Read Tumbledown Page 14

  Chapter 14

  Maddie told Dylan what happened when they arrived at the first check-point and waited for his response.

  “You left Lissa and John to be taken by the 1st?”

  “There was nothing else to be done if I had stayed then they would have us all and there would be no-one to take care of Lana.”

  “From what you have said Lana is most likely dead anyway and I would rather they had you than Lissa.”

  “Did you not hear me when I said we were betrayed? They knew we were coming.”

  “Stop talking now I need to think.”

  Dylan heard Maddie alright and difficult as it was to hear it was more difficult to think that Patrice would betray him like this.

  “There is nothing to think about we need to get them back and quickly.”

  The outsider was talking nonsense there was no getting anyone back once they had been taken.

  “How do you suggest we do that Maddie? Should we storm the Capital with our ragtag army of Imps?”

  What was wrong with these people that they were ready to give up on the ones they loved so easily?”

  “Yes Dylan if that is what it takes we do exactly that.”

  Jerome was listening intently to the conversation between Dylan and Maddie.

  “Who is it that betrayed you Dylan?”

  “That is yet to be established and when I find out you will be informed.”

  Jerome had the feeling that Dylan already knew who it was.

  “If it is someone inside your camp then you need to deal with it as soon as possible.”

  Dylan was not about to take orders from a complete stranger and was in no mood to be diplomatic.

  “They were in your territory when they were captured and it seems to me that you did nothing to protect them or warn them so I will not be lectured by you on the security of my camp.”

  Jerome was not a man to give up easily when he had a point to make.

  “The only people that knew John was bringing Maddie back to us were you and others in your camp or am I mistaken?”

  “We will discuss this when we are back and not before.”

  Maddie immediately thought of Dylan’s contact in the Capital when Jerome asked this question.

  “Dylan it may not be the right time to ask but could it be that when you contacted the city you gave away our plans?”

  There it was she had asked the question that Dylan had been asking himself and the only answer that made sense was yes.

  “As far as I am concerned Maddie you and John lost Lissa. That is all that I care about right now so do not speak to me and that goes for your friends too.”

  The silence on the way back to Dylan’s camp was awkward bordering on the unbearable but Maddie was determined she would not be the one to break it.

  “Maddie and you come with me to my hut.”

  Jerome followed Maddie into Dylan’s large residence.

  “I have a contact in the city as you know Maddie and I have thought about what you have said. Yes you are right I think that he may have been the one to inform on us.”

  Jerome jumped in straight away with both feet.

  “Does this man know of your position here and the strength of your numbers?”

  “I am sorry Dylan I know it must hurt that someone you trust has done this to you but if we are to rescue Lissa and John we need to know.”

  Dylan looked at the sympathetic Maddie and troubled Jerome before making the decision to call Patrice.

  “As you have probably guessed Maddie I am in possession of a Sat-Phone which was given to me by my contact. I will use it now to try and find out where they are and if there is anything to be done.”

  Anything to be done what was he talking about? There was only one thing to be done and that was to get them back thought Maddie.”


  “Hello Dylan my boy it is good to hear from you it has been a long time.”

  It was the unmistakeable voice of the First Minister Jarod Holt, the voice that had terrified Dylan as a child.

  “Hello Father, where is Patrice?”

  “He is bringing some rebel Imps back to the capital at the moment, I am sure that I can get him to call you back when he returns.”

  Dylan knew that his Father was playing with him.

  “How long have you known that I have been talking to Patrice?”

  “Why my boy how disappointing that you have not realised it was me that gave Patrice the Sat-Phone that you are now speaking to me on. Did you really think that he had the wit or resource to find one on his own? On second thoughts please do not answer that question I am already disappointed in you enough.”

  “What is it that you want from me?”

  Maddie and Jerome could only hear one side of the conversation and were finding it very frustrating.

  “Do you know who he is talking to?”

  Jerome shook his head and continued to listen.

  “I want the girl Patrice seemed to think she was with you and for once I think he was right. I suggest a swap Lysette for the girl.”

  “Wait I will get back to you.”

  Dylan ended the call and looked to Jerome and Maddie.

  “They want you Maddie and they are willing to swap you for Lissa.”

  Jerome knew full well that Dylan was talking to Jarod Holt; he had known all along that they were father and son as had John.

