts, Pelmec summoned the mace and with a heavy blow broke the part of the wall just below the idol and were shocked to find three completely disfigured heads lying with their tongues rolled outside the lips.

  It was an astonishing thing to both of them. They looked for a way of carrying these trophy heads but it was next to impossible, so Idaha tied all the three heads by the little hair that was left on top of the heads and started carrying it in his hand. Both of them knew that they had had divine help in this adventure too. They called for Bragloid and climbed on top of the huge eagle and at that very moment they were able to hear the fierce cries of the Asuras who had been injured by the twins a few hours ago.

  One of them looked at them and said “You guys have the trophy heads, give it to us otherwise we would make sure that the people on the entire island would be tortured and killed.”

  All the Asuras were wearing some sort of a chain with a big jewel at the centre of their hearts. Idaha quickly was able to grasp that it was some sort of a communication mechanism to let Kalihan know that they were in danger.

  Before the Asuras could take action Pelmec used his mental powers and chanted an incantation and all the jewels were in Pelmec’s hands. All the Asuras gave a frightful cry and ran away from there. At that moment Idaha remembered Acura’s words. He took aim of the Asuras running away from there and sent a volley of darts using his Bow and all of them were reduced to ashes. Pelmec was surprised; he asked “How did you do that?”

  Idaha said “I chanted an incantation and invoked God Fares; he has the capability to burn things in anger, so he helped me in killing all of them.”

  Pelmec was happy that his brother was also back in action mode. When both of them after killing the Asuras near the shape shifting tunnel were thinking what their next action was supposed to be Acura appeared in front of them and said “I have some very bad news Idaha, Olivaha also has been kidnapped but your children are safe with Maya, Maya has entered another dimension where she will be raising your kids, now your job would be to go and get hold of Kalihan and finish him off, so that peace and quiet would prevail on our island.”

  Idaha was now seething with anger. His peaceful demeanor had vanished, he was roaring like a Lion. Pelmec was surprised at the sudden change in Idaha’s mindset.

  Idaha looked at Pelmec and said “I am going to go alone whether someone would be accompany me or not.”

  Pelmec stopped Idaha and said “Brother, anger is not good when it comes to war. Angry soldiers have never been able to win wars, we need to have a strategy before deciding to go further and attack all of them.”

  Idaha calmed down a bit, but the thought of his beautiful wife held captive by Asuras was hitting his mind repeatedly.

  He started moving to and fro without staying calm when Acura started talking “There is one simple way of destroying Kalihan and his army. This is a top secret which would unnecessarily lead to extra problems if it is not executed properly, if both of you promise me that you would follow whatever I would say with respect then I will give you both a great plan.”

  Idaha came back to his senses and said “You are like my father; you have helped me on my journey on this mortal plane, so I will listen to whatever you would say.”

  Acura asked “Did Qazvin give you any compass sort of instrument?”

  Idaha remembered the instrument that Qazvin had given and took it out of his pocket and gave it to Acura.

  Acura said “This is no ordinary instrument; this can be used to bring in great energetic souls from the temporary dimension of ‘GHOZAL’ so as to help humans in their journey while destroying evil people on Earth.”

  Pelmec and Idaha were confused.

  Both of them asked in chorus “But how can we do that?”

  Acura went into a deep meditative state and asked “Do you r
emember the fight with Zotreiver, did you seriously think you won against him?”

  Idaha replied back in the affirmative.

  Acura then nodded his head and said “That was a clear case of possession. Chakra had requested one of the souls from the same dimension to occupy your body so as to complete the task.”

  Acura opened his eyes slowly and said “This does not mean you did not complete the task, you did complete the task but you were also helped with multiple energies in your body. So this instrument can be used to summon any soul so as to help you.”

  Pelmec asked “Can u please explain a bit further?”

  Acura replied back saying “After a birth on Earth, not all of the souls can go to heaven or hell; there are many intermediate planes of existence where many souls go to. Ghozal dimension is closest to Earth where many souls are waiting to complete some left over karma so as to go to better planes or come back to Earth to realize the existence of God. Many souls actually realize after leaving their mortal coils the different sins that they had committed and stay in that dimension waiting to come back to Earth to complete their cycles of soul evolution. In this state they are always eager to get a physical body which is nothing but a vehicle for performing actions. So once you use this instrument it acts as a portal for letting souls enter the earth dimension and occupy a body and complete the karma and go back to the plane from which they came.”

  Pelmec and Idaha were awestruck at the knowledge of Acura.

  “Have your doubts been cleared,” asked Acura?

  Idaha said “I have one doubt. There can be souls with negative energies too right? So how can we summon the right soul to help us out when we would be in need?”

  Acura gave a broad smile and said “Here, let me show you.”

  Acura took the instrument close to both of them and pointed to 2 buttons. There were 2 buttons one in green and one in red.

  He said “If you select the green button then very pious souls would help you out, but the red button would bring in a soul with negative energy which you would need to be careful with, as this can backfire at times.”

  Both of them understood the instrument’s functionality properly and took the blessings of Acura and whistled to get Bragloid on track to get them to the centre of Chonohaush. Both of them climbed on top of the huge eagle and left for the town centre, Acura wished them luck and asked them to be careful.

  The thought of his wife held captive by Kalihan started creating anxiety in Idaha. He started getting palpitations and panic attacks. Pelmec found out that his brother was having trouble with breathing and asked him to relax. He promised Idaha that he would help him get Olivaha to safety and this reassurance hit Idaha’s brain and he slowly started coming out of his panic mode.