Read Werelove #1: Dusk Conspiracy Page 20

  “I won’t forget. I’m so nervous!” Laylah tugged her braid hard. “I need to go, but I’ll see you tonight.”

  “Will do, Chica. Trust me, you won’t regret it. You’ll have fun and prove to your father that you are able to have a life.”

  Laylah laughed and hurried outside where Jacques impatiently waited. “Hi, Jacques!” She got inside the limo and missed his sharp glance in her direction.

  The ride home went by fast. Laylah tried to calm down. If she came home too happy, Father would be suspicious. Laylah saw the mansion and, with some effort, managed to school her features into one of sulking. She scowled at Jacques. “Back to jail,” she muttered and slipped by him.

  So far, so good. Now, if Father had left, it’d be perfect. Laylah went inside and frowned when she spotted Byron. He towered over her at 6’6” and his glower always intimidated her. “Mr. Byron?”

  “Miss Le Croix, your father has left instructions that are to be followed without resistance or deviation by you.”

  “Oh?” Laylah was surprised.

  “You are to be confined to your room for the entire weekend. You will have meals served in there. There will be no eating with the staff.”

  “What! You’re joking, right?”

  “No, those are Mr. Le Croix’s orders.”


  “You are also not allowed any calling privileges or visitors.”

  “Fine! Not that this is any different from all the other times he puts me in my cell!” Laylah didn’t have to feign being upset. Livid, she stormed past the impassive Bryon and went immediately to her room.

  She made sure to slam the door. Laylah hated her father! He didn’t care at all about what she wanted. Any lingering guilt she might have felt about sneaking out to the party evaporated in the face of her pique. She’d show him that she didn’t need protecting.

  It was 4:45. Laylah had a little over an hour to get ready. She decided to take a shower first and put her outfit on at the last possible second. Finally calm, she set about getting ready for the party.


  The sun had set and the approaching darkness of the night crept across the land. The night creatures were out, their noises filling the air. Hiding in the bushes watching the Le Croix mansion was Benji Cattrall and his brother Leo.

  “Man, I can’t believe we’re doing this,” Benji whispered.

  “Hey, we both owe Donil for saving our butts from jail time,” Leo retorted. He ran his fingers through his spiked brown hair as he studied the patrolling enforcers.

  “Well, better get moving.” Leo belly-crawled toward the storage shed. Causing a ruckus was a favorite pastime of his. And sticking it to an Alpha of Henry’s caliber would be a great testimony to his ingenuity. His brother Benji wasn’t as enthused about such antics, but, like always, watched Leo’s back.

  Leo stood, his body obscured from the house occupants by the rather large shed. With a nod to his brother, he dropped to a crouch and scurried toward the mansion. He looked at the time and grinned. He gave an ear-piercing whistle and watched as Benji shifted into his lion form.

  Benji opened his mouth and roared a challenge. He waited a moment and did it again. Lights flooded the yard and male voices filled the air as the sound of running was heard.

  Leo laughed quietly as he watched the Le Croix wolves rush outside to take on the intruder. He slipped inside and froze when he caught sight of the older woman who blocked his path. “Look, I don’t want any trouble. I came to get Laylah for tonight’s party.”

  “Come with me. I’m Naiya.”

  “I’m Leo. Can I ask why you’re helping me spring her?”

  “Because Laylah deserves happiness and she’s never going to get that here. Make sure you keep her safe. And tell Donil he owes me.”

  “Will do, Naiya.” Leo followed her into the giant foyer and stared at the grand staircase. They hurried up and stopped outside an oak door. Impatiently he waited as Naiya unlocked the door. Leo went by his guide and paused when he got a good look at Laylah.

  Gone was the shy mouse of a girl. Instead, a sexy red-haired vixen in a black slinky dress with black leather stiletto boots stood by the bed. Her long curly hair cascaded down her shoulders. “Wow! Dang, girl, you look hot!”

  Laylah blushed and Leo grinned. Donil was one lucky cat!

  “Put your eyes back in your head, Boy, and get going. Jacques and the rest of the men will be coming back soon.”

  “Right. Well, Naiya, much thanks.” Leo kissed the older woman’s hand and watched her blush. He captured Laylah’s wrist and gently tugged to get her moving.