  “You called him father; does your father have influence with the State?”

  “It does not matter who I was talking to what matters is that nothing he says can be trusted.”

  “I will gladly give myself up for Lissa and John.”

  “And I would give you up in a heartbeat if I thought for one second that my father would keep to such a bargain. The truth is he would have you both and I am even tempted to let him have you for leaving Lissa behind as you did.”

  “Without Maddison you have no chance of getting them back.”

  Dylan looked quizzically at Jerome before asking what the hell he meant.

  “I mean that Maddison can help to change things here for all of us and you can be a part of that change.”

  Maddie remembered what Lissa said about Dylan not wanting anything to change.

  “You are a fool that sounds like John and look where that has got him, are you the one that filled his head with such dangerous thinking?”

  “Yes I spent many months with John and like me he could see the injustice here in Velaria but it was only when the stories of Maddison reached us that John put up the idea to use her as a symbol for change.”

  More crazy talk thought Dylan.

  “You are not going to change anything here all that will happen is Imps will suffer.”

  “Dylan you know that they are already suffering you were the one that showed me how much.”

  “I cannot bear to look at you Maddie if not for you Lissa would still be here.”

  Maddie put her hand on Dylan’s shoulder as he turned his back to her.

  “We need to go and get them Dylan. If Jerome is right and the Imps will follow me we can march into the Capital together.”

  Jerome was not ready for this kind of madness.

  “Yes Maddison we can get the rest of my people behind you but first we must let them know of your bravery and then make our stand.”

  Maddie could see Jerome backing away from her and could only think that he was still thinking protest not revolution.

  “We need to do something big to bring the Imps together, something to show that we can make a difference.”

  Dylan looked intrigued.

  “What did you have in mind Maddie? Like I said storming the capital is not a sane idea.”

  Lana was in total fear of Juvinescence as were most of the other Imps what if we were to take the reason for that fear away thought Maddie.

  “Juvi we release all of the Imps from Juvi, once we have them all out we march to the Capital picking up Imps from every town and village on the

  Now both Dylan and Jerome were looking at Maddie as if she were crazy, it reminded her of how Lana had looked at her when they first met.

  “You want change Jerome and you want Lissa back Dylan well I have just given you both a way to get what you want.”

  “How do we free the prisoners from Juvi? It is a fortified city.”

  “Find Jinn for me he escaped from there and if he can get out then he can get us in.”

  Dylan looked sceptical.

  “A skinny twelve year old tells stories of escaping from Juvi and you believe him, you really are crazy.”

  Maddie turned and left Dylan with Jerome.


  Maddie was shouting at the top of her voice and had no intention of stopping until she uncovered the whereabouts of Jinn.

  “You will awaken the whole camp.”

  “That is right Dylan I will awaken the whole camp and once they are awake I will find Jinn.”

  “He is here what do you want with him? It is late and we need to sleep.”

  It was George who had found the boy.

  “Thank you George now stay and all of you others should listen to what I have to say to.”

  Maddie looked at a confused Jinn before continuing.

  “This boy has been inside Juvi and he escaped he is going to show us how to get inside and we are going to release all of the Imps inside.”

  “I don’t know what you are talking about, I have never set foot inside Juvi everyone knows once you go in you never come out.”

  Maddie was not surprised at Jinn’s reaction to her plan.

  “Jinn and the rest of you should know that Lana is lying unconscious due to saving me from a Cad who would certainly have cut me down with his Lektro if not for her bravery. Lissa and John are on their way to the Capital as I speak, you should also know that this camp has been betrayed by a so-called friend in the city. Jinn you told Lana that you were in Juvi and I believe that to be true even if she did not believe you I do.”

  Dylan watched as Maddie spoke to his people and though he thought her plan insane could not help but admire the conviction she conveyed to them.

  “It is true we have been betrayed and we have to move from here but that does not mean that we have to give up the freedom that we have. Tomorrow morning we will make ready to leave so you all need to get as much sleep as you can. Jinn you come with Maddie and me for the time being.”

  “Dylan speaks of freedom but here you have built your freedom on an ocean of ignorance and soon enough the crushing waves of authority from the State will drown you all.”

  After Maddie’s sobering words the crowd dispersed leaving Jerome, Dylan and Jinn alone with her.

