Read Tribes Of Chonohaush The Mace And The Bow - Ghozal Dimension Part 2 Page 8

  Chapter 21 – Blood Barracks

  Vittal was leading the entire army on their journey from Salt Sea to the Blood Barracks. But he had a doubt lurking in his mind; he did not know why Acura had asked him to lead such a large army just to retrieve a weapon which belonged to his brother.

  He knew that there was more to this, but anyways they were all brave soldiers who were ready to take on anything.

  They toiled hard so as to reach the Blood Barracks on foot. Acura had informed them that they had to stop at a place where a red river would be flowing. All of them were shocked on seeing a red river flowing furiously. Little did they know that they had entered the ‘Kingdom of Bhuta’ being ruled by a mighty race of blood thirsty vampires?

  Vittal gave a smile, somewhere his soul had realized that he had been sent here to destroy these creatures that were related to Kalihan. Bhuta the half-brother of Kalihan was also highly active on earth. Vittal thought there were many things unknown to people on earth and it is only God who knows where bad things are happening on earth and he was the only one who could send his eternal servants to bring back peace and love on earth.

  Vittal’s eyes fell on a very ancient temple. The moment he saw the temple he could remember that he had played there as a child with his brother Tindher who had now been elevated to the position of a demi-god. He knew that the ‘Triad’ would still be present there. When Vittal was trying to enter the temple there was a very bad noise which brought in a nauseating feeling in all of them. Vittal saw that a huge vampire was flying towards them.

  Bhuta descended. He gave an ugly smile and said “How dare you enter our kingdom, do not forget we like the blood of humans very much. Get out at once!”

  Vittal said “We have been sent by God to retrieve the ‘Triad’ and we all have been trained to kill everyone and everything on the path to our victory.”

  There was a huge round of applause from the army that Vittal was commanding.

  Bhuta said “Your wish,” and gave a loud screeching noise and within seconds they were being attacked by vampires, a few soldiers who were caught unawares became prey to the blood thirsty vampires. The others started fighting them off bravely, slowly the demi-God army started gaining an upper hand and the army of the vampires started getting decimated. But there was one problem the leader of the army Bhuta was a magician, he knew the art of becoming small and big in no time. Though his army was decimated his will power was still strong, he gave a war cry which scared a few of the soldiers fighting on Vittal’s side, but Vittal brother of Lord Tindher that he was knew nothing about fear, he also charged with full force at Bhuta, there was a loud sound, the God of Thunder was observing everything, he knew that his son Vittal was engaged in battle with a vicious creature. It looked like as if Bhuta was very powerful what with so much negative energy filled inside his soul. Tindher and Vittal were sons of the ‘God of Thunder’, one had got elevated to the status of demi-god and the other was still in mortal form, resurrected so as to complete his mission and go back to heaven.

  Vittal was fully charged but somehow he was unable to beat Bhuta in the duel. At that precise moment Bhuta with a negative mindset summoned a weapon which was against the rules of a duel, Vittal was without a weapon, his defeat was certain but he was supposed to retrieve the Triad. God of Thunder the ethereal being using his mystic powers summoned the Triad from the temple and Vittal all of a sudden was holding the Triad in his hand. His heart filled with happiness and he used the triad to cut-off the head of Bhuta. The moment Bhuta died the entire dark kingdom was filled with sunlight and there was once again flora and fauna everywhere.

  The army cheered for their leader. Vittal was still surprised when he was able to see his father smiling at him near the clouds, he paid his respects and off they went to the place where Acura and the others had gone in disguise.

  Little did Vittal know that the temple was Blood Barracks, he was infuriated at the thought of his brother’s temple being named as Blood Barracks but then he thought that the reason why it had been named that way was because of Bhuta ruling that place.

  The moment Bhuta had been killed the other vampires who were injured had vanished into thin air. All of them started on their return journey towards the Death Drink where a massive war was going to take place.

  On the other hand Idaha, Pelmec, Vilom, Guido and Jeneele were almost reaching the monastery where they had been asked to go to by Brahm.