  With Laylah in tow, Leo quickly ran down the stairs and out the front door where Donil had pulled up in his truck. Leo helped Laylah in and slid in beside her. “Benji’s already at the hilltop where you first met your girlfriend. Let’s go. He’ll meet us by the highway,” Leo informed his friend.

  Donil chuckled and sped out of the Le Croix driveway. Leo waited until they were on the main road before speaking. “Now this was way cool! I haven’t had this much fun in ages!

  Donil rolled his eyes and Leo laughed. “Admit it, Donil. This was fun.”

  “All right, a little fun. But it was worth it.”

  Leo snickered when he saw Laylah and Donil gaze at each other.

  ::Hey, not that I don’t think you two making lovey dovey eyes at each other isn’t cute, but, Donil, you need to slow down so Benji can jump in.:: Leo had the satisfaction of seeing Donil blush.

  Donil shifted to a lower gear and moved the truck closer to the edge of the road. Benji sprinted from the trees and leaped into the truck bed. He thumped the roof.

  Startled, Laylah yelped, “Where did he come from?”

  Leo gave Donil a sharp glance before answering their nervous passenger. “Benji is a nature lover. He also helped distract your jailers.”

  “Oh!” Laylah turned around to look at the new arrival. “Thank you.”

  “Yep, Donil, she’s a keeper!” Leo winked and grinned when Laylah blushed.

  “Hush, Leo. We’ve got a party to go to.”

  Leo threw back his head and howled in laughter. “Yes, we do. So put a rush on!”

  Donil obliged and they traveled the rest of the way talking about their childhood to keep Laylah relaxed and happy.

  Chapter 49

  Mya studied her reflection in the mirror. Her hair was swept up into a simple French twist. And her strapless gown…it was one that would definitely make the males notice. Vibrant red, with slits on both sides that reached mid-thigh. The corset underneath helped push up her breasts, a nice distraction for the boys in attendance.

  “Rather appropriate that I wear red. Reminds me of the blood spilled because of that girl.” She ran her hands down her hips. Red high heels and ruby earrings rounded out her ensemble.

  “Show time.” Mya opened the bathroom door and was bombarded by the dull roar of the party-goers The blaring, bass-thumping music produced an instant headache that she ignored. She needed to be focused. Otherwise, the plan would fail and she'd have to hide from that she-bitch Zina. Plastering a smile on her face, Mya expertly wove her way through the dancing guests that blocked her path.

  She ignored the catcalls of some boys by the bar. Stupid humans, as if she would give any of them the time of day. Except maybe lunchtime. Mya snickered at that thought. She spotted Britta in a corner kissing some guy and went in that direction.

  As she got closer to the couple’s spot, she caught a whiff of the boy and came to an abrupt stop. Britta was dating a Were? And unless her sense of smell was off, that male was from a Rhino family. Why was one of his kind here in the New Florida Territory? Her contemplation of this unexpected player was broken by Britta, who squealed a greeting and abandoned her amused boyfriend to give Mya a giant hug.

  “I’d wondered if you’d show!”

  Mya shrugged. “You know me. Always unpredictable.”

  Britta chuckled. “Too true. Look, go have some fun, M
ya. And please, don’t glower. You might scare off some of my guests.”

  Mya snickered at Britta’s innocent expression. “I’ll do my best, Britta.”

  “Thanks! Now I have to get back to my boy. He’s always so lost without me. Oh, if you see Laylah and Donil, can you please send them to me?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “Great! You’re a lifesaver. Thanks, Mya.”

  Mya sighed, moved away from the cuddling couple and debated on leaving. She caught her brother’s scent as well as Laylah’s unique odor. She bit back an incensed growl. She couldn't believe her brother actually went and got Laylah! Stupid male! Stupid, stupid, stupid, Donil!

  “Mya! There you are! I wasn’t sure if you were coming.” Donil walked over to her, a huge smile on his face.

  For one moment, Mya felt guilt for what was about to happen. But when she saw Donil’s hand firmly holding Laylah’s, her ire sparked. She fought for civility. She couldn’t afford for her brother to realize something was up.

  “Donil. Laylah.” Saying the teenager’s name left a rancid taste in Mya's mouth.