  “Come back into my hut you three.”

  “Look Dylan I don’t know anything about Juvi and I think that I should get to sleep with the others if we are leaving.”

  “I know you are scared Jinn but we need your help and I know that Lana would expect you to show courage right now.”

  Maddie did not like lying to the boy but she thought it the only way to elicit his co-operation.

  “Lana doesn’t like me very much; she says that I smell funny.”

  “You don’t know much about women do you boy the very fact that Lana says you smell when you clearly don’t says that she likes you.”

  “Yes my boy Dylan is right after all you cannot expect logic from the female brain now can you.”

  No sexism here my foot thought Maddie that last remark by Jerome could have come from home.

  “It is not as if I expect you to lead us into Juvi all I want is for you to show us how you escaped.”

  With the three of them working on him Jinn eventually admitted that he had been a prisoner at Juvi.

  “It is a terrible place I never want to go back there and you should keep away from there to.”

  After his admission it was relatively easy to extract the information that they needed from the boy.

  “You should go back to your hut Jinn.”

  Jinn was relieved to be getting out of there but had to ask a question of his own before leaving.

  “Is Lana going to be alright?”

  Maddie could see how concerned the boy was and tried to be gentle with him.

  “I don’t know for sure Jinn but I do know that Lana has courage and determination, I may not have known her for long but I have seen the strength of her spirit and I cannot believe for a moment that she will not come back from this.”

  All that Jinn heard was the words before the word but in Maddie’s sentence anything after these were lost as he thought about never seeing Lana again.

  “Now that the boy is gone and you know how to get into Juvinescence you can tell me how this gets Lissa back?”

  Dylan like Maddie only really had one objective on his mind and that was getting back the one person in the world that he cared about.

  “You and I Dylan will go to Juvi to release all of the prisoners that are there. Once we have achieved this we will meet up with Jerome who will bring as many Imps as he can with him. Your people will disperse tomorrow and make their way to Jerome’s village and he will find a way to accommodate them.”

  Dylan was not convinced of Maddie’s plan and Jerome looked decidedly sceptical.

  “You and me just you and me against armed State police are going to get into Juvi and then get everyone out. Once again I ask how we pull off this miracle?”

  Maddie was beginning to lose patience with the two men’s attitude.

  “We have a way in and once we are inside we will figure a way to release them. If you do not intend to help me then please don’t keep putting up obstacles and just get out of my way. Lissa would have had the courage and the will to do anything to get you back Dylan.”

  Dylan was not Impressed by Maddie’s words or moved by their passion.

  “I will go with you Maddie but remember I hold you responsible for Lissa’s capture and if anything should happen to her then I will not forgive you.”

  The threat to Maddie was very real and she knew that if Lissa was not returned to Dylan her life would be in danger from him.

  “I will take Tariq and the truck back with me tonight and make preparations to get the word out. As soon as you have released the prisoners start your march towards the Capital Maddison and we will join you at an appropriate time.”

  Maddie knew that Jerome would only join them if they were successful and that was alright by her.

  “The appropriate time is now Jerome and you should start to gather your people as soon as you return.”

  Jerome thought the whole plan was doomed to failure but he also knew that he would never have Maddie’s as an ally so long as John was a prisoner of the Cads.

  “Is there any way that you can stall your father Dylan?”

  “My father is not a fool and he knows that I would never trust him to keep his word so I don’t believe that he will hold off coming for us because of anything that I say to him.”

  Maddie still thought that it a good idea to try.

  “We have nothing to lose here Dylan and even if there is a chance that we can gain some time then I think you should try.”

  Dylan retrieved his Sat-Phone and made the call.


  “Yes Dylan it was rather rude of you to disappear like that.”

  “When did you have in mind for the trade?”

  “Dylan we both know that you have no intention of trading the girl for Lissa so please do not take me for a fool, it is not Patrice you are dealing with now.”

  “What are your plans for Lissa?”

  “I intend to have her publicly flogged then thrown into Juvi as I am sure you suspected.”

  “If you touch her I will come for you and end you.”

  “Such passion my boy and for a fellow Cadet, you are to be admired.”

  The strong deep voice
of his father was beginning to irritate Dylan.

  “You may think that you have all the power there but it only takes one lone assassin to take it from you.”

