Read Werelove #1: Dusk Conspiracy Page 22

  “Not good enough, Donil. Henry is coming. I need to get Laylah home and for my Alpha’s anger to lessen, not heighten. If you both insist on playing games….” Jacques let the unspoken words hang in air between them.

  “You know, I’m getting tired of your Alpha punishing Laylah over every little thing. Henry is smothering and hindering her growth as a person. You know I’m right, Jacques.”

  Donil’s words stabbed at Jacques' conscience. He twitched and forced himself to be still. “It is not our place to question his orders.” His thoughts briefly strayed to Naiya who had defied Henry. Everything was falling apart and, for once, he didn’t know how to fix it.

  “Maybe you can’t, Jacques, but I can. Henry is not my Alpha. We share rank and I will go over his head if I must. I will do whatever I need to for Laylah to be safe and happy.”

  “You arrogant little cat! What makes you think you can give her those things? I know your reputation. You like to play with shiny new things then bat them away after your curiosity is satisfied. The females always say nice things but they can’t disguise the hurt.” Jacques ignored the younger male’s indignant hiss. “You would harm Laylah more than help her. I won’t warn you again. Stay away from her.”

  “Can’t. Won’t. She’s more to me than a piece of tail. Now, if you’ll excuse me, my boys and I have to get some reinforcements.”

  “Reinforcements?” Jacques suddenly had a very bad feeling and the Panther Alpha’s next words confirmed his fear.

  “Laylah is gone because Zina’s lapdog, Gerard, ambushed us and took her.”

  “Why didn’t you go after them?” Jacques snarled and took a menacing step toward Donil.

  “Because I was getting attacked by some felines that I didn't recognize. Kind of hard to protect someone when being overwhelmed by the enemy.”

  Upset at Donil’s mocking tone, Jacques shifted his hands into claws and moved to swipe at the younger male. His ears picked up the sound of Henry’s vehicle arriving. Disgruntled at the interruption, he changed his hands back to normal. “Henry is here.”

  “Yeah, I’ve noticed his particular stench stretches miles ahead of him.” Donil wrinkled his nose in disgust. “Ah, here comes the big bad wolf himself.”

  Both men watched Henry, flanked by Boris and Kenneth, making his way easily past the security guards. Jacques knew his Alpha would go into a rage when he learned that Zina’s men had Laylah. He was not stupid enough to believe that Henry would be concerned that his daughter was missing. No, his Alpha would care only about who had Laylah.

  “My Alpha.” Jacques bowed and didn’t miss Henry’s expression. This night just kept getting worse by the minute.


  Jacques bristled at Henry’s tone but proceeded to explain what had occurred. He finished and patiently waited to see what his Alpha wished to do.

  Henry looked about and Jacques refrained from stating the obvious — that time was precious and that they were running out of it.

  “Inform the Council of this treachery and maybe we’ll get permission to exterminate the vermin. Find out as much information as possible as to where they took her. I’m going back to the mansion. Call whoever you need, Jacques, but get the job done so that I can get back to my work.

  “Yes, my Alpha.”

  Henry turned away and stopped to growl at the silent Donil. “Why are you here, Boy? Scamper back to your litter box so that the real males can do their work.”

  Jacques winced at Henry’s sarcasm but Donil’s reaction surprised him more.

  “I’m here because I care, Henry. And didn’t you know, my fellow Alpha, that the world is my playground? I’ll be sure to let you know when the “real males” help out. Until then, my friends and I will find Laylah.”

  Jacques was floored. Donil’s maturity at that moment was amazing. His ability to be civil and insulting all in the same breath while doing it with a smile was impressive. Henry’s growl deepened and Jacques decided that the posturing of the Alphas had to stop if anything was going to get done. He stepped into his Alpha’s line of sight.

  “Sir, I do believe I see Tri-Ruler Newsome coming this way and he doesn’t look happy.” Jacques pointed at the angry human bearing down on the group.

  “Guess that’s my cue to scram.” Donil grinned, gave a jaunty salute and took the side path accompanied by his cousin and the two lion brothers.

  Jacques shook his head. Boy had guts, he'd give him that. “My Alpha.” Once more, Jacques threw in a bow and took off so that Henry could talk to Tri-Ruler Newsome. He had a teenager to rescue.

