Read Werelove #1: Dusk Conspiracy Page 23

  Zina entered with force, her Alpha power flung outward like a whip, sending everyone not already kneeling to their knees in obeisance.

  "I am Alpha!” Her growl reverberated aloud and through the mental link she shared with her army.

  Someone shuffled and Gerard felt his Alpha tighten her hold over the room until it felt like the air was trying to suffocate them. If she did not stop, none of them would live to see her rule.

  “I am Alpha!” Finally, she released her grip.

  All around him, Gerard heard the weaker Weres collapse, weeping to the floor. An angry Alpha was not someone you wanted to be near. An Alpha’s power was strong enough to kill without any physical violence.

  “Rise!” Her words were calm but filled with anticipation. “Gerard, report!”

  Gerard stood, his eyes firmly on his leader. “My Alpha, we have the girl. Alexis.” Passively he watched the man walk up to the dais and unceremoniously drop the prey at his Alpha’s feet.

  “Good. Very good. You, there. Yes, you, Boy!” Zina pointed at a startled Devin. “Fetch some rope and a chair.”

  "Yes, yes, ma’am!” Devin stammered and ran from the room. He returned promptly and with much bowing, put the items in front of her.

  Gerard stood still as he watched. He would not move until given leave to do so. He didn’t have to wait long.

  “Gerard, bind her. I want the rest of you to get out. It’s time to enjoy my new chew toy.”

  The assembled Weres snickered as they left. Gerard ignored them as he tied the prey’s limp form to the oak chair.

  “You go too, Gerard.”

  Surprised, he threw Zina a questioning glance but his Alpha had eyes only for the unconscious girl. “My Alpha?”

  Her head snapped up. “Get…out! Now!” she roared.

  "Yes, my Alpha.” The words grated but he kept his tone polite. He bowed and quit the room, unhappy at being excluded from the questioning.

  "Wow, even Gerard is stuck out here like the rest of us,” Devin quipped.

  Gerard lashed out with a fist and the blow sent the youth crashing to his knees.

  “Hey! What was that for?” Devin whined.

  "For being an idiot. You’ll learn, Kitty Cat, that if you want to live, you don’t mouth off. Got it?”

  "Yeah, yeah, Gerard, I got it. Sheesh.” The younger male rubbed his sore jaw. “Next time, don’t hit me. Just tell me to be quiet.”

  "There won’t be a next time if I have to repeat myself.” Gerard was pleased to see Devin pale. “Our Alpha wishes privacy and she shall have it. Everyone disperse and begin patrols. The Le Croix wolves will be headed this way. We need to be prepared. Well? What are you staring at? Get going!”

  He watched the stragglers scramble in different directions and laughed. This was going to be a great game. He whistled an old tune as his men fell in behind him. There were a few preparations still left to be made before the arrival of the Le Croix family.

  Chapter 58

  Pheasant Grove, Saturday, 12:15 am

  The din of voices rose around Donil but he wasn’t listening. He knew that telling the family of Mya’s betrayal would result in division. He didn't have time for arguments. Laylah needed him.

  Donil let out a piercing whistle that silenced the room. All gazes turned to him. “Listen up! We leave now. Mya will be dealt with after we have rescued my mate. Mother, Grandpa, Grandma. I want each of you to lead a group. I will lead the fourth. Head north, south and east, while I take west. I doubt Zina would be close to us. Wherever she decided to hole up will give her some tactical advantage. Matt has the V-trackers. Laylah’s DNA signature has been entered so that we can find her. Now, move out!”

  Donil watched as his mother and grandparents snagged various relatives and clan members for their search parties. He turned to the two lion brothers, Leo and Benji. “Care to tag along?”

  "Wouldn’t miss this for the world!” Leo grinned and did a funky dance step.

  Donil chuckled despite himself. “Okay, I needed that. Leo, I want you to drive. I’m going to try a dreamwalk. Maybe Laylah is in a regular sleep and I’ll be able to reach her mind.”

  “You couldn't reach her before?” Benji asked.

  "No, they drugged her. Drugs force the mind to shut down and often prevent dreaming. Besides, if they’ve woken her, she will have seen more than the inside of the vehicle they took her in.”

