Read Tribes Of Chonohaush The Mace And The Bow - Attack By The Asuras PART 1 Page 12

  Chapter 12 – The Grand Plan

  Both of them were calm till they reached the centre of Chonohaush. Pelmec was feeling like as if he had seen all these areas before. Both of them chose an area a few meters away from the centre as they did not want Bragloid to be the cause for their getting caught, a huge bird that he was.

  Both of them got down from Bragloid and asked him to stay put for which he gave a loud grunt as if to say “Yes”.

  Idaha started walking a few feet but was surprised to see that there was no Demon idol which Kalihan was supposed to have been constructing. Idaha and Pelmec decided to go and look for them near the ancient temple of Tarket and to their shock found that the entire temple area had become like a large hospital with many injured people and many slaves who were crying with swollen eyes and ladies moaning at the death of their children. The brothers’ eyes were in tears, but they controlled it as they had no time for sentiments and their job was to save the remaining people of the island.

  They slowly sneaked in and to their luck were able to overhear one of the Asuras say that the sacrifice would be done in the midnight at 12 AM, the same day and that all of them would be given as bait to the demons and that they would become the owners of the island. But they were unlucky because the trophy heads were missing, on hearing the word trophy heads, Pelmec remembered that he had left it on Bragloid and told Idaha that he would be back soon and left to get the trophy heads.

  Idaha was scanning the entire temple floor so as to check out the condition of his wife and his eyes fell on a charming face which looked very tired her long hair which he was so fond of was left uncombed, but had not lost the shine. When his brain gave the impulse to jump straight ahead and save his wife his inner voice stopped him, so he decided to observe everything from a distance.

  At that moment a giant of an Asura came and untied Olivaha and started dragging her by the long hair ,to which Olivaha started objecting and started kicking the floor wildly, Idaha knew something was wrong, Olivaha was being forced into something which she did not like. Idaha had two options either to wait for Pelmec or directly attack, when he remembered regarding the compass which Acura had explained about.

  Idaha took the compass out of his pocket and pressed the green button and only he could immediately see a soul with high energy enter through the light source which the compass was producing and it slowly descended and took possession of Olivaha’s body, ‘what an intelligent fellow I am’ thought Idaha. Olivaha found herself very calm after the possession and she immediately grew red with rage she got rid of the grasp of the Asura tied her long hair into a bun and gave a resounding kick to the chest of the oppressor and he fell down completely life less.

  Olivaha covered her face with her palms and started crying as she knew she was not that violent and she could not have killed the Asura. The people suffering the torture at the hands of the Asuras were all happy and started giving a huge round of applause, the remaining Asuras knew something was wrong and started running to the basement where Kalihan was believed to be getting everything ready for sacrificing the people to the ‘DEMON’.

  Idaha finding the entire floor to be empty and without the presence of the Asuras went ahead and hugged Olivaha tightly. Olivaha on seeing Idaha also reciprocated and both of them enjoyed their bit of romance.

  Pelmec on the other hand was slowly sneaking and crawling so as to avert the Asuras as he knew he had little time to lose. When he reached the place, he found Bragloid chewing on some Acacia leaves, Pelmec found that the trophy heads were hanging out and that there was no problem with them but when he was about to grab them and run towards the temple area 2 giant Asuras came and stood in front of him.

  The first one told the second one “Look at this puny little warrior; he has come here to save the island and the people.”

  The second Asura said “Yes, but forget about that, see the trophy heads that he has got with him, if we take this and give it to Boss then he would be very happy with us.”

  Pelmec wanted to take evasive action and run away as fast as he could with the ‘Trophy Heads’ but a warrior that he was, his ego prevented him from running away.

  So he challenged them and said “fight with me one by one if both of you are males and I will make sure that you will go back running to your Boss crying” and gave a sarcastic smile.

  This agitated the Asuras, they agreed to the proposal. Pelmec kept the trophy heads on top of Bragloid and got ready for the fight. A fierce fight took place between the three, though one of the Asuras was simply standing and watching, Pelmec started fighting with one of the Asuras and on the word go started hammering the Asura using his mace repeatedly but it had no effect on him. Pelmec was being beaten black and blue by the Asura when all of a sudden there was an energy surge, Pelmec became as aggressive as a Lion, he threw the mace away and jumped on top of the Asura and started chewing the neck so badly that the Asura collapsed on the spot, the other Asura on seeing this ran away back into the basement of the temple.

