Read Werelove #1: Dusk Conspiracy Page 21

  “I will meet you there. I’m only in Heyendo. I know where Britta’s home is. Tri-Ruler Newsome is a friend of the Council. Since my daughter wishes to make her defiance public, I will assist her in being publicly embarrassed for disregarding my rules.”

  “My Alpha, I don’t think...” Jacques cautioned.

  “I don’t pay you to think, Jacques, about my dealings with my daughter. I want her detained until I get there.”

  “Yes, my Alpha.” Jacques slid into the limo as the call ended. Upset at the night’s events, he drove as fast as he could for the Newsome property.

  Chapter 51

  Laylah had taken her time walking to the gazebo. Her gaze took in everything. The garden was lit by soft night glows that did not interfere with the moonlight from above. To the left of the gazebo was a small fountain with the figurine of a little girl at its center. The attention to detail was amazing.

  Looming beyond the gazebo and the flower gardens was the forest, surrounded by darkness. She could barely make out the outline of the trees. She was almost to her destination when she heard her name called.

  Laylah sighed, turned and was surprised to see Donil’s sister, Mya, jogging toward her.

  “Hi. I saw you come outside and thought you might like some company,” said Mya.

  Laylah played with a strand of hair and tried to be polite. “Well, that was nice of you, but I…”

  “…would love to sit with you inside the gazebo.” Mya looped her arm through Laylah’s.

  Surprised by Mya’s aggressiveness, Laylah allowed the older girl to pull her along. “This really isn’t necessary.”

  Mya gave her a hurt expression. “Oh, I see. I’m not good enough to be around because I’m a Silentshadow, right?”

  Laylah was wary now and came to a stop, forcing Mya to halt and look at her. “What does your last name have to do with anything? I don’t play the “I think I’m better than you” game. I’ve been on the losing end of that all my life. I didn’t mean to come off as rude. I only wanted to have a few minutes alone, clear my head and relax. I’m not used to such a large crowd.”

  Mya put her hands on Laylah’s arms. “Apology, not accepted.”

  “Excuse me? Mya, what do you mean?”

  “You Le Croix are all the same. You speak with a sweet tongue to weasel your way out of everything when you know you deserve to be punished for your sins.”

  Laylah yelped when Mya’s hands tightened into a bruising grip on her arms. “Please! Stop! You’re hurting me!”

  “Good! Maybe now you’ll consider the agony I feel every day knowing my father died needlessly saving your worthless life!”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about! Let me go, please!” The pain was too intense and Laylah felt close to fainting.

  Mya continued speaking as if Laylah had not interrupted. “Tonight, I’ll make my father proud by getting rid of the abomination!”

  “Abomination?” Laylah’s eyes were wide with fear. She could feel it. Something evil was coming.

  Mya whistled twice, paused, and whistled a third time.

  Sensing the approaching danger, Laylah struggled to get free, but the other girl only tightened her hold again.

  “Even now you’re being such a nuisance.” Mya gave Laylah a hard shake before calling over her shoulder, “Hurry up, Gerard! We haven’t got all night.”

  “Keep your shirt on, Miss Uptight.”

  Gerard stepped from the shadows and Laylah knew she was in big trouble. It was the same man from two months ago.

  “You!” Laylah struggled as disbelief hit her when she glimpsed Mya’s satisfied grin. “But, why? I’ve never done anything to you.”

  “Your whole family is filled with liars. And you’re really great users, too. You take, take, and take, until you’re done and then you toss a person aside like last night’s trash. I refuse to let my brother get involved with you people again!”

  Again? What did Mya mean? Was she talking about when Donil had rescued her? But he wasn’t hurt then! Only Laylah had been! Besides, Laylah hadn't used him, Donil was already there.

  “My dear Mya, I do believe you shocked her into silence. Of course, from what I hear that's easy to do," Gerard sneered. He moved closer and leered at Laylah as he used his forefinger to trace a line from her cheek to her lips. “I do understand the appeal though. Bright green eyes that glow like emeralds. Then there’s that innocence and naiveté — such a turn-on to a man with power. Too bad I can’t sample you, but my boss would gut me if I mark you.”

