Read Werelove #1: Dusk Conspiracy Page 19

  Henry hated it when Jacques was right. “Make sure she stays in her room except for school tomorrow. When she comes home, keep her confined to the house.”

  Jacques bowed. “Yes, my Alpha.”

  “Come, my Betas, we have things to discuss.” Putting thoughts of his daughter aside, Henry walked to his study. He had a she-wolf to destroy.

  Chapter 46

  Britta moodily paced in her room. She had tried calling Laylah’s e-comm and each time Jacques answered and said Laylah was busy. She didn’t buy that excuse. Laylah never missed a call from her. Their friendship had endured ten years so far and Laylah was predictable in her habits. No, something was going on.

  It was early evening and the Newsome house was buzzing with last minute preparations for Friday night’s party. Britta decided to try again. Maybe this time Jacques would let her speak to Laylah.

  She put on her ear comm and impatiently waited for the call to connect. Britta wasn’t surprised when Jacques answered. “Mr. Jacques, before you give me the same tired excuse, I want to say I only need one minute with her. Please? I need to hear her voice and know she’s all right.” She heard him sigh.

  “Britta, Laylah’s grounded. She’s lost all privileges. You’ll have to wait until tomorrow at school to speak to her. Good evening, Miss Newsome.”

  “Wait! Drat it all!” She shouted in frustration. Jacques had terminated the call. “I can’t believe he hung up on me!” She resumed pacing. “I know! I’ll get Donil to help her. I will not have my best friend miss my party.”

  Grinning, Britta placed the call. Donil answered immediately and sounded distracted.

  “Hello? Britta?”

  “Yes, Donil, it’s me. What are you doing? Got a minute?”

  “For you, Britta, always. What’s up?”

  “It’s Laylah. She got in a fight today at school and the principal sent her home. I’ve tried calling several times and Jacques won’t let me speak to her. He told me she’s grounded. At this rate, Laylah won’t be able to come to my party. I was hoping maybe you can find someone to sneak her out and get her here tomorrow night.”

  Donil was quiet for so long Britta thought he’d disconnected. She wasn’t prepared for the fury in his tone when he did respond.

  “She got in a fight today? When? And with whom, Britta?”

  “At lunch. Violet is a bully who torments Laylah every day, but today she beat up Laylah. I tried to help, but couldn't get to Laylah.”

  “I see. Of course Henry would punish Laylah,” Donil growled.

  “I know. He’s such a jerk! I can’t wait for her to turn eighteen.”

  “Britta, I hate to cut you off, but I have to go. Don’t worry. I promise Laylah will be at your party tomorrow.”

  Britta grinned. “I knew I could count on you. Buenas noches, Donil!”

  He chuckled and hung up. Now she could rest. Donil never broke a promise.


  Jacques was in a foul mood. He laid the blame squarely at Henry’s feet. His Alpha’s arrival had upset everyone.

  As usual, Henry was more intent on punishing Laylah for things beyond her control. Jacques had to admit that he was shocked when Henry had backhanded Laylah. As far back as he could recall, Henry had never resorted to such an overtly aggressive response to one of Laylah’s perceived acts of disobedience.

  It was new, puzzling, and a cause for concern. Jacques stared at the security screens. He felt like a coward hiding out in the security room.

  “I shouldn’t have yelled at her. She only wanted to hug me.” Ashamed and angry at his tumultuous emotions, Jacques quickly left the office and headed for the forest. He needed to run and clear his head.

  Jacques shifted into his black wolf form and raced into the woods. Tonight a full moon hung in the starry sky. Happiness welled up in his soul and he howled his joy. He quickened his pace and continued to give voice to his most primal feelings.

  Jacques heard forest creatures scatter from his path. Any other time he would have hunted, but tonight’s agenda was to feel less guilty about not interceding on Laylah’s behalf. Maybe she did need better protection than a stupid old man that couldn’t stand up for her. It galled Jacques to think that way, but perhaps it was the truth.