  Pelmec was surprised at the sudden change in his energy and was back to normal, he knew some extra energy had forced him to do it so he looked in all directions and was happy to see Idaha playing with the compass that Qazvin had given him.

  Idaha winked at Pelmec and Pelmec gave a broad smile, he asked “How did you know that I was in danger?”

  Idaha said “Acura appeared for a second when I was standing with Olivaha and told me that he has a grand plan for us tonight, but before that he asked me first to come and help you near the tree and disappeared. So I came in search of you and sent energy from the Ghozal dimension to take possession of your body and it helped you win over these scoundrels.”

  Pelmec was very happy at the thought of Acura having a grand plan for them. He had got bored of killing people and he wanted peace and quiet for some time in his life.

  Pelmec asked “How is Olivaha?”

  Idaha replied back “She is fine, especially after she drove away the Asura who was trying to ill-treat her, but I have asked all the remaining people on the floor of the temple to behave like they do not have any form of help and that they are helpless, because I do not want anyone to know that we have come here to help them.”

  Pelmec said “But, the one who ran away would have told them right?”

  Idaha said “Wrong, that guy ran in the opposite direction out of fear and jumped into an old well present here where water is used to clean the temple idols.”

  Pelmec was surprised at his own strength, though internally he knew it was the energy from another dimension which had helped him, he still wanted to take credit for it.

  Idaha asked Pelmec to wait there for sometime as he was expecting Acura to appear at any moment and give them a heads up about the Grand Plan. At the expected time Acura arrived this time as a shepherd. Idaha gave a loud laugh but immediately controlled it as he did not want to offend a very old man.

  Acura blessed both of them and told them in a whisper “Now, listen to me both of you, I have a very old plan of mine which many of the previous heroes have used whom I had trained. It is a very simple task, please enter the temple using the basement and there you will find three lamps, if you light all the three lamps then after a few minutes one of the idols holding a lightning rod in its hand will come to life. It will destroy everything in its direction including the Asuras. But you both will have to make sure that all the innocent people out there are safe before you light the three lamps, and one more important thing (pause) , you will have to light the lamps using a wooden flute which I have in my bag, there is a very ancient musical note which when played will lead to the lamps glowing on their own and the God of Lightning ‘Tindher’ will come to life on Earth and will destroy all evils, but here is the twist these demigods know that everything happening on Earth is just an illusion so they will try their best to attack everything in their path, so you will have to make sure that all these things are done in a very quick manner. Is that understood?”

p; Idaha and Pelmec were both happy. But both of them had the same doubts, how were they going to make sure that the people were first cordoned off the basement area of the temple. For this Acura gave them a brilliant idea.

  He said “Worry not my boys; I have another brilliant plan for this. The nectar of immortality.”

  “What” asked the twins in chorus?

  Acura replied back “Yes, the nectar is a true thing, but little do these people know that there is a simple way of extracting this from the human brain and people need not look for it from some other source.”

  Idaha asked “But how can we both make sure that they are lured into it?”

  Acura gave a smile and said “Do you remember snatching away their jewels while getting the trophy heads?”

  Pelmec said “Yes I remember.”

  Acura started explaining his second part of the plan which they were supposed to execute first.

  “So, what you both are supposed to do now, is to take this bag which contains deposits of mercury, fill their jewels with mercury and leave it somewhere where their eyes would fall on these jewels, and leave a trail of mercury on the floor, these idiots are so dull-witted that they would run after the mercury and seizing the opportunity, you both can do the needful and make sure that the people are saved.”

  Idaha felt that Acura was one in a million, his ideas seemed very childish but he knew that it had some hidden meaning in it as well. When both of them had received the mercury deposits and the bottles to hold the mercury, Acura told them one thing before surprisingly disappearing “make sure you carry the trophy heads, do not forget to carry that with you.”

  Before Pelmec and Idaha could ask the reason Acura had already vanished. Pelmec and Idaha started walking towards the back entrance of the temple as instructed by Acura. Before using the flight of stairs to get down to the basement Idaha and Pelmec filled the jewels with mercury, kept their reserves of mercury to fool the Asuras and the trophy heads along with them and started on the last part of their journey to destroy the remaining Asuras along with their leader Kalihan.