  Chapter 55

  Friday Night, 9:45 pm

  Drayden sat inside the dark brown van and watched as chaos erupted at the Newsome home. He could see the entire backyard from his vantage point. His high-powered binoculars brought the action even closer. He saw it all — the betrayal, the kidnapping and all the hostilities that normally simmered below the surface as the players in this game worked at being polite. Not tonight. All the anger and accusations were coming out.

  Disgusted by the lack of cooperation between Donil and Henry, Drayden was tempted to go and bash their heads together. Maybe then some sense would prevail. Perhaps Isabella was right about not informing the two Alphas. He would have to trust her wisdom more.

  Something heavy landed with a thud on the van’s roof and shook Drayden from his thoughts. He grabbed his gun, easily thumbed off the safety. He stared up, watching for movement. The metal of the van creaked with the weight on the roof.

  Once more, the van rocked before settling. When nothing else happened, Drayden, opened the door, gun aimed and stepped out. A twig snapped to his left and he froze.

  Drayden spat out a curse and lowered the gun. “You know, Stefan, if you want to get shot so badly, that can be arranged.”

  Stefan’s tail wagged and he yawned in insult. He padded over to the van’s tire, hiked up his back leg and peed on the rim.

  Drayden snarled and aimed again at the white wolf. “Look, Old Man, you don’t disrespect me! I came to warn you, but maybe I should let you stumbled around instead.”

  Stefan growled and shifted back to human form. “I may be older than you, Cub, but not so old that I can’t take you and win. Obviously, you have something to say, so go ahead and get it off your chest.”

  Drayden rolled his eyes, popped his knuckles and made Stefan wait. He knew the wolf was anxious to go after Laylah. “Now I remember,” he laughed and continued. “Zina’s time is numbered. The Council has dispatched the General and the nine Captains. Even now, they are closing in on Zina and her army. I was told not to inform your brother and Alpha Donil.”


  “I’m not sure. I don’t always understand Isabella’s thinking. I only follow orders. It’s a lot safer that way. But since we are friends, I thought I’d give you a heads up.”

  Stefan smirked. “Friends? Perhaps. I thought I had lost all those thirteen years ago. Here.” He handed Drayden a business card. “My e-number is on it. When you get ready to strike, let me know. Hopefully, I’ll have Laylah out before then, but if not, it will give me enough warning to avoid the main fighting.”

  “Understood. Happy hunting, Old Man.” Drayden watched Stefan shift to wolf and run into the forest. He truly hoped Stefan would save his niece. Maybe it would force him to rise above his bitterness. After all, if Stefan could bring Zina down, Isabella did promise to grant one request.

  Amused by his thoughts and the growing chaos, Drayden climbed into the van and drove away. He put Stefan’s card in his pocket before calling Isabella for an update on the Council army’s progress.


  Britta sat on the front porch crying and stewing. Everything was one big mess. Her father was furious with her for helping Laylah come to the party. And now, thanks to some rogue Weres, her best friend had been kidnapped.

  Laylah’s father was still in the house and raising a fuss. Britta really hated that man. She’d never met Layla
h’s dad before tonight and now wished she never had. It was almost 11:30 pm. and still no word on Laylah or her abductors.

  “I’m not going to get any sleep. I wish he would leave. No one wants him here,” she muttered, casting a sideways glance at the office window. Henry was in there ranting at her father about his “incompetent parenting” in regards to this evening’s gathering. Once Mr. Le Croix had started his yelling, her father had sent her outside.

  The door behind her opened and she heard her mother’s voice. “Britta, your father wants you to join him in the office.”

  She grimaced. “Yes, Mama.” Her mother’s concern would eat at her conscience, but she would not take back any of tonight. Laylah deserved some kind of life away from Mr. Le Croix, the dictator. Britta rose and looked at her mother. “Any news?”

  “None. I’m sorry, mi hija. I will let you know as soon as I hear something.”

  “It’s all right, Madre. I wanted to check. I’ll go see Father now.” Britta didn’t give her mother time to say more. Instead, she hurried inside and went to her father. She knocked once and waited.