  "Makes sense. Here comes Matt.” Leo pointed to the other man who approached with three volunteers.

  "Donil, I have three trackers that have agreed to come with us. All the other groups are going to their vehicles. We need to get moving, too.”

  "I know, Matt. Let’s go!” Donil lead the way to one of the parked vans. They got in and Leo slid into the driver’s seat. Donil took the front passenger seat and the van started down the dirt road that would take them to the main highway.

  The journey was made in silence. Once they had been traveling for several minutes, Donil went to sleep and prayed that he would be able to connect with Laylah’s mind.


  Saturday, 12:30 am

  Stefan had left the Newsome property in a nasty mood. First, he had watched his niece get abducted. Then he had to deal with the humiliating display of Donil’s Alpha power. Stefan hadn't known Donil was that strong. He didn't often underestimate people. He would be sure to keep a careful watch on the Panther Alpha. Taunting Drayden had been a bonus. The tip from the bear was appreciated and would be used.

  Stefan came to a halt, his paws crunching leaves on the ground. Below the road was Rainbow Stream. It had been a favorite place of Helena’s when she was alive. She said it was peaceful and she was right. The gentle gurgle of the water soothed away some of Stefan's tension. He felt more clearheaded.

  He had to think like Zina. All obvious places were out of the question. It had to be a large area, easily defended, that allowed for an escape route in case things go wrong. He lowered his nose to the ground. The scent of the getaway vehicle was growing faint. He cursed technology for inventing odorless fuel that made it nearly impossible to track. The moon hung in the sky and Stefan stopped the urge to howl. It was time to go.

  Stefan left the stream and headed northeast toward Pensoftkey with renewed vigor. Redemption was near. He would not jeopardize that or the chance to have a family again. Laylah needed a real father figure in her life and he was man enough for the job. His thoughts, once more positive, pushed him into a faster run. No more time to waste. A life needed saving.

  Chapter 59

  Saturday, 12:45 am

  Zina sat on her throne, studying her prey. Up close, the girl was unremarkable except for the long red hair.

  “I still don’t see the fascination.” The prey was not a classic beauty either. Maybe it was typical male lust that explained the young female’s devoted male protectors.

  She stepped down from the dais and stood in front of her bound captive. She slapped the younger woman. “Wake up!” she impatiently ordered. When the girl moaned and feebly struggled in her bonds, Zina avidly watched, assessing every movement and sound the waking girl made. The sweet, tangy smell of fear hit the air when the prisoner’s eyes flew open.

  "Who are you? Where am I?” Laylah blinked and looked around.

  "You, my little half-breed, are in my home. I am Zina McFin. I’m sorry for all this trouble and rough treatment, but it’s for your benefit that we take precautions. Wouldn’t want a big bad wolf to get you.” Zina laughed at her own joke.

  "Half-breed? Why are you calling me that? Please, I want to go home!”

  Zina laughed harder. “Oh, that’s rich! You, my dear Laylah, aren’t going anywhere until I say so.”

  “How do you know my name?”

  She ignored the frightened teenager’s question. “Now, half-breed, I want to know how dear ol’ daddy is doing these days? Is he still acting human? Still loving the rich life?” Zina glared at her now quiet captive. “Too good to talk to me? You’re just
like him. Thinking we’re not worth the ground you walk on. That’s all right. You see, your daddy’s days are over. Now, you sit and think about that for a while. I’m going to eat dinner. Maybe by then your tongue will loosen.”

  Zina enjoyed the girl’s terror. “I’ll be back soon. Must feed the hunger. Besides, you’re no good to me dead.”

  She didn’t wait to see the other female’s reaction. It was time to hunt. She left the room, entered the corridor and found Gerard and his men waiting.

  “Gerard, post guards. I don’t want anyone in the room with her. I wish to have a quick celebratory run. When I return, I will interrogate Henry’s brat.”

  "Yes, my Alpha. You six, accompany our Alpha and keep her safe. Move out!” Gerard growled.

  Flanked by her guards, Zina went outside. She flung back her head and howled. It was a great day to be her. Yes, indeed.