  “Mya, are you all right? You look upset.” Donil reached for her arm.

  She jerked it away. “I’m fine, Big Brother. I'm not into the teen scene.”

  He laughed. “Britta invited everyone age sixteen and up. Quite a few in here are in their early twenties, too. In fact, I see a couple of guys over there watching you.”

  Mya nonchalantly glanced around and almost gave herself away when she spotted the two Weres Zina had sent to the party. She knew Donil wouldn’t recognize them since they were not from the New Florida area. She gave a small wave that was the prearranged signal to mark the prey.

  “You know, you’re right. I think I should go mingle. You two have fun.” She was only too glad to get away from her brother and his Le Croix pet. She took her time going to the two contacts, Eric and Glenn, who indolently lounged against a wall, looking bored.

  “All right, boys, show time.” Mya giggled at their hungry looks. Yes, Laylah didn’t stand a chance. “Remember, if my brother interferes, no harm comes to him.”

  “We know, Mya. Gerard and Alexis are in the nearby woods waiting with the rest of the gang.”

  “Good. I‘ll create the diversion in ten minutes. Until then, behave.” Certain that they would do as she ordered, she left the dance hall and went in search of the circuit breaker.


  Laylah couldn’t seem to stop blushing. Ever since they had arrived, the covert glances Donil was giving her made her feel really warm and very shy. The way he looked at her made her think of how a starving animal stared at food. It unsettled and intrigued her. No boy had ever made her experience this many conflicting emotions.

  “Come, Beautiful, let’s dance.” Donil gestured to the dance floor.

  “Dance?” she squeaked and took a step backward. “Donil, I don’t know how. This isn’t a good idea. I’ll only embarrass you.”

  “Embarrass me? I doubt that. Besides, dancing is easy. I’ll lead and you follow. You want to know what the key is?”


  “Being relaxed. Don’t worry whether or not you’re any good. And don’t let the stares of people get to you. Remember, I’m here, and tonight is a night for fun.”

  He winked and she nervously giggled. “I’ll try,” she whispered, automatically dropping her head.

  “Hey now, none of that!” He placed two fingers under her chin and gently tilted her face up. “You deserve to be here. You have nothing to be ashamed of.”

  “Donil.” She stared at him, surprised once again by his caring. She was falling in love, but did he really feel the same way? What if he didn't? What if his niceness was as a favor to Britta? Her last thought made her stumble.

  Donil easily caught her and peered into her eyes. Laylah glanced away embarrassed that she had not paid attention to her dancing. “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s all right, Beautiful. No harm, no foul.”

  “You’re wrong. I keep screwing up. I mean, what does it say about a person when their only parent hates them? When that parent would rather slam punishments after punishments on a kid because they can?” Laylah felt a tear run down her cheek. She felt so lost. More tears fell and she didn’t notice Donil dance them closer to a wall and away from the crowd.

  “Laylah, please don’t cry. Your father is an idiot. You’re beautiful, smart, funny and a great friend. Don’t let his opinions and expectations warp that kind, caring person I know you to be.”

  His earnest gaze and honest words were too much to bear. She mumbled some excuse before pulling free from his arms. Laylah didn’t stop when he called her name. She needed air and to think about things!

  “Laylah! Hey, Amiga, over here!”

  Laylah caught sight of her friend weaving through the crowd. Oh, no, she couldn't deal with Britta's energy, endless questions or perceptiveness. In desperation, she glanced about and spotted the doors leading outside. She ducked behind a group of giggling girls and slipped out into the cool night air. She stared at the beautiful gazebo and admired the cobblestone pathway leading to it. Laylah wanted to be alone to collect her thoughts and calm her fears.

  “I’ll just sit for a minute.” She started down the path to the gazebo.

  Chapter 50

  Jacques stared at the security footage in growing disbelief and rage. He thought he’d recognized the lion that he and the enforcers had chased. Leo and Benji Cattrall were well-known for their trickster ways. Why had they come to the Invarnash property? It made no sense.