  ::I always seem to catch you at bad moments.::

  ::Stefan! Why are you talking to me? You know the rules!::

  ::Forget the rules, Jacques. My insider says Zina will make another grab at Laylah really soon. No date or location yet though. You need to be ready, not distracted.::

  ::Vague as usual. Laylah is safe and happy. Besides, the role of doting uncle doesn’t suit you. You have nothing to worry about, Stefan.::

  ::I seriously doubt that, Jacques. Maybe your eyesight is going bad, because the last time I checked, a large bruise, scrapes and an aching body does not make a person safe or happy.::

  Jacques stopped in the middle of the clearing, sides heaving after his hard run. ::What do you want, Stefan?::

  ::I’m trying to understand why it’s so hard for you to keep my niece safe. Laylah gets beaten up and, instead of comfort, you give her the cold shoulder. Oh, how the self-righteous have fallen. You claim to be a protector, but you’re failing miserably. I hope you can sleep at night knowing that she’s suffering, Jacques..::

  ::Shut up! Just shut up! If you bother me again, I will tell Henry and you’ll have something bigger to worry about than Laylah’s social life.:: Jacques knew he sounded peevish, but he didn’t care. Stefan’s words had pricked his conscience.

  ::I see how it is then. Well, when it all goes to hell, don’t say I didn’t warn you. You once were the best, Jacques. Too bad Henry’s destroyed that part of you.::

  Jacques growled, but it was pointless. Stefan’s mental touch was gone. He threw back his head and gave a hair-raising mournful howl of self-recrimination before resuming his run from his inner demons.

  Chapter 47

  Laylah lay in bed and stared at the ceiling. She’d gotten only a few hours of sleep, not that it mattered. Her father’s words kept replaying in her head. He had called her a failure and a liar. Laylah hated him for his harsh words. The slap had shocked her to the core. What hurt most was Jacques and Naiya allowing it. She didn’t understand why. She thought they were on her side.

  She flung her arm across her face to cover her eyes from the dawn light that peeked through her balcony doors. “Britta will be mad if I miss her party. My luck’s always bad,” Laylah grumbled. She heard a knock on the door.

  Laylah didn’t bother responding. It would be Naiya on the other side. Laylah decided that it was time to give both Naiya and Jacques the silent treatment. She would show them that she had feelings, too!

  “Good morning, Laylah.” Naiya waltzed in with a smile as she turned on the lights. “Get dressed and come eat.” She stopped at the foot of the bed and stared pointedly at Laylah.

  Laylah unblinkingly regarded her caretaker. She was not going to move until she was ready. Secure in her plan, Laylah didn’t budge from her spot. She also ignored Naiya’s irritated glare.

  “I see. Don’t take too long. Your food will get cold if you do, Laylah.”

  Laylah waited until Naiya left before getting dressed. She made sure to take a long time, which meant skipping breakfast, but she would live. Laylah left her room and saw Jacques waiting at the bottom of the stairs.

  “Come on or you’ll be late,” Jacques growled.

  Laylah went past Jacques to the front door and found her way blocked by her father. She froze. There was that air about him like yesterday. Laylah didn’t want Father to hit her again so she remained silent.

  “Your refusal to speak reinforces my low opinion of you, Daughter. Such childishness is improper behavior for a Le Croix. I will be extending the amount of time you are grounded. Perhaps that will correct this attitude of yours. I expect you to be at the appropriate pick-up spot this afternoon. There shall be no complications. And if you do get into another fight with a classm
ate, have the decency to win.”

  Laylah gritted her teeth at his cruelty. “Yes, Sir.”

  Her father stepped aside and she ran out the door, wanting only to get away from his stifling presence. Sullenly, Laylah got in the limo and during the drive she wondered how Britta would take the news of her being forced to miss the party.

  Laylah’s thoughts were going everywhere as she hurried inside the academy. Britta pounced on her and looped her arm through Laylah’s.

  “Britta, I have to tell you...”

  “Not now, Laylah. We have to talk, during lunch. Make sure to go to the music room at that time and I’ll explain.”


  “Later, mi amiga!” Britta waved and got lost in the flow of changing classes.

  Laylah stood there, unsure how to react. When a passing boy bumped into her, she hurried to her first period class. Laylah fretted all morning and was distracted to the point of not hearing any lectures. Her first two professors ignored her lack of attention. Mr. Mozar, however, was not amused.