  Laylah sat in the chair and fought back panic. She did not recall being brought to this cold, terrifying place. She did remember that the big man they called Alexis had drugged her. Then she had awakened and found that beautiful, but scary woman staring at her. Her face still stung and Laylah assumed the woman had hit her to wake her up. Every instinct in Laylah warned her that the woman before her was dangerous and possibly crazy. She was surprised when the woman had introduced herself.

  Zina McFin, that’s what the older woman called herself. Why did that name sound familiar? The more Laylah thought about it, the more elusive the reason became.

  It was Zina’s use of the word “half-breed” and the statement “Is he still acting human?” that made Laylah doubt the older woman’s sanity. Who did Zina believe her to be? She was relieved when the Zina left her alone.

  Laylah felt tears welling up and she let them fall. “I’m scared,” she whispered to the empty room. Not that anyone cared. She wished that Britta was with her. She’d tell Laylah to get it together and escape. Laylah paused and pondered that thought. What was it her best friend always said?

  “I remember. If there isn’t a way, then make one. I need to get free. But how?” She jerked her wrists but the rope binding her to the chair was too tight. “Oh, come on!” Laylah huffed. “Think! What is it Naiya and Jacques tell me when I give up? I know. They tell me that I’m stronger than I know. Hmm, I’ll try again. If they believe I am, then I must be.”

  Laylah took a centering breath, closed her eyes and muttered, “I can do this. I can do it. I can do it!”

  She jerked hard with all her strength and was shocked when she heard the rope snap and loosen. Startled, her eyes flew open and she stared with wonder at her now freed hands.

  “Oh, my! I really did it!” A hysterical giggle escaped before Laylah calmed down. Her hands might be free but there were still her feet to worry about.

  "Let’s make it two for two.” Grinning, she tried to pull the rope off her ankles. After a moment, her smile faded. Puzzled, she attempted to break the rope and met with failure. “I don’t understand.” She was so intent on loosening the intricate knots that she missed the door opening.

  She yelped when a hand clamped down on her right shoulder and squeezed brutally. Laylah gasped and whispered, “Please, don’t hurt me.”

  “How did you get free?”

  She recognized the voice! It was Gerard. He squeezed harder and Laylah thought he would break her shoulder. “I pulled free!” she admitted.

  Abruptly he released her and she turned to see where he was. Instead she caught sight of people filling the room. They all stared at her and it wasn't very friendly either. Laylah noticed Zina studying her. The way the woman watched her made Laylah want to cower in a hole. An eerie silence descended but Laylah was worried about only one thing ― Zina. Laylah stiffened when Gerard moved in front of her, blocking her view.

  "There is no way you could have gotten free. You’re lying!” he snarled in her face.

  Laylah flinched and jerked her head back to put space between them. But the big guy wasn’t having it. Gerard’s hand snaked out, grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled hard. Laylah was forced to freeze in place or risk having her hair torn from her scalp. He grinned, baring teeth and stuck his nose near her cheek. He sniffed twice and looked baffled. Slowly, he took a longer sniff.

  "You smell human, but no human could have gotten free.”

  Laylah’s head was beginning to ache. “I’m telling the truth!”

  Gerard ignored her. He stepped sideways so that once again she was able to see Zina. Zina strode toward them and Laylah was confused to see the surprise in the older woman’s eyes. Laylah was getting that feeling that once again she was missing something important.

  Zina stopped a few feet shy of Laylah’s chair. “A human with super strength? I think she’s playing games. I do know a way to be sure.”

  It was the only warning Laylah had. Gerard let go of her hair and backhanded her hard enough to send her and the chair crashing to the floor. She tasted blood and brought a shaky hand to her face. Laylah looked at it and found confirmation. She was hurt and bleeding.

  "Get her up. Swab some of the blood off and send it to be tested. I want to know what she’s made of. In the meantime, increase patrols. I don’t want any surprises. But first...” Zina waited until Laylah and the chair were upright before continuing. “I want to see what all the fuss is about.”

  Laylah froze in fear when Zina came to her, cupped her face tightly in those deceptively delicate-looking hands, leaned in and licked the blood dripping from Laylah’s nose.