  Steeling herself, Britta walked in slowly to give herself a chance to glance about. She wanted to see where everyone was in the room. Her father sat at his desk and appeared resigned. That was not a good sign.

  “Britta, Mr. Le Croix and I have talked and he has agreed to not file a criminal complaint against you.”

  “What! What charges?” Britta glared at Laylah’s dad, who sat and pretended to be interested in a painting on the wall.

  Her father sighed. “Aiding and abetting. As well as accessory to a crime.”

  “That’s absurd! He’s pissed that I got his daughter to have some fun. You’re a real prick, you know that, Mr. Le Croix?” She bristled with rage and gave him a venomous stare.

  “Britta! That’s enough out of you, young lady! You will not contact Laylah without the express permission of her father. No more hanging out or parties either.”

  “But, Padre!”

  “That is all. This matter is closed. Go to your room.”

  Too stunned to mount any sort of defense, Britta settled for a disappointed expression and stomped past her father and out into the hallway, slamming the door behind her. Furious with this unexpected turn of events, she walked toward her room and called Donil.

  He answered on the first ring. “Britta, we haven’t found her yet. I’m sorry.”

  “I know. If you had found her, you would have told me. That’s not why I’m calling.” Quickly, she explained what had happened with her father and Henry Le Croix. She stood there thinking as Donil’s string of curses filled the line.

  After he had calmed, she asked grimly, “So what now? I didn’t mean for any of this to go down. We all played right into his hands.”

  “Don’t beat yourself up too much about it. Look, I have to go, Britta. The rest of my family has gathered. We will find Laylah.”

  She heard his confidence and smiled. He was one man who always kept his word, no matter the cost to himself. “I know. Happy hunting.”

  Donil chuckled. “You keep surprising me with your Were knowledge, Britta. Go rest. I’ll call when I have her.”

  “Thanks, Donil.” Reluctantly, Britta disconnected. She startled when she saw that she was standing outside her bedroom door.

  She didn't even remember climbing the stairs. She didn't understand why Weres would take Laylah. Maybe it was something to do with her jerk of a father. He seemed like the type to have tons of enemies. Poor Laylah!

  Britta resolved in that moment to continue being friends with Laylah, no matter what Mr. Le Croix wanted. “But for now, I’ll go lie down and keep my e-comm active.” With a sigh, she went in her room and headed for bed.

  Chapter 56

  Friday, 11:00 pm

  Ahdum Newsome stared thoughtfully at Henry Le Croix who paced in front of the cold fireplace. January evenings were cool but not freezing. Tonight had been a little warmer than most. He thought about his first meeting with the Wolf Alpha Le Croix. Ahdum had not been impressed. Now, seventeen years later, he respected Henry’s business prowess and power.

  He did not, however, condone the man’s treatment of his only child, Laylah. Ahdum still could not believe anyone would be so callous and indifferent to another person. Yet, Henry did it easily. Poor Laylah. Ahdum truly felt for Britta’s best friend.

  Now because of his daughter's foolish plan, that friendship was about to end. Ahdum personally felt the Alpha was overreacting to the situation.

  “Henry, why don’t you go home? You sent your enforcers out to look for your daughter. I’ve met your men. All are very thorough and capable.”

  Henry stopped moving and stared at him. “It is not my men that concern me. It is what that she-bitch will tell Laylah when she has her.”

  Ahdum was confused. “And what would that be?”

  “That Laylah is not human.” Henry turned his back on him and studied the mantle. “What, no witty retort, Newsome?”

  “Sorry, but I don’t have one. You mean to tell me, Henry, that your child does not know she is Were?”

  “That’s correct. I raised her as one of you. She has the same general knowledge of Were society as a human, but that is all. And besides, she’s never exhibited any Were traits or changes that all Were children and teens show. That being said, the only logical conclusion is that her feline and lupine genes cancel each other out and have made her null or human.”

  Ahdum was shocked and tried to wrap his mind around the explanation. “So you figured it was better to lie than to be honest? How did you explain away the first kidnapping to her?”

  “I didn’t. I had Jacques come up with a plan to protect my assets.”

  “You mean, protect Laylah,” Ahdum corrected.