  “…and so our ancestors wanted to avoid repeating mistakes of the past and instituted the Accords of 2130. Miss Le Croix!”

  “Huh?” Laylah blinked and focused on the irate history professor standing next to her desk.

  “Miss Le Croix, pray tell what were you doing just now?”

  Frantically Laylah thought of a plausible excuse. “What I was doing just now, was, uh, trying to, uh, pay attention because my face hurts!” Laylah blushed at the laughter her words produced.

  Mozar’s expression softened for a second and she thought he might let everything slide. His next words lay that hope to rest.

  “Miss Le Croix, blaming inattentiveness on surface pain does not impress me. What will impress me is the five-page essay you will hand in on Monday discussing the topic of the Human-Were War of 2150. Understood?”

  “Yes, sir.” Laylah slumped in her seat and stared at her desk.

  “Good. Now, let’s continue with the lecture on the Accords of 2130.”

  Laylah glared at Mr. Mozar’s back as he moved away from her desk. She took notes for the rest of class and headed to the music room after the bell rang. Along the way, smells from the cafeteria made her waver, but curiosity won and five minutes later she knocked on the music room door.

  Britta flung it open and yanked her inside. Laylah stumbled and Britta caught her.

  “Whew! Thanks!” Laylah straightened and faced her friend. “Okay, what is going on? Why all the secrecy? Besides, we never miss lunch. Ever.”

  Britta laughed. “Are you that eager for a rematch with Violet?”

  “No! It’s…never mind.” Laylah squirmed under her friend’s sudden scrutiny. “What? Look, I have to tell you something before I lose my nerve. Please don’t…”

  “Be mad because you're grounded and can’t come to my party?” Britta interrupted.

  “Wait! How did you…I mean…”

  “Oh, I figured as much when Jacques wouldn’t let me speak to you last night. So, I made a backup plan.”

  Laylah eyed Britta suspiciously. “Backup plan? Now, hold on a minute! You know how it is at home. Once Jacques gets me and takes me there, I’ll be locked in my room. The only other way out of my room is the balcony. Unless you can grow me a pair of wings, I’m stuck in there!”

  Britta took her hand and patted it. “Calm down before you hyperventilate, Amiga. I said I had a plan. Hey, Chicos! Come on in!”

  “Chicos?” Laylah pulled away and stared at the side door that opened. In strolled Donil and three other men she didn’t recognize. Her gaze however, returned to Donil. Her heart was racing and she smiled shyly in Donil's direction. “Hello.” She was afraid if she said more her words wouldn’t come out right.

  “Donil, you didn’t lie when you said she was a beauty!”

  Laylah blushed and noticed the speaker was slightly shorter than Donil and broad-shouldered. His brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail.

  “Matt, stop teasing her,” Donil growled.

  Donil came to Laylah and halted a few feet away. His focus was fully on her. Any other time Laylah would be terrified, but she felt only respect from Donil. He did not impose his will on her. He always gave her time to think.

  “You have to excuse my cousin, Laylah. He thinks he’s a comedian.”

  “I don’t think, I know I am. Besides, you’d be a stick in the mud if I didn’t liven things up.” Matt stuck his hand out. “Pleased to meet you, Laylah.”

  Laylah took his hand and was surprised by Matt's gentle grip. They shook hands and Matt stepped back.

  “This is Benji,” Donil pointed to the lanky young man to his left and then to the man next to him. “And that's Leo, his brother. They are friends of mine who can’t resist a damsel in distress.”

  “Stop it, Donil. You four are going to frighten her into not going along with the plan,” Britta scolded and draped an arm across Laylah’s shoulders.

  “Britta, Laylah’s not scared, at least not of us. I want to know, do you trust me, Laylah?”

  Laylah peered into Donil’s face and saw friendly concern and honesty in his blue eyes. She gulped and wavered between ingrained obedience to her father’s edicts and the urge to rebel.

  “Laylah, you’re almost eighteen. You’ve never had fun with your peers or even gone to the mall by yourself. Don’t you think it’s time you worried about Laylah and live a little?” Donil urged.