  “I’m going to be sick,” Laylah groaned, disgusted by the woman’s touch and behavior.

  Zina chuckled. “Get used to it, prey. By the time I’m finished, your scent and taste will be in my nose and on my tongue. You will not be able to hide from me. Gerard, enjoy.”

  “No! Stay away from me!” Laylah threw her hands up, trying to protect her face. To her consternation, Gerard easily grabbed her wrists in both hands, pulling her arms up above her head.

  "Tie her hands. No need to let the prey have fun.”

  Laylah fought, but her captors were stronger and outnumbered her. She was bound once more to the chair and forced to endure Gerard’s sniffing and lewd licking of the blood on her face. She felt violated. She saw their mocking expressions. There were no friends here to rescue her, only those who wished her harm. “I don’t understand,” she whispered.

  “Did you hear that, my Alpha? The prey doesn’t understand.”

  Laylah cringed at the evil laughter that filled the room. “I don’t know you! I’ve never met any of you! Why did you kidnap me?” She froze in trepidation at having shouted at her abductors.

  “Ah, Little Girl, you should feel honored. An Alpha does not explain anything, especially not to a filthy human,” Zina purred.

  "Everyone, out!” Gerard bellowed.

  Laylah winced at the man’s volume, but to her amazement the room cleared of the spectators. Finally only Zina, Gerard and Laylah were left.

  “I’m going to tell you a story, little girl, so do make yourself comfortable.”

  Laylah glared at Zina’s snide remark, but remained quiet.

  “Once upon a time, there was a naïve girl who fell in a love with a very powerful and handsome man. But the man never noticed the girl because he was focused on other matters.

  "One day, the girl decided to speak her feelings. Afraid but determined, she approached the object of her affection and announced her love. Imagine her hurt, when the man she loved laughed at her declarations and stomped on her emotions.

  "Crushed, the girl ran away, yet continued to watch from afar. Even though he had no interest in her, the girl’s love continued to grow. After several years of waiting, she decided to try again. This time, she was determined to win his heart.

  "Once more she was denied the warmth of his love as he chose to marry another! What was even more cruel, his intended came not from a reputable family and class. No, the interloper was a peasant, a tainted no one. H
e was in love, at least that’s what he claimed. The final blow came to the girl in the form of a baby, an heir of the handsome man and his tainted wife.”

  Laylah’s was rattled and close to having a panic attack. Zina’s savage expression didn't help matters. The woman looked like some angry beast. And why was she telling a fairy tale? What did it all mean?

  “The heart-broken girl plotted her revenge. Enraged at the mockery the man had made of her love for him, she decided to take away the one thing he valued most--his wife and child!”

  The abrupt pauses grated on Laylah’s frayed nerves. She wished Zina would stop being patronizing. She wanted to scream in frustration, but the play of emotions across Zina's face was amazing and terrifying. It kept Laylah from uttering a sound.

  “The girl succeeded with destroying the wife. The only thing left was the demise of the child.” Zina’s amused giggle sent hair-raising chills through Laylah. She had a bad feeling about where the story was going.

  Zina stepped up to Laylah, her eyes filled with madness and evil intentions. “And now, after all this time, the girl has the child.” The impact of Zina’s words hit Laylah and panic set in.

  "No!” Laylah stared wide-eyed at the crazed woman. “You’re insane! Trust me, Father doesn’t deserve your devotion! I should know,” she added bitterly, for a moment distracted by her own thoughts.

  "No, not insane, my dear prey. Vengeful, but not insane. Maybe a demonstration of my intent will help you grasp my plans.”

  Zina’s smile mutated into a muzzle full of teeth. Fur sprouted along her arms as claws replaced fingers and hands. Laylah’s alarmed gaze slid to Zina’s lower body. The tattered remains of Zina's clothes lay on the floor. Zina’s legs were covered with fur, but her feet were still human in appearance.

  Laylah had trouble believing what she saw. Zina seemed to have gained at least a foot in height. What was most disturbing and amazing was this upright hybrid form of human and animal. Laylah had been taught that Weres had two forms--human and animal. No one had ever said there was a third form. The blend of human and animal was mind boggling.