  “I need some air.” He paused the vid playback, left the security building and headed to the kitchen. He was hungry and that was affecting his thinking. Jacques wasn’t surprised to see Naiya in the kitchen at night. It was only 8:15 and that meant she was making snacks for Laylah. What was suspicious was her cheerful humming. She hadn’t been in a good mood since Thaniel was killed two months ago.

  “Naiya, is everything all right?” He studied her body language, trying to discern the change in her behavior.

  She gave him a secretive smile. “It’s all good. Cookie?” Naiya held out a plate filled with butter nut cookies.

  “No, thanks. The grounds are secure. Still haven’t figured out why or how our uninvited guests got in, but everything looks good now. I’m going to go check on Laylah, make sure she isn’t worried.”

  “You do that.” Naiya giggled and went back to humming as she set down the plate of cookies and headed for the pantry.

  Jacques shook his head and went upstairs. He paused outside Laylah’s door. He knew Henry wanted her completely isolated, but he wasn’t going to obey that order. Laylah needed guidance, not punishments. He knocked on the door to announce his presence before unlocking it and pushing it open. Jacques frowned. All the lights were off.

  “Laylah, don’t you think it’s a little early for bed?” Jacques sighed when she didn’t answer. “Laylah, I know that you’re angry at me for not standing up for you. I’m sorry, truly I am. Things are…complicated. One day, I know you’ll understand. Your father wants you locked up and Bryon has left for Ohcale. I see no reason why you can’t roam freely inside the house. If your father asks, I’ll say you’ve been obedient and given us no trouble. How does that sound?”

  He waited a moment and felt irritation at her continued unresponsiveness. “Laylah, I’m not in the mood for games. And this silent treatment stuff is childish. Laylah?”

  Angrily, Jacques flipped the lights on and marched to her bed. He stared down at the comforter that covered her unmoving form.

  “Laylah, you will answer when I talk to you!” Jacques grabbed the blanket and jerked it backward. He blinked and stared uncomprehendingly down at the bed where the pillows had been arranged in the form of a body.

  “No!” With a snarl he spun around and charged into the bathroom. It too was empty. He checked the balcony next. Still no Laylah. Anger gave way to worry. Jacques raced from the room and downs
tairs. He didn’t want to think that Naiya had harmed Laylah, but the housekeeper’s odd behavior was sending warning vibes to him now.

  “Naiya! Naiya!” he stormed into the kitchen with his gun drawn.

  Naiya sat at the table eating a cookie and staring off into space.

  “Where…is…she?” he growled.

  Naiya blinked. No longer was her gaze blank. Instead, triumph burned there. “Hello, Jacques. Did you misplace something?”

  Her sweet cordial tone set his teeth on edge. He had to tread carefully. Naiya was unstable and he didn't want to aggravate the situation.

  “Naiya, please, where is Laylah?”

  “Wouldn’t you like to know? Guess what? I’m not telling you, Jacques. That child deserves some freedom and if this night is all I can give her, then so be it. I will not let you ruin it for her.”

  Relief that Laylah was alive mixed with fury at Naiya’s defiance of their Alpha’s orders. “You do realize that Henry might kill you for this? Are you prepared to die for her, Naiya?”

  She gave him a sad smile. “Yes.”

  Jacques couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Naiya was being too calm about the situation. He stopped to think why she seemed unafraid and the reason dawned on him.

  “This is really about Thaniel, isn’t it?” She grinned and it chilled him to see it. This Naiya he didn’t recognize. “Why use Laylah? Why not take it up with the Council?”

  “They are all fools. Besides, you don’t bite the hand that feeds you. Henry is the richest Were and his labs and factories provide jobs. He can’t be touched, at least not that way. But he’s all about appearances and purity. It’d be such a shame if his underage daughter is out partying with Henry’s enemies.”

  “Partying? Of course! Britta’s house! You’d better hope she’s okay, Naiya. I leave it up to you whether or not you stay here to face Henry. Right now I have a teenager to bring home.” He marched out of the kitchen, activating his ear comm. He had to let Henry knew what was happening.

  His Alpha answered with an irritated growl. “What is it now Jacques? I’m in the middle of dinner.”

  “Sir, I regret to inform you that Laylah, with the help of two lions, has managed to escape and has gone to the party.” Furious silence greeted his words and Jacques started to sweat. “I’m leaving now to go get her.”