  Gerard leaned in and kissed Laylah before she could turn her head. “Let’s take our prey home! Alexis.” He waved a large man forward.

  “Play time,” the summoned man purred.

  Alexis' eyes seemed to glow and Laylah was beyond afraid. When three more men stepped onto the lit path, despair hit her hard. She recognized them as the Weres who had helped Gerard chase her.

  “Hey pretty girl, time to sleep.”

  “No!” She watched Alexis pull an injector from his shirt pocket. “Please, don’t do this!”

  Alexis laughed mockingly. Mya remained silent and Laylah gave up. There were no allies nor Britta near enough to save her. She closed her eyes and hoped that whatever was in the needle wasn’t too painful.

  “You know, I don’t think Britta invited you to the party.”

  Laylah’s eyes flew open and she almost collapsed in relief. She knew that voice!

  “Donil, if we’d wanted you in attendance we would’ve had your lovely sister bring you outside as well.”

  Laylah was staring at Gerard’s furious expression. The other men seemed eager and waiting. She knew then that something was wrong.

  “Donil!” He was to her left and to the side of her would-be abductors placing his back to the house and keeping the entire group in his sight.

  “It’s all right, Laylah. I promise it’ll be okay.”

  “That’s right, Big Brother, lie to her. Being a Le Croix will help her believe your false words,” Mya sneered.

  “Mya, when this is over, you and I will have a long talk about family and loyalty,” Donil drawled.

  Laylah felt Mya’s rumbling laughter vibrate through her as she was pulled closer to the older girl’s body.

  “Looking forward to it, Brother. Right now you should worry more about your own hide.”

  Mya’s words chilled Laylah. Something moved in the bushes. Then a giant panther shot out and charged Donil.

  “Donil, watch out!” Laylah realized her warning was too late as Donil was bowled over by the giant feline. “No! Oh, heavens, no! Donil! Donil!”

  “Shut her up, Alexis, before the humans come to investigate the fuss she’s making,” Gerard ordered.


  “No, wait! Don’t!” Laylah yelped as Alexis jabbed the needle in her arm and injected the liquid. "Ow! What did you give me?"

  Her eyes widened in fear. Her words sounded slurred to her ears. She blinked, trying to make her eyes stay open. The jaws of unconsciousness closed around her and she knew no more.

  Chapter 52

  The party, fifteen minutes ago...

  To say that he was pissed was something of an understatement, but it was the only word Donil could think of that fit his current emotional state.

  He had been waiting inside, trying to give Laylah some space. He knew her emotions were fragile and, out of respect, wanted to give her some privacy. The blaring music and press of bodies was a little overwhelming, but he didn’t mind it too much. Donil could see Matt, Leo and Benji in a corner chatting with some girls. Leave it to the three of them to start romancing at a party.

  Britta was nowhere to be seen and she had a boyfriend to keep busy. After a few minutes, Donil started to worry and moved from the wall, intent on finding Laylah when suddenly the electricity shut down. The room plunged into chaos and screams of fear.

  Donil knew then that Laylah was in trouble. With ease, he maneuvered around the party-
goers using his feline vision. His nose picked up Alexis' and Gerard’s scents. He charged outside only to be stunned by the sight before him. His sister Mya, his flesh and blood, was offering his future mate to the enemy.

  He couldn’t fathom such a betrayal nor what drove his sister to take such a path. Donil didn’t have time to ponder this. He saw the injector in Alexis’ hand and smelled Laylah’s terror. It roused his protective instincts and he readied himself to fight.

  ::Matt, I need backup now! Bring Leo and Benji. We have vermin to kill::

  ::On our way, Cousin.::

  Donil kept his expression calm for Laylah’s sake and to avoid tipping Gerard off to the arrival of his cousin and friends.

  “Donil, watch out!”

  He heard Laylah’s shout a second after his ears picked up the sound of a charging Were. Donil barely managed to turn enough to keep from taking the full weight of the panther as they crashed to the ground. They scuffled and he bucked his opponent off. Donil glanced around quickly and cursed. Gerard, his minions, Mya and Laylah were gone.