  “Yes, Donil.” Laylah found herself suddenly held in his strong arms. She desperately wanted his approval as much as she wanted to go to the party. Getting a hug from him was a bonus. Laylah snuggled closer, enjoying his body’s warmth. “Yes, I want to live!”

  “Then live you shall. I’m going to come and get you. You have to be ready. My friends will cause a distraction so that we can sneak in and get you out. I promise, once we get you away and to the party, you’ll have fun.”

  “I hope so.” Laylah was nervous about the plan but she trusted Donil. She hugged him and felt his arms squeeze her reassuringly.

  Britta clapped her hands in glee. “It’s settled then. Laylah, I got the perfect dress for you and I’ll give it to you before you go home. My party starts at 7:30 so Donil and his boys will be at your house around 6:15. Understand?”

  Laylah stepped away from Donil and looked at Britta. “Yes, I understand.”

  “You two better get going. Lunch is almost over and we have to get ready for tonight. 6:15, Laylah, don’t forget,” Donil warned.

  “I won’t. Thank you. All of you.” Laylah felt herself tearing up. “Come on, Britta, before I do something silly like cry.” Laylah gave Donil a last bashful smile and headed for the door.

  Britta chuckled and followed her from the music room.

  Chapter 48

  Drayden jogged down the corridor leading to the Council's chamber. He hadn’t agreed with the Council’s decision to disregard Stefan’s warnings. So he took it upon himself to do some recon and intel gathering. And now he was rushing to inform his Uncle Javier and Alpha Isabella of his findings. Maybe his news would get them moving.

  They needed to put down that rabid wolf, Zina, before she destroyed them all. And when this was all over, Drayden would apologize to Stefan for not insisting that the Council do something when it could have done some good.

  He didn’t wait to be announced. Drayden ignored the whispers as he went to the foot of the dais and kneeled. “My lady.”

  “Drayden, my dear, dear, Little Bear. You are the last one I would have thought would break custom. What has got your fur in a twist?” Isabella’s expression was one of boredom.

  Drayden tamped down the impulse to snarl. “I bring urgent news about Zina and her army.”

  “Yes, yes. We know. She always starts one. Most Weres steer clear of her propaganda. Zina has, what, about 200 blindly following her?” Isabella’s crystalline laugh filled the air and others joined in.

  “No, my lady. Not 200. Try 2,000 and growing.”
r />   Shocked silence greeted Drayden's words, and the stares of those assembled bore into him. “It was decided to ignore Omega Stefan's warnings. Lucky for us his lack of faith in this Council’s helped gain information. In exchange all we must do is protect his niece Laylah.

  “I see.” Anger laced Isabella’s tone.

  Drayden hadn’t seen her like this in over a decade. Last time she’d been this mad, Isabella had ordered several executions. Drayden didn’t relish a repeat of that night. “What are my lady’s orders?”

  “Have General Nancer prepare for a stealth attack. Alert the Captains to have the troops ready. Find out from Stefan the location of Zina’s army. I want no surprises, only results.”

  “And Zina?”

  “She is Outcast and has violated our laws. No mercy this time.”

  “One last thing, my lady. Shall I notify Alphas Le Croix and Silentshadow of our strategy?”

  “No. I think it’s time we reminded all Weres of the Council’s power.”

  “As the Council wills it.” Drayden bowed low and left. Once outside, he activated his ear comm. He would warn Stefan, but no one else. He owed his old friend that much.


  The last bell rang and the rowdy students filed out. It was Friday and there was fun to be had at night. For the first time, Laylah felt a part of that frenzied energy. She, too, would have some fun. No more Father, Jacques, or Naiya holding her back. Freedom; the very thought made her grin with relish. She waved at Britta who waited by their lockers.

  “Hey! Look, before I go home, I want to say sorry for being such a wimp. You’re right about standing up for myself. I think a new me is in order.”

  Britta chuckled. “Sounds good, Chica. One thing at a time, though. Here.” She pushed a bag into Laylah’s hand. “Your outfit for tonight is in there. Make sure you’re dressed and ready by 6:00. Remember, they will come for you at 6:15.”