  Henry glanced over his shoulder and his blue eyes glittered. “No, I said what I meant.”

  Ahdum felt a chill at Henry’s words. Did the man feel nothing for his daughter?

  “I see.” And Ahdum did, with a clarity that changed his perception of the Wolf Alpha. He didn’t know Henry Le Croix as well as he thought he did.

  Henry cleared his throat and Ahdum focused on the conversation. “Yes?”

  “This is a Were matter and our Council, as well as myself, would appreciate no human interference.”

  Ahdum didn’t like Henry’s words or the implied threat. “Another one of those 'mind your own business' moments? Afraid that if humans saw your idea of justice, it might sully your PR hype?”

  His guest chuckled. “Something like that. Don’t worry, Tri-Ruler Newsome, none of your media broadcasts will get so much as a whiff of what is about to occur. Keep your daughter home and all will be well.”

  “You know I don’t respond well to threats, Alpha Le Croix,” Ahdum warned. He was Head Tri-Ruler and law interpreter. The law would always come first.

  “Oh, I know. Thought I'd inform you. Good night, Tri-Ruler Newsome.”

  Ahdum watched Henry leave. He stared at the fireplace for a long time and wondered what insanity would come from this night. He hoped he would never find out.

  Chapter 57

  Friday Night, Midnight

  Gerard had a smile on his face as he parked the van at the Zaffil Industrial Park gates. The park had gone out of business six years earlier and Alpha Zina had bought the eight acres of land and everything on it. It was mostly undeveloped land that now had some trees growing on it. Though no prey lived in it, the trees served as a reminder to Zina's army of their Were heritage.

  “There! I see them.” Alexis pointed to the group of vehicles parked next to the northeastern building. A few Weres stood around conversing.

  "How is the girl?” Not that Gerard cared, but if something happened to the prey, his Alpha would make good on her threat of murdering him. He had no desire to die over prey.

  "Sleeping like a baby. Stop worrying, Wolf, it’s all good,” sneered Mya. “Now, I have places to be. Se
nd my regards to your Alpha.”

  "Running away? Typical. You are a scaredy cat. Well, good luck,” Gerard growled, annoyed at her impudence. He got out and so did the rest of his unit. Alexis was the last to exit and picked up the prey’s limp form.

  "Let’s go.” Taking the lead, Gerard entered the code to the locked security gate and went to the room where his Alpha held court.

  Inside, the bright lights momentarily blinded him but that was part of the plan. It allowed any occupant time to mount a defense against intruders.

  He smirked. Ever since the failed coup thirteen years ago, Gerard had wanted his Alpha to fulfill her dream of ruling. He was obsessed with making this a reality. He knew she cared nothing about him and he was fine with that. He was not a handsome man. What he lacked in looks, he made up in skill and prowess as a hunter.

  It wasn’t just his Alpha’s threat that had driven him to catch his prey. Pride and vanity had reared their heads after the first failed attempt of snatching the girl. Never, before that day, had he failed at a hunt. Ever. To make it worse, he’d been bested by that runt, Donil Silentshadow. His men had teased and mocked him mercilessly about his failure.

  His thoughts became feral as he thought of tearing into those who had made fun of him. His eyes shifted to wolf amber. He ignored Devin’s hiss of surprise. Some days he really hated skittish felines, especially Devin who was barely an adult at the age of twenty-one.

  Gerard pushed open the double doors and confidently went to the raised platform. Behind him, his men and the rest of Zina's followers entered and spread out, filling the room. He stopped two feet from it and dropped to one knee, head bowed. He knew his men did the same.

  He heard his Alpha’s footfalls outside the room in the adjacent hallway. The sound was music to Gerard's ears. She walked with purpose - neither too heavy, nor too dainty. Her fragrant scent, the one that was uniquely hers, called forth memories of his mountain home in the spring. So full of life, yet strong as the spring breeze that heralds the change of seasons.

  Not that he would ever say that to Zina's face. Not if he wanted to continue living, that is. She didn’t tolerate any male’s lust unless she invoked it and she strongly dissuaded her Betas from becoming overly fond of her. If she thought you were unmanageable, you either died or were reassigned depending on her need of your skills. He wanted neither so he kept his mouth shut.