  In that moment, his rage rose as he turned yellow feline eyes on the growling panther. “You chose the wrong day to pick a fight with me, Panther!”

  The big cat snarled and sprang into the air. This time Donil was ready but, before he could attack his opponent, a single shot rang out. The panther jerked mid-air and crashed to the ground, twitching in its death throes before going still.

  “Dangit!” Donil glanced around and gaped in surprise. Ahdum Newsome stood on the back porch with a rifle in hand and a huge grin on his face.

  “Better be glad, Donil, that I’m a good shot. Otherwise, you’d be wearing some scars.”

  “Thanks, Ahdum. There’s no time to talk. Laylah was kidnapped and we have to leave to track them while the trail is still hot.”

  “Go, do what you have to. I’ve got to get people to go home. The lights going off did help,” Ahdum laughed and went back inside.

  “Perhaps I can be of assistance?”

  Donil closed his eyes and counted to ten in six languages before speaking to the newest arrival. “Stefan, why am I not surprised to find you here? No, don’t answer. What I would like to know is why show now when your niece needed you ten minutes ago?”

  “I was saving your little kitty butt, Boy, that’s why. There were two more Weres inside who were coming to help Panther Boy carve you up. Lucky for you, I intercepted them and kept them busy. Aw, here come your buddies.”

  Donil glared at Stefan before acknowledging his backup. “Leo, talk to me.”

  “I swear, Donil, I’ve not had this much fun in years. Matt, Benji and I ran into some cheetahs who took exception to us for some reason.” Leo bared his teeth in a menacing grin. “Can’t imagine why.”

  “I guess they didn’t get the memo that the lions are still king of the jungle,” Benji joked.

  They laughed but quieted at Stefan’s stern expression.

  “Hey, Old Man, no need to get angry. The enemy had scouted the party and covered all areas. We wouldn’t have been able to save the girl,” Leo explained.

  Donil shook his head sadly. “They had help from one of us.” He couldn’t keep his bitterness and hurt hidden.

  “Donil?” Matt touched his shoulder in concern.

  “It was Mya.” Donil ignored the horrified silence. “She helped Gerard. I don’t know why, but I will find out. No one harms my mate or my family, even if it is a family member gone bad.” His Alpha power flared, lashed out and slammed into all the males present, including Stefan, sending them to their knees, groveling in submission.

  Donil saw Stefan’s resistance to the Alpha call and he snarled. “I will not be beaten by Zina! Now get up! We have to save my mate!” He released them from his power and watched as they stood. Ignoring Stefan’s fury, Donil pondered what to do.

  “Well, if your Royal Pain has finished throwing around your weight, I’m leaving. I have calls to make. And this wolf does not obey a kitten who’s wet behind the ears.”

  “You do what you have to, Stefan. Besides, I do believe I hear the Le Croix limo pulling up. That means, at the least, Jacques is here, or it could be worse. Henry might be in the limo, too.”

  Stefan chuckled before shifting into wolf form. He trotted over to Donil and started to hike up his leg.

  “Don’t even think about it. If you pee on my shoes, I’ll force you to dance for hours on end. Don’t test me, Omega.” Donil could feel and see Stefan’s mocking laughter as the wolf jogged into the forest beyond the gazebo.

  “You realize he left you to explain what happened to Laylah?” Matt snarled at Stefan's disappearing form.

  Donil’s feral smile made Matt hastily bow.

  “Cousin, do not bow. Besides I wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s time Henry and his Betas get used to the way I do things. Show them all who is really dominant.”

  Matt laughed at Donil’s tough words and the two cousins watched an angry Jacques stride toward them.

  Chapter 53

  Friday night, 9 pm

  Inside the Brayshell Community Center building, Zina sat surrounded by admirers and her Betas. All of them fawned and sang her accolades. Any other time, she would have relished her power over this pathetic lot. This evening was different with much riding on tonight’s hunt. The prey would not escape the trap. Mya had better be right.

  Her private musings were interrupted by the shrill ring of her ear comm. “Scatter!” Her harsh order sent the other Weres scrambling for the two exits. Zina answered the call once the room was clear. “Speak.”