  “Is that what you have become Dylan an assassin that sneaks in through windows to ply his filthy trade?”

  “You would do well to heed my words father harm Lissa and you will regret it.”

  “It is good to hear that you have finally found the strength to stand-up to me my boy but it will do you no good my men are on their way.”

  The Sat-Phone went dead in Dylan’s hand.

  “There is no time my father has sent his men and I believe they will be here before morning.”

  Jerome was the first to find his feet.

  “You two warn the others then disappear, I will find Tariq and leave immediately.”

  Maddie and Dylan went from hut to hut quietly waking everyone in the camp.

  “Jinn you need to gather your belongings and leave now.”

  “I will come with you Maddie I want to show you how to get into Juvi myself.”

  The gesture was not necessary thought Maddie but she could see how much the boy wanted to be of use.

  “Get your things ready and meet me at Dylan’s hut.”

  It took half the night but Dylan and Maddie finally got around the whole camp.

  “We need to leave now and it is going to be difficult to navigate our way in the dark so just follow me.”

  Jinn disagreed with Dylan and then looked down to the ground.

  “You should both follow me I know these woods better than anyone and I can take you out of here with my eyes closed.”

  Dylan looked unsure but Maddie wanted to trust the eager boy.

  “We will follow you Jinn but if you are uncertain at any time just say so.”

  Jinn smiled at Maddie for the first time that night and she noticed how rotten his teeth were.

  “I can get us out of here don’t you worry ‘bout that.”

  The brush that Jinn was taking them through was thick and the night pitch black but this did not seem to slow his pace as he pushed on ahead of them.

  “You think he knows where he is taking us?”

  Maddie nodded to Dylan positively though she did not feel that positive on the inside.

  “It is getting light Jinn and we are still in the thick of it.”

  “I know but this is the quickest way through and we are nearly through now.”

  Dylan and Maddie followed the boy for another hour before getting through the brush and felt exhausted by their efforts.

  “Well done Jinn we are well away from the camp now and no-one would be able to follow our path through all of that.”

  Jinn soaked up the praise and went fishing for more.

  “Thanks but that is nothing you wait until I get you to Juvi then you will see how useful I can be.”

  “I am sure of that it was wise of Maddie to think to bring you along.”

  Jinn looked at Maddie as if waiting for her to say something.

  “It was not my idea Jinn volunteered to come with us and I am glad that he did.”

  The look of pleasure on the boy’s face told Maddie that he did not receive compliments ever.

  “I know the way to Juvi from here Jinn but we will have need of you when we get closer.”

  The boy’s time in the spotlight was over for now and the disappointment showed on his face.”

  “I can’t wait to tell Lana of how you helped to free the prisoners from Juvi and how you got us away in the dead of night from the camp.”

  Maddie was laying it on a little thick thought Dylan but he could see that the boy thrived on her recognition of his deeds.

  “Come on you two we need to move if we are to get to our destination.”

  Maddie really wanted to ask Dylan how far Juvi was but did not feel that he wanted to talk to her.

  “When we get there I will go in alone there is no need for you two to put yourself in danger.”

  Maddie’s words were met with silence.

  “Do you think that you can find the way in for me Jinn?”

  “Yes it is not difficult for one person to slip in or out of Juvi especially if you are young enough.”

  “Do you mean small enough jinn? As you can see I am not exactly small.”

  “No I mean they do not shoot at children if they see one of the older’s getting through they shoot them but the guards don’t like to shoot kids.”

  Dylan was beginning to question that Jinn had even been in Juvi.

  “That makes no sense are you sure that you were ever in there? I mean you are only twelve and they don’t put you in there until you are eightteen.”

  “There are loads of kids in there my age and younger, I was put there when I was ten and the Academy didn’t want me they said there was nowhere else for me to go.”

  Dylan did not look as though he believed the boy but said nothing further on the matter.

  “Jinn did you see many other kids escape?”

  “Not too many most of us were too scared to try I only did it because I was starving and I could not fight the bigger kids for food.”

  “Did they see you leave Jinn?”

  “I am not sure but the guards have spotlights and they sweep the place every night so it is not easy to get out without being seen. I just made a run for it when the light was not on me and never looked back.”

  Maddie was being genuine when she said.

  “That was very brave of you Jinn.”