  Gerard’s pleased growl filled the line. “My Alpha, we have the prey.”

  Zina sucked in an excited breath. “I trust there were no complications?”

  A slight hesitation, and then Gerard’s slow response. “Only a minor one that we handled.”

  “Gerard, you’d better hope that it is taken care of. You’re not a cat with nine lives. I will kill you if your “minor one” becomes something major.”

  “Yes, my Alpha. We shall arrive at the rendezvous spot in three hours.”

  “I will be there waiting.” She closed the connection and sat for a while in her chair, drumming her fingers on the arm rests.

  Anticipation hummed in Zina's veins. She would finally have Henry all to herself. He would beg for his whelp’s life and, if it pleased her, she might let Laylah live. But first, Zina would get her mate and their power would be absolute. She laughed and rose gracefully from the chair.

  She went outside into the night with a bounce in her step and was met by her anxious followers. They crowded around, careful not to touch her.

  “Victory is near! The abomination has been caught! All lies will be bared in the darkness of the night! We will have our new order and shall reign supreme!”

  The gathered Weres chanted, “Zina! Zina!” Their fervor added volume to her name.

  She smirked. “Come, my family, we must go to our new holy ground.”

  The forty men and women flowed past her and outside to their vehicles. Zina moved at a more sedate pace to her el-cycle. She straddled the bike and revved the engine. She gave the signal to move and smoothly maneuvered into the lead. She was the Savior of her people. All Weres would praise her for this night. She flung back her head and howled. Her people answered with their own chorus of sound. Yes, destiny beckoned.

  Chapter 54

  Friday Night, 9:30 pm

  It had taken over an hour for Jacques to find the Newsome home nestled in Greenside Hills. The party seemed to be slowing down when he arrived. His thoughts, however, were on Naiya. Though he did not feel her actions or reasoning were sound, he could only deal with one crisis at a time.

  The area where he parked the limo required him to walk for several minutes to get to the house. He was supposed to wait for Henry and backup, but Jacques did not want to risk a fight in front of so many humans.

  Jacques scented the air and noticed that Weres from many clans were at the Ne
wsome party. Interesting. Who knew Britta was such a liberal? Focus, Jacques. Laylah needed him. He could not fail her again. Guilt struck and Jacques pushed it back. Now was not the time. When he found Laylah and had her safe, then would come amends and, perhaps, new beginnings.

  Jacques hesitated at the front door. He glanced around, doing another scent sweep. He found nothing and rang the bell. The door opened and two giant burly men blocked the entrance. The stance was relaxed, but he saw the tension in their shoulders as they appraised him and checked him for hidden items. Since he carried none, he was waved inside.

  He hurried down the hall and stopped the first party-goer he saw. He asked about Britta’s whereabouts and was pointed toward the northeast corner of the grand reception hall. Jacques grimaced. The lights were flickering on and off and he could hear the hum of a generator trying to restart.

  Boys and girls were paired up; some were openly groping each other. The young people did not interest him as the low murmur of their voices filled the air. No, he needed Britta. He did a partial shift of his eyes to help him see better and made his way through the crowd toward Laylah’s friend. He saw her in the corner with a young man.

  Jacques received a shock when he reached her. His nose picked up the scent of Were from the boy who held her close, whispering in her ear. The two kissed and Jacques frowned. Another Were! And this one was far from home. What in the world was a rhino from the Cali Territory doing here in New Florida?

  Jacques' previous view of Britta was rattled. He had always assumed the young lady to be quirky and different. Laylah had insisted that Britta was unbiased and fair, but Jacques had not believed it. Yet, before him she stood, lip locked with a Were. He rolled his eyes and reached out his hand to touch Britta’s shoulder, but paused when Donil’s scent hit his nose.

  He stifled a growl as he spun and marched outside to confront the Panther Alpha. He caught sight of the defiant younger Alpha standing directly in the path leading to the gazebo.

  “Where is she?” Jacques demanded.

  “Not here, Old Man,” Donil drawled.

  Jacques fought down the urge to rip into Donil’s flesh and hurt the other male until he gave